

Oct 26, 2017
so theres no record of the evidence being turned in? or theres no evidence at all?
Here is the part:
According to Mayorga's lawyer, Stovall, during one of her recent appointments with the police, she discovered that a recording of the statement she gave to police in 2009 no longer exists. The dress and the underwear that Mayorga was wearing on that night at Palms Place, and which she said she handed over to the police at the time as evidence, are likewise allegedly missing. When contacted by DER SPIEGEL, the Las Vegas police declined to comment.

Stovall is also critical of the police for not having taken any further recognizable steps in the investigation after Mayorga, as she claims, gave them the name of the potential perpetrator back in 2009. LVMPD disputes this.

Stovall has written the police a letter. In it, he has asked whether the authorities had reservations about the integrity of the investigation to date. And if so, what they plan to do about it.

Last Monday, three days after the DER SPIEGEL report came out, the LVMPD announced they were reopening their investigation into Mayorga's allegations.

Full article is now available in english:
Oct 27, 2017
Statements of concern from Ronaldo's sponsors: EA Sports on Oct 3rd, and Nike on Oct 4th.

Some excerpts from the article above:
DER SPIEGEL reported last week about Mayorga's rape allegations against Ronaldo. It is the story of a woman who long stayed silent -- because she had to. Because nine years ago, she signed an agreement that had been hashed out by Ronaldo's team of experts and her own lawyer. In the out-of-court settlement, Mayorga agreed never to speak publicly about what took place in Palms Place on June 13, 2009. In return for her signature, she received $375,000.

Mayorga has now decided to break her silence. Her lawyer, Leslie Mark Stovall, filed a formal complaint last week in Nevada. He's challenging the settlement, arguing that its only aim was to silence his client. Stovall is also challenging Ronaldo's lawyers. He believes they pursued a non-disclosure agreement to "prevent or delay criminal prosecution" of the alleged assault. Stovall speaks of a targeted "conspiracy," arguing: "Hiding a crime is a crime."

[...]DER SPIEGEL has been able to reconstruct the strategy and methods of Ronaldo's lawyers thanks to documents made available by the online whistleblowing platform Football Leaks... In September [of 2009], Ronaldo's team came up with a comprehensive questionnaire. They wanted to hear Ronaldo's version of that night in Las Vegas. Every detail was important. The result was a document that could ultimately play a central role in the case[...]

[...]Now at least, Mayorga's story has landed where it should have been in the first place: in front of a proper court. At issue is the out-of-court settlement. In addition, a district attorney must also decide whether to initiate criminal proceedings against Ronaldo. Mayorga has been questioned by the police multiple times in recent weeks. Her last statement was recorded.

According to Mayorga's lawyer, Stovall, during one of her recent appointments with the police, she discovered that a recording of the statement she gave to police in 2009 no longer exists. The dress and the underwear that Mayorga was wearing on that night at Palms Place, and which she said she handed over to the police at the time as evidence, are likewise allegedly missing. When contacted by DER SPIEGEL, the Las Vegas police declined to comment.

Stovall is also critical of the police for not having taken any further recognizable steps in the investigation after Mayorga, as she claims, gave them the name of the potential perpetrator back in 2009. LVMPD disputes this. Stovall has written the police a letter. In it, he has asked whether the authorities had reservations about the integrity of the investigation to date. And if so, what they plan to do about it. Last Monday, three days after the DER SPIEGEL report came out, the LVMPD announced they were reopening their investigation into Mayorga's allegations.
Also, on Friday Oct 5th, there was a Deadspin interview with one of the reporters that have worked on the Spiegel story. Note that when the reporter says "What I was surprised by was that after the first reports, he was never questioned on it at a press conference by any other reporter...", she is referring Spiegel's original reporting, from April 2017 (here and here), not their recent follow-up reporting (Sept and Oct 2018):

Other excerpts from the Deadspin piece:
In April 2017, German newsmagazine Der Spiegel reported that Cristiano Ronaldo in 2010 reached a $375,000 settlement with a woman who said he raped her in a Las Vegas hotel in 2009. The story barely made a ripple in the sports world, even after Der Spiegel followed up the initial story a week later by reporting on the existence of text messages that suggest Ronaldo, who has denied the accusations, knew about the settlement.

Fast forward a year and a half, past dozens of powerful men who have been held accountable for their actions amid the Me Too movement, past Stormy Daniels challenging the validity of her settlement and nondisclosure agreement with President Trump, and past thousands of other women who have spoken out, in ways big and small, about their own sexual assaults, to Der Spiegel's latest story: The woman who accused Ronaldo of rape, Kathryn Mayorga, speaking on the record about that night in 2009 and its aftermath.

That story, published one week ago, had an effect Der Spiegel's previous reports did not. It's reverberated beyond sports media into mainstream press, including the Wall Street Journal, Good Morning America, the BBC, and practically everywhere else. The global coverage prompted the Las Vegas police department to reopen the rape investigation; Ronaldo's sponsor Nike to release a statement saying they were "deeply concerned by the disturbing allegations"; and Ronaldo's current team, Juventus, to double down on support for their star.

I spoke to one of the Der Spiegel journalists, Antje Windmann, who—along with sports reporters Rafael Buschmann and Christoph Winterbach, and a team of others—has covered this story from the beginning. She described what it was like to break the story, the challenges of reporting it out, and what the response has been like. If you haven't yet, take the time to read Der Spiegel's latest story about the allegations...

Deadspin: You first received the documents about this case in Football Leaks [Ed note: A website that has been described as Wikileaks for soccer]. Can you tell me anything about what the material was and specifically when you received it?

Antje Windmann: We received the documents more than one and a half years ago. I really cannot point out any single documents, but what we found were pieces of the puzzle. So, telling us that there was a night in 2009 in Vegas where a woman is claiming that Ronaldo allegedly raped her. But this was just the first step. The whole story was not just told by these documents...
Also, from Sunday Oct 7th:
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Oct 25, 2017
New Documents Emerge in Ronaldo Rape Allegations
Cristiano Ronaldo continues to make his fans happy on the field. Off of it, however, things aren't looking so bright: A woman has accused him of raping her in 2009, and there is an extremely sensitive document that supports her story. His lawyers say it is a fabrication. Is it?
Very interesting. As a lawyer, this all sounds credible to me. I don't believe for one moment the document was forged.

Trafalgar Law

Nov 6, 2017
Its so bizaree to me , this entire case
People are just ignoring it and acting like it didnt happen
Then again kobe won at the Oscars


Oct 25, 2017
If he didn't do it, why did the payment he made to her stipulate that she couldn't assist with the police investigation? Why would that matter if he was innocent?


Oct 26, 2017
Its so bizaree to me , this entire case
People are just ignoring it and acting like it didnt happen
Then again kobe won at the Oscars
The whole sport has become unsalvageable trash, just read football leaks.
From the top associations to the national ones, to the clubs, to the players down to the fans.
The asshole ratio is through the roof so is the zealotism of the fans.


Oct 25, 2017
So much for Ronaldo ever joining MLS. Wonder if he pulls a Polanski and stays in Europe for the rest of his life.


Oct 27, 2017
So much for Ronaldo ever joining MLS. Wonder if he pulls a Polanski and stays in Europe for the rest of his life.
I'm sure if that happens, his defenders will still say he's innocent, and what he's doing is a heroic act in protest of unfair treatment.

Now to see if he goes through with it, and actually willing to prove his innocence.
Nov 1, 2017
To see if it matches what was on a dress of hers from a rape that happened in 2009? I hardly have any clothes I had in 2009 and i'm sure i've washed them all since then. Maybe she kept that piece of clothing and never did anything with it intentionally?