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Oct 26, 2017
Gonna be going to hard summer probs. Never rolled before. I take SSRI's for some stuff I gotta deal with lol. Based off what I read MDMA is the safest drug (as long as its pure), but if you take SSRI's you probs wont get the up but will have the down. I don't mind trying it if that's the only effect cuz Im pretty self aware. My main concern is if this stuff makes you dumb. I'm an EE grad student doin crazy research so I need my noodle to not get permanent damage. I do have a lot of experience with the giggle bush tho. I only plan on trying it this once. Lemme hear your experiences.

giggle bush is weed for those outta the loop.


Oct 25, 2017


Nov 2, 2017
Also holy shit do NOT roll if you're on SSRIs. You want to be at least three months off SSRIs before trying MDMA. It can overload your brain and cause serious damage. At least that's what I've heard.



Oct 26, 2017
I've never heard of the SSRI/Ecstacy conflict myself, but as for the safest drug? I really can't say. My experiences with it are fucking amazing though. I've never become catatonic on it, but the sensations and the energy you get are through the roof. As for the stupidity part, I've always been pretty dumb so I can't comment. But once probably won't kill you, just stay hydrated and enjoy the experience.

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
Gonna be going to hard summer probs. Never rolled before. I take SSRI's for some stuff I gotta deal with lol. Based off what I read MDMA is the safest drug (as long as its pure), but if you take SSRI's you probs wont get the up but will have the down. I don't mind trying it if that's the only effect cuz Im pretty self aware. My main concern is if this stuff makes you dumb. I'm an EE grad student doin crazy research so I need my noodle to not get permanent damage. I do have a lot of experience with the giggle bush tho. I only plan on trying it this once. Lemme hear your experiences.

giggle bush is weed for those outta the loop.

MDMA is NOT the safest drug, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I did ecstasy several times back at the end of high school, but it's been years since I touched it. A decade or so.

I won't lie and say I didn't like it, but that was also part of the reason why I stopped.


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
Do not combine MDMA and SSRI. I think you should do more research before embarking on this journey, friendo.

I'm coming up on a 6 month break from MDMA. "Going hard" on this drug, especially if you take SSRIs and haver other issues, is not a good idea. Do some research and reading if you want to do drugs responsibly. They are wonderfully mind expanding, but you MUST be informed and use them responsibly.


Oct 28, 2017
MDMA? The safest drug? Sure you aren't confusing that with "giggle bush"?

ham bone

Alt account
Apr 12, 2018
Also holy shit do NOT roll if you're on SSRIs. You want to be at least three months off SSRIs before trying MDMA. It can overload your brain and cause serious damage. At least that's what I've heard.


That link actually says it's MAOI drugs and not SSRI drugs that you should not mix. This link on the other hand says that SSRI's and MDMA may not be worth it because you don't experience the high.

Every now and again I have a little dabble, but nine times out of ten it doesn't really work."

So they effectively cancel each other out, but does combining the two put you at any real risk?

Dr Newcombe says "not particularly", but that it would make the MDMA "less buzzy". Dr Ben Sessa, a psychologist who carries out psychopharmacology research, agrees. "The general rule is don't combine SSRIs with MDMA," he says, adding that, firstly, we don't know everything we need to know about this drug interaction; and secondly, reactions can be highly idiosyncratic and difficult to predict.

Sounds like you would be wasting money.


Oct 25, 2017
Also holy shit do NOT roll if you're on SSRIs. You want to be at least three months off SSRIs before trying MDMA. It can overload your brain and cause serious damage. At least that's what I've heard.


From the site you linked:

"SSRIs like Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft are not reported to interact dangerously with MDMA, though MDMA might make SSRIs less effective and SSRIs may make MDMA less effective"

Deleted member 29195

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
Do not combine SSRIs with MDMA. Do not stop taking your SSRIs so you can take MDMA. This has nothing to do with me considering MDMA to be bad, or questioning you because of it's legality.

It is legitimately a horrible idea to combine the two of these because their interactions are not fully understood. Serotonin syndrome, while a small possibility, is not a joke. Increasing your risk doesn't seem worth it. Please reconsider.


Oct 28, 2017
Still pissed about this bum ass mdma I got a few months ago. Hadn't touched it in a year ;(


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Only at the odd concert. Just don't overdo it and stay super hydrated.


Oct 30, 2017
Also holy shit do NOT roll if you're on SSRIs. You want to be at least three months off SSRIs before trying MDMA. It can overload your brain and cause serious damage. At least that's what I've heard.

That website doesn't say anything about SSRI interaction? Regardless, OP, do not even think about taking multiple drugs without doing your research on possible interactions. Even anecdotal accounts can be helpful just so you get a feel for what is in the realm of possibilities in terms of multiple-drug side effects.

Chance Hale

Oct 26, 2017
People love to hysterically get their antidepressants types mixed up with very old and little used ones.

It just won't work very well, or at all, and it's not something you can stop your SSRIs for a day for and then roll, takes a good few weeks. You can try it, maybe you'll be lucky and feel some or most of the roll but likely not and just don't stop your working treatment to do so.

But you won't die or be in any danger.


Oct 25, 2017
Based on your sentence structure I think you've already damaged your noodle.

May as well go too hard.

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
From the site you linked:

"SSRIs like Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft are not reported to interact dangerously with MDMA, though MDMA might make SSRIs less effective and SSRIs may make MDMA less effective"

The site is called rolling and probably isn't at all scientific. Don't risk it.


Nov 2, 2017
Yeah, apologies for mixing up SSRIs and MAOIs. Still, I work in harm reduction for music festivals, and a cardinal rule is DON'T MIX! Don't mix with alcohol, don't mix with weed, and certainly don't mix with medication. You never know when you're on other meds; better to be safe than sorry.


Oct 25, 2017


Nov 6, 2017
Don't be taking SSRI's for at least 7 days before you roll.

MDMA is great but can be over done.

Don't roll every weekend lol
Yeah, apologies for mixing up SSRIs and MAOIs. Still, I work in harm reduction for music festivals, and a cardinal rule is DON'T MIX! Don't mix with alcohol, don't mix with weed, and certainly don't mix with medication. You never know when you're on other meds; better to be safe than sorry.

Thats crazy. Weed on MDMA is the shiznit.

edit: unless you mean don't mix with meds. Then I 110% agree.

If you are on meds, skip it all. Your brain is more important.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, apologies for mixing up SSRIs and MAOIs. Still, I work in harm reduction for music festivals, and a cardinal rule is DON'T MIX! Don't mix with alcohol, don't mix with weed, and certainly don't mix with medication. You never know when you're on other meds; better to be safe than sorry.

Every time I took ecstasy in the 90's I mixed it with all 3, and usually some acid too.



Oct 30, 2017
I wouldn't bother if your current drugs are effective. Yeah it's a great high for one night but not really worth it with your current situation. You'd have to take at least a couple of months off the SSRIs to get any effects with MDMA and when you start back up again on the SSRIs it will take a while for them to get going again.

I would put this idea on hold tbh.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, if you are taking SSRI, I wouldn't fuck with that. I did a whole lot of ecstasy back in the late 90's when the rave thing was going on, and the depression that hit me after I stopped was no joke (I'm talking years). I think your mental well being is worth more than rolling, but be careful if you choose to try it. Don't do it too much. It can fuck you up. It's not really that safe.

Soony Xbone Uhh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Don't do drugs.
Even Kokain is saver than MDMA.

Make sure to get clean MDMA.
Take just a half pill.
Get someone to watch you and force you to drink.
Get a binky.

Oh and don't do it. I was fucked up for over a week. As always with drugs it's a gamble.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
And on that bombshell....

Seriously though, come on guys. Let's not talk illegal drugs, ok?
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