
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, never understood this mentality. If a games good , it will make money.

Sure I understand if you want to play it on a handheld , but never understood " support the Devs with multiple copies " attitude.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't really understand buying a game more than once. Unless it's a Remaster or remake with has enhancements like SotC or remastered for a new generation like FFX where it makes sense to just relive the game with modern hardware and looking better.

Other than that I think it's a waste of money and time buying the same game multiple times if it's available on more than one system at the time of purchase and you end up buying more than one version of it from its current availability for no real reason.

I mean so what if the Switch version is portable? Just buy that one then and play it docked when at home? Why buy a pc version or PS4 on top losing your progression between all the versions too? Repeating the same part 3-4 times?

This whole support the developers rule isn't gonna make any difference. If the game sold well it would support them I don't think developers think oh it'll sell well because loads of people will buy our game twice or more. It just doesn't make any difference in the grand scheme of things unfortunately. and you only hear about it occasionally on a forum like this anyway.

Why would you simultaneously play a game three times on different platforms when there are tons of new games out there. Have a hard enough time trying to juggle and decide all these new releases and what you bought from discounts etc let alone just one game three times.

Ain't nobody got time for that.
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Dynamite Cop

Oct 25, 2017
Yep. People are quick to bend over for companies that dont give a shit about their "loyalty".

These unecessary remasters and remakes are all because the average gamer has a problem with growing up and moving on. They love holding onto the comfortably familar past and publishers know it.

And all that Switch port begging has gotten us a shitload of mediocre indie titles that we've already been playing on budget laptops for years.


Oct 27, 2017
Why buy the same game so many times? Especially if the content is usually the same across versions? I feel like that is a waste of money*. Are you planning on resale? Sharing that copy with a friend? You cant play both at the same time. Why?

Anyways, I'm sure you all have your own reasons. I'd like to hear it. Thank you.

Ok imagine there is a game on PC that you love that is announced on the switch 1-2 years later, you can see yourself playing it again as a handheld game so you buy it again.

Or a game that was released on PS3 that you really liked is now being ported to PC with some nice additions like higher resolution, anti-aliasing and 60 fps.

So it's not weird, you are getting a better/different product based on the product you really liked.


Oct 27, 2017
Same reason I had The Matrix on VHS, then DVD, then BluRay, and now 4k UHD BluRay.

Each buy is a little bit sweeter.

Other times it's about convenience or in the case of Switch releases, form factor.

Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
I rarely double dip, and only if I really love a game. So why?
1) if it's on switch, I like the portability,

2) i mostly play Paladins on Switch but it's free on the other consoles, some of my friend don't have switch and there's trophy/achievements added

3) for xbox X, I might dip to play a game in 4k/graphics upgrades

4) Dragons Crown was vita, double dipped for 4k on pro


Nov 7, 2017
Gothenburg, Sweden
Some games and devs i like so much i like to support them more than the initial purchase. I have no shortage of money so i double-dip from time to time. Skyrim is one of those games.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep. People are quick to bend over for companies that dont give a shit about their "loyalty".

These unecessary remasters and remakes are all because the average gamer has a problem with growing up and moving on. They love holding onto the comfortably familar past and publishers know it.

And all that Switch port begging has gotten us a shitload of mediocre indie titles that we've already been playing on budget laptops for years.

These are excellent points.especially the Switch port begging. Sick of it. The store is full of a lot of shovelware.

At the end of the day, unfortunately companies (especially bigger ones) aren't loyal to anyone. they don't give a shit if you buy their game multiple times or not.


Oct 26, 2017
X-dipping is a personal decision driven by one's income, nostalgia, time, commuting circumstances, preferred gaming platform, collectors spirit, etc.

It's so easy to criticize people for doing it but it's their choice. If your circumstances only cater for you to own a game once, don't X-dip.


Oct 27, 2017
We see this so often:


and my favorite:


I feel like I am not understanding. So please help me understand. These people are comfortable with buying the same game twice, thrice, and sometimes even q.... qu....q-

...You get what I mean.

Why buy the same game so many times? Especially if the content is usually the same across versions? I feel like that is a waste of money*. Are you planning on resale? Sharing that copy with a friend? You cant play both at the same time. Why?

Anyways, I'm sure you all have your own reasons. I'd like to hear it. Thank you.

*Why not buy DLC for the game, buy another game, buy another copy of the game and share it with someone who doesn't own the game? And yes, I realize everyone is different and that buying a video game is technically a waste of money anyways. All rights reserved. By reading my post, you agree to buy me a STEAM® game of my choice or gift me $5 to my STEAM®/PSN® accounts. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I've always wanted to type that and I don't know why. I look forward to all of the games. Thanks.

IMO, this is the same phenomenon as Virtual Console and similar services. Some players want to replay what they have already played. Some rather play their old game memories than test new stuff.

For others, they play the game constantly and want it on their current system.


Oct 26, 2017
I agree with the OP. I guess people just straight up have more money to double dip. No shame either way.

I only double dip for my favourite series, Yakuza. Seems like now they're going to come on PC, I'll probably play it on Playstation first, and then play it again at better settings further down the track.

A couple of other double dips -

Dead or Alive 5 - I have this on PS3, Vita and PS4. I purchased the Vita version because it looked graphically amazing and it wasn't all that expensive. But it didn't have enough modes for my liking, so I opted to get PS4 version (Last Round) with all the costumes. I still haven't opened the PS4 version yet, so that was money kind of wasted.

DOAX3 - Had the Vita version, but graphically kind of disappointing so went and bought the PS4 version. Kinda regret the Vita version.

Dragon Quest Builders - Again had the Vita version, but the PS4 version was heavily discounted and so I bought and played that and haven't touched the Vita version.

Aside from that I'll generally go back and play the existing versions of games I do have, there's usually no need to double dip for me. Most of my double dips have come from mistakes.
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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
Because I would like to play the game on my newer console


Oct 27, 2017
If I double dip it's to play with friends on PS4 since PC is my default platform but not many people I know irl play PC. That or cross gen games.


Oct 27, 2017
I do that a few times, usually with games that I just really, really like.
One such example was Shadow Blade. Bought and beat both iOS and Android versions (also the free and chinese versions on Android), bought and beat Reload on iOS and Steam. Also got it on Android, but my device is not supported (I talked to the devs and publisher several times and they didn't want to fix it up sadly, despite my device being marked as compatible) and on PS4 as well, I'm in the process of beating that.
Not sure I'd do the same with a full priced game tho.
I double dipped on Diablo III because the control differences make for a new experience.


Oct 27, 2017
Some games and devs i like so much i like to support them more than the initial purchase. I have no shortage of money so i double-dip from time to time. Skyrim is one of those games.

This is the problem. I just don't understand why you'd buy a game like Skyrim multiple times. Do you really think a massive company like Bethesda will give a crap if you support them by buying multiple copies of Skyrim? It would have made zero difference to them.

Ok so you want portability on Switch. Fair enough. But what about that 100 hour save you might have on pc or PS4? Good luck with spending another hundred hours on Switch while I'm here playing fresh new games instead I guess?

I just don't understand the logic behind it.

Some of the best games I played I couldn't play again just because they are good. I am after fresh games not ones I played already in the past couple of years.

Remasters I don't mind as much if they have decent enhancements or nice upgrades of games from past generations or improved rereleases from when you played when you were a kid. Like I don't mind playing Dark Cloud 2 on ps4 as it was so long ago when I played it on PS2 that it feels like almost a new game again to play again years and years later especially if it looks better and has trophies etc.

It's the ones that are out on current multiple platforms like Skyrim that people buy more than one of I can't understand.
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Time Loop

Feb 2, 2018
Usually I buy multiple versions of a game when I really like it, and probably it won't sell well (double dipped on The Silver Case and The 25th Ward). Or when I find a good discounted collector's edition of a game that I enjoyed.


Oct 26, 2017
This is the problem. I just don't understand why you'd buy a game like Skyrim multiple times. Do you really think a massive company like Bethesda will give a crap if you support them by buying multiple copies of Skyrim? It would have made zero difference to them.

Ok so you want portability on Switch. Fair enough. But what about that 100 hour save you might have on pc or PS4? Good luck with spending another hundred hours on Switch while I'm here playing fresh new games instead I guess?

I just don't understand the logic behind it.

Some of the best games I played I couldn't play again just because they are good. I am after fresh games not ones I played in the past couple of years.

Remasters I don't mind as much if they have enhancements or nice upgrades of games from past generations or improved rereleases from when you played when you were a kid. It's the ones that are out on current multiple platforms that people buy more of I can't understand.

eh? some people are fine playing the same game over and over.

My brother has over 2000 hours on DOTA.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
I'm confused as to why people are confused.

Local wireless multiplayer REQUIRES more than one copy of a given game, so at the very least, multiplayer games for multiple users in one house justify multiple purchases of the same game. Let's not forget that people have kids, friends, and/or roommates who live with them and might need a copy of a given game in order to play with them.

There's also simply the issue of convenience. If I'm already on one system, I may not want to switch systems just to play a specific game, and it would be far more convenient to be able to start playing a game on a system I'm already playing on. Owning the game on multiple systems allows for that kind of convenience.

Then there are system feature differences that effectively render the product offering distinct on per system basis. Portability, performance, control interface, etc. differences all bring something different to the table, and a person who prefers more than one of the aforementioned differences may feel inclined to purchase multiple copies of the game in order to reap the benefit of all of those differences.

Hopefully that clears up why double/triple dipping is a thing, beyond just supporting the developer/publisher making the games.

Deleted member 41178

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
I'll double dip so that I can play with my friends on all platforms, portability is another reason, enhanced features etc.

I double dipped a lot when I picked up the Xbox One X as I wanted to see what the difference was like compared to the Pro. That's stopped now as I but all multi platform games of the X, unless multiplayer or portability is a factor.


Oct 28, 2017
This is the problem. I just don't understand why you'd buy a game like Skyrim multiple times. Do you really think a massive company like Bethesda will give a crap if you support them by buying multiple copies of Skyrim? It would have made zero difference to them.

Ok so you want portability on Switch. Fair enough. But what about that 100 hour save you might have on pc or PS4? Good luck with spending another hundred hours on Switch while I'm here playing fresh new games instead I guess?

I just don't understand the logic behind it.

Some of the best games I played I couldn't play again just because they are good. I am after fresh games not ones I played already in the past couple of years.

Remasters I don't mind as much if they have decent enhancements or nice upgrades of games from past generations or improved rereleases from when you played when you were a kid. Like I don't mind playing Dark Cloud 2 on ps4 as it was so long ago when I played it on PS2 that it feels like almost a new game again to play again years and years later especially if it looks better and has trophies etc.

It's the ones that are out on current multiple platforms like Skyrim that people buy more than one of I can't understand.
I don't play Skyrim, but portability is just a massive factor for me. In an ideal world (for me, lol), all games would be on handhelds. So if some of my current favourite games were to be released on Switch/3DS/Vita/iOS, I'd probably buy them again. I'd love to have portable Tekken 7, Injustice 2, or Street Fighter V, for example.


Jan 5, 2018
England, U.K.
I bought and completed Mass Effect Andromeda on my Xbox One S (on my profile where I have ME, ME2 & ME3 all completed.) When they announced they were dropping all support and there would never be any more single player content I was devastated, and even though I'd done already everything I wanted more. So I went and double dipped and bought a copy for my (then newly purchased) PS4 Pro as an excuse to enjoy it all over again and get the platinum.

I wouldn't typically buy the exact same game on two platforms, I like to play things on my main console and have all the achievements and completions together.

I have also bought lots of remasters but I do count those as a separate game.


Oct 26, 2017
I can understand if it's a remaster. But I'm not about to buy the same game on PS4, X1, Switch and PC


Oct 27, 2017
I double dip if there's a late PC version that I never expected of a game I like to replay a lot. I value owning something on PC higher due to the convenience of backwards compatibility, it feels more accessible then a console game that will eventually be stuck on a system a few gens old.

There's no way I will double dip at close to full price though.


Oct 27, 2017
I double dip because I want to play games on my high end pc... crash and monster hunter are both examples of games that don't release on pc same date. I hate that companies don't value the pc version as much.


Nov 4, 2017
I kind of never understood this myself, I would never pay for a game twice unless it was a remake or a remaster of an old game I couldn't play anymore. But it seems to be a phenomenon people love doing, especially with the switch and its portability.

To each their own, and many have made some excellent points in this thread I never considered. Still for me personally I rather save my money and spend it on something I haven't experienced already.


Oct 27, 2017
To support devs and games you care a about all while getting exposure to the title. (Or bringing the game to a new generation of gamers who haven't played it).

I'd buy Undertale a thousand times over just to show I want another game by Toby.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
For me, it's only if there's an advantage to the newer platform. To give some examples:

Dark Souls 1, I bought again on the PC because the performance & visual quality were drastically better than on the 360/PS3 (Blighttown, ugh).
Diablo 3, I bought on PS4 because it could be played offline unlike the PC version.
If there's a good port to Switch or Vita of a game I love, I'll consider double-dipping for the portability.


Nov 6, 2017
I sometimes double dip if a better version (usually pc) of a game comes out and I can continue my progress. I bought skyrim SE recently to play through skyrim's dlc, for example.


Feb 19, 2018
If you enjoyed a game on platform A and it also releases on B and you feel like it's worth another go on new hardware, that's fine I think. No harm in enjoying software on other (mostly newer and more enjoyable) hardware. Or if a game makes the switch from one way of gaming to another (portable to console and vice versa).

What I don't get is double dipping for something out of principle, like supporting a certain pub/dev by buying their game again on another platform without being all that interested. I'm personally very skeptical whether people shouting all that "time to ...-dip!" really want to play the game or are more or less cheering for that game/dev/pub with their wallet.


Nov 7, 2017
I know a guy who has like...9 xboxs. Literally. Buys tons of themed ones. And hes far from rich.

Also to add to his weirdness, hes a very avid gamer who lives in the boonies with no stable internet available. So he does some kind of combo of leeching off his parents sattelite internet occasionally ( he lives in some shack in his parents backyard essentially. I guess he has to physically move his xbox from his shack to his parents house to even mooch their sattelite internet) and using his phone as a hotspot. But he only has 5gb data on the phone plan.

So to the point he often buys games twice once on disc and once digitally. But he buys them digitally not to download, since he doesnt have broadband, but so he can install them via disc but then play them without the disc in the tray since he owns the digital license. At least thats as best i understand it. Crazy.
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Oct 25, 2017
What's strange about it lol. There's a couple good reasons someone might double dip.

1) Lack of crossplatform support: you might have people you wanna play with on multiple platforms.

2) Convenience: Owning a copy of the game on the console you have setup is more convenient the pulling the old one out of the closet.

3) Better version: Some titles are worth experiencing again with a higher framerate and resolution.

4) Portability: Like other people pointed out, being able to play a game on the go makes Switch versions enticing.


Oct 25, 2017
I've usually only done it with late PC versions in the past. GTA V being one obvious example. Gears of War, Assassin's Creed, Mirror's Edge, Arkham City and Halo: CE for some older examples. I tend to prefer playing games with keyboard and mouse so that's my excuse for having bought them again on PC, with impatience being the excuse for having bought them first on consoles.

Deleted member 1067

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
if I'm being brutally honest a lot of the time its to give myself an excuse to play the game again >.<

The amount of ports I buy these days has drastically dropped tho because I buy almost everything on PC these days. The appeal of a port is drastically lost on me when I can plug a new gpu in and get better perf/gfx for free rather than pay for the privilege to do it.


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
Yes. I'm sure someone else finds it strange too. Not me, though. Certain games are worth more than the asking price, or I love them so much that I feel like it's worth more than that, so I'd be willing to buy it again. Simple as that.


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
My main reasons for double dipping in order are:
1) support the developers I love

2) play a better running version on PC

Also double dipping on a future PC release of a game I really love that came out on console initially is an investment for me, PC gaming's library isn't tied to a specific generation of consoles they carry on forward with you as time and (console) generations go on. Typically a new release of Windows brings with it some compatibility problems but it wasn't a major issue with me this past upgrade.

So in short: supporting devs I like, wanting to play the best version that I can archive and easily access in the future whenever I want to replay it.

Also I double/triple dip most of the time when there's a sale.


Oct 31, 2017
We see this so often:


and my favorite:


I feel like I am not understanding. So please help me understand. These people are comfortable with buying the same game twice, thrice, and sometimes even q.... qu....q-

...You get what I mean.

Why buy the same game so many times? Especially if the content is usually the same across versions? I feel like that is a waste of money*. Are you planning on resale? Sharing that copy with a friend? You cant play both at the same time. Why?

Anyways, I'm sure you all have your own reasons. I'd like to hear it. Thank you.

*Why not buy DLC for the game, buy another game, buy another copy of the game and share it with someone who doesn't own the game? And yes, I realize everyone is different and that buying a video game is technically a waste of money anyways. All rights reserved. By reading my post, you agree to buy me a STEAM® game of my choice or gift me $5 to my STEAM®/PSN® accounts. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I've always wanted to type that and I don't know why. I look forward to all of the games. Thanks.

Because they want to play it on another platform and are willing to pay again.

Especially for Switch it makes sense, you're basically paying so you can also play it portable.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
It's weird and seems confided this forum tbh.

The people who do it seem to like to brag about it as well, they need to tell everyone.

The ones who also say they're buying x amount of copies to "support" the devs are just as strange.

Do you go to the cinema to see a mediocre film repeatedly to support your favourite actor so he/she will get work in the future?

Do you buy 50 copies of the save dvd to support a studio? It's just weird imo.

I remember people on here saying they're buying destiny for PS4 and Xbox. Why the fuck would you buy a super repetitive grindy game on both consoles just to do the same


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I don't tend to do it, with the exception of long delayed PC ports for a 60 FPS upgrade.

However my workplace just burned to the ground (literally) and now I am facing at least a few months of bus rides to and from my new place of work. So I may be doing some Switch double dipping soon.

Deleted member 9971

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I stopped with it okami is the last game i double dip i keep my old games etc anyway and i rather be more responsible with my money nowadays.

Prefer a new experience.


Oct 27, 2017
I just did it with Lego Harry Potter PS4 collection. I played it when it came out on PS3, and replaying the collection on the PS4 now with better res and framerate. I enjoy playing it.

Poison Jam

Nov 6, 2017
I do it occasionally. But pretty much exclusively during steep sales. Unless it's a very enhanced new version where the changes make it worth the price (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe).

Often it's because my original purchase is stuck on a platform I don't actively use. Like a PS3 game ported to PC, or Xbox BC.

It can be to support the developers. I bought Pixeljunk Monsters on several occasions.

And sometimes it's to have a new experience when replaying a game.

For instance, I played through The Witcher 3 on PS4. And I loved it. Then I got a gaming PC, and now I'm replaying it there. It feels like a next-gen remaster, because I moved from 1080p @ 30fps and medium settings, to 1440p @ 60 fps with everything turned up. It's lovely. And I paid less than half the price for the full game with all the DLC.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
I engage on double-dipping behavior on occasion, for things like remakes/remasters or games that I played digitally and loved that have a physical print run sometime after the fact. In the first case I get to experience something with a fresh coat of pain, and in the latter it's really just support for the devs and because I want to have something to place on a shelf (especially if the physical edition is fairly cheap, like <$40).


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I own Rocket League on Xbox One, PS4 and Switch. I want to be able to play that game absolutely anywhere.

My copy of Sonic Mania Plus arrived today on Switch despite buying it last year and completing it 3 times over. I just needed that physical version.

I own 3 copies of Gran Turismo 3, one for each major region. Purely because I collect Gran Turismo stuff.

Theres multiple reasons for it I think, these are just a few examples!


Dec 26, 2017
I only game on PC so this is less relevant to me, though sometimes I'll buy the same game on GOG and Steam when it goes on deep discount. I like to have all my games on Steam but I also want to support GOG.


Oct 25, 2017
i double or even triple dip all the time. doesn't bother me. i just bought Rocket League for my Switch. original got it on PS4 and also have it on PC. i bought Diablo 3 on PS3/PS4/PC. GTA V on PS3/PS4/PC. that's just a couple examples.

my PC is my main platform so that's where i play most of the time. if i want to play while in bed then i can use my PS4 or Switch. if i want to play in another room or outside then I can use my Switch.

in an ideal world i could buy a game on PC and also download it on PS4/Switch but that's not gonna happen so i don't see any other option. i don't mind buying a game multiple times if i really enjoy it.


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes there are good reasons for doing so, if you loved the game and want more. I never do it out of collection needs. First there are cases where there's additional content, like the Seperate Ways expansion added to the PS2 version of RE4. If you wanted to play that, you got the PS2 version. Then there's cases where you want the pc version because the port runs better, like Dark Souls with DSfix on pc. I also played DkS III first on PS4 for a review and then moved on to pc. Now you see quite a few people getting the Switch version of the game because they like the portability.

I don't think it's strange to get a game again for any of those reasons.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I bought Valkyria Chronicles on PS3.
Then I gave it away and bought it on PC.
Then I got it for the PS4 so I could play it at my girlfriend's place and share it with her.
And if the Switch version is released in the West, I will buy it again to play it on a portable device.

I don't see the problem either. The game is really good, I know I'm gonna play it over many other releases and this way I can play it wherever I want. Lots of people on this board have a massive obsession with amassing a large library of games they don't even know if they're gonna like and will probably never touch anyway. That's the real waste of money.