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Oct 30, 2017

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I will weigh in on the pizza box stuff. Our recycling company refuses them. If they get too many, despite the fact they specifically tell people not to recycle them, it can ruin entire loads of recycling material. It is a massive, major no-no to recycle your pizza boxes in my city.
We just cut out the oil stained area
Is the box paper quality not good or does the hot pizza steam do something to it?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm of the mindset that on a practical level, it's better to let people have fun with this rather than getting hung up on it. If the authorities got him using different methods, it would be in their best interest to keep that under wraps, and they're probably delighted that the pizza box thing is catching everyone's attention.
In this case it's completely harmless so it's not awful to see the pizza box turning into a meme but it is an interesting to have live showcase of how something will spread because it makes for the better story while the boring reality remains largely ignored. Lots of myths survive that way, like the "Inuits have a 100 different words for snow" one
Pizzagate update from the cops


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 26, 2017
PizzaGate update:

When contacted by CheckNews, Romanian prosecutor Ramona Bolla, who is part of the investigation, formally denies that it was Andrew Tate's pizza box that led to his arrest: "It's a very amusing piece of information but it's not true. We executed a search warrant yesterday but the decision had already been made before his message [with the pizza box], and then it was authorized by a judge." The prosecutor says five searches were conducted Thursday and that police had "made sure that the two brothers [were] in Romania before acting. We use all kinds of information, such as those in public sources, but they are not the only ones employed."

Non, la boîte à pizza en réponse à Greta Thunberg n’a pas conduit à l’arrestation d’Andrew Tate

La procureure roumaine en charge de l’enquête dément auprès de «CheckNews» l’information selon laquelle une boîte à pizza aurait trahi la localisation du kickboxeur remis à sa place par l’activiste écolo suédoise.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
To be honest, i know people believing the pizza stuff will trigger so much this pathetic man that i love that it was picked up and went viral. Who cares if it was not real, these pieces of shit rightwing misogynist grifters spill fake shit everyday. it's nice that for once they are victim of it lmao.


Oct 27, 2017
Interesting to remember that The Matrix begins with Neo's ARREST


Welcome the RealWorld liberals


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
To be honest, i know people believing the pizza stuff will trigger so much this pathetic man that i love that it was picked up and went viral. Who cares if it was not real, these pieces of shit rightwing misogynist grifters spill fake shit everyday. it's nice that for once they are victim of it lmao.

Yeah. I don't even mind that it's not true, it's honestly funnier this way because it'll still piss him off.


Oct 25, 2017
didn't work hard enough to scrub out the S in Taste tbh.
I think it works well actually. They obviously don't want to lose their branding but its subtlety allows some plausible deniability whilst still being clear what they are hinting at.

The fact a company is willing to essentially promote their business by highlighting a known public figure was arrested for sex trafficking because they couldn't help but show off their pizza is good enough for me lol.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 26, 2017
The whole pizza thing is funny and I laughed at the memes, but people believing that's what did him in does downplay somewhat the effort from the investigators and the women who testified.


Oct 25, 2017
It's still really funny and serves as great head cannon, but pretty obvious the pizza box was never real.


Nov 14, 2017
Blow's meltdown boils down to "Tate wasn't arrested because he got owned on the internet and was then hoisted by his own petard. Please stop saying he got owned on the internet and then hoisted by his own petard."

Which is a fucking weird thing to be gravely concerned about with this story. Almost as if being made fun of is the worst thing possible for their heroes.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
To be honest, i know people believing the pizza stuff will trigger so much this pathetic man that i love that it was picked up and went viral. Who cares if it was not real, these pieces of shit rightwing misogynist grifters spill fake shit everyday. it's nice that for once they are victim of it lmao.

It's better if it makes the snowflakes right wings chads mad the story isn't true but everyone is going with it. The left doesn't even engage in the insane theories they put out there (pizzagate) so its nice that a pretty funny fake situation makes them trip up. If anything, people need to remember the difference between the left and the right. Usually we use methods that aren't harmful when it comes to trolling while the right literally will make shit up to cause bomb threats to happen. Fuck the right and their fee fees. The left shouldn't be tripping themselves here just like when Gretta pnwd Tate a day or so ago. We can play the same game anyways. The "I thought the left needed to tolerate the intolerant" shit ended 2016.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Blow's meltdown boils down to "Tate wasn't arrested because he got owned on the internet and was then hoisted by his own petard. Please stop saying he got owned on the internet and then hoisted by his own petard."

Which is a fucking weird thing to be gravely concerned about with this story. Almost as if being made fun of is the worst thing possible for their heroes.

Is that what he came around to? Because he began it saying the story was scary. He blocked me too when I questioned him so I don't know what he said afterward.


Nov 5, 2017
It's still really funny and serves as great head cannon, but pretty obvious the pizza box was never real.
I mean... if people pictured the cops sitting on their asses eating donuts and doing a spit take when they saw the video, rushing out the door and then running back quickly to pick up the last donut and running back out. Sure that's silly. But the police say they were waiting to execute until they were sure they were in the country and that video, recorded in a timely matter talking about timely things seemingly in the country, is very plausibly one of the things they weighed when executing the raid. It doesn't have to be binary/either or.


Oct 27, 2017
Blow's meltdown boils down to "Tate wasn't arrested because he got owned on the internet and was then hoisted by his own petard. Please stop saying he got owned on the internet and then hoisted by his own petard."

Which is a fucking weird thing to be gravely concerned about with this story. Almost as if being made fun of is the worst thing possible for their heroes.

Dunking on someone based on an untrue story is obviously the REAL problem here.


Nov 1, 2017
Blow: Why would this stupid person do something stupid? it would be stupid if he did that!!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The whole "Well ACKSHUALLY" energy from questioning whether or not the box can be recycled is hilarious, omg


Oct 27, 2017

Era better be careful then.

California folks, how are you adjusting to the law where it is now illegal to throw food waste and pizza boxes into regular trash cans?

Do you have a compost bin nearby? I don't have one so where are we supposed to put our food waste?


Dec 17, 2020
Why exactly are right wingers so emotionally attached to this dude in particular anyways? From what I've seen his drivel is more or less identical to stuff that angry men have been posting on anonymous Internet forums for years. Are they just so happy to see their own opinions being repeated by someone they perceive to be charismatic?
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Oct 25, 2017
Even if he (somehow...) gets away with this, at least he got clowned in a majestic fashion.


Aug 3, 2021
Of course the likes of Quarterpounder running defense with videos immediately for that sack of shit.

One comment I read on that video:

"idk if he's guilty , but notice it's only certain people this happens to?"

Will chuds ever come to the realization I wonder?🤔

Lord Error

Oct 27, 2017
Is that what he came around to? Because he began it saying the story was scary. He blocked me too when I questioned him so I don't know what he said afterward.
Scary as in how the likely false information easily spreads if it's amusing enough. Even if correct, it's a weird take as outlined above by Sho_Nuff82. By pointing this technicality out, he's essentially dunking on people having fun celebrating the fall of a legitimately vile person. Seems par for the course for him to point out some technicality that ignores clear social implication though. He seems to try to look at things from some galactic level, without thinking much how it affects people in the present.
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▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
Just saw this on Reddit:

No, the pizza box in response to Greta Thunberg did not lead to the arrest of Andrew Tate (original article in French)

When contacted by CheckNews, Romanian prosecutor Bolla Ramona, who is in charge of the investigation, formally denies that it was Andrew Tate's pizza box that led to his arrest: "It's a very amusing piece of information but it's not true. We executed a search warrant yesterday but the decision had already been made before his message [with the pizza box], and then it was authorized by a judge." The prosecutor says five searches were conducted Thursday and that police had "made sure that the two brothers [were] in Romania before acting. We use all kinds of information, such as those in public sources, but they are not the only ones employed."

That said, the pizza memes are pretty funny.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Blow's meltdown boils down to "Tate wasn't arrested because he got owned on the internet and was then hoisted by his own petard. Please stop saying he got owned on the internet and then hoisted by his own petard."

Which is a fucking weird thing to be gravely concerned about with this story. Almost as if being made fun of is the worst thing possible for their heroes.
So weird and hyperfocused. Like most "Wellll actuallly"

The Namekian

Nov 5, 2017
New York City
Tiny little sidenote, I think because we've watched Greta Thunberg since she was an adolescent a lot of us think she's still a kid. She's an adult these days and turns 20 next week.

(also weird side note when I search to confirm her age Google said "People also searched ... Kyle Rittenhouse." I thought that's weird. Turns out they have exactly the same birthdate, odd little coincidence)
That's the universe balancing itself out I guess.
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