Which language track do you generally prefer in Japanese games?

  • Original Japanese

    Votes: 646 48.2%
  • English Dub

    Votes: 695 51.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I've felt this way for a long time, and I don't think my opinion has changed at all even in recent years. To me, whenever a Japanese-developed game offers dual audio with the option to choose either original Japanese spoken dialog or an English language track it's always 100% clear-cut that the JP audio is preferable. Now, I do understand that the "subbed vs dubbed" debate has raged on for decades within the realm of anime discussion, and full disclosure I feel the same when it comes to watching Japanese films/TV series as well.

It's just... no matter how good people insist that a particular game's English dub is, it always sounds pretty bad to me. Like 100% of the time. Nearly every single Japanese-developed game that I can think of that offers dual language tracks features the same kind of detached, awkward budget anime-style voice acting that just takes me out of every scene. The voices often don't align that closely with how the character looks. They also don't tend to sound as skillfully mixed into the game's audio as the JP track, with voices sounding like they're in a recording studio rather than using processing to blend them into the game's aural landscape. And then when you have English voice actors using honorifics or other language quirks that sound fine in Japanese but odd in English it just brings things down another notch for me.

I don't meant to disparage the voice actors who worked on this, but it sounds drastically inferior to the game's excellent JP audio.

I got to thinking about this after seeing countless people in the OT for 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim praise its English dub while also acknowledging the quality of the original JP voice acting as well. But honestly... I think it sounds SOOOOOOOOO much worse in English. 13 Sentinels was one of the best games I've played in years, and it physically pains me to know that a good number of people are experiencing it dubbed. It's such a dialog-heavy game with rather nuanced character writing/acting, and every scene I've watched in English just completely falls flat compared to the original audio for me.

Ah, much better.

I don't mean to insist that my opinion is superior to those who prefer dubbed English tracks in Japanese games that offer both options, so please don't read this OP as some kind of attempt to force my preference on others. I'm just genuinely curious to know how people feel about this subject. Do you relate to my stance on the matter? If not, could you explain to me why you prefer English dubs when they often exhibit the shortcomings that I feel they do? Is it just a matter of not wanting to have to read subtitles?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
no, english dub in 13 sentinels is fantastic


Dec 10, 2018
Mostly I prefer the Japanese dubs, but with Vanquish I preferred the English dub since it added to the Hollywood over-the-top action film feel.


Sep 29, 2018
This isn't the 90s anymore. Dubs are pretty much profoundly well produced nowadays. I enjoyed games like Judgment with the dub way more and will be enjoying Yakuza: Like a Dragon the same way.


Sep 9, 2020
Isn't this always the case for any localization work?
We'll always be comparing a performance to dubbing. It'll never be the same.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I prefer dubs because subs don't usually sound as natural when you actually read them out loud ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Mar 8, 2018
Yep, pretty much. Although watching let's plays after some initial playthroughs, I'm exposed to some dubs a lot more than I normally would be, and some are good. However, I'll still always choose original audio. Couldn't imagine playing through Yakuza 7, for example, with the upcoming dub. There are a few examples where even if there were options, like RE and KH series, I'd go with the English because they were there from the start and the original audio wasn't available, and it's what I'm used to in those particular series. It's the same with movies. Just will never watch a dub.


Oct 26, 2017
It depends. I can speak Japanese, and usually I choose JP voiceovers, but I still play some Japanese games using English voices when they're high quality.

Resident Evil and Final Fantasy for example.

Deleted member 16908

Oct 27, 2017
Persona 4 is the only game I love the English dub in.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I do not feel this way, no. There are some incredible English dubs available.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
No. I speak Japanese and can play both, and to me a good dub, like a good localisation, is always preferable.

Isn't this always the case for any localization work?
We'll always be comparing a performance to dubbing. It'll never be the same.
Unless one version is using facial motion capture, both versions are a performance.


Jan 19, 2018
95 percent of the time I agree. FFXII and FFXIV are exceptions for me but I'm a sucker for ye olde English accents


Oct 25, 2017
No, I love dubs. Given that I don't speak Japanese, that also means a lot of nuance is lost and cultural association is also gone. Not that I also don't enjoy and love subs because duh.

But Snatcher, Bravely Default, Xenoblade, tons of dubs that I absolutely adore.


Oct 25, 2017
it depends on the game. i cant imagine playing yakuza in english but i prefer atlus games in english because the dubs are great.
Sep 14, 2019
Sometimes I like to listen to the Japanese dub because it sounds less corny than the English dub since I don't understand the language.

it depends on the game. i cant imagine playing yakuza in english but i prefer atlus games in english because the dubs are great.

I did love the English voice acting for Shin Megami Tensei IV.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes. Original Language is the best in most media. We always watch media in the original language. Metro is better in Russia than in English as well.

There are exceptions to that rule though. For example I loved the German dub for Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 because it featured a lot of original German voices or at least voices that were very close to the original German dubs of the Disney characters.


Jun 19, 2018
That's expected from a game's original language, I doubt it's the case in western games with Japanese dubs.


Oct 27, 2017
Dubs have come such a far way and I feel like the "subs > dubs forever" mentality is really outdated. It's okay to have a preference, heck I tend to prefer subs myself, but dubs are sometimes EXTREMLY good now. See modern RGG Studio games.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Not 100% of the time no. There are times when the Japanese dub is absolutely the way I'd go like for instance with Yakuza 7 having EN and JP dubs but I don't default to using the JP audio all the time .


Oct 25, 2017
No, it always depends. Plus the meaning of the spoken Japanese is always a bit different than the subtitles (Which match the English script). So if you know even a bit of Japanese it really can fuck with you.

There's plenty of great dubs out there now. Especially when we are talking about the very high profile AAA releases.


Jul 28, 2019
New Jersey
No. There are some bad Japanese voice performances, just like there are good ones. Likewise, there are some incredibly good dubs, just like there are bad ones. I find it's best to treat things case by case, and for games, I usually stick with the English dub (though oddly enough, it's typically the opposite for anime).


Nov 7, 2017
I've had the opposite effect. I used to go for the japanese audio but now, a japanese game not having an english dub is a negative for me.

Favio Bolo

Aug 17, 2020
it's not a matter of quality, i just play the original
i'm not gonna turn japanese voice acting in GTA but i'm gonna keep it on any japanese game


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't speak Japanese. Most of the time it might as well be ace attorney beepboops or early Zelda grunts for all the difference it makes if I'm not going to have it in a language I understand.


Jun 10, 2020
Why no poll on this thread? Weird that you throw th question with no actual way to measure how much people agree with you or not.

Otherwise, my answer is obviously no. Dubs in general on every language have come a long way thanks to globalization and more expert voice casting for series thanks to the fact that Japanese games have become mainstream.

There's always your weird or awkward dubs like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 where I feel like I'm hearing an Alternate History Wales instead of a cool fantasy world, but those have become the minority in the world of videogames as of late.


Oct 28, 2017
This isn't the 90s anymore. Dubs are pretty much profoundly well produced nowadays. I enjoyed games like Judgment with the dub way more and will be enjoying Yakuza: Like a Dragon the same way.
My main issue with the English is that Yagami and Ichiban's actors sound like they're trying to do their best "sexy bedroom man" voice for the characters, when the Japanese sees Yagami sounding more natural, and Ichiban sounding both lively and energetic, yet rough around the edges (which is clearly what they decided to convey for the character). I also have to agree with OP's assertion that the anime-style English dubs usually sound more like VAs sitting in a recording studio. The exception of this is Persona 5, for obvious reasons (and I really like P5's English dub).

Even having said all that, I still have immense and profound respect for the loc team that handles all these games. They go above and beyond every time, with Like A Dragon seemingly their apex (even karaoke songs in English this time). They're really making sure they accommodate both preferences without creating a "lesser" experience in either one.

Favio Bolo

Aug 17, 2020
I don't speak Japanese. Most of the time it might as well be ace attorney beepboops or early Zelda grunts for all the difference it makes if I'm not going to have it in a language I understand.
wow, that's selling short on voice acting job. sometimes you can tell it's better voice acting even if you don't understand the language
Oct 25, 2017
I am of the idea that subs are always better, but honestly i think there is something completely awful about the way anime is dubbed in america, there is a certain intonation, a certain accent that anime dubs always get that just drive me over the wall.

The fact that some of them mention the japanese honorifics in english is so freaking cringe, i legitimately don't know how this practice started or why does it continue to happen, i just can't.


Oct 31, 2017
At the end of the day sub vs dub is, in my opinion, a subjective preference, and there are games in which the dub is really awkward, but generally nowadays it's really well made. It also depends on the efforts made by the localization.
Personally, I choose the JP audio; and as a rule of thumb, I'll choose whatever the game was originally intended as, whatever language the lip sync is programmed with. The exceptions are when the fact that I have to read subs is more complicated, like when the gameplay intersects with audio conversations or situations like that. Then, I'll change it to english.


Oct 16, 2018
Nope. English dubs over the past 20 years have been steadily increasing in quality and even when they're average, they're still pretty good. Japanese audio takes me out of any immersion I might have had otherwise because 1. I have to read rather than watching the scene, and 2. the disconnect between the sound and what they're saying.

Just like people who speak other languages probably prefer their own language, I prefer mine. And I'm willing to bet that, in many cases, English speakers prefer Japanese audio simply because they can't understand it, even if the original audio is widely known by Japanese audiences as poor quality.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to exclusively play japanese games with subs, but honesty, localizations have come a LONG way and it's getting to the point to where reading substitles while playing the game is too much of a hassle when you have a solid dub available.

If you play Nier Automata without the english dub you're missing a ton of dialogue during boss battles.


Oct 25, 2017
Always Japanese dub when given the option. English dub sounds lifeless to me more often than not, so I don't even bother. Also Japanese honorifics don't seem bad on subs, but on dub they feel out of place.


Oct 28, 2017
Final Fantasy XII is a good example of an english dub being 90% superior to Japanese voices