
Aug 18, 2018
The right has been riding the corpse of the Cold War in order to use the left as a boogeyman to distract from the fact that their policies don't work for decades now, so nothing new there.

Liberals like Hillary finger-wagging at protesters is nothing more than the inevitable hypocricies of those who have fooled themselves into thinking it's possible to achieve meaningful justice and equity while also maintaining American hegemony.


Oct 26, 2017
If anything I'd say there's a backlash against the GOP that's been building ever since the events of January 6 and Roe being overturned.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
America is a deeply divided country. There won't ever be a backlash on that level to anything because of how bad that divide is.

But there are signs of some things moving in the right direction.


Oct 28, 2017
It's literally the same type of people telling younger people, "we know better shut up", then later it gets proven, no they didn't know better.


Oct 25, 2017


I mean not that Brianna Wu was ever some sort of radical leftist, but there was a time I looked at her as at least a moderate ally supportive of progressive politics? Now? I mean she's entitled to her opinion as anyone is, but I would not consider her an ally.

Lol. Her brain worms are terminal; despite being known from being a gamergate target at first her views aren't that different to them on many things at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
It's the most progressive point in history for the USA

There's backlash towards specific points but more people want it than not

Just have to combine voting with doing the work, making progress and continuing to push policy and society in the right direction. It can be done without venom.

Activism and electoralism tend to go hand in hand, you can't win if you don't play and often have to engage systems as they are before you can change it for the better. It's the way shit usually works. Before anyone gets reductive, read the qualifying words in those sentences.

I'll say republicans understood that last point despite have various flavours of weirdos under the umbrella which is how they fucked the scc. regardless, we're still moving forward and it's cheesy but the moral arc of the USA has trended towards progress. We shouldn't lose sight of that.

Where we are today Came from a lot of blood /swear /tears of activists and politicians alike. Jobs obviously not done and to get there it's gotta be an alliance.

whether used pejoratively or not, "liberals" and "leftists" are on the same side and I really do see the delineation as pretty damn silly.

Fight about it when you're the two opposite poles of the argument, not when there's a much bigger threat looming. It just feels so academic, inauthentic and unnecessary lol.

In conclusion: America is a land of contrast but as long as we work and vote, the backlash will be mostly an online weirdo thing. Just gotta get shit done and keep delivering real results. There's already been some which is important to recognize.


Aug 1, 2018
whether used pejoratively or not, "liberals" and "leftists" are on the same side and I really do see the delineation as pretty damn silly.

Fight about it when you're the two opposite poles of the argument, not when there's a much bigger threat looming. It just feels so academic, inauthentic and unnecessary lol.

If by leftists here you mean Socialists and Communists, often what most folks mean when they say leftists, then I don't agree. Liberals and Leftists have fundamental disagreements.
Oct 27, 2017
No, the trick is what we have been seeing, use progressive policies to slowly push the mainstream to the left in incremental steps.

Plus Dobbs.


Technical artist
Oct 27, 2017
A lot of "lol no" in here, which I'm guessing is coming mostly from people who aren't the members of any minority or marginalized group.

Yeah, there's always backlash against "the left", but this is beyond anything I've seen in my lifetime so far.

I've talked to families that have had to flee their states because their home state decided their kids were too queer to deserve healthcare, and started preparing to charge parents of trans kids with child abuse.

I can't count how many families I know who had to transfer their trans kids to other schools because of repeated violent assaults.

I've had men in literal camo and balaclavas follow me down the street shouting slurs at me and my kid, and a group of cops had to stop them so we could safely get away.

No, I don't think we'll see a 95% conservative vote or anything like that. But things are so, so bad right now, and trending even worse.

Let's not "lol no" at that.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
Already happened in 2016. This election is going to be a shitshow with RFK polling in the double digits. Requirement is what? 15% to secure a place on the debate stage? Assuming Trump even shows up.
RFK Jr. polling in the double-digits is one of the largest red flags that polling is fucked right now. Dean Phillips was polling higher than RFK in the dem primaries and the actual result was him getting 3-5% of the vote. It got to the point where even he was making jokes about it.
A lot of "lol no" in here, which I'm guessing is coming mostly from people who aren't the members of any minority or marginalized group.

Yeah, there's always backlash against "the left", but this is beyond anything I've seen in my lifetime so far.

I've talked to families that have had to flee their states because their home state decided their kids were too queer to deserve healthcare, and started preparing to charge parents of trans kids with child abuse.

I can't count how many families I know who had to transfer their trans kids to other schools because of repeated violent assaults.

I've had men in literal camo and balaclavas follow me down the street shouting slurs at me and my kid, and a group of cops had to stop them so we could safely get away.

No, I don't think we'll see a 95% conservative vote or anything like that. But things are so, so bad right now, and trending even worse.

Let's not "lol no" at that.
That's happening in almost every red state and it's a coordinated campaign to make those states unlivable to center and left aligned voters. I can understand how that experience would color your opinion but that's not in-line with what's happening across the country.


Technical artist
Oct 27, 2017
That's happening in almost every red state and it's a coordinated campaign to make those states unlivable to center and left aligned voters. I can understand how that experience would color your opinion but that's not in-line with what's happening across the country.

I don't live in the US, this is just splash damage in Canada from what's happening with American politics. What's happening in red states is emboldening bigots everywhere.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like it's hard to have a Reagan era situation because voting bases don't appear to shift as quickly as it once did. The electoral college map has been pretty recognizable since the 2000 election ushered in the "swing state" era.

If there's an upside to entrenchment it's that electoral outcomes are kinda fixed in much of the country and you're looking at a guaranteed minimum level of support. The downside is that it makes things like getting 60 senators absurdly difficult so we're stuck in this political quagmire.


Apr 3, 2024
Lol RFK isn't getting double digit votes
These have been the CPD requirements since 1987. You'd be hard pressed to find a recent poll that doesn't put him at least 11-13% and he's absolutely getting on enough of the ballots.
  1. The candidate must be constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President of the United States.
  2. The candidate must appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to have a mathematical chance of winning a majority of votes in the Electoral College.
  3. The CPD's third criterion requires that the candidate have a level of support of at least 15% (fifteen percent) of the national electorate as determined by five national public opinion polling organizations selected by CPD, using the average of those organizations' most recent publicly-reported results at the time of the determination.

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
I'm not going to dismiss this outright.

While I don't think there's going to be some Reagan style blowout, it absolutely does feel like we're losing the culture war, and I don't think another Trumpian backlash is impossible.

Guess we'll see.


Aug 1, 2018
That's happening in almost every red state and it's a coordinated campaign to make those states unlivable to center and left aligned voters. I can understand how that experience would color your opinion but that's not in-line with what's happening across the country.

Wouldn't that be across the country as there are more solid red states than solid blue?


Technical artist
Oct 27, 2017
Wait so you don't even live here?

Canada and the US are extremely interconnected. I'm half an hour from the border, lots of people I know have lived in both countries. The uptick in violence here is going hand-in-hand with red states stripping human rights -- you literally see Trump banners at local rallies.

If this is happening in Vancouver, I doubt blue states are somehow immune.


Oct 25, 2017
I disagree. Many of the rights we enjoy is because of the success of leftist movements.
Please indulge my confusion a little here… are you suggesting that the big bad liberals are both simultaneously so powerful in crushing leftist movement and weak enough to accept these leftist ideals? I understand those are hard fought policies and ideals and we are all better for implementing them. Ultimately, I believe good ideas are accepted into the mainstream in a slow pace which I agree could be better, but isn't that what democracy?


Apr 21, 2024
Conservative liberals are pushing leftists further and further away

I wouldnt say we're returning to 80s reaganism I think democrats are returning to 90s 'super predators' liberalism/ fascism

Biden pumped billions of dollars on the border wall, border patrol, and held up Trumps title 42 for years while being a belligerent champion of the anti-islam zionist cause (that recent speech was a nightmare)

And instead of capitulating to valid left wing criticism and collective action democrats are already blaming leftist preemptively for any loss that happens, using us as a springboard for donations but otherwise little actual change being demanded


Oct 25, 2017
Being honest, I have no idea what's going to happen in 20 years.

I vary between whether that's good or bad


Aug 1, 2018
Please indulge my confusion a little here… are you suggesting that the big bad liberals are both simultaneously so powerful in crushing leftist movement and weak enough to accept these leftist ideals? I understand those are hard fought policies and ideals and we are all better for implementing them. Ultimately, I believe good ideas are accepted into the mainstream in a slow pace which I agree could be better, but isn't that what democracy?

I'm not sure that liberals are all that accepting leftist ideals if, again, by leftists we are talking about Socialists and Communists. Some, sure but not all and they often fight against them tooth and nail. But yes, Liberals have traditionally helped to crush leftist movements. That's not really controversial to say.

I don't think what we have is a very functional democracy because our representatives often do things against popular sentiment. But I don't think democracy has to inherently be slow, no.


Apr 21, 2024
Please indulge my confusion a little here… are you suggesting that the big bad liberals are both simultaneously so powerful in crushing leftist movement and weak enough to accept these leftist ideals? I understand those are hard fought policies and ideals and we are all better for implementing them. Ultimately, I believe good ideas are accepted into the mainstream in a slow pace which I agree could be better, but isn't that what democracy?


Leftist causes are more popular than democrats and republicans so if we're voting on specific bills leftism is on top

See Florida's minimum wage increase for example

The problem is that liberals are capitalists so we cant get leftist representatives in there, only singular causes that do better if its framed as populist and not leftist

Any stink of leftist framing will sink a cause unfortunately and singular liberal representatives are greedy sneak fucks who will tank leftist anything for the optics boost alone
Last edited:
Dec 4, 2017
It's happening hard in France. According to the mainstream media, if you're leaning left, you're basically an anti-democrat anti-republican terrorist.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 28, 2017
Short answer no.

Long answer, you have to make your exclusionary principles seem to make Sense in order for people to get in with them. Even the most staunch right wing policies are helmed by people that even die hard GOP people would describe as "literally insane".


Oct 25, 2017
Its the same tired "older generation hates the young" thing thats going on. Thats why you see so many older "progressives" talking like a bunch of conservatives these days.

Lol. Her brain worms are terminal; despite being known from being a gamergate target at first her views aren't that different to them on many things at this point.

Their views on the genocide in Gaza is downright horrific. I dont think this person's opinion on anything has merit, especially when it comes to progressivism.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
I don't live in the US, this is just splash damage in Canada from what's happening with American politics. What's happening in red states is emboldening bigots everywhere.
Well I'm really sorry to hear that. It's residual damage from 2016, Trump's victory ignited right-wing fascists across the globe.
Wouldn't that be across the country as there are more solid red states than solid blue?
If land could vote it would be a huge concern. The red parts of the country, aside from Texas and Florida, are rapidly dying. As I mentioned it's a deliberate strategy to seize minority power in the US by locking down at least the Senate. It's a very short-sighted strategy and isn't sustainable. On a weekly basis we're getting more and more reports of unintended side-effects of this strategy to make their states unlivable for non-MAGA folks. It's going to reach a point where between the youth-drain, the brain-drain and the business-drain these states are going to experience there won't be anyone left there to enjoy their minority rule.
Oct 26, 2017
I feel the pendulum is moving more in favor of the left, it just takes a lot more work to get it there than to the right.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
The US is a fundamentally different country from where it was back in the 80s. Both in demographics and economically where service jobs have taken a much larger share of the population compared to manufacturing jobs that has more stable jobs. As of right now, there's to many marginalized people in race and class for such a reactionary group to form. Plus LGBTQ+ people being more prominent and women increasingly recognizing how bad things have been, it will only add to the base of people that want more progressive ideas.

The best case for a reactionary backlash is with a South Korea-style misogyny campaign with added animosity to LGBTQ+ groups, but that would require conservatives to leave more wiggle room for race and class and the Republican Party is nowhere near at that level where significant numbers of racial minorities would tolerate them.


Aug 1, 2018
Well I'm really sorry to hear that. It's residual damage from 2016, Trump's victory ignited right-wing fascists across the globe.

If land could vote it would be a huge concern. The red parts of the country, aside from Texas and Florida, are rapidly dying. As I mentioned it's a deliberate strategy to seize minority power in the US by locking down at least the Senate. It's a very short-sighted strategy and isn't sustainable. On a weekly basis we're getting more and more reports of unintended side-effects of this strategy to make their states unlivable for non-MAGA folks. It's going to reach a point where between the youth-drain, the brain-drain and the business-drain these states are going to experience there won't be anyone left there to enjoy their minority rule.

It is a huge concern for the folks that live in those places though and it's not a small amount of states.
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing has changed, also Brianna Wu was always a liberal that would eventually do a classic "why I left the left" crap someday.
Oct 27, 2017

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
Hell, no. The only backlash you need to worry about is the backlash FROM the left because Biden isn't lefty enough. If Trump wins, that will be why.

Well, that and the Electoral College. Trump will lose the popular vote by millions.


Aug 1, 2018
Hell, no. The only backlash you need to worry about is the backlash FROM the left because Biden isn't lefty enough. If Trump wins, that will be why.

Well, that and the Electoral College. Trump will lose the popular vote by millions.

If Trump wins, it'll be because of the millions voting for him and Biden's support for a genocide. Not because of the Left.
Jan 20, 2024
The right, at least the far right, have always been hostile towards the left. That's not new and is unlikely to ever change.

Big picture stuff: For every action there's usually an opposing reaction. And secondly, change takes time and can be very hard for some.

In other words, the more progressive policies come into effect, the more energized and thus, vocal the opposition becomes. And after significant changes come into effect, the more likely there'll be some kind of fatigue or pushback to more changes.

In most democratic countries, this is best seen by the usual alternating between electing conservative parties and more leftist parties. But in recent years, those concepts can be illustrated by the Obama presidency and the turnaround on gay rights. The huge resurgence in specifically the extreme far right, including the subsequent Trump presidency in the States was the direct result of a black man becoming president. It just broke some (racist) people. The current increase in discrimination against trans people stems from variety of things, like them being one of the last remaining groups that can openly be discriminated against without any real consequence (the other being Muslims) but no small part of that was the acceptance of same-sex marriages and what not.

It's the reason why when Trump says things like "you're losing your country", it strongly resonates with a certain group of people.

But the real issue are the cowardly and labile centrists that essentially go with the wind. The ones who'll readily abandon any sense of morality or principles the second their own interests are mildly threatened. See the intense backlash against any sort of criticism towards Biden while he actively enables a genocide. Or the the reemergence of that manifest destiny mentality from usually white quote unquote liberals blaming minorities for not being willing to vote for a guy that's supplied the bombs and weapons that killed their own families and loved ones.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
I wish I had that confidence however it seems there are too many who wont vote biden because of legitimate reasons concerning genocide even if that means throwing the ukraine, palestine and every American citizen to the wolves.

Im afraid were going to lose it all this year because people are unable to save themselves if it means supporting biden.

I think some people will do this. It's the most misguided thing in the world. I don't like what Biden is doing here so I'm willing to let someone who will be much worse in that area and hundreds of others be in power instead.

Like I get being mad at Biden. Hell I get hating him. But not voting for him is a non starter. It's not making some type of stand. It's openly choosing not support someone who will be about as close to Hitler as possible for the U.S.

That does scare me but a Regan backlash ain't it. Trumps not popular and right wing policy ideas aren't largely right now.


Jan 5, 2023
I mean not that Brianna Wu was ever some sort of radical leftist, but there was a time I looked at her as at least a moderate ally supportive of progressive politics? Now? I mean she's entitled to her opinion as anyone is, but I would not consider her an ally.

Last I checked Brianna Wu still worked with Progressive Victory (that group that brought together Destiny, Vaush, and Emma Vigeland last year for a big campaign push to help promote progressive politics). Unfortunately during the process she spent a lot of time around a lot of online lefties (twitchpol, youtube, twitter) and well... not a lot of liberal folk jive well with all the blackpill doomerism or the extremist rhetoric. That shit scares normies away.

But to answer the question of the thread: no. I don't think we're getting a Reagan-style bounceback. Like, we'll never have a socialist America or anything like that, but the nation will remain liberal. We've won the culture war, and no matter how much the right says going woke makes you go broke, no one's rushing out to watch any of those Daily Wire movies in hopes of a reprieve from progressive messaging in media like music and movies.


Aug 1, 2018
Last I checked Brianna Wu still worked with Progressive Victory (that group that brought together Destiny, Vaush, and Emma Vigeland last year for a big campaign push to help promote progressive politics). Unfortunately during the process she spent a lot of time around a lot of online lefties (twitchpol, youtube, twitter) and well... not a lot of liberal folk jive well with all the blackpill doomerism or the extremist rhetoric. That shit scares normies away.

Her crazed defense of Israel, while also making antisemitic comments, has nothing to do with her spending time with online leftists. Same with her being anti-trans. She just has terrible politics. Listening to Destiny will do that to a person.

Senator Rains

Oct 27, 2017
Leftist policies are still extremely popular and speaking against them can be damaging to a conservative's image. That's why the GOP quickly shifts to attacking the people advocating for them instead.

It works for the GOP because liberals and leftist are easily goaded into in-fighting and the their own affinity for compromise and purity testing (respectively)


Oct 30, 2017
I don't think it's alarmist. I think a lot of people gravely underestimate how much foundational damage is being done to the next generation's idealogy via unchecked right-wing indoctrination loops on social media. Previous generations generally skewed reliably and overwhelmingly left as they entered the political stage and drifted rightward over time, but there's an alarming amount of younger people (well, men) that are coming in pre-programmed hard for Trumpism.

We haven't hit the inflection point yet, but it certainly isn't something to be hand-waved away as 'not a trend to be concerned about.'

Naijaboy said:
The best case for a reactionary backlash is with a South Korea-style misogyny campaign with added animosity to LGBTQ+ groups, but that would require conservatives to leave more wiggle room for race and class and the Republican Party is nowhere near at that level where significant numbers of racial minorities would tolerate them.
Ehhh, despite the Republican party doing all they can to antagonize minorities, their numbers are depressingly not-terrible among Asians and Hispanics. They'll never win the black vote, but they somehow seem to be gaining a few percentage points there, too. With as close as recent elections have been lately, a couple point swing with these groups could easily be the difference between a win and a loss.


Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't use Brianna Wu as a barometer for anything or anyone on either side. She's her own set of brainworm and has been for a long time.

I don't see a full Reagan style backlash happening. Things are too divided for that. But I do see some people ceding to the right in a concerning way, so I can see some pushback down the line.