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Oct 27, 2017
Everyone I know as a kid got spanked growing up. It was usually just a paddling and not a full-on beating or anything, though. They even did them in elementary school. This was in the U.S. south


Oct 27, 2017
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May 25, 2018
Just like my computer sometimes you gotta give em a little smack to get them working correctly.



Oct 27, 2017
Good, I will always be thankful for my parents making the decision to never hurt my sister or myself growing up. They had rough childhoods and were beaten a lot and without looking at most any data available to them in the 90's made the call that. They decided the cycle of violence in their families ended with them.
Yep. You can end it in 1 generation.


Oct 27, 2017
Having grown up in a country where corporal punishment against children has been illegal all my life it's jarring to be reminded that this is not the case everywhere.

Noone will ever be able to convince me that hurting your child is for their benefit as opposed to being a quick way to release your own sadistic anger as a parent. Don't bother quoting me to argue this if you disagree. This is not even open for debate in my opinion.


Apr 17, 2018
Seems wise. My stance has always been that a hand or a butt swat is one thing, but a full blown whoopin like I got? Nah. If the belt and buckle come out you've went way past a reactionary "stop that!" into some serious shit.


Oct 29, 2017
You know the Spartans used to F their kids and have them kill wolves for training, why don't we still do that? Leonidas turned out fine.

That's basically the pro-spanking crowd's argument


Oct 25, 2017
My parents spanked us and beat us with belts on the butt when we were young. I often got better treatment though, because I was the second child. My sister got the brunt of their fury. They would definitely use it to feel better and release their anger.

I remember hearing my sister get whipped in the butt by an angry parent. It was not right. No one should have to go through that.


Oct 27, 2017
Good. Spanking kids is barbaric. How about developing an emotional bond with them instead?

I still get disturbed whenever I experience a parent physically reprimanding their child. It just isn't right.


Oct 25, 2017
A kid (looks like 3yo) is walking slightly away from mother in this cycle shop. She grabs her, "stay here or you're gonna get a smacked bum in a min". Corporal punishment against your children is still a thing! Just a few days after AAP released this report. Some parents need to git gud.
Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
A kid (looks like 3yo) is walking slightly away from mother in this cycle shop. She grabs her, "stay here or you're gonna get a smacked bum in a min". Corporal punishment against your children is still a thing! Just a few days after AAP released this report. Some parents need to git gud.
No don't you see, parents can never be told how to raise their children - it is the most sacred nonsense that every good parent repeats to themselves to wash away any sense of self-doubt
Oct 27, 2017
This is a weird ass post.

Part one:

Part two:
"Sure, it's easy to call abuse bad. But has anyone come up with something better?? (didn't click the link)"

What? Like how......... what?
I guess the logic is that it's hypocritical somehow to 'kill' a foetus but not be okay with hitting a child. It basically amounts to "I wonder how people reconcile eating eggs but are against punting baby chicks." Really makes you think, huh.

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Oct 26, 2017
It varies from kid to kid

I get it's not worth the risk for some. But literally go to any Asian dominated community with first gen kids and they would raise their kids the exact same way their parents raised them.

Me included.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm glad to see this after the previous thread. There are plenty of much better ways to do things than to hit your kids. That shouldn't even be an option.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
People will make fun of anti vaxxers but discard these reports and smack their kids smh


Nov 26, 2017
The idea of hitting children is one of the most disgusting and abhorrent things I can think of.

It baffles my mind that if I ran up to a middle aged man and punched him in the face, I could be arrested and put in jail, yet adults are allowed to hit small, defense-less children whenever they want so long as they don't cause any medical injury. Truly mind boggling.

Never once did my parents ever hit me or my brother growing up. It's much different growling up in a Minority household imo. My father grew up in the 50 and 60ths with a full blooded Italian family. My mom was born in the Philippines. I guess you can say the cards were stacked up against us when it came to being disciplined with being spanked.


Oct 25, 2017
i don't get how everyone understands that walking up to a random kid on the street and hitting them is evil, but then so many people think it's fine when it's "your" kid. your children aren't personal belongings you can do whatever the fuck you want to.


Oct 25, 2017
Filled under "N" for No Shit.

It still amazes me that it's legal to hit your kids in the US.


Oct 27, 2017
Wtf? It's child abuse! It's been considered that in developed countries for years if not decades!

I mean, good on ya for coming to the conclusion, but jeez, that's late.

Your children are not property like a fucking lawnmower, they are developing human beings! Treat them as such you barbarian.
Mar 3, 2018
I have a good friend who got beaten by his dad when he was a kid. He would always talk about how he would do the same if he had kids and it's the "only way to properly make kids behave these days" and other nonsense. Would use the classic line of "I turned out Ok". I finally had a very intimate conversation with him about how just because he is breathing and alive doesn't mean that the beating didn't have a negative impact on you. It took a few chats for him to finally come out of denial. He confessed how he hates his dad for it, and it fucked him up to the point that he can't keep a proper relationship as he always felt vulnerable when he was in bed since his dad had beaten him on his bed with a belt. So whenever he was in a relationship with someone he would be extremely paranoid about that person asssaulting him while they slept. Helped him find s therapist and he is honestly a changed person at this point. Doesn't chain smoke or drink as much anymore.

I'm not sharing this to pat myself on the back and how I saved a friend. Just that I have heard the whole "I was beaten/spanked as a kid and turns out OK!" Way too many times and when you take 5 minute to look at the person they are anything but OK.

Just take one minute to think about what is even being discussed. I don't care if you use NASA lab instruments to measure the force with which you hit your child so you can show me a number and say "look it's only a gentle tap!" are using a physical method to punish a child that has no control and no way to defend themselves.
Apr 16, 2018
Parents never really beat me growing up, or ever hit me with enough force to make me do more than laugh.

As long as I had good grades and no criminal record, they didn't give a fuck.

Still, looking back, I wish they were more hands-on with their discipline as opposed to just letting me learn my own life lessons lol.

I wish I had stricter parents


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Parents never really beat me growing up, or ever hit me with enough force to make me do more than laugh.

As long as I had good grades and no criminal record, they didn't give a fuck.

Still, looking back, I wish they were more hands-on with their discipline as opposed to just letting me learn my own life lessons lol.

I wish I had stricter parents
Gets good grades, doesn't get in trouble with the law, wishes parents hit them.

Checks out.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Of course you shouldn't beat your kids, but there should be that thought of physical repercussion that deters them. Not 'no more iPad for a week.'

Yeah, large majority don't spank for punishment, most of the situations was a 'bop' to prevent the toddler etc from harming themselves.

Me and my brothers were little dick heads as kids sometimes and got spanked and it worked.

Boy, this thread has gone south even quicker than the last one. Don't hit your kids, folks.
Apr 16, 2018
Gets good grades, doesn't get in trouble with the law, wishes parents hit them.

Checks out.

Before I even posted this comment, I knew someone would quote it and misunderstand it.

Stricter parenting =\= child abuse.

I know y'all have trouble with reading comprehension on this website and only know how to make sarcastic arguments, but come on.

I didn't even imply I wanted my parents to hit me.

This forum is embarrassing sometimes.


Nov 29, 2017
I used to work at the AAP for about 8 years. Some of their policies at times when I was there would cause the public to have demonstrations in front of our building.

Nobody should be beating their kids, that doesn't do anything good for a kid mentally and long term affects.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Before I even posted this comment, I knew someone would quote it and misunderstand it.

Stricter parenting =\= child abuse.

I know y'all have trouble with reading comprehension on this website and only know how to make sarcastic arguments, but come on.

I didn't even imply I wanted my parents to hit me.

This forum is embarrassing sometimes.
You knew someone would misunderstand your post where you said your parents hit you (but not really) and wished they were more "hands-on" with their discipline?
Apr 16, 2018
You knew someone would misunderstand your post where you said your parents hit you (but not really) and wished they were more "hands-on" with their discipline?

Yeah, my mom never did more than pluck my ear or pinch me for a second, then she graduated to just having me read encyclopedias.

And I don't know about you, but "hands-on" doesn't literally fucking mean "parent with your hands" it means being more involved in your parenting.

My parents trusted me to do the right thing and left it at that. I wish they didn't have so much faith in me as a teenager and were more strict, because teenagers do and think stupid things regardless of how they're raised.

Nowhere did I ever advocate for my parents striking me, because as I said, they never once ever physically hurt me.

But they did give me too much freedom as a child that I sort of regret as an adult.
Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
Yeah, my mom never did more than pluck my ear or pinch me for a second, then she graduated to just having me read encyclopedias.

And I don't know about you, but "hands-on" doesn't literally fucking mean "parent with your hands" it means being more involved in your parenting.

My parents trusted me to do the right thing and left it at that. I wish they didn't have so much faith in me as a teenager and were more strict, because teenagers do and think stupid things regardless of how they're raised.

Nowhere did I ever advocate for my parents striking me, because as I said, they never once ever physically hurt me.

But they did give me too much freedom as a child that I sort of regret as an adult.

I used to feel a similar way, that my parents gave me too much freedom. But you have to do some thinking, not just assume that a more disciplined approach would make things better or worse. They gave you freedoms because they trusted you, respected you, felt you were responsible enough to guide your own path. In the end you will hopefully realise that it's actually on you, and what you did with that freedom. On reflection, I feel that any extra discipline may have caused more of a rift, led me to rebel, etc.

You have to take responsibility and realise that you were very lucky


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, my mom never did more than pluck my ear or pinch me for a second, then she graduated to just having me read encyclopedias.

And I don't know about you, but "hands-on" doesn't literally fucking mean "parent with your hands" it means being more involved in your parenting.

My parents trusted me to do the right thing and left it at that. I wish they didn't have so much faith in me as a teenager and were more strict, because teenagers do and think stupid things regardless of how they're raised.

Nowhere did I ever advocate for my parents striking me, because as I said, they never once ever physically hurt me.

But they did give me too much freedom as a child that I sort of regret as an adult.
The reason I interpreted your "hands-on" post as physical is that you said they hit you, but not severely.

Pinching and flicking your ear is still physical punishment. I know parents who do that. It hurts. Kids wouldn't cry if it didn't.
Apr 16, 2018
I used to feel a similar way, that my parents gave me too much freedom. But you have to do some thinking, not just assume that a more disciplined approach would make things better or worse. They gave you freedoms because they trusted you, respected you, felt you were responsible enough to guide your own path. In the end you will hopefully realise that it's actually on you, and what you did with that freedom. On reflection, I feel that any extra discipline may have caused more of a rift, led me to rebel, etc.

You have to take responsibility and realise that you were very lucky

I fundamentally disagree, because there are certain situations you can't trust a teenager to handle properly if they've never seen it before or don't have enough life experience to think of the repercussions.

You can't put the onus on a child to direct their own path in life. That's literally what parents are for. I'm not saying parents are meant to guide every aspect of your life, but there absolutely is a such thing as having too much freedom and not enough perspective.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, my mom never did more than pluck my ear or pinch me for a second, then she graduated to just having me read encyclopedias.

And I don't know about you, but "hands-on" doesn't literally fucking mean "parent with your hands" it means being more involved in your parenting.

Yet even here you're describing your own mother, charged with keeping you safe from harm, physically attacking you. With her hands, no less.


User requested ban
Mar 8, 2018
Seems wise. My stance has always been that a hand or a butt swat is one thing, but a full blown whoopin like I got? Nah. If the belt and buckle come out you've went way past a reactionary "stop that!" into some serious shit.

I don't ever remember getting a belt on me, when I was far younger I may have gotten a butt swat or hand slap (not super hard or anything), but man, getting sent to the corner or going to bed earlier was the worst for me and my parents used that waaaaay more, also, getting grounded worked too.
Apr 16, 2018
The reason I interpreted your "hands-on" post as physical is that you said they hit you, but not severely.

Pinching and flicking your ear is still physical punishment. I know parents who do that. It hurts. Kids wouldn't cry if it didn't.

Sure, it hurts if your intention is to hurt your child.

My mom never hit me with enough force to hurt me or make me cry. In fact, the only times my mom ever made me cry growing up was telling me she was disappointed in me, lol. That always hurt more than her being mad.
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