
Mar 11, 2019
Look at it like this: even candidates like Hillary Clinton knew we needed something like this when she was running, but campaigned against it when asked because of the political optics.

Supporting UBI is a death sentence in most cases to a jobs cult like America. I'm sure people would actually rationalize living on the streets themselves before they entertain a society where the basic necessities to life are not hijacked via toxic and insoluble labor relations.

We probably won't even get past that level of thinking until all of the boomers are dead. But their resistance will make the time until then catastrophic.

Yeah I pretty much agree with all you said.

I can only hope the children of today can have a better tomorrow. Assuming they're not on fire.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I liked him at first, but after reading about how he'd implement UBI re: cutting safety nets, I couldn't get behind him. I believe in UBI and it may be needed in the future, I'd just rather not screw over the poor to help the middle class.


Oct 27, 2017
The good thing he isn't ending his campaign, just suspending it, so maybe he'll come back to it later.


Oct 25, 2017
He brought diversity and a positive approach, I don't think we should be jeering him.
It's politics in 2020. If you don't like my guy you aren't worth being treated with respect. It's the trump/Bernie MO and it's destroying political discourse that used to be a hallmark if this country.


Oct 13, 2018
Right I don't think Yang was perfect but UBI is not remotely the same thing versus what Bernie has been proposing. Job guarantees and higher minimum wage is not UBI.

I wouldn't blame Yang if he didn't back any candidate honestly. He should really just tell his supporters to -not- support Trump at least though.



The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Yang wasn't a good candidate overall, but I'm glad that he got UBI into the discourse. It's something to continue to consider going forward.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Folks -- Yang is not getting any cabinet positions. Get real. He's a disruptor, he's not interested in being in a bureaucratic government position, his ideas are bold transformative controvercial ideas that would overshadow whoever the president would be. Cabinet positions usually go to institutional allies in your party or path to the white house, they almost never go to disruptive short-lived candidates.

Elizabeth Warren is a candidate for a white house cabinet position should she eventually drop out and endorse the winner of the primary / election. Or at least a post heading up something like the CFPB. She's been involved in federal politics for several decades now, she was considered for a position in tbe Obama administration, she has had a successful run as senator, and importantly she's not a disruptor in the Democratic party.

If he does I'll eat a whole can of whipped cream.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
If he does I'll eat a whole can of whipped cream.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I'll admit, I didn't know too much about his campaign beyond UBI, but how the fuck would one go from supporting Yang to Trump? They're not even the same species.

Yang got a lot of his early support from communities that supported Trump in 2016. #YangGang became a trending topic on Twitter because it was picked up by 4chan.

Many people don't care about issues or the nitty gritty of policies. A candidate who tells someone that their life sucks because of immigrants, so they're going to build a wall to make their life great again, is not offering wholely dissimilar promises than a candidate who tells everyone their life sucks so they're going to get $1000/mo for life. They're two unrealistic controversial promises that are both based on the same appeal: the reason you think your life sucks is because the system is screwing you and I'm here to buck the system. In republican politics that's enough to win an elective. In democratic politics it's enough to get you to the first primary.


Oct 27, 2017
would've been my guy if he had a snowball's chance

A for effort i guess, you never know how it could go


Oct 28, 2017
And I no longer care about American politics.

Look at it like this: even candidates like Hillary Clinton knew we needed something like this when she was running, but campaigned against it when asked because of the political optics.

Supporting UBI is a death sentence in most cases to a jobs cult like America. I'm sure people would actually rationalize living on the streets themselves before they entertain a society where the basic necessities to life are not hijacked via toxic and insoluble labor relations.

We probably won't even get past that level of thinking until all of the boomers are dead. But their resistance will make the time until then catastrophic.

The biggest scandal of the modern world.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers

Well. Good luck with that.

(UBI is a fine idea but Yang's implementation left much to be desired)


Oct 27, 2017
Yang was a weird candidate for me. At first he seemed like the most personable candidate of them all, and I REALLY liked him having an answer to automation. He ran a good campaign, but as I dug into him he didn't have M4A or student loan answers. HE did have cool propositions I think other candidates should take on, but they were either small or didn't affect many people. He wanted to get rid of the penny 'cause it cost us 5 cents to make something worth 1 cent. He wanted to pay Division 1 college athletes. IF I remember right he wanted to make voting a proper holiday, and even offer a tax bonus that could be used on any charity you wanted.

Those are all cool things, but they're super minor compared to the major issues we needed solving. In any case, if we could get Klobucher and Biden to give up now that'd be great.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like a great guy with some good ideas, I am sure he has a bright future in someones admin. I'm glad what he brought to the table but its time he dropped out.


Nov 3, 2017
Damn it I really wanted that $1000 a month and also to see him do a kick flip front side 50-50 on the capital hill stair rail.


Oct 27, 2017
Elizabeth Warren is a candidate for a white house cabinet position should she eventually drop out and endorse the winner of the primary / election. Or at least a post heading up something like the CFPB. She's been involved in federal politics for several decades now, she was considered for a position in tbe Obama administration, she has had a successful run as senator, and importantly she's not a disruptor in the Democratic party.
Seems like whoever set up the CFPB had her in mind when doing so - it's destiny.

I'm kidding - not mentioning her role in establishing it was a weird omission in your list of accomplishments


Nov 11, 2017
It's politics in 2020. If you don't like my guy you aren't worth being treated with respect. It's the trump/Bernie MO and it's destroying political discourse that used to be a hallmark if this country.
Political discussion in the USA was always frowned upon.

It's one of the three things you don't talk about even. Someone's partner. Religion and politics?

Part of the issue that democracy requires talking and at times, hurt feelings. People taking their ball and going home end up with fascism. We thought we were better/above/civil than say, how passionate other nations are when discussing politics.

I'm gunna miss my 1000 bucks. This is bullshit.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't get why some don't like Yang, he pushed his own ideas and I thought that to be 1000x more interesting than the post-it Ted Talk lines that Pete spews.

his sit down with ABC News showed a human side to him that other candidates lack.

Yang was a likeable guy


Nov 18, 2017
Please don't tell me it was only because $1000.
Partly due to that, but also because he was able to paint a picture of potential loss of jobs via AI. This means those communities will suffer economically. And he was able to paint that picture through evoking fast food restaurants, and malls. Malls showcase how Amazon takes away jobs from a community. Restaurants are more and more relying on electronic kiosks? which is one less worker. He had a lot of policy positions that were common sense.

However, as someone who is more leftist, he needed to be better on healthcare. He wasn't so his UBI was less attractive to me. They needed to be coupled.


Oct 13, 2018
How can Yang supporters go to Trump? Yang supports civility and respect. When has Trump ever given respect and civility.....


Dec 25, 2019
Honestly the worst thing about his campaign was the 1000 bucks thing, so cartoonish. Other than that he was really likable and set himself apart from the other candidates.


Oct 25, 2017
Yang was a bad candidate. His UBI was regressive and would've destroyed programs like SSDI, SNAP and medicaid. He was misleading about what he actually supported, had a lot of bad policy proposals, apparently his staffers are now having a hard time getting severance when fired and they found out through losing their email accounts.


Oct 25, 2017
Partly due to that, but also because he was able to paint a picture of potential loss of jobs via AI. This means those communities will suffer economically. And he was able to paint that picture through evoking fast food restaurants, and malls. Malls showcase how Amazon takes away jobs from a community. Restaurants are more and more relying on electronic kiosks? which is one less worker. He had a lot of policy positions that were common sense.

However, as someone who is more leftist, he needed to be better on healthcare. He wasn't so his UBI was less attractive to me. They needed to be coupled.
Sorry but giving people $1000 a month while taking away all their social services and not accounting for their children wasn't going to help anybody who lost a job. Especially not in cities where 1k a month wouldn't even cover 1/3rd of your rent.