
Oct 31, 2017
yea this game looks really good especially the combat and exploration. Hopefully the story will be good as well


Oct 28, 2017
waiting for the youtube link. My hype is really high now, started with the alpha...


Oct 25, 2017
Wonder if the map is mostly empty green jungle + underwater sections or if there's good variety. Worried it's a "fly here and kill X" that ends up being route cycling for loot in free play. Like The Division PvE boss routes but less variation in play spaces.

This video does have a few cool areas but it's tough to tell as a whole.


Oct 29, 2017
Enemy variety does not seem like it's going to be a problem with this game. With character build variety looking similarly nice and the game controlling like a dream it really seems like it's gonna be special. Open world looks like it's got a decent amount of stuff going on outside of story missions. The list of unknowns that could turn out disappointing seems to shrink every time they show the game, and it's making me antsy for the end of the month.


Jan 19, 2018
Wonder if the map is mostly empty green jungle + underwater sections or if there's good variety. Worried it's a "fly here and kill X" that ends up being route cycling for loot in free play. Like The Division PvE boss routes but less variation in play spaces.

This video does have a few cool areas but it's tough to tell as a whole.

I prefer they build something really solid and tight and add on top of it over time than putting stuff out just for quantity sake.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there anything out there that is similar to this?, I can only think of mass effect with the suits and gunplay plus the abilities.


Oct 30, 2018
I've been eyeing this game since it was first announced, despite the general skeptcism. Really getting Xenoblade X vibes.


Sep 2, 2018
I know it's alpha and this is something small but I hope they do more with enemy despawns once killed, they just vanish.


Nov 3, 2018
Hopefully they work some of their SP charm in there with great lore and characters. Otherwise I'll stick with Warframe


Oct 25, 2017
This actually looks pretty damn good! The only thing I didn't like was some of those enemies looked like completely pushovers. Especially at the beginning where he was just killing them from a distance. This looks like what I wanted Destiny to be so badly. If this has a solid story I think I am sold.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
These are the components I'm most interested in. This looks really promising. But the question will be - how does it hold up after 50+ hours. The story with GaaS entries has been recycled content. Hopefully Anthem can keep things interesting.


Oct 28, 2017
Please, let it have enough depth....

Yes... everything looks amazing, but im afraid that they will make the same mistake destiny/division did with their endgame stuff at launch. The base looks rock solid tho but if they dont have good amount and varied endgame content than its game over. People are moving on so damn fast nowadays from game to game and Anthem already starting with a handicap because of EA and the andromeda fiasco.


Oct 26, 2017
Still worried about the world being too big for its own good, but this looks pretty solid otherwise. cruise through it like crazy with the suits lol. Had to kind of make it big with how fast traversal is.

Skies the limit though.......literally. Future content could have floating cities, invading ships and even more. It's not like we have to be stuck to this one planet either.

There is so much potential for anthem.........actual iron man sky battles against invading ships hhhnnnnnnnnngggggg.

Don't let me down bungie.......this game screams PvE godliness with the world you setup
I have been loving everything I have seen from Anthem, including the closed alpha. This video really made me stop and pause though. After a few of the livestreams and this preview, I have been noticing the wildlife in Anthem is just there for merciless killing. That seems pretty thoughtless, especially in today's age of game design where world building involves considering ecosystem and you don't just kill anything that moves, just like a real living world. Games like RDR2 have done a great job of building an immersive world to play in but also make you think about what you are killing/if it is even worth killing. Things in Anthem seem like old school game design of "oh that moves, shoot it and harvest". I feel like the designers should be more thoughtful than that?


Oct 25, 2017
*Wails on an enemy that remains stationary and uses AoE attacks*

"The Lesser Ash Titan was one of the most mechanically distinct enemies I came across in my time with Anthem".

It seems like the large enemies struggle to keep up with multiple players and their mobility.


Oct 27, 2017


Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
As someone who is hyped for this game, I found that footage unimpressive and the combat with some of those enemies rather dull. I don't think there was a single moment where something posed as a threat to the players.

Was hoping these bosses would prove different but they seem just as helpless.


Oct 25, 2017
Character control just looks damn fun. I do wish enemies in these sorts of games were more of a challenge mechanically though. Nothing ever seems like its takes much skill to avoid. That could just be a symptom of the character's mobility but I think devs could design enemies with this mind. Mostly stationary bullet sponges with 1 or 2 "dangerous" attacks that are rarely a threat to hit get boring fast, imo.

EDIT: Seems like i'm not the only one with this opinion.


Oct 28, 2017
As someone who is hyped for this game, I found that footage unimpressive and the combat with some of those enemies rather dull. I don't think there was a single moment where something posed as a threat to the players.
Are people just not familiar with gameplay videos from major/mainstream outlets? This is most definitely normal or lower difficulty when there are at least 3 more higher difficulty levels? But also, free roam content is usually not the most difficult content in any game (but I don't doubt there isn't somewhat challenging world events).