
User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Like of the top of my head he's been portrayed as Judge Dredd, organising protests should he be sacked, photoshopped as Batman with the Justice Dept League, and I am surprised people aren't retelling Chuck Norris jokes with Chuck replaced by Mueller. Like I get it his resume is impressive, Trump's a traitor and the Republicans are all kinds of fucked up but he's damn near deified.

You're not really paying attention. Mueller is a professional, he absolutely is not organising protests, he's just an investigator.

Chuck Norris is also most definitely not on Mueller's side. Have you ever watched anything Norris says? The guy's a complete right wing nutter.
Oct 25, 2017
I find the way some treat the investigation fully detrimental to how it will be perceived. All of the memes and jokes have the possibility to take away actual levity from the situation. Meming over the sitting president possibly acting in sole interests of a foreign agent and treating the investigation with a news game is always personally irked me.


Nov 18, 2017
Like of the top of my head he's been portrayed as Judge Dredd, organising protests should he be sacked, photoshopped as Batman with the Justice Dept League, and I am surprised people aren't retelling Chuck Norris jokes with Chuck replaced by Mueller. Like I get it his resume is impressive, Trump's a traitor and the Republicans are all kinds of fucked up but he's damn near deified.
Well he's the hero of the resistance and he's going to bring down the most hated man in America. Of course people are going to worship him.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
dude people aren't being very serious and are going to turn on him in a big way if he doesn't do anything to trump.

Ancient guy, impressively decorated veteran, a head of the FBI who, with his then deputy Comey, actively pressed the Bush administration to drop intrusive investigatory powers adopted in the wake of 9/11. Went out of his way to make sure no FBI personnel would be required to cooperate in the torture programme then being followed by the CIA.

I don't think Mueller's professional reputation would be in danger if he fell out of favour with a few people on a website.

Deleted member 5359

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
A while ago it seemed like a lot of people were counting on Mueller dealing some kind of legal or political smoking gun that would lead to Trump's removal from office. Since around last fall it seems that there is a more realistic perception, which is that it's up to the voters to remove him via the ballot box.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh gee thanks I had no idea, real swell post there guy
you're the one claiming that Mueller's investigation, after several rounds of indictments and guilty pleas after less than 10 months on the job, hasn't led to 'any results' because nobody is in jail yet. Manafort's trial may not be until September or later, and cooperating witnesses don't get sentenced while their cooperation is still ongoing. It's a dumb goalpost.


Nov 11, 2017
You're not really paying attention. Mueller is a professional, he absolutely is not organising protests, he's just an investigator.

Chuck Norris is also most definitely not on Mueller's side. Have you ever watched anything Norris says? The guy's a complete right wing nutter.

I know Norris is a right wing shithead, but it's more shit like Chuck Norris is the guy who the Boogey man looks for under his bed, except replace Chuck Norris with Robert Mueller


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
I'll admit that my own cynicism colors my perception of the whole situation. I don't expect this to go quickly though, and that's the root of my issue here - as salacious as the things we hear about the direction of the investigation might be, it's going to be a long ways off till we have any definitive action. I don't think it's foolish to be optimistic, but I think it's naive of people to think that the happy ending some are hoping for is a foregone conclusion. I can't help but be skeptical of counting hens before they hatch.
I totally get the cynicism, and there's a lot of history to back that. Normally I'd be right there with you. But I think the reason people are so supporting of Mueller is knowing that it's not a foregone conclusion. If it was, we'd be bored and frustrated that it hasn't ended. People are being so vocally supportive because they're scared and hope helps alleviate that stress.


Oct 28, 2017
Aren't you exagerating a bit? I seen a grand total of ONE person fangirling over Mueller.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
He is doing good work, but his goal isn't to get Trump out of office

Absolutely. But this is our Watergate. I'm in my sixties, about the same age as most Resetters' parents, and even I can barely recall Watergate because I was too busy being a teenager and studying in school.

There is an air of anticipation, amply stoked by the impressive results so far. Nixon was well into his second term before things became so hot for him. Nixon was also a somewhat competent administrator and a veteran of the Eisenhower White House. Trump didn't make it through his transition before his staff were colluding with Russia.


Oct 27, 2017
He's the only person with actual authority doing anything to expose the corruption going on with the administration and is actually taking action against the Russians election interference. Why wouldn't people root for somebody who has been delivering results?


Oct 25, 2017
It is no coincidence that super heroes have become such a huge draw for people. People are desperate for hope in what they see as hopeless world where the decks are constantly stacked against them and the big stack players are forever flouting their influence more and more over anything and everything. People feel like they have no chance for reprisal or justice in the face of such pervasive corruption. So when, suddenly, it appears like perhaps there is a glimmer of hope against all the odds shining through the quagmire of bullshit people will rally around that hope. They will take it point to it and proclaim it as a sign so that maybe, just maybe, that hope will spread and they can once again feel like their interests and justice are being served again.

So, yes, to many he is a hero because that's exactly what people feel like they need now to overcome the entrenched crony capitalism that has spread its greedy tendrils into every aspect of their lives. Here is to hoping that his example will inspire others to dare to hope again and fight back more and more against the ever growing influence of corporate interests and money in politics. Because if Mueller can take down an entire administration built around their own self interests and powerful connections then maybe the fight isn't so hopeless after all.


Feb 19, 2018
The FBI is notorious for surveilling and criminalizing leftist activism, so yes, I'm unnerved by it too. The Mueller worship comes from a top-down view of social change that I think is naive.


Oct 30, 2017
All I know about Mueller is that he appears to be supremely well qualified to bring Trump and his filthy lackeys to justice. I find the so-called worship comforting, if anything, as I wait impatiently for his investigation to take down corrupt idiots.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I hope Mueller wins. Any rational human would. Beyond that if you value the law then you should hold Mueller in pretty high regard.

King Tubby

Oct 25, 2017
Mueller seems to be the only person in an official capacity who has the ability and inclination to check Trump.


Oct 28, 2017
If my thoughts and prayers weren't already engaged in trying to hold off an American nuclear attack on Pyongyang, he'd have mine.

Do atheist thoughts and prayers count? If I prayed for Javanka to be dragged away in chains and nobody was listening, did it happen?
I'd say, if you're praying then you're not an atheist.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's a little weird. I just see him as a highly qualified dude that's just doing his job as the law.

Nothing more. Nothing less.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't see worship, but his team is doing good work, he has an outstanding reputation, and he's basically the only hope for possibly eliminating Trump before Democrats take back over the house and senate. Otherwise Republicans can simply block any impeachment attempt.


Oct 27, 2017
No, I find it really weird. People have projected all their motivations on him. Like you said, they see him as some kind of superhero fighting against Trump. Every random piece of news that comes out of the investigation is treated as an 11 dimensional anti-Trump move

He is doing good work, but his goal isn't to get Trump out of office

Well yea, simply doing good work these days in Washington does in fact deserve hero worship


Oct 28, 2017
People seriously think organizing protests if Mueller is fired is about some misplaced hero worship?

Ever heard of the Saturday Night Massacre? That little thing known as Watergate?


Oct 25, 2017
its real life Death Note: Muellar is L and Trump is Light

Trump's head is so up his ass that he thinks his brand of justice and image of America is the correct path

the only real fanatics are Trump supporters


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
He's a useful idiot. Not that he's dumb, but he's still a rich white republican in a position of power and the FBI aren't saints. He has his fair share of blood on his hands being in the position he was in. Let him get Trump out and then he can peace out to retirement.
Nov 4, 2017
Baltimore, MD
I look at it is that the continued existence of Mueller's investigation shows at some level, our government is still functioning as intended and hasn't fallen completely into Fascism. I don't view Mueller as some hero that will defeat Trump. Trump will end up defeating Trump. Its the others around Trump and that support and prop up the likes of Ryan and McConnell that should fear Mueller's investigation.

X1 Two

Oct 26, 2017
Like of the top of my head he's been portrayed as Judge Dredd, organising protests should he be sacked, photoshopped as Batman with the Justice Dept League, and I am surprised people aren't retelling Chuck Norris jokes with Chuck replaced by Mueller. Like I get it his resume is impressive, Trump's a traitor and the Republicans are all kinds of fucked up but he's damn near deified.

What do you have to hide???


Oct 28, 2017
Its a symbol of hope. Mueller is professional and will continue to the investigation in an unbiased way, so no I'm not afraid of it. In contrast, the Trump supporters do worry me because an enabled Trump will do heinous things.


Oct 26, 2017
I think it's mostly a hyperbolic joke. But in these crazy times we need a hero and Mueller is that for some folks.


Oct 25, 2017
Reminds me a lot of Hillary "YAAAAS QUEEN"

Then as now I have a feeling a lot of people don't care about the person but more what they can do (defeat Donald Trump)

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Like of the top of my head he's been portrayed as Judge Dredd, organising protests should he be sacked, photoshopped as Batman with the Justice Dept League, and I am surprised people aren't retelling Chuck Norris jokes with Chuck replaced by Mueller. Like I get it his resume is impressive, Trump's a traitor and the Republicans are all kinds of fucked up but he's damn near deified.
He is literally the only man capable of preventing Trump from committing heinous crimes and mistakes for the next 3 years.

So yes people are going to act as if he is god.

Because for all intents and purposes for the US he is god at the moment.
Oct 25, 2017
He's the only real tangible hope of getting rid of Trump before 2020, so people are excited and hopeful that his investigation unearths enough to dump the worst President in history. That doesn't seem so unreasonable, although I agree that there is a risk of overstating the likelihood that he is able to lead to Trump being impeached. He can at least help make 2018 more of a rout and 2020 be the death knell of Trump and Pence's political careers.

This is how I feel. Mueller and the rest of the investigation team are the best hope of fixing this disaster of a presidency.


Oct 25, 2017
Well those people should probably slow their roll, because IF nothing comes out of all this they are just setting themselves up for an even bigger hurt.

I for one remain optimistic that something will happen.

Anyways he's a dude doing his job like he should, and in a lawful manner. It's kind of sad that seems to be a rare thing these days in government/politics and the bar has been set so low.


Oct 27, 2017
It's mostly just jokes. It's comforting to have someone with such a pedigree seemingly working on our side though. Like he's got a resume and a half and seems to be a good person who's taken down a lot of "untouchable" criminals.