
Nov 11, 2019
A month into the current season and it's shaping up better than I initially thought it would. My current favorites are Yatagarasu, Wind Breaker and Dungeon Meshi. Yatagarasu has nice messy political drama and Wind Breaker is surprisingly endearing and this week's episode had some fun fighting choreo thanks to Suou. Dungeon Meshi is receiving the great adaptation it deserve.

Tonari no Youkai is a nice fix until Natsume Yuujinchou saves anime this fall. Had to drop the baseball show after an ep unfortunately.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
yuru camp s3e5
we have bagworm mountain kumiko, repeat, we have bagworm mountain kumiko. everything they made looks delicious, i want to try to make the beef stew, it looks pretty easy

holo life 5 (spicy wolf 5)
this passed surprisingly quickly for being an episode mostly about talking, escaping while everybody else does most of the work, then talking some more. ear dance cute. holo cute. not sure what's up with village merchant but taunting your village's god seems like a bad idea even if they're depowered. i really like the 'duel' with the merchant house's factor


Oct 25, 2017
So I have been incentivized by a girlfriend to check out Dungeon Meshi. Is the anime going to be a full adaptation?
With it's current popularity, it seems inevitable. But I'm pretty sure the current season has no chance of reaching the ending.

But as someone who hasn't read the manga, I'm satisfied so far. Plus it's way more of a deep & relationship driven story than it initially seems on the outset. So the season ending before reaching the ending should still work in that context.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
But as someone who hasn't read the manga, I'm satisfied so far. Plus it's way more of a deep & relationship driven story than it initially seems on the outset. So the season ending before reaching the ending should still work in that context.

My only question is where precisely, but I guess we won't have too long to wait


Nov 16, 2017
Astro Note

Gintama 213
Nice to see Shinpachi and Kagura handle big bosses on their own.
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Choo-choo Train 06
Jesus, Shizuru, what she said to Yoka was terrible. I'd run away from her too, tf. Brooo, what is her deal this episode??
"Why am I so stupid?" Yes, thank you for understanding lol.

A bit frustrating this ep. At least Nadeko was using her brains. Took long enough for zombies to appear.

Tonari no Yokai-san 05
Okay, so now there's a multiverse plot... huh... wtf.
Wasn't expecting this series to be the most unpredictable one this season. The ending scene was lovely.

TP Bon 04-05
Switched to English and Buyoyon is MUCH more tolerable. Sorry, Mamoru. Hopefully episode 4 is the last of Bon being a such BONehead when it comes to time stuff but I doubt it.

Episode 5 was really hard to watch, man :/
This is wayyyy darker than I expected.

Super Cub 01
A little more depressing than I was expecting but still pretty chill. I looooved the detail of everything becoming more vibrant when she got on the scooter.

Her little smile whenever she sees her new scooter 🥺
Koukyuu no Karasu episodes 1 to 4

For everyone suffering from a lack of Maomao and Jinshi just go watch this

so far, wholesome AF

Amazing animation too



I want to second this. I compared the two shows myself, when I started watching Maomao.
Would be great, if there will ever be a second season.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting 7-12 END
It gets better in the last few episodes thanks to the introduction of some badly needed personal conflict, but the fundamental problems remain for the most part. I've seen shows that deliver what I wanted from this better, and if I'M saying that as someone who's watched, like, twelve anime shows total, that's a problem.


Nov 27, 2017
Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting 7-12 END
It gets better in the last few episodes thanks to the introduction of some badly needed personal conflict, but the fundamental problems remain for the most part. I've seen shows that deliver what I wanted from this better, and if I'M saying that as someone who's watched, like, twelve anime shows total, that's a problem.
If you want an interesting watch, check out Muteking: the Dancing Hero


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
yuru camp s3e5
we have bagworm mountain kumiko, repeat, we have bagworm mountain kumiko. everything they made looks delicious, i want to try to make the beef stew, it looks pretty easy

holo life 5 (spicy wolf 5)
this passed surprisingly quickly for being an episode mostly about talking, escaping while everybody else does most of the work, then talking some more. ear dance cute. holo cute. not sure what's up with village merchant but taunting your village's god seems like a bad idea even if they're depowered. i really like the 'duel' with the merchant house's factor
So, the thing is that Holo isn't actually any weaker than she was before. She's just as strong as she's always been. If she wanted to she could easily have solo'd the entire town, but she didn't because then Lawrence loses everything and they can't travel together anymore. The guy is taunting her because scientific advancements mean they don't need her help anymore.

What this show does really well is emotional conflict between it's main characters and uses that as the driving force behind each story arc. The stories, while also using trading and economics to create a conflict for the narrative, are largely about Lawrence and Holo learning to come to terms with each other and balance the needs and desires of the other person against their own. Once the pair find success in their personal issues and start to work towards a common goal, the other conflicts tend to be resolved in short order due to the absurdity of their combined intelligence.


Oct 26, 2017
Apparently I was dodging Eupho recaps so hard, I missed the actual content. Yay.

Tatami Time Machine Blues 1-4

Maybe it's my bara tinted glasses but it feels like this lost 90% of visual prowess of its hallowed predecessor and 75 % of its wit.

I was going to complain about clear continuity issues and betrayal of the ending of first series but apparently it's not even a sequel so I'm not allowed to do that. But with this being a weird ass spin-off I think issues remains. Just, why ? It's a weird redo that rehashes characters, breaks character dynamics, progression. For now, I don't see why they needed to reuse this cast.

Mekakucity Actors 1-4


Ahh yes. Yes Shaft, scratch me just there, just like that.

I remember this being an infamous production disaster back in the day and I think while traces of this still show in some simplistic bgs, layouts or animation, most seems to have been cleaned up. Funky art still in spots still though.

Not much to say about the story other than that following different character and their own story doesn't make for much momentum. The dreamesque intros, outros, cryptic visions that the more overarching story and mystery is build upon feels like bait specifically made for me and I'll gladly hook myself on it. Line and sinker included.

I don't mind Shaft at their most abstract, reducing towns to ghost ... towns, crowds to cardboards if even that. But this approach just backfires when you're still trying to do scenes, action that imply more than minimal contact with those crowds and real world that you're so intent on minimizing. The climax of first ep being such scene on top of being done with minimal effort is just funny. And sad.

Kannagi 01

youtube recs, don't fail me now.

Alien 9 01

Get in the head wearing, back licking, body snatching, alien frog Shinji.


Oct 25, 2017
Mission: Yozakura Family 5
I continue to be impressed by how they're mixing and matching manga chapters to tell a cohesive story, though you can still see the seams. Also, they succeeded at selling Taiyo and Mutsumi as a couple.

Curious to see how they handle the girl being introduced next episode. Manga: She sticks around but largely stops doing anything of note, so I wonder if they'll have her do more.


Oct 25, 2017
Spice & Wolf 6

This stiff animation is really letting this story and OST down. While just hearing the two banter is entertaining enough, it really falls flat when it comes to action or anything dynamic.

wolf holo is sooo floofy
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Nov 27, 2017
Tiger Mask W 22
When you see a gag coming from the start but it's such a classic you can't help but be amused. Fukuwara's gamble got the people rolls out just barely XD. Complete with cameo wrestlers *dishing* it out. Still love that he's the only other member of their old gym that amounted to anything
Also obviously time for Haruna to stop playing around at it and actually do wrestling XD


Feb 4, 2020
Jellyfish - 5
I kinda gave up on this being yuri after the first few episodes looking like they were going for more of a cute girls doing band thing direction but now that they're doing this, I'd be super pissed if the back pedal and turn it into a bait.
Aquarium date, kiss, the lyrics of their songs (canonically written by Kano) are mostly about Yoru and this song even ends with "this is the night (Yoru) that I love". Well, the show has been pretty casual about saying "I love you" so I hope they add more weight to the word going forward.

We also get end card by Fly, who's done quite a few yuri manga. Granted, the writer of this show is the author of Tomozaki-kun which Fly was the illustrator of so maybe this doesn't really mean anything.

Anyway, great episode. Yoru writing her online name to on the Jellyfish mural was cool but probably pretty dangerous. You can still kinda make out her real name there and it's probably not that hard to dig around to find out who did that Mural. Doxxing arc next?


Feb 4, 2020
Please, Yuuki Yaku, keep Mei's feelings at the obsessive fangirl level. Don't make this too complicated.
We already got Kiui and Mei's hand holding last episode so just pair them up instead.


Oct 25, 2017
Train to the End of the World 1-6
Man there hasn't been a good absurd adventure original anime like this in the last five years or so.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Train to the End of the World 6
I feel like Nadeko is the odd character out in this show, but I guess we get a little more about her here. This one flew by, but that might be as much to do with the feeling that nothing much has happened yet.

Spice and Wolf 6
So much for traveling light with those peppers, huh Lawrence.


Nov 16, 2017
Grandpa and Grandma
This arc is still in the process of being translated so the ending was a nice surprise for me.


Feb 4, 2020
Blue Archive - 5
I didn't think about this when I was reading this part in the game but seeing it in the anime form made me realized that this is basically that Euphie scene from Code Geass in but in a smaller scale (and actually play to how dumb it is).

Also, this is a bit late since it's been out for a few weeks but BA's ED is probably my favorite this season.
The vibe is just impeccable.



Oct 25, 2017
Pretty bummed by how off-model latest spice wolf was. Animation is getting worse with each episode. This whole project feels like its supposed to sell high margin merch by the publisher with how much stuff they had ready to promo with the start of the anime on top of making a vtuber Holo to shill it.

I hope they just planned things out so the animation picks up on the volumes that the original anime didn't cover.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Raven of the Inner Palace 1-2
First impression is that it's at least in the same race as Apoc Diaries if not really quite at its quality level. Obviously there's the Chinese court drama influence stuff but I think the relative social position stuff, the mysticism et al lend it a different air here too. Frankly I'm not sure I like that the main character has a bunch of magic powers at her disposable but at least it seems like it's just a set of tools in her kit as opposed to an instant-win button. The other thing is this moves much faster than Apoc Diaries - I thought the Dowager Empress's plot would be like a season-spanning conspiracy but instead they wrap it up in 5 min at the end of the episode. I'm not entirely against it but it doesn't seem as 'neat' as Apoc Diaries.

However the two main leads are very interesting and that's the main part I'm here for, so I think we're going to keep at this one.
Jan 11, 2018
I think the omegaverse stuff turned a lot of people off.

It really shouldn't. Speaking as someone who has zero interest in exploring the omegaverse further outside of this, I've watched the first five episodes and despite the omegaverse connection, it's got less icky tropes than the majority of all BL anime I've seen. There is no deep dive into the specifics of omegaverse lore. It's mostly used as a framing device to explain the othering of people in a world where same-sex couples aren't being discriminated against for being the same sex. 99% of the time the show is about the main couple being good parents and well, a cute couple. And of course the kids are utterly adorable.

TLDR don't judge a book by its cover would be a good way to put it.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Cheat Isekai 05
I loved the tonal whiplash from the standard isekai intro to the cutesy OP lol. Wasn't expecting the princess to drop the hero immediately, good on her.

Flio being a merchant means this is just Isekai Spice and Wolf. Noooo, that ending, this was supposed to be chill! The tonal whiplash from the end of the ep to the ED sequence kinda hurt tho lol. I feel like the next episode preview just spoiled everything.

Spice & Wolf 06
Sewer level. I knew it was a bad idea to reveal Holo's name.

Crazy episode, my goodness. Fantastic music too.

TP Bon 06-07
Literally the first rule Ream tells Bon: hey don't interact with the targets so we don't risk a time paradox
Bon every single episode: I'm gonna interact with the targets.
Tho I did love the way they canonized the fairytale parts of Journey to the West, that was clever.

Episode 7 is Ancient Greece yasssss. Bon and Ream die nooooo. One thing this series is really good at is its use of the "bookends" trope. It feels like a Saturday morning cartoon, a violent and dark Saturday morning cartoon.

Super Cub 02
Lmaoo, they got me with that imagine spot. I legit thought her class was happy for her. At least she found one friend.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
for whatever reason i decided to rewatch some welcome to the nhk and boy it hits a lot different in 2024.


May 9, 2018
The person who recommended me Dungeon Meshi after I said I enjoyed Sousou no Frieren and was craving for more classic fantasy series akin to Slayers, thank you.

I've actually read a few chapters of the manga way back when it started (covered the first few episodes) and kind of forgot about it. I'm liking it a lot, looks like they've kept Marcille changing hairstyles every so often.

I've also watched Jujutsu Kaisen after seeing everyone rave about it but it's really not for me, was kind of getting the same feelings I had when I dropped Anime some years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
I remember this being an infamous production disaster back in the day and I think while traces of this still show in some simplistic bgs, layouts or animation, most seems to have been cleaned up. Funky art still in spots still though.
Randomly remembering the horrible CG scene that was in like Episode 10 which was replaced with a beautiful 2D scene for Blu Ray, the difference was insane even compared to usual SHAFT BD touch ups, i don't know what they were thinking with the original scene

Tatami Time Machine Blues 1-4

Maybe it's my bara tinted glasses but it feels like this lost 90% of visual prowess of its hallowed predecessor and 75 % of its wit.

I was going to complain about clear continuity issues and betrayal of the ending of first series but apparently it's not even a sequel so I'm not allowed to do that. But with this being a weird ass spin-off I think issues remains. Just, why ? It's a weird redo that rehashes characters, breaks character dynamics, progression. For now, I don't see why they needed to reuse this cast.
What really killed this show for me was that it was essentially a parody for a 2005 Japanese live action movie called SummerTime Machine Blues, if you watched that you will know the plot of this anime, with characters basically acting that movie out, what's even the point i dunno

At least the last episode is standalone and is more inline with the original Tatami Galaxy which i enjoyed a lot more


Oct 27, 2017
I've Got Level 2 Cheat Powers, Bitch! episode 5

It looks like Flio is going to go HAM on that Djinn next episode with his fists. Poor Rys.

The Banished Hero Lives As He Damn Well Pleases episode 7

"Oh no! Sand Wolves. Whatever what will we do?"
*MC easily dispatches the sand wolves*
"Oh, right, we forgot who we're traveling with."
How the hell are those girls bouncing on that sofa? That shouldn't be possible. Is it actually a trampoline?


Oct 28, 2017
My partner and I finally checked out Apothecary Diaries after I kept hearing about it in the Frieren thread and across other internet places.

Really enjoyed the first half. The blending of the mystery of the week into the overall plot was great and they did a good job building a great, diverse side cast. My partner has a strong aversion to Holmes-type protagonists but the show was strong enough to overcome that for her. Ep 12 finished and I thought it was a strong enough ending for the series as a whole.

Then the second half. I think by ep 17 or 18 we looked at each other and said "this isn't very good anymore is it". They nuked nearly the entire cast they developed to attempt to have Maomao/Jinshi carry the entire show on their own, which doesn't work. Maomao being oblivious to Jinshi's true identity just doesn't work either. None of the characters introduced in the side plots have any character development or relevance outside of letting Maomao do her thing. Lakan is a snoozefest compared to the Garden Party mystery.

Not quite done yet (ep22) but not really optimistic about the ending. Also the second op suckssss compared to the first. I think this will be a "just pretend the first half is all there is" recommendation for me.


Nov 16, 2017
My partner and I finally checked out Apothecary Diaries after I kept hearing about it in the Frieren thread and across other internet places.

Really enjoyed the first half. The blending of the mystery of the week into the overall plot was great and they did a good job building a great, diverse side cast. My partner has a strong aversion to Holmes-type protagonists but the show was strong enough to overcome that for her. Ep 12 finished and I thought it was a strong enough ending for the series as a whole.

Then the second half. I think by ep 17 or 18 we looked at each other and said "this isn't very good anymore is it". They nuked nearly the entire cast they developed to attempt to have Maomao/Jinshi carry the entire show on their own, which doesn't work. Maomao being oblivious to Jinshi's true identity just doesn't work either. None of the characters introduced in the side plots have any character development or relevance outside of letting Maomao do her thing. Lakan is a snoozefest compared to the Garden Party mystery.

Not quite done yet (ep22) but not really optimistic about the ending. Also the second op suckssss compared to the first. I think this will be a "just pretend the first half is all there is" recommendation for me.
Probably finish the season first then see how you feel.