Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I kind of feel like a jerk for thinking this way, but the way my sister gives me gifts the last few years has really hurt my feelings. Over the last several years, I always try to put a lot of thought and effort into my presents that I give her and her family for christmas, and feel like none of it is reciprocated. To be clear, my issue is not at all with how much someone spends on me, but how thoughtless the gifts she is giving me are.

The reason I feel so hurt is because, when I give them gifts, I try my hardest to make it feel like it's a reflection that I think about them when they aren't with me, that I keep them in my thoughts. I give them things that I think they will not just like, but will realize I put thought into. Her gifts to me don't show any thought at all, and it kind of hurts.

Let me give some examples -- 2 years ago, for christmas, the 5 year anniversary of her dog's death, I took some photos of her dog that I had in a scrap book and arranged them into a collage along a picture frame holding his old collar in it. One of her kids is into baseball, the other is into dance, so I gave one of them an autographed baseball bat from the Houston Astros, and the other one a copy of Let's Dance for the Wii. They gave me a random issue of a hunting magazine for christmas, I don't hunt or am into guns or anything. Her husband is into guns, not me.

My sister is a school teacher, and we actually managed to share a couple of teachers growing up because we went to the same elementary school despite her being 6 years older than me, so last christmas, I gave her a framed picture of her in her class, and in the same frame was a picture we had taken as kids next to our teachers in the same pose. They had gone to disney world just a few weeks prior, so I gave their kids a ton of disney toys, mickey mouse stuffed animals, iron man action figures, etc. My sister gave me a wine bottle opener for christmas -- I don't drink, I'm a recovering alcoholic. My sister drinks wine, I don't touch any liquor at all and haven't for years and years now.

Earlier this year, for her 40th birthday, I took a bunch of home movies that I had found in the attic and edited them into a DVD called "40 years of my big sister" that featured all of her favorite music in the background. Then her husband and I planned a surprise party for her at her house. 3 weeks later, she didn't even send me a happy birthday text message on my birthday, let alone get me anything.

Today, for christmas, I had taken the rest of the home movies from the attic and converted them to digital formats. Her birthday DVD was about 3 VHS tapes worth of material, but this christmas one was 40 tapes worth of material. It was a book full of DVDs, not just of her, but of all of our home movies. Things like our dead grandma, our family reunions, all sorts of stuff. It wasn't just for her, I made multiple DVDs for everybody in the family, but personalized each box I gave the DVDs in. Like hers, featured a bunch of art from when she was in cheerleading, screenshots taken from the home movies to show her cheerleading. This project actually took months to complete. Her kids are in love with Virtual Reality, they know I work in the field and talk about it pretty much constantly when I'm around, they tell me they love it. So her kids got a PS4 from "santa" this year, so I got them a Playstation VR kit for their PS4. The headset, two move remotes, plus games for each kid - MLB The Show VR for her son, and Beat Saber for her daughter.

She got me a $10 beanie for the Houston Texans. I don't watch NFL football, and I hate the Texans. SHE is a Texans fan, not me.

Now, to compound this, I actually had asked her for something this year. In the last 6 months, I lost 80 lbs on a keto diet, something I'm super proud of. I would text her my progress when I'd lose weight, she knows it was a huge deal to me. A big part of how I did it was by completely cutting out sugar from my diet. I have had an enormous sweet tooth ever since I was little. So, for christmas, all I asked her for was to get me some candy, any candy. I told her christmas day would be the lone cheat day for me, the day I'd forget about keto just for a day and eat all the candy I wanted. Didn't have to be expensive candy, just any candy. I would bring it up pretty much every time we'd talk, which is pretty frequently, how I was excited for candy on christmas day. She didn't get me any candy. She actually made fun of my old weight and how I was "begging for candy" when I walked in, in front of the whole family (extended and all) which was at my mom's house for christmas. I'm sensitive about my weight, so right from the moment I walked in, I felt awkward.

It's not the price of the things that she gives me that hurts my feelings, it's how thoughtless they all feel. They all feel to me like gifts they bought while walking out of the cashier line at walmart just at the last moment, nothing that reflects anything about who I am or what I've been doing in my life or what is important to me. $5 worth of candy -- like a bag of gummy bears or whatever -- would have meant way, way more to me than a $10 beanie to a football team I honestly can't stand.

Am I being too overly sensitive or is this kind of a fucked up pattern? It makes me want to stop putting effort into her gifts, but I love her kids very much and don't want to "punish" them over my own hurt feelings.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
She does sound lame, but I think some context might be needed re: How does she gift everyone else? Are you the lone recipient of the lame shit?

Does she seem to appreciate the gifts you give like the videos and whatnot? If not, just focus on the kids from now on.


Nov 1, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
Sounds like you need to learn to give gifts without the expectation of reciprocity, I've generally been a person who puts more thought/time/money into gifts than I receive and got a lot happier when I realized that the act of giving to improve their happiness was what drove me and not an expectation of equal return (be it thought or money).

Deleted member 35204

User requested account closure
Dec 3, 2017
Maybe yours are too thoughtful compared to hers, take it down a notch and maybe her tier of gifts (which is pretty bad) won't hurt as much.

Bear Patrol

Oct 27, 2017
Your feelings are absolutely valid. IMO, you'd be well justified to match her level of "gifts" from now on


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Would like to know what she gets other people but yeah, she put no thought at all into your stuff.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like you need to learn to give gifts without the expectation of reciprocity, I've generally been a person who puts more thought/time/money into gifts than I receive and got a lot happier when I realized that the act of giving to improve their happiness was what drove me and not an expectation of equal return (be it thought or money).


If you can't do that, then you should probably scale back on how you give gifts.

I went a bit crazy this year on gifts and got nothing back from a couple of folks. Sucks, but yeah, that's family for you. I still don't regret giving the gifts I did though.


Oct 30, 2017
This is exactly why I despise gift giving. There's so much stress involved. You end up ranking people's presents and it just feels terrible. Sometimes you end up forcing yourself to give absolute nonsense like what they're gifting you because some people just aren't creative or just don't value things on the same level as you. Nowadays I just ask people to make an Amazon wishlist and I send them a shoddily put together one.

If I could say no to gifts, I would. No gifts for me and I'll just give you what you ask for.

Honestly, OP. You put way more effort into your gifts and you'll probably never get the same level in return so you kinda need to learn to move past it or just put less effort in yourself. You tried!

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
She does sound lame, but I think some context might be needed re: How does she gift everyone else? Are you the lone recipient of the lame shit?

Her and her husband have money. They don't seem to give my brother or my brother-in-law's brother lavish gifts, but they shower my mom and his mom and their kids with very expensive gifts. They're also the kind to talk very loudly about how much they spent on certain gifts, and consider themselves "the most selfless people they know."

Does she seem to appreciate the gifts you give like the videos and whatnot? If not, just focus on the kids from now on.

Well, for all the gifts I gave her in the examples above, she cried tears of joy. So I felt good about them all, that was something I was after. I wanted to get something like an emotional response out of her from them, to show that it connected deeply, so I thought so. But her actions make me feel like she never thinks about this stuff after she sees them on christmas day or her birthday.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
United States
Your feeling were justified and if I were you, I'd stop putting in so much effort into your gifts. She's playing you or just doesn't care at all.


Oct 26, 2017
Do you have kids? Could very easily be that she is so focused on her kids and doing Christmas stuff with/for them in the run up to the holidays that for other people she is literally just buying a few random gifts when she gets the chance, and just decides who gets what on Christmas eve. I've had family that have done that and it's been kind of obvious, but not something that I'd get mad about (although it was not a recurring thing).

I can see why the pattern you described has hurt your feelings though. Maybe still get good gifts for her kids (that's more about your relationship with them than with you and your sister), and put less effort into gifts to your sister.

Regardless, Merry Christmas!


Oct 25, 2017
I normally don't get my family anything and they're cool with it. So... you're getting something at least!

Beef Supreme

Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't know because that kind of stuff is rather meaningless to me. My kids smiling at the end of the day is the only thing I care about when it relates to gifts. While I give gifts, I do not expect any in return. A simple "Merry Christmas" goes a long way with me because being kind to your fellow man or woman is what the season is all about. Not some petty materialistic gift exchange.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like you need to learn to give gifts without the expectation of reciprocity, I've generally been a person who puts more thought/time/money into gifts than I receive and got a lot happier when I realized that the act of giving to improve their happiness was what drove me and not an expectation of equal return (be it thought or money).

I normally do not expect reciprocity, the past two years plus my birthday I've been a-ok with just the good feelings I get from giving them something that made her cry, or made her kids squeal with joy. The main reason I feel so hurt right now, and why it made me reflect on the pattern, is because I specifically asked for something this year. I normally don't do that, but losing weight was something very personal for me, and I shared it with my sister every step of the way, so I was hoping she'd make me feel good about it. When she not only didn't give me candy, but mocked me for it, it just made me stew and think about how crappy it'd been the last several years.

I just feel hurt, is all.


Oct 25, 2017
You could start putting less effort in her gifts but I don't see why it should affect the gifts you give to her children.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
They gave you a single issue of a magazine you aren't interested in? Jesus, that's bleak. That's like grabbing trash off the counter and wrapping it bleak.

What I would do is stop with the presents for the adults and focus on the kids. Or give her some trash from your house next year.


Oct 25, 2017
Just get stuff for the kids. I'm sure they appreciate it.

She's old enough to understand if you don't get her anything and if she ever brings up why you stopped with the thoughtful gifts, tell her what you posted here. it sounds like she is taking you for granted.


Oct 27, 2017
Just don't put any effort on it when it comes to her, but continue giving your awesome gifts to her children. You are not overreacting at all.

A hunting mag, fucking hell.

Deleted member 19844

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
United States
Hey, OP, I was about to say you're overeacting, BUT her gifts are rather lame (to the point of insult). I would scale back your gift approach for her gifts significantly, but still do your thing re: the kids.


Oct 25, 2017
You wrote 10 paragraphs complaining that you don't recieve the gifts you think you deserve.

Also, your gifts are pretty creepy. You made a collage of her pet that died 5 years prior, kinda fucked up.

panama chief

"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
OP. I don't know you but I love you cause you are thoughtful in a way that seems like a relic of past. Like when guys used to lay their coats down on puddles and shit. thats cool. I'm cut from the same cloth.

unfortunately YOU are going to have to be the one that scales back the thoughtfulness because she will never match and that's really sad. dont burn yourself out further than you have already.


Nov 16, 2017
Never expect something in return when gifting someone - you should do it because you first and foremost unilaterally love/like someone.

The actual problem here is that she's acting like a unconsiderate dick and her presents are just a symptom of that. You should distance yourself from her from the sounds of it because she doesn't sound like a healthy addition to your life.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
You are overreacting. Don't expect any form of reciprocity with gifts.

No, he isn't. There doesn't need to be exact reciprocity, but what she's doing is reprehensible. A wine bottle opener for a recovering alcoholic? A fucking magazine? Seriously, a fucking magazine? That's bullshit, no matter what he had given her.

You should never measure value or worry about things being even, but some basic thought and appreciation isn't too much to ask.


Oct 26, 2017
People are mostly egoistic assholes. You are the ultra rare kind that goes the extra mile. A tip from me: Don't expect anything in return. Nothing. Not even a thank you and live with that. Gift things because you want to, but never expect anything back even on Christmas.

Yeah I am a bit frustrated this year cause I gave out a lot of gifts and didn't even get anything from my parents or even had a Christmas at all with big family, but it felt good to gift away a few things, but still feels a bit lonely?

Christmas sucks. Your sister giving you a wine bottle opener and you being a recovering alcoholic (keep going! :)) is a


Oct 25, 2017
Her and her husband have money. They don't seem to give my brother or my brother-in-law's brother lavish gifts, but they shower my mom and his mom and their kids with very expensive gifts. They're also the kind to talk very loudly about how much they spent on certain gifts, and consider themselves "the most selfless people they know."

Well, for all the gifts I gave her in the examples above, she cried tears of joy. So I felt good about them all, that was something I was after. I wanted to get something like an emotional response out of her from them, to show that it connected deeply, so I thought so. But her actions make me feel like she never thinks about this stuff after she sees them on christmas day or her birthday.
Is she there when you open her gifts? Does she see your reaction to you opening them? Does she even try to explain the seemingly thoughtless gifts she gives you?

I really dislike gift-giving unless it's for children, but considering what you do for her, and what she's claiming she does for other people, this seems weird.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
No, he isn't. There doesn't need to be exact reciprocity, but what she's doing is reprehensible. A wine bottle opener for a recovering alcoholic? A fucking magazine? Seriously, a fucking magazine? That's bullshit, no matter what he had given her.

You should never measure value or worry about things being even, but some basic thought and appreciation isn't too much to ask.
You shouldn't expect anything. They're gifts. If someone wants to get you something then they will.
Oct 27, 2017
I started reading your post like you're clearly in the wrong here because just because you put effort into gifts, it's not fair to expect others to do the same.

But then I read the rest of it and holy shit. A hunting magazine to a person who isn't interested in hunting? A wine bottle opener to a recovering alcoholic? And not get an extremely simple gift when requested?

Dude, I don't know her and your relation to her otherwise, but simply going by this, she sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
I could see getting those gifts being funny if you were someone who normally gives joke gifts and its to someone whose totally cool with joke gifts. Maybe your sister is just a jerk?

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Is she there when you open her gifts? Does she see your reaction to you opening them? Does she even try to explain the seemingly thoughtless gifts she gives you?

I really dislike gift-giving unless it's for children, but considering what you do for her, and what she's claiming she does for other people, this seems weird.

Yeah, we all open presents at mom's house together, all at the same time, it's something we've done since we were little kids. I was raised not to look a gift horse in the mouth, so always say thank you and smile and be polite, don't pout that you didn't get something you didn't like but... I mean, my sister knows me. We were very, very close growing up. She knows I don't hunt, have no interest in guns. She knows I don't like the Texans, I'm actually vocal about it. She knows I had a problem with alcohol when I was in college. When we get together, like every time, she offers me wine and I tell her, "I don't drink." She has to notice the discrepancy when she opens gifts and I'm watching her reaction closely and giving her big hugs when she starts crying, and when I open my gift and it's more like a golf clap in response. We were raised together, she knows how we're supposed to react.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel you OP. If her gifts are as you say, she's showing a hilarious lack of self awareness. Sure, never give gifts with expectations blah blah, but sounds like you're putting a lot of effort in for nothing.

I don't think she'll ever start getting miraculously good at giving gifts, it's a skill some people just don't seem to have. My partner, god bless him, just isn't great at getting me thoughtful gifts. it's not how his brain is wired. If it truly bothers you, I'd just scale back what you do for her. If she notices at all ( I have a feeling she won't), explain why you did and let her react. An issue of a hunting magazine for someone that doesn't hunt sounds like a fuck you, not a gift.


Oct 29, 2017
Quite frankly her gifts to you are insulting. A hunting magazine? A bottle opener? It sounds like she's just grabbed something from a drawer as she left her house.

I would tell her not to bother in future to save me the embarrassment of opening it.



Oct 25, 2017
Those gifts she gives are on the level of tipping $1 on a $100 order. If you tip well, good job; if you tip nothing, well maybe you forgot. But tipping $1 is done out of spite.

You are receiving spite gifts.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm with you OP. It does also sound like she is prioritising parents, and not switching the order. Then again, birthdays are personal so it sucks she isn't being thoughtful there too.

Reduce your effort and only gift the kids. Even with them, keep it simple. Not everyone "gets" how thoughtful and time consuming it is to get gifts, and are just bad at it. I know people like this as well, they just don't get it. So yeah, reduce what you do as a whole and only gift her kids for next year.

It sucks, but lesson learned. Save some money, time and effort.


Oct 27, 2017
Christmas is for kids. As an adult I expect nothing when it comes to presents. And if someone does get me something it's a pleasant surprise. Honestly I would just stop putting so much effort into her gifts.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I think it's cool how much thought you put in to your presents and disappointing your sister doesn't even attempt to put even a modicum of the same effort, that said, keep in mind that she may not necessarily even appreciate the time, thought or effort that goes into them, infact, she may not even particularly like the presents you give her, or may just be selfish like that and not care.

My advice is that if you can't learn to not want anything in return for your presents, simply stop putting so much effort into them and just give her the stuff that is more typical of presents. Infact, if I was you, given the kind of presents she's given you, I'd definitely stop putting so much effort into her presents. For all you know she may even prefer it if you do.

But also, as others have mentioned, continue giving cool gifts to the kids. Though keep in mind that children don't always appreciate sentimental gifts as much, and do often just prefer the materialistic fun or cool present instead.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Dude, I don't know her and your relation to her otherwise, but simply going by this, she sucks.

I always felt we were way more close than most brothers and sisters. We have called each other up to talk on the phone just like friends for years. Before she had kids, when she was single on her own, I would sometimes go and spend a weekend with her, spend the night on her couch, and just hang out together. We would get comedy concert tickets and go see stand up comedians. Like, I love my sister very, very much. She and I have always had an extra good relationship I felt. I don't want to go into details, but something very awful happened in our family when we were younger, and she once told me in tears, "we are always brother and sister, we can count on each other forever, we can tell each other anything without fear." I kind of want to tell her how I feel because of that, but I don't want to make things weird or strain our relationship as brother and sister.

I actually feel these behaviors stem from her husband, who comes from a petty, sniping family that all hate each other.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
You shouldn't expect anything. They're gifts. If someone wants to get you something then they will.

This isn't about expectation. This is about the result. a gift card would be fine. A coffee mug. Some socks. Meanwhile, the examples OP provided are actually disrespectful. They are the opposite of what gift giving is supposed to be.

If she went all the way and just shit in a box and gave it to him he should just be zen about it? Get real.

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
Sounds like you just need to send her an Amazon wishlist at least then even if it's cheap, it'll be something you'll enjoy.


Oct 26, 2017
You wrote 10 paragraphs complaining that you don't recieve the gifts you think you deserve.

Also, your gifts are pretty creepy. You made a collage of her pet that died 5 years prior, kinda fucked up.
Are you an only child? I can think of a lot of things between my siblings I'd find creepy but random nostalgia literally isn't one.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
I totally get your feelings of hurt. Sounds like she has put nothing into your gifts. That being said your gifts sound incredible and I'd keep up the tradition of sending incredible gifts because it will continue to bring joy to the ones that you love which is a nice thing to have.


Oct 1, 2018
I think it is completely reasonable to skip or put ni effort into gifts for siblings once grown up.

Focus on the kids and your parents if that is what other people in your family are doing.


Oct 25, 2017
Vienna, Austria, EU, Earth
You absolutely are justified in feeling the way you are. How is your general relationship with your sister? Who of you reaches out more? Just based on not just carelessness, but actual malicious gift giving (corkscrew)/mockery it looks to me, like she might be less interested in you/your wellbeing than you are in her.

You may want to talk to talk to her about the mockery in the least, and perhaps also the complete lack of anything resembling effort or thought of her gifts and that it bothers you.