Which language track do you generally prefer in Japanese games?

  • Original Japanese

    Votes: 646 48.2%
  • English Dub

    Votes: 695 51.8%

  • Total voters


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Unless it's a live-action film, I'll go with dub every time. I totally understand why others would prefer subs, but for me having to read makes it harder to appreciate the animation/gameplay, so I end up missing a lot and have to rewind or rewatch scenes on YouTube.

For some reason seeing a real person speaking makes it easier for me to process the words though so I can manage those subbed just fine.


Oct 27, 2017
I do prefer Japanese voice acting in Japanese games, but the exception is if there's a lot of talking while you're actually playing the game. It can get hard to focus on both actively playing the game (fighting monsters, traversing terrain etc) and reading subtitles at the same time.
Because of this I begrudgingly play some games with the english dub. I'm looking at you Xenoblade and FF XV.
Some games even don't sub all the dialogue (again, looking at you Xenoblade).
It's also annoying when the sub is obviously based on the often more heavily changed voiced dub and not the original japanese dialogue. Ni No Kuni is guilty of this.


Jun 22, 2018
depends, a lot of translations are bad and end up sounding cut/paste in attempt to keep things "authentic" persona 5 is an example of that.

my rule of thumb is that if they keep the honorofics than it's gonna be meh

but then you have stand outs like FFXII and to the lesser extent XV

and the yakuza studio games had great english translations before they even had dubs and judgement was a pretty good dub

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I can't give a fair assessment as to which is superior since I do not understand Japanese. These Japanese VAs could be doing a terrible job with the worst direction or delivery in history and I wouldn't know.


May 17, 2019
I pretty much always pick the Japanese dub if available. There are a few exceptions, though. Not gonna say it's superior. Maybe it is idk but I'm not really in a position to make such a claim. I just prefer it.

One thing that soured me on dubs is that I got overly familiar with some of the standard dub voice actors when I was first getting into anime. Felt like every other anime back in the late 2000's had Greg Ayres or J. Michael Tatum or whoever, and it was just so obvious. Of course Japanese voice actors get used a lot while they're popular too and you'll hear the same voice actors in a lot of thing. Hard not to notice Daisuke Ono or Kana Hanazawa all over the place a few years back. Funny enough by the time I started noticing the Japanese voice actors showing up a bunch I didn't mind it nearly as much, though.

But yeah there are exceptions. I played Xenoblade Chronicles 2 in English and enjoyed it. That game and the first one had good voice acting in English. Probably would've played the game in Japanese but the Japanese voice for Vess scared me off lol.

I'm just happy we can pick far more often than not these days. One of the best things about this gen is that language options became expected in Japanese games. Still wish I could've played a game like Final Fantasy XIII in Japanese.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree. Original voice acting will always be closer to the original intent than the decisions made by localization, however good they may be (and they constantly are!). It's not really about Japanese games, but about getting an experience that's closer to the original. I also don't play English games dubbed in my native language (even when I didn't understand English that well)


Oct 25, 2017
Once upon a time, yes but localization got *a lot* better. Plenty of games nowadays I think the English cast is superior, like Nier Automata.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I can gladly do it for anime, but so far I continue to refuse to do subs for Japanese video games. Even for stuff like Ghost of Tsushima, I'm good

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Like many people on this board I suffer from Anime brain and have successfully tricked myself into believing that the original Japanese voiceover is in 99% of cases better. It could be the most shittastic Hentai-level voice-acting and I probably wouldn't be able to tell. So if the English dub is bad, I will switch to the Japanese one. Ignorance is bliss and all that. That said, there's English dubs that I hold in high esteem like Final Fantasy XII, Nier Automata and Xenoblade Chronicles.


Oct 25, 2017
As with your example of 13 Sentinels, a certain character thrust into what he believes to be foreign territory remarks that the people around him are speaking a weird version of japanese, an aspect of the japanese voice-over that has different dialects that you will completely miss out on in the dub.
To be fair, I'd bet most people who don't know Japanese wouldn't be able to pick out the different dialects in Japanese either.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There are dubs that are so good you don't really need to worry about which is better because you'll get a solid experience either ways. Just recently 13 sentinels had a very solid English dub.
While dubs aren't always as terrible as they used to be, there are still things that you lose or are awkward in a dub over the original language no matter what.

As with your example of 13 Sentinels, a certain character thrust into what he believes to be foreign territory remarks that the people around him are speaking a weird version of japanese, an aspect of the japanese voice-over that has different dialects that you will completely miss out on in the dub.

And it is also always cringe when a dub uses japanese honorifics.
And people who don't speak Japanese fluently enough and simply watch it with subtitles will miss out on any of these different regional dialects and will have to take the word of mouth from the character which is the exact same deal so the point is moot unless you speak the language and can tell the differences.


The Fallen
Nov 19, 2017
Usually Japanese unless I am already used to the English voices.

Like with Persona 4 Golden on Vita you needed to use the English voices, so on subsequent games even if there was an option for Japanese I would use the dub. Same with Kingdom Hearts series and some others.


May 17, 2018
I don't know Japanese, so I have no way of knowing the quality of their performances. That's the main reason I primarily choose English dubs.

Whenever I choose the Japanese audio track, I often find myself wanting to skip through the vocal performances after reading the subtitles. Just feels kind of pointless to listen to all the audio in a big RPG for example if I'm missing out on the vocal nuances that make those performances actually meaningful.
Oct 25, 2017
Hell no, if I'd played FF7R in Japanese, I would have missed 60% of the in game dialogue with the speed it came at you during gameplay/city areas. Dubs are perfectly fine, with a lot of effort and quality localization these days, and I'd never look down at someone who plays dubs only.


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
No. Especially in fantasy settings like Dragon Quest XI where each region/town you visit has characters speaking with completely different accents.


Nov 20, 2018
Completely disagree with you OP. I've tried to understand this sub>dub mentality and the only thing I can think of is that as non-native speakers, we cannot understand the nuance/delivery/etc. like we can to a dub in our own language. Its easier for us to pick out flaws in the vocal delivery in our own language than we can in a non-native language, so by default the sub sounds "better." We still get stinker dubs (such as, imo, Genshin Impact), but overall the quality has definitely improved over the years.


Mar 31, 2018
I prefer the Japanese subs usually outside of a couple of franchises

edit: thinking a bit more about it in my case it kinda depends on the game and what sticks first between dub or sub


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who is fluent in both languages, absolutely not. There are some games with phenomenal Japanese performances, but the Japanese standard -- especially for tropey games -- is to overact to a ridiculous degree, and it can become very grating. The other end of that is when companies like Level-5 hire famous screen actors to do voice overs and it just falls very flat (see Ni no Kuni). English dubs are generally pretty great these days (and 13 Sentinels is absolutely one of them). The work done by teams like 8-4 and Shloc, in particular, is just fantastic.


Oct 27, 2017
I always try go for the original voice acting regardless of language. Could perhaps be because I'm not a native English speaker. There are exceptions, of course, but dubs of, say, FXII levels of quality are few and far between.

Edit. Ps. the 13 sentinels dub is great! : )
Oct 25, 2017
And people who don't speak Japanese fluently enough and simply watch it with subtitles will miss out on any of these different regional dialects and will have to take the word of mouth from the character which is the exact same deal so the point is moot unless you speak the language and can tell the differences.

Except I don't speak the language but can always notice a Kansai dialect in japanese media so.. ????


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I almost always do dubs. The 13 Sentinels one is really, really good.

Yakuza is one series where I'll stick with subs even with Like A Dragon being dubbed, just due to familiarity with the series. But that's the only exception I can think of.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Completely disagree with you OP. I've tried to understand this sub>dub mentality and the only thing I can think of is that as non-native speakers, we cannot understand the nuance/delivery/etc. like we can to a dub in our own language. Its easier for us to pick out flaws in the vocal delivery in our own language than we can in a non-native language, so by default the sub sounds "better." We still get stinker dubs (such as, imo, Genshin Impact), but overall the quality has definitely improved over the years.
You know the Japanese voice cast is also a Dub? Think about that when people claim sub > dub and then change this game's voice to Japanese.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I always pick the English dub - don't really see the point in picking a language I don't understand.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Another thread where the title question does not match the poll question.


Oct 30, 2017

I mean, it is bizarre hearing english speaker using -kun, -chan, -sama. Dub is for people that cant read.

Language go beyond text. It also encapsulate ideas of behavior in different situations. Crying loudly in japanese give it autenticity(at least on the media). Crying loudly in english sounds histerical.


Oct 25, 2017
For me it depends on what I feel is better. Persona and Trails I pick dub, Atelier and Tales I pick sub. Was surprised by how good the Judge Eyes dub was so I went with dub on my first playthrough.


Nov 3, 2017
Nope. I'm not saying that every English dub is perfect, but well though out localization and good English VO go a loooooong way for me. It's also annoying to have to read the subs for battle chatter during moments of action, but that could just be me.


Oct 27, 2017
My position is that Japanese (as any other foreign) media must be enjoyed as originally intended. I always find that dubs while good, don't always convey the same level of emotion. Not sure how to explain it.
In my case, English is not my native language so I don't care too much for it.


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
It's a cultural thing. Feeding Japanese culture, concepts, and honorifics through the adaptive filter of American voices is just kind of off in so many ways. And America tend to have a monopoly on dubbing of Japanese media (yes, there are sometimes British dubs and I loathe most of them just as much). I wouldn't knock anyone for choosing the dub, but I do feel they haven't necessarily experienced the game as originally envisioned. Localisation's a complicated topic and I get the arguments for trying to create an experience similar to what native speakers enjoy through localisation (see Ace Attorney, etc.), But that's a separate matter.
The JP dub is the one the devs created themselves.
English dubs can still be good tho.
Sub is better because usually the people involved in writing and creating the game also cast the actors.

Not by someone from the localization office on another continent.
This is the main argument I'll make for sub being the option to choose - it's the artist's original intent most of the time. The only English dubs I prefer to the Japanese are Uchikoshi's later games, and I believe the localisation was worked on in tandem, to the point that it's debatable as to which language track can truly be seen as the intended experience. I regard the JP language track as part of the work itself, so I wasn't pleased when Persona 5 almost released without it - I consider that to be removed/cut content. Luckily they managed to license it before release.
I used to exclusively play japanese games with subs, but honesty, localizations have come a LONG way and it's getting to the point to where reading substitles while playing the game is too much of a hassle when you have a solid dub available.

If you play Nier Automata without the english dub you're missing a ton of dialogue during boss battles.
I'll give you that one in a way. Automata was utterly exhausting for me and I need to go back and replay to pick up more of the dialogue. I wouldn't play it any other way though - I heard the dub for the first time the other week and was shocked by now different the tone and characterisation was - it was like a completely different game. The original Nier is similar in this regard.
I never never never ever opt for a Western dub in a Japan-set game unless I have no choice. Just utterly destroys my immersion and/or any authenticity factor.

As a child, I had a traumatic experience with a VHS tape containing an English dub version of John Woo's Hard Boiled, and I'm not talking about the gratuitous amount of gunfights and killing that take place in it. Set me right for the rest of my life. I'm actually proud of the fact that, even as a snot-nosed, grossly immature young teenager, I never had a problem watching anything with subtitles. I devoured foreign movies from a very young age and dubs were never an option.
I come at this from the film backdrop too. Putting aside potential accessibility that a dub can provide, dubbing foreign film into a dominant culture's language (say Cantonese into American English) often feels akin to cultural colonialism, especially with script changes for humour and the like. Yakuza dubbed is very odd for me because you have Japanese actors I'm very familiar with flapping their lips to the voice of some American actor that sounds nothing like them.


Feb 17, 2019
For some reason for games i never really care, especially in japanese games. Sometimes I even prefer the english dub because I'm so used to hearing english voices in japanese games. That slight cringe is a staple for me now.

Not a japanese game but I prefer the english Genshin Impact dub over all the others despite the japanese dub having quite the well known voice actor cast.


Aug 1, 2019
Always. The original voices are how the game was intended to be played with, the exceptions are only some games like Dark Souls and DMC where the english voices are the original intention.

Also you don't need to know fluent japanese to be able to tell bad voice acting from good in japanese. The problem is that a lot of people when it comes to anime voice acting consider "character tropes and voices I don't like" to be bad acting.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
English dubs these days are very rarely worse than the original Japanese unless you really, really can't stand out incorrect lip syncing. There was a time when there was a significant difference in quality but that's largely passed.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah I almost exclusively with dubs these days. Only recent exceptions I can think of are Nioh 2 and Sekiro.


Feb 1, 2018
I used to think that when I was..a teen..

Then I realized I don't speak Japanese so I have no way of judging the quality of JP voice acting.

I also noticed how JP voices are incredibly formulaic and governed by very predictable "voicing stereotypes"..I am saying this purely based on how they emote and sound, because , again, I don't speak the language nor can I be a judge of its quality.

But I would guess that most of it varies in quality once you get past the exoticism. But certain types of squeals ,screams and emoting gets pretty cringey in JP.