Mar 15, 2019
so, i want to preface this by saying that i'm 19. yes, i know some of y'all may be my grandpas or whatever but i wanna know if there's more people (being gen z or not) that noticed that they have a difficulty to enjoy media that is set like before the 1990s or something?

like, when i watch a movie from the 80s, Scarface for example, i know it's good, i can point why people like it, but it's not really enjoyable to me, idk why. Star Wars OG trilogy is another example, despite being a huge fan of the saga as a whole, i don't really love the original 3 movies.

i'm a huge hip-hop fan and thank god i can listen to most of it since it arguably started being good in the 90s with Rakim, Nas etc, but i don't feel the urge to listen to 70/80s rock or something like that, even if i know that they're well composed or well written. i ain't listening to a damn 50/60s song either lol it just don't sit right with me

even videogames from before the PS1 can be really tough. i don't know what the fuck makes me feel like that, maybe i'm used to the quality of productions nowadays, everything's HD, everything has a huge budget, things from the past seems "low effort" to me, am i the only one who feels that way?

i really want to enjoy things from the past, i know that everything has its qualities and its kinda disrespectful to throw away that i have an ok PC with Spotify, YouTube and Netflix to basically consume whatever the fuck i want with the world's cultural legacy


Oct 25, 2017
I have the opposite problem. 60s/70s/80s albums are all I want to listen to these days. I mostly watch classic films. Movie theaters shutting down is no great loss to me because I never see new movies anyways.


Oct 25, 2017
no, i grew up the youngest in my family so ive always been around all sorts of old stuff.

for someone your age i recommend looking at the throwback scenes for various things like music for example to help ease you into old stuff proper. they often have enough modern day polish to make them digestible and it makes the real old stuff easier to enjoy.


Jan 6, 2018
Definitely not on the games side. All that spritework was made by having high budgets just for those games. It really depends on the game but old classics are anything but low effort. Less visuals means you had to get creative.

Edit: If anything, I'm not impressed with new graphics since bumping up resolution doesn't make me go wow anymore.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i had an intellivision

ask your grandpa what an intellivision was


Mar 2, 2020
25 and no... for some things. I spend a lot of time at my uncle's house when I was a kid and he's a huge movie buff and had a massive VHS collection. So I watched a lot of old stuff growing up. The original King Kong, the original Star Wars, and so on. This must have benefited me later in life because I don't have a problem with watching older movies. I didn't see Predator or Scarface until I was in high school and enjoyed every second of both.

I'll agree with you on video games. It's rarely graphics or looks for me, it's how they control though. Man do some old games have obtuse or shit controls.
Mar 30, 2019
Just keep going. There is a lot of stuff out there and not enough lifetimes to enjoy it all. You will find "old stuff" enjoyable at some point. It's arguable that every "new thing" is just repackaged and spruced up old/forgotten ideas. Wherever your interests lie, you will eventually stumble upon a built up history for it.

Unless you're involved or building...I don't know...spaceships and laser candy.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 17, 2018
Depends. Born in 91.

I prefer serialized television so most shows before the 90s will be a tough sell for binge watching, but I'll have no problem watching a random episode here or there.

Most of my favorite anime/manga is from the 80s and 90s. Most favorite animated series 90s/2000s. Can read comics and literature from most eras, although Golden/Silver Age superhero comics can be a bit too cheesy for me.

Don't usually have a problem watching older movies but I'll be the first to admit I generally prefer ones from the 80s and on. Same with music, I'll listen to any music but my sweet spot is 80s and 90s.

I'll play most games gladly from SNES and on, a lot of NES games game be tough but the great ones are still great.

So I guess if it's pre-80s it can be harder to get into most media but I'm never opposed to it on principle.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 16 years old than you, but I can relate. I can't get into movies from the 50's/60's and such. It's a shame because I'm probably missing some good stuff, but I just can't.

Music is different though. No idea why.


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
Fellow Gen Z here.

I definitely have some of the same issues, but not quite to the same extent

My favorite movie of all time is from '79, but a lot of movies older than that are harder to get into. No issues with 80s movies.

My music taste is similar, 80s and onwards is fine but older than that, it's generally hard to get into

I can appreciate older games, but they generally don't hold my attention to the same extent newer ones do. Like, I respect them and enjoy them on some level, but I don't think anything older than me is on my top 10 of all time. I genuinely can't remember the last pre-6th gen game I beat

The one thing I'd say is that you shouldn't feel ashamed for liking what you like. A lot of people will give you shit for not liking X even though a lot of the reason they like X is because they experienced it at a young age, when it was new, and under circumstances you can't replicate. If you gave something a fair shot, and you don't like it, then it is what it is


Oct 27, 2017
Metro Detriot
You need to expand your horizons more. You don't have to like everything from all eras. But all media eras have quality stuff in them that everyone can enjoy.

I come from a different era, but as a kid, I watched everything from era black and white television and movie to current modern day stuff. Stuff like the skeletons from Jason and the Argonauts hold up for me today next to any modern CGI purely because of the artistry it took to make them look that good back in the day.

Newer stuff is not better, it is just polished differently than older stuff. And it had the work around doing more with less. And newer stuff is not bad- there is just as much crap in modern day media as as older stuff.


Oct 28, 2017
Depends on the medium and it depends on how I experienced it. Certain things have a clear chronology to them, where later versions/entries/whatever are just better versions of what came before. I guess you could appreciate the originals for being just that, even though you'd still get more out of a newer version.

On the other hand, certain things benefit from being "old", as it was created without being influenced by everything that's around you today. It captures a point in time because it was created with the possibilities and limitations of that period in mind. Especially musical and film can benefit from this.

All in all I do think the present will always be the best time to experience art and culture. We're so lucky to have access to all this content that has had the time to be influenced and shaped by what came before. Sure, there's a lot more shit to wade through, but I genuinely believe that there's never been a better time for film and music - all in all.

Bare in mind that it's easy to look back at the past, and the stuff that's stood the test of time, and think that it represented the level of quality of everything else that was available at that time. That's obviously not true - pop culture has always had trash represent a majority of what was available to the mainstream audience. The good stuff is what stands out and that will continue to be the case for a very long time.

I'm not a fan of most classic rock. I think a lot of it is boring, but I can still appreciate how it influenced stuff I like today. A lot of it comes down to the order in which you experience it, imo.

As a side note, it would be awesome to somehow experience things in chronological order for the first time. Like, everything that lead up to blues music, then rock, then punk, and so on up to modern day equivalents.
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Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Depends on the medium. Video games i can go back up to the NES Era and enjoy them. Though SNES is when games really started being enjoyable. Movies i can go way further back and enjoy them.(Wizard of oz ect). Same with music.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
When I was at that age I was starting to look into some older bands, getting around to checking out the influences on current bands I liked at the time, and some of them really didn't click with me at all then.
A few years later I listened to them instead of those bands I liked back then.

Not saying it'll happen to you, but sometimes these things need a bit of time for you to settle into.
Oct 27, 2017
I can't say that this is a problem for me. I like old movies, music, artwork, books, etc. I'm admittedly into more video games that were produced from the 1990s onward.


Oct 29, 2017
A vast majority of content in every medium produced every decade isn't particularly noteworthy. I don't have much time to devote to reading/ playing games/ watching movies/ etc. I'd rather spend my time with something I know has a reputation, that people are still talking about years and years later, than some random flick made this year that no one will remember next.

Video games are the only exception for me, I do play my share of new releases and generally think modern games are more interesting than older ones (though I love plenty of retro games as well), but generally I find I'm much happier spending my times with the GOATs of various styles/ decades/ eras/ genres/ etc than whatever is the current fad is.

And age absolutely plays a role. When you have a ton of spare time it's fun to keep up to date on things your passionate about. When you're juggling a career, family, hobbies, side projects, etc. you start to get pickier about how you spend your time.


Oct 27, 2017
I had the same exact problem when I was younger.

Just like what you like and don't worry about it. It's just art. It's different to everyone.


Sep 29, 2018
I don't enjoy a lot of big aspects of old media found in movies not because of their technological aspects or the settings. (Though, it does play a small part sometimes)

Mostly it's because of the deeply rooted bigotry that's found in some of the works. Like I was watching Saturday Night Fever on TV the other day, I didn't know anything about the movie so I was just expecting it to be a silly cheesy 70s disco dance movie, nothing extraordinarily, and like 10 minutes into the movie, a character starts throwing a bunch of racial slurs and never gets called out for it and it totally took me out of the movie. People like to say, different times but fuck that, I don't have time to consume stuff like that anymore. Then there is the matter of all sorts of old movies that I refuse to consume starring or directed by scumbags that were outed on the #metoo movement etc.

I do recognize that a lot of other old works don't have this problem. Any old film without that content, I'm usually fine with.

I also have an issue with old games mostly due to their very high level of difficulty which is a turn off for me.

Music wise, I pretty much consume from any decade, before the 20th century all the way to today. So I'm the most variable in this area.
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Sep 9, 2019
Perfectly normal. There's a lot of classic movies or games I don't really enjoy or "get", partly due to the fact that they've been duplicated and/or perfected, so the nostalgia is a non-factor in my enjoyment of whatever it is I'm watching or playing.

Off the top of my head I can think of Final Fantasy 6; I tried getting into it but it just didn't do anything for me. Then you have final fantasy 7, my 1st and all time favorite rpg, one that I replay every year, but I understand my perspective and that it might not be an enjoyable experience for someone playing it today for the first time.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
No. I may be older at 34, but I have no problem enjoying media that's much older than me.

However, I did listen to older music and watch older movies when I was growing up, so that's probably a big part of it. I'm guessing this wasn't your experience OP.

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
I'm 43 with a 7 year old kid. My greatest wish is for him to like the same things I did, but I quickly realized that's not going to happen.

Except Ghostbusters.Thank God, he likes that.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you really feel the greatest works were only coincidentally created during your lifetime?
Oct 25, 2017
There's a time in your life where you're really into the new and contemporary, so just enjoy that for now. Someday you'll go back to the older stuff and learn to appreciate it.
That's how it was for me at least


Jan 22, 2019
Turning 30 and I get where you're coming from. As others have pointed out, as you get older, chances are it might change.

I think the main thing that causes this, is the further you go, the less you can identify yourself with it. I've watched countless movie classics but I still can't really get into Film-Noir, or most Hitchcock movies. But, sometimes there was one that stood out, that even today feels fresh. I watched Mr. Smith Goes To Washington again a while ago, which is from 1939! And it is still feels so relevant today.
Go and watch Network or Easy Rider and see how little the world has actually changed. Be amazed at the ideas that they were putting out there during those times.

For music it's a matter of taste, except for clarity, production, nothing much has changed. But genres have changed and most stuff from before the 60's would be considered boring for most people now. Even though I firmly believe music to be timeless and from the start of the popularization of records, every decade has something for everyone, if you know where to look.

Games are different beast, because this is a medium that has changed so much. Especially game-play wise I can understand not getting into older games. But again, knowledge is key. Not every classic is for everyone. Just like you don't like every popular game today.
As for me, as I got older, I had a better idea of which genres I like. So, when I try an older game, I'll look for something in a genre in which I know I usually enjoy games, instead of picking the biggest classic.

So, don't be so quick to right everything off from the past, give it time. Look around and learn what you yourself enjoy, regardless of the time it was made.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I think a big part of it for me might be FOMO. People want to enjoy new experiences and partake in the discussion about them. Its not the same playing it a year later and everyones moved past it.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm an old thing, and people seem to have a hard time enjoying me. So you're probably not alone.


Nov 24, 2017
so, i want to preface this by saying that i'm 19. yes, i know some of y'all may be my grandpas or whatever but i wanna know if there's more people (being gen z or not) that noticed that they have a difficulty to enjoy media that is set like before the 1990s or something?

like, when i watch a movie from the 80s, Scarface for example, i know it's good, i can point why people like it, but it's not really enjoyable to me, idk why. Star Wars OG trilogy is another example, despite being a huge fan of the saga as a whole, i don't really love the original 3 movies.

i'm a huge hip-hop fan and thank god i can listen to most of it since it arguably started being good in the 90s with Rakim, Nas etc, but i don't feel the urge to listen to 70/80s rock or something like that, even if i know that they're well composed or well written. i ain't listening to a damn 50/60s song either lol it just don't sit right with me

even videogames from before the PS1 can be really tough. i don't know what the fuck makes me feel like that, maybe i'm used to the quality of productions nowadays, everything's HD, everything has a huge budget, things from the past seems "low effort" to me, am i the only one who feels that way?

i really want to enjoy things from the past, i know that everything has its qualities and its kinda disrespectful to throw away that i have an ok PC with Spotify, YouTube and Netflix to basically consume whatever the fuck i want with the world's cultural legacy

I have never had this problem. Actually if anything I've always wanted to dig for the "sources" of things, so I could have a better understanding.

Also pre 2000s media contains most of the best media ever. The only thing I feel that has gotten progressively better in movies during my lifetime are special effects, and sometimes in blockbusters they seem phoned in as well nowadays.

My advice is if you really want to give older entertainment a shot it's best to follow themes or styles you already enjoy. Or when you find an older actor you like go through their previous work. Or for music check an artist's influences.

With hip hop you could even just follow up where samples have come from. I've found a fair few great funk artists from doing that.

Chances are someone did something you like in the past that will appeal to you so long as there is a hook.

I don't know what that hook might be for you. That's something you need to figure out yourself.


Oct 25, 2017
I can understand not being into old videogames because they were so primitive and limited. If you can't get into old music though, that is a problem that you should very much work to rectify. There's a lot of good rap from the 80's and 90's. There's a lot of good jazz from the 1930's and 40's.

I don't really like silent movies at all, but anything from the talkie era and onward should be fair game.

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Stuff only starts to get mostly good in the 80s. Other decades aren't without some good stuff here and there though. But it's mostly all shit.

Pink Floyd sucks ass.


Jan 8, 2019
I can understand not being into old videogames because they were so primitive and limited.
Mario World, Killer Instinct and NBA Hangtime are primitive and limited?

I find old games more fun and challenging. New games have more hand holding and are easier. Both are better in different ways.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I've found that my taste has shifted in cycles of about 3-4 years ever since I was in my teens.

It's normal.

You'll grow as a person on top of that will which lead to some permanent shifts in how you form your tastes, too.

Those more permanent changes in you as a person may actually cause you to cycle back with fresh eyes and either appreciate or depreciate stuff even more. You don't need to feel under pressure to like those things because you've heard great things about them that seem pretty ubiquitous.


Dec 15, 2018
After I got a bit older (though I'm only 22) and spent my time at college studying literature I was basically forced to overcome this issue lol. I found that there's a lot of good shit that doesn't come from the modern age, or at least interesting things.

I recently discovered that I'm a lot more open to black and white films than I used to be when I was younger.


Oct 25, 2017
Well my preferred media are mostly from the 60's and forward (music, films). There are of course things older than that which I can enjoy too, like Kurosawa and Chaplin. But I also feel that my definition of old is bit different than for the whippersnappers of today. I'm 36 myself, so not that old.