Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
In his statement he admitted he showered with her in the room,(ok re reading it he didn't specify exactly where she was while he did that, but I'm taking what she said since he didn't deny it) which as its a hotel I assume is close quarters. That's not proper behavior imo and speaks volumes about how he treated her as his guest. I've been reading so many stories about sexual harassment/ misconduct these past few days but this one really irks me. I understand he has the right to defend himself but arming himself with lawyers seems really shitty too. She's should be allowed to speak. She isn't taking him to court.
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I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
Still seems to me that the tweets allegedly posted by her during that night are the thing the most easy to verify. Or do they get canceled by twitter over time?
I feel like this has been overlooked tbh. If Joe's lawyer approved of this statement, I would think he'd have verified there were tweets made that night. If tweets get deleted, I would think the lawyer would remove that from the statement since it doesn't prove or disprove anything, and would honestly hurt Joe's case more, since it'd be suspicous that the one thing you bring up as proof would have been deleted by Twitter if these tweets did exist. So if these tweets from her don't exist, it would put a lot of holes in his statement.


Dec 19, 2017
You know not for nothing but in this case I think the branding of 'ANGRY' is kind of working against him.

Alien Bob

Nov 25, 2017
If his defense is that everything basically happened as described but he doesn't think he acted like a creep, then I have some bad news for him


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Joe going hard on potential legal action means that he's just trying to scare the story away. Since no actual crime took place and it mostly came down to him being a creepy horny guy throwing his Youtube clout around this will likely go nowhere.
Sadly nothing will come off it probably. Coming so hard at the accuser and trying to silence her by throwing lawyers around just makes him look guilty to be honest. Talking about due process nonsense when he hasn't been accused of a crime. I also flat out don't believe him when he says he was doing all that for her, a complete stranger, out of the goodness of his heart, that's absurd. And lastly I'm not surprised someone with this personality and demeanor is incapable of self-reflection.


Oct 26, 2017
So he's saying she posted pics to her twitter whilst he allegedly had her phone, surely that'd be easy to prove/disprove?

I don't see why if he's so sure of his innocence, that's he's threatening legal action. If someone defamed me in the way same way he's alleged, there wouldn't be a cease & desist, it'd be get the receipts and go straight to court.

It kinda reads as him pushing her down using the threat of legal action...

He has made claims that pretty easy to prove/disprove though, so I guess we'll see how it pans out
I guess he is afraid from a public scandal. Don't forget he has a YouTube career with milions of subs, it could all go critical. Also I do think that any sane person would be pressured if someone came to him years later, blaming him for things he thinks he didn't do. It seemed natural to me. From the stories the two of them shared, it seems to me like Joe creeped her out with his weird and aggressive attitude, but to say that he did sexually harassed her, or even to extent of raped her... eh, I can't really buy it. It doesn't seem this way to me, even the victim doesn't say anything along the lines, and he has his right to prove otherwise, legally or publicly.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Anyone that accuses some one in public should have proof. I don't know who tells the truth here but you can't just come and accuse some one which will ruin his/her career and reputation. Angry Joe should bring it to court.
Congratulations for being part and parcel of the reason why sexual harassment, assault and rape victims stay silent. Amazing someone could make such a profoundly ignorant post at this stage in the thread and wider events.


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone that accuses some one in public should have proof. I don't know who tells the truth here but you can't just come and accuse some one which will ruin his/her career and reputation. Angry Joe should bring it to court.
Technically the accuser has provided more proof than Joe has.Joe claims he has proof some of the things she said isn't true, but hasn't shown us any proof. It's not enough proof to make this an open and shut case, but this type of comment completely dismisses the proof the accuser did lay out, like hte messages she showed..


Oct 25, 2017
It feels like a response carefully written by a lawyer.

Nothing wrong with that

Technically the accuser has provided more proof than Joe has.Joe claims he has proof some of the things she said isn't true, but hasn't shown us any proof. It's not enough proof to make this an open and shut case, but this type of comment completely dismisses the proof the accuser did lay out, like hte messages she showed..

The messages didn't contain any real misconduct, unless there was an update.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Not convinced by his response at all, nor by his tweet about her walking back her "sexual assault allegation" which she never actually made.
People are really naive if they can look at that response and just go "oh yeah cool hes innocent and she's lying"

Deleted member 23046

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
Anyone that accuses some one in public should have proof
Not necessarily. I slammed a child abuser myself ten years ago and sprayed his shop, and get convicted for that. I didn't need any legal proofs to do it and these would have been impossible to collect.

It's obviously cathartic, for a moment, than you need to face consequences, the most uncomfortable is that no one is forced to believe you, even your own parents. Also any accident is possible, it's easy to kill someone with a pinch, I could have been responsible of a widow and an orphan.

For that it's better to assume everything in court and just tell the truth, because it's a way to end the circle of retaliation, and any forms of psychiatric history can help to soften a sentence.

I am not advocating this as a way to clear problems, because it's not. Scares will stay. It's because I couldn't face him civilly without exploding that I chose to put him physically in the situation where I was as a child.

So to bump on the current situations, considering how the legal system is already often inadequate in such matters, companies have a role to help their employees and ex-employees to legally sue creeps who have acted against their salaries, it's not enough to write a statement about inclusivity.


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing wrong with that
Yeah, the lawyer part is fine and understandable as something he would do whehter it was true or untrue. However it seems like he added some stuff I can't see any lawyer approving in an official statement, let alone write, like the "she's a grown up and can leave whenever she wants" part of his statement.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
So... 7 hours later, and these alleged tweets of hers that supposedly show she did have her phone that night haven't surfaced? The Internet is surprisingly slow on this, if the tweets do indeed exist.


Nov 3, 2017
Yeah believe women ... UNLESS/UNTIL

It's fucked up, this dude is a predator and should stay far away from any woman.

How could you possibly know he's a predator? How would you feel if you were labelled a predator on the word of a single person? There's absolutely no proof he has done anything at all.

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
I believe the victim, but I am open to having my mind changed if there's evidence of fabrication. However if there's no evidence either way I'm siding with the person who was the victim.

Unfortunately Joe's teflon because of his main fanbase.


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
Not convinced by his response at all, nor by his tweet about her walking back her "sexual assault allegation" which she never actually made.
People are really naive if they can look at that response and just go "oh yeah cool hes innocent and she's lying"
Agreed. I don't even think we should look too deeply into the "walking back sexual assault allegation", since it's a response she was giving to people who were attacking her, which she mentions when she talks about the backlash she's getting from this. People/ Joe's fanbase were attacking her for her saying that Joe assaulted her, which led to her saying it wasn't assault, a slip up that's acceptable given the context htat people are attacking her over this thing she never even said happened since as you said, she never says it is assault either way. Gotta remember, a lot of hte fanboys are probably saying increibly toxic things to her, so in a tweet responding to those people, there might be some inconsistencies as yeah, she's trying to put an end to what I assume is a lot of threats/ victim shaming, etc.

Joe posting that tweet she made, all that did is show that his fanbase attacking her is working in his favor, as it's now giving him more stuff to use against her.

"Guys guys guys come on now. Even SHE says I didn't assault her. All I did was use predatory tactics to put her in an uncomfortable and compromising position. But hey she is a big girl. She could have left anytime."

I still can't believe that is the angle he is trying to take here. It's embarrassingly stupid and tone deaf even for him.
I do not envy Joe's lawyers right now.


Oct 28, 2017
Now it becomes his word against hers.
On the internet, this usually pans like "Someone I like against someone I don't know" or "Someone I don't like against some one I don't know". So nothing based on facts. However, things tend to snowball. So if this was a misunderstanding, or false accusations or whatever, I expect to hear nothing else. If it's true, then it's most likely not an isolated event so more will come out soon.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Second part to the response, sort of.

"Guys guys guys come on now. Even SHE says I didn't assault her. All I did was use predatory tactics to put her in an uncomfortable and compromising position. But hey she is a big girl. She could have left anytime."

I still can't believe that is the angle he is trying to take here. It's embarrassingly stupid and tone deaf even for him.


Oct 25, 2017
I frankly think Era should err on the side of caution and not allow open discussion of his videos moving forward. Not until the allegations are really clear.


Apr 20, 2018
What was decent about him going at her with a cease and desist while also acting very controlling via "What she is not allowed to do is lie about me or defame me to the public and suggest that I am a sexual predator when I am not. If her defamation continues, I will be forced to take further legal action."

If anything, his entire statement proves he doesn't support or believe victims. He is doing the things you shouldn't do. But it's happening to him, so he cannot let that stand.

There is even a lawyer in this thread who mentioned that a C&D is a fairly standard course of action in this situation. Surely if you publicly share a story that could be interpreted as slander you have to be ready for the other person to lawyer up, and there's nothing strange about it. That said, we should wait for further developments.


Jun 16, 2020
"She's a grown woman and could've left anytime" is not something someone with no guilt would say.
Oct 25, 2017
Serious question - If what she posted is true, what law has Joe broken? Some folks are saying to take it to the courts to get to the bottom of it, but I'm not understanding what folks have in mind.

Also, I'm a bit surprised that Joe wasn't more apologetic in his response.

This isn't about law.

It's about brand. Joe wouldn't get arrested for this, but if these allegations continue it "damages his brand and his livelihood".

Him threatening legal action, C&D's, etc is a kneejerk reaction meant to silence the accuser because she can't fight this.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
"Guys guys guys come on now. Even SHE says I didn't assault her. All I did was use predatory tactics to put her in an uncomfortable and compromising position. But hey she is a big girl. She could have left anytime."

I still can't believe that is the angle he is trying to take here. It's embarrassingly stupid and tone deaf even for him.

His fans are lapping it up. Even some here.


Oct 25, 2017
How could you possibly know he's a predator? How would you feel if you were labelled a predator on the word of a single person? There's absolutely no proof he has done anything at all.

What kind of proof would theoretically meet your expectations/be believable to you?


Nov 3, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Dismissing allegations of sexual harassment; prior severe bans for excusing transphobia and for inflammatory false equivalences around race.
What kind of convincing proof would theoretically meet your expectations?

Well there's currently nothing at all, so something? Texts, Tweets, Eyewitness, other victims coming forward. How much evidence would you like an accuser to have before trying to ruin your life?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
What kind of proof would theoretically meet your expectations/be believable to you?
Not worth it to engage them when they're known for dismissing transphobia and playing the reverse racism card. Dismissing concerns around victims of harassment seems par for the course.


Nov 3, 2017
Not worth it to engage them when they're known for dismissing transphobia and playing the reverse racism card. Dismissing concerns around victims of harassment seems par for the course.

If he did it, fuck him, but is it so unreasonable to want some proof before codeming him? I feel like that's pretty damn reasonable.

This is your take here. "Angry" Joe is the true victim of an evil woman who's trying to ruin his life.

Truly transparent.

I never called him a victim, I'm just not going to advocate roasting someone with zero evidence. Can you imagine the chaos if the real world actually worked like that? You could just say anything about anyone and case closed?


Prophet of Truth
Nov 10, 2017
Mallorca, Spain
Anyone that accuses some one in public should have proof. I don't know who tells the truth here but you can't just come and accuse some one which will ruin his/her career and reputation. Angry Joe should bring it to court.
Not really, if you have a friend who, say, hangs out at a party with a dude you know (or even just heard repeatedly) that behaves in an aggressive or predatory way, wouldn't you warn your friend? Your friend would be free to reach their own conclussion, you haven't taken the dude to court, but you did the right thing.


Jan 13, 2018
While i have very little doubt that Joe acted like a creep and put that poor girl into a shitty situation and generally being the very stereotype of "haha just kidding.... unless??" i can't think anything will come out of it.

He'll just deny everything and there's not gonna be any proof since technically "nothing happened". I do hope however this becomes *very* public and others stay the hell away from him as he clearly cannot control himself, based on his answer.
Oct 27, 2017
If he did it, fuck him, but is it so unreasonable to want some proof before codeming him? I feel like that's pretty damn reasonable.

I never called him a victim, I'm just not going to advocate roasting someone with zero evidence. Can you imagine the chaos if the real world actually worked like that? You could just say anything about anyone and case closed?

"I never called him a victim" is the same as "I never asked her to have sex". Actions and attitudes don't need explicit words to mean what they mean. You literally said that his accuser wanted to ruin his life. But you didn't call him a "victim", gotcha.

Also, stop trying to make this about the fairness of law. Do you realize that the absolutely vast majority of cases regarding predatory behavior and sexual violence are outright dismissed by courts? Systematically so. I guess that's why some of you are so eager for him to "take it to court" and "lawyer up"...

Because in the court of public opinion, you're guilty until proven innocent.

My eyes can't roll hard enough.

This is not a "court of public opinion". This is a test of character.


Oct 27, 2017
Im not very updated on current events and all these YouTube celebrities. I understand that there is something called cancel culture and that you basically get review bombed (sort of) and loose sucribers? Are there any statistics on how this sort of thing effect both parts of a conflict, not nessecery this one?

Deleted member 203

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He's a lying, abusive piece of shit. when has a random woman ever benefited from accusing a famous person of assault? literally never. garbage human.


Oct 28, 2017
Looks like the jury of ERA already reached a verdict. But also:
Also, stop trying to make this about the fairness of law. Do you realize that the absolutely vast majority of cases regarding predatory behavior and sexual violence are outright dismissed by courts? Systematically so. I guess that's why some of you are so eager for him to "take it to court" and "lawyer up"...
It's very unfortunate and dissapointing. So I don't really know how to feel about all of this...
Oct 27, 2017
Right so if someone where to lie and ruin your reputation and livelihood, you wouldn't seek legal action?

So, you're assuming he didn't do it and she is lying.

I also find it really fun how you have ~90 posts since 2017, and most of them have been made in the past month to defend Angry Joe here, in his opinion about The Last of Us II and, well, to criticize said game. Telling!


Oct 25, 2017
Well there's currently nothing at all, so something? Texts, Tweets, Eyewitness, other victims coming forward. How much evidence would you like an accuser to have before trying to ruin your life?

There were other people at the event that she described and saw their interactions, she has texts. Maybe, instead of empathizing so deeply with Joe and the possibility of his life being ruined, you should try to shift your presumptive norm at least, be open to the possibility of the claims being true. There will never be enough proof for many people before they'll believe something. Some people don't believe in the moon landing. And there are even some people who read the medium post and will say "nothing explicitly illegal was done here" and that's a wrap for them. That's perhaps even more damning.


Nov 3, 2017
"I never called him a victim" is the same as "I never asked her to have sex". Actions and attitudes don't need explicit words to mean what they mean. You literally said that his accuser wanted to ruin his life. But you didn't call him a "victim", gotcha.

Also, stop trying to make this about the fairness of law. Do you realize that the absolutely vast majority of cases regarding predatory behavior and sexual violence are outright dismissed by courts? Systematically so. I guess that's why some of you are so eager for him to "take it to court" and "lawyer up"...

You keep twisting my words to fit your narrative and that's not cool, so I'm going to go buy breakfast as I really have no interest in a lengthy back and forth (and the bakery just opened, yum).

Deleted member 203

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"bUt it'S bEcAUsE hE diDn'T liKE tHe LaSt oF uS 2 sO sJWs anD fEmiNisTs aRe slaNdERinG hiM noW"

Seriously. He needs to be deplatformed here.
if Joe continues to get a platform here I'm out. but after open season was declared on Tara Reade here because it was unclear how she got into law school (something which has nothing to do with her allegations against Biden) it wouldn't shock me
Dec 2, 2017
I'm always glad to see the accounts who are years older with less than a thousand posts pop up to defend their garbage YouTube people in these threads, makes an ignore list easy,

can we deplatform his content here?