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Oct 29, 2017
I've been getting teammates who have no map awareness and just run into building at the start of the game without looking to see if anyone is there.


Oct 25, 2017
It sucks so much when you kill team after team, only to get to the end, and get stomped out by a team with a guy who has 834 kills already...

Mid range exists. Long range is non-existent, as it should be. If people can jet onto peaks with a kitted our sniper rifle and just take potshots all match, the game would turn into crouching and slowly sneaking from cover to cover. If you want that, play PubG I guess?

This, so much.


Oct 29, 2017
I just had a match where I had 1100 damage as lifeline and the two offensive players had less than 100 damage

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Oct 26, 2017

so close to winning. but it was still not as intense as this game:

and damn I love playing as wraith.


Oct 25, 2017
I have my three:

1. Wraith
- Her passive + ability is amazing while exploring. You can scout ahead and be warned then phase back to your squad with the alert raised.

- Abiltiy makes escaping from dangerous encounters really consistent.

- Ult is insane when the team uses it well. So many squads eliminated because they're looking in the spot we used to be, not behind them...

2. Lifeline
- Passive and rez can be super OP.

- A well deployed heal can win a skirmish.

- Ult is really good for mid to late game restock.

3. Mirage
- Literally in it for the Decoy. Passive is ok... Ult can save your skin... but Decoy is amazing.

Send it out while landing to confuse enemies who will think you're closer than you are. Send out in another direction an open field to draw attention while you cross. Close range drops to draw attention in a scrim and get that split second advantage.


I need to try the rest more, but these are the three I do best with/enjoy most so far.


Oct 31, 2017
I might be just terrible at this game, I consider myself lucky if I get one kill in. I often get hit from across the map, people for some reason melting me through my fully blue armor in seconds and when I return fire I have to keep dumping ammo in them without much happening and I get smoked because I have to reload.

I need solo mode so I can just dick around on my own getting a better feel of everything without dragging down a team.


Oct 30, 2017
The game ultimately needs to revolve around more than just peacekeeper, which unfortunately isn't really the case currently.


Oct 27, 2017
I might be just terrible at this game, I consider myself lucky if I get one kill in. I often get hit from across the map, people for some reason melting me through my fully blue armor in seconds and when I return fire I have to keep dumping ammo in them without much happening and I get smoked because I have to reload.

I need solo mode so I can just dick around on my own getting a better feel of everything without dragging down a team.

I haven't played a multiplayer shooter since COD4 and it really shows, my aim is fine but I'm losing way more one on ones than I'm winning...

Jedeye Sniv

Oct 28, 2017
I'm quite enjoying the game but I'm relatively crap at it. I think my main issue with BR as a genre is that you don't have much time to actually practice shooting at people, so when you get into a fight there's an element of panic involved.


Oct 26, 2017
Aight, I'll finally set up Shadowplay tonight. I talked about it earlier but never got around to doing it. I've had a couple of pretty goddamn clean squad wipes (with the Peacekeeper, obviously) over the weekend that I really wish I could post here.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
- The movement options
- Revive Mechanics
- Very polished UI
- Ping system is a godsend
- Almost no technical issues
- Varied Map
- Likable characters
- A lot of tiny improvements on the BR formula that gather into a big ball of awesome
- Free to play

Didn't love (small gripes)
- That finishing animation where you lose sight of what's going on is kinda weird
- The tutorial could go a bit more in depth into each characters abilities

Played over the weekend, and the game pretty much delivered on all fronts.
The movement options with the ziplines all over the place, without fall damage makes things a lot of fun. No more getting stuck somewhere, running for 10 minutes, outside the bubble because you got distracted or whatever.

The gun play is good, i just wish they could improve the visibility a bit, near the reticle. The bullet tracing is very pronounced and takes away a lot of visibility of the target when you are shooting at a mid to long distance. Other than that, it's good. The shotguns are godly at close range, but i guess it makes sense, being what they are.

All the characters have a bit of personality, some of the designs need a bit more polish but overall very nice. Bangalore's my shit.

The teammate revive/recall is a great feature, it adds depth to the combat and removes that feeling you get on other BR's when you get shit on from behind and have no chance to recover.

I frickin' love that targets are harder to hit at long ranges because the characters can move very fast and the game isn't full of one hit super snipers.

Very few technical problems other than some disconnects outside the lobby. Very nice launch!


Oct 26, 2017
Speaking of high mobility, I really have to learn that slingshotting technique with Pathfinder. Looks incredible.


Oct 25, 2017
Good video showing movement speeds. Everyone runs the same but Gibraltar feels slower because his running animation is slower.



Oct 27, 2017
Dang I just had my best ever game as Gibraltar. Never won but I actually felt like I had a handle on everything happening.

Those threat-highlighting scopes are such a gamechanger, man.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Oh wow. A peacekeeper with a rare attachment and charged up shots doing less damage than a Longbow. How controversial /s

That's like saying the game revolves around 60-mag spitfires, hop-up Triple Takes, Turbocharge Devotion, Precision Choke Wingman or Selectfire Prowlers.
Each of these sweet-spot attachments make good guns better, but the Peacekeeper itself is fine.

It's a scrubkiller and a great weapon for new players. At high level its decent, but not great. If your strafing/movement is on point and you can aim well, then a Peacekeeper is a liability seeing as how you need to pump after each shot. You would 2-shot to the head with a PC Wingman way quicker than killing a spry opponent with a Peacekeeper. It's no Mastiff.

So the game will revolve less around the Peacekeeper as both you and your opponents get better. This includes me btw. I love using the Peacekeeper because I've got potato aim and most opponents I face are potatoes too. But I've been out gunned various times by SMG or R-301 users.


Oct 27, 2017
This game needs suppressors that hide bullet traces. Or is that a thing already?
Ehhh, bullet trails seem like a core part of the gameplay. It lets you see where someone is shooting from very clearly, making initiation more important than range.

As someone that struggles to identify where people shoot from in most games, I've found it to be a really welcome addition.
Legendary shields (IIRC) let you self-revive after eight seconds or something like that. They're exceedingly rare.


Oct 27, 2017
Another really damn clever addition: corpse boxes are colour-coded based on the rarest piece of loot in them, and change dynamically as looted. Such a fantastic QoL addition.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Ehhh, bullet trails seem like a core part of the gameplay. It lets you see where someone is shooting from very clearly, making initiation more important than range.

It's because sniping is already unviable. You can't snipe people from a distance because you can't finish them off.

Many times I flanked well-hidden snipers only because I saw their bullet trails. I think it's kinda unfair.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
My teammates quit on me before the jump even started. =|

I managed to survive the first half of the squad elims, but it still sucked.

EDIT: aaaaaaand my next team decided to have us jump assfirst into an asskicking by diving into an area with 5 squads
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