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Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Oh my God I'm fucking shaking

Deathinator was a little kid and it was his first win



Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. Trash night. Played like ass and could barely do anything. Might be time for a little break.


Oct 25, 2017
Getting tired of the progression system, if you can even call it that, and I'm only like level 30. I might take a break until the first season starts, I need to feel like I'm working towards something that's a little more than some shitty lootbox every couple hours of play.

Also playing with random while being sick is a great idea if you want to waste your entire evening and feel useless. Seriously don't do it


Feb 6, 2019
I've been feeling like a break as lots of others have said today. Played heaps past week. Looking forward to whatevers added next though.


Oct 25, 2017
I just hit level 86 and I still only have like 500 crafting materials. What in the actual hell

Why do people love to yell one hit / super low and then I proceed to do 75+ damage and they still do not go down. Stop yelling that shit!

Nothing really wrong with that. They just bringing awareness that this guy is weak. They already weakened him. Better to finish him off instead of let him heal to full or get away


Oct 28, 2017
Just played my best game with two randoms. Revived both of them, got 5 kills and several knockdowns and we got to top 3 before getting sniped after winning a three way fight. I've had victories, but there's something so satisfying about thriving in all the chaos even if I don't win.


Jan 25, 2019
Someone here told me before the Havoc is garbage. As much as I hate energy weapons but this gun is far from garbage!


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Wanted that 2 wins in a row badge on Wraith so bad.
Win the first game as Wraith, second game someone picks her before me. We win that round too. Except I was on Mirage now who already has the badge. Of course the next game as Wraith we only get 2nd place. Toooo bad.
Oct 27, 2017
I've been playing Apex since launch on Xbox One X with no issues till today.
My left stick now drifts up randomly in Apex only. No other games exhibit this behavior.

It's really annoying. It makes it hard to highlight anything in game with the cursor and also randomly sends me running off a cliff. Already got me killed as my squad was in the top 2 in a match.

Why did this start all of a sudden.

Full restart seemingly does nothing.
I get this too, except it drifts to the left.

I thought my controller was breaking.


Oct 25, 2017
I just hit level 86 and I still only have like 500 crafting materials. What in the actual hell

Nothing really wrong with that. They just bringing awareness that this guy is weak. They already weakened him. Better to finish him off instead of let him heal to full or get away

They didn't do shit to them, that is my issue. Call out if you actually did a good amount of damage and genuine one hit / low. The people I pub with hit them once or just look at them and begin to yell "One shot!" then you pump half a clip into them, maybe die and they are like "Duuude, I did so much damage" and you see them have 11 at the post game screen.

If I had a penny for every time...


Dec 6, 2017
Anyone else getting a lot of crashes recently?

Around launch crashes to desktop were rare. They happened, but nowhere near enough to bother me.

But in the past few days I've been crashing like mad. Maybe even 40% of my matches end in a crash. Sometimes I'll crash 3-4 times in a row before the match even starts.


Oct 25, 2017
im glad others are experiencing the controller drifting. i thought it was related to the battery.


Oct 25, 2017
I want update news!

...Please distract me from the Wraith and Bloodhound skins on the shop, I'm pretty sure my wife would skin me alive for spending the money to buy them.


Oct 26, 2017
Got my win with each character last night, just need to get to 50 for the platinum.

Every Ult in this game is contextual, some situations they're great, sometimes they're not. I don't agree that any one is OP compared to others, they all have opportunities to shine.

Nah, Bangalore's ultimate is just garbage.

It takes WAY too long to explode so it hardly ever hits anybody, and it only hits for 20 damage when it does.

Oh my God I'm fucking shaking

Deathinator was a little kid and it was his first win


I don't understand how it is even possible that they only had 17 and 458 damage when you fought 22 people. Were they not shooting?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how it is even possible that they only had 17 and 458 damage when you fought 22 people. Were they not shooting?
I was tunnel-visioned so hard, I have absolutely no idea what they were doing. But I had to clutch out some crazy shit like solo killing 4 squads one after another south of Artillery to respawn them. The fight was so long I didn't even bother trying to save a 1 minute clip.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay, I am getting really sick of

A) how hot dropping is the slow death of any BR game, where everyone wants to be the next Shroud and they all die because the hot zone loot amounts were simply not designed for this many people, and even if you survive so much of the server died at one spot that the mid-game is completely dead

B) How the hitboxes mean you can the best physically possible spray with, say, a Flatline on a Lifeline who survives by wiggling 1 pixel left and right, or land two dead-on meatshots at less than 5m with a Peacekeeper on a Wraith who survives because she's literally smaller than the pellet spread


Oct 25, 2017
Okay, I am getting really sick of

A) how hot dropping is the slow death of any BR game, where everyone wants to be the next Shroud and they all die because the hot zone loot amounts were simply not designed for this many people, and even if you survive so much of the server died at one spot that the mid-game is completely dead

B) How the hitboxes mean you can the best physically possible spray with, say, a Flatline on a Lifeline who survives by wiggling 1 pixel left and right, or land two dead-on meatshots at less than 5m with a Peacekeeper on a Wraith who survives because she's literally smaller than the pellet spread
Highly seconding the first point. I'm happy that Apex at least randomizes a hot zone every match, but Tilted Towers in Fortnite was really the beginning of the end of my enjoyment of it. Stream culture is a benefit and a curse for BRs.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I just got in a battle at the drop and went though 4 death boxes followed by 3 areas that are normally full of loot and I didn't find one syringe or medkit.

The loot clusters are real.


Dec 22, 2017
I think I'm largely sick of how awful playing with two randoms is. Hell, playing with one random seems to be even worse. Like, battle royales are by nature a genre where a large portion of the games you're gonna play aren't gonna be great. Having shitty randoms 80% of the game makes the amount of enjoyable games just way too fucking low.

If they don't announce solo and duo queues soon, I'm probably out.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
Oh my God I'm fucking shaking

Deathinator was a little kid and it was his first win


That's over double the highest damage I've ever managed to do. Crazy, well played.

The thing is, it's not just a matter of being good, it's a matter of being 'lucky'. Like, in Halo - getting a ridiculously high kill streak medal is contingent not just on skill, but on playing the kind of players who are shit, but don't quit when being wrecked. In this, it's quite something to not only get 21 kills, but also have your allies do so badly they do under 500 damage combined, and at the same time get into situations where you can win every time. We've all been shafted by shit in this and lost to players who we feel were worse than us, so for the stars to align is really something.

Ronnie Poncho

Oct 27, 2017
Played last night and ended up with a random who had a really impressive banner with stats on. They spent the whole game dawdling, and every time the ring closed they'd find themselves on the wrong side of it running into the ring. No matter what I tried to do with pings, it couldn't convince them to get moving slightly earlier. It meant we were always looting low level areas and then running like idiots to the circle, so we had awful gear.

It meant we actually got down to the final 2 squads, mostly because we were so late to everything. By the time we got to the final circle the other squad squashed us.

Very frustrating.


Oct 25, 2017
That's over double the highest damage I've ever managed to do. Crazy, well played.

The thing is, it's not just a matter of being good, it's a matter of being 'lucky'. Like, in Halo - getting a ridiculously high kill streak medal is contingent not just on skill, but on playing the kind of players who are shit, but don't quit when being wrecked. In this, it's quite something to not only get 21 kills, but also have your allies do so badly they do under 500 damage combined, and at the same time get into situations where you can win every time. We've all been shafted by shit in this and lost to players who we feel were worse than us, so for the stars to align is really something.
Definitely true, because that game happened right after a streak of like 6 or 7 bad games and I was getting frustrated.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I'm largely sick of how awful playing with two randoms is. Hell, playing with one random seems to be even worse. Like, battle royales are by nature a genre where a large portion of the games you're gonna play aren't gonna be great. Having shitty randoms 80% of the game makes the amount of enjoyable games just way too fucking low.

If they don't announce solo and duo queues soon, I'm probably out.

One problem with this is; when you go manage to find a good random player, the game doesn't make it easy to party up with them.

A system like the one in Overwatch where you can invite people to party up post-game is needed here. I feel the feature is coming but on PC at least, Origin is not the most inviting of systems to party up with people.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I was in a random match with a player that had really good skills. The guy finished on 12 kills and nearly 3000 damage.

Unfortunately his team work skills were trash, constantly running away from me and the other random as we healed, not pinging any weapons, healing items or anything else we asked for.

We ended up finishing 3rd as he started a fight with another squad as I was on less than 10 health and was trying desperately to pop a phoenix kit as they rushed us.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
I was in a random match with a player that had really good skills. The guy finished on 12 kills and nearly 3000 damage.

Unfortunately his team work skills were trash, constantly running away from me and the other random as we healed, not pinging any weapons, healing items or anything else we asked for.

We ended up finishing 3rd as he started a fight with another squad as I was on less than 10 health and was trying desperately to pop a phoenix kit as they rushed us.

Yeah, I can relate. Have won games via a total Rambo player being good on my squad, and lost far more because they just Will. Not. Stop. Fighting. I get aggression is central to this game, but jeez, let us recover for 10 seconds! I need armour FFS!

As Lifeline, should I aim to leave the Phoenix Kit to my team (instead of keeping it)?

I always have one on her. Her 25% speed passive makes it so good in late-game. She might be support, but at heart you can be selfish with some core things.


Oct 25, 2017
I was bored, so I decided that I'd try to come up with my own fantasy "patch."

Overall as I see it, there's 2 major problems with the game right now, Character balance (especially pertaining to hitboxes) and weapon balance. At this point the meta has basically been "solved" and players are more and more favoring the smaller characters as well as weapons that take advantage of their smaller hitbox such as the Wingman and Peacekeeper. Aside from Gibraltr none of the characters felt like they were designed with their hitboxes in mind, and the end result is that the bigger characters are at a significant disadvantage even ignoring the power of their actual kit. Additionally even ignoring the meta there's certain weapons and characters that are clearly lagging behind the other options and need some help. With those ideas in mind:

> Reduce player speed when rapidly changing strafe directions
One of the biggest contributors to why small hitboxes and the Wingman are so good is how difficult it is to hit someone when they're sporadically strafing back and forth. Lowering the effectiveness of this tactic should help mitigate these problems as well as make close-range fights feel more sooth.


> Reduce heal speed increase of Gold backpack to 33%
The gold equipment are cool, but the Backpack is clearly by far and away the best option, and the backpack almost completely removes any real benefit of dealing damage to an enemy without outright killing them when they can heal it back up so quickly. 33% is still a really nice boost, but shouldn't just allow you to almost instantly remove any damage taken from you. Note that I don't think this is exactly super high priority, but the Backpack is pretty ridiculous in its current state and I think it will have to be nerfed eventually.

> Gold Armor speeds up execution speed by 50%
Probably not practical to implement, but this suggestion is largely here to point out that the gold armor blows and isn't ever really an upgrade to purple armor. Honestly I'd rework the ability into something else.


> Reduce Movespeed while using Into the Void (Basic Ability) by 20-25%
> Reduce Movespeed while using Dimensional Rift so it more closely matches her unarmed movespeed
Wraith's small hitbox and unusual posture while fighting already makes her a very tough target to take down, so lowering her defensive repositioning tool's effectiveness should help lessen her survivability. Dimensional Rift's usefulness is often people just using it as a giant movespeed boost rather then actually using it for the portal part of it, so this would bring the focus on the ability to actually be on the portal itself. TBH there's not much you can really modify with Wraith's kit to balance it, so aside from redoing all her animations so she has better posture or lowering her health (something that I don't think should be done) there's not much else you can do to balance her.

> Remove healing items are used 25% faster
She really doesn't need this, and it's the least interesting part of her kit. Plus it opens the passive up to be usable by another character that needs it more.

> Gun Shield's health now scales with the tier of armor he has equipped. (Tentatively +30/45/60)
> Gun Shield's base health is now 60 if it isn't already
Gibraltar's Dome Shield and Defensive Bombardment are both very powerful abilities when used properly, so buffing them even further feels a bit misguided. Instead, focus should be on beefing up his ability that's supposed to make up for his gigantic hitbox. With tier 3 armor he would get a total of 320 HP if the enemy is shooting through the barrier, and a good chunk of that pool would auto-heal without you having to do anything. Additionally the shield has counterplay as players could try to shoot around it rather then aiming center mass.

> All of Caustic's gas now reduces damage from enemy bullets by 33%
> Caustic's traps are thrown quicker and take less time to arm
The damage reduction should help make up for the much larger hitbox he has but require him to use his kit effectively to gain access to it. Additionally it would help protect his allies as well, helping reinforce him as a defensive character. Meanwhile giving him the ability to place and activate traps quicker should help give him more options in fights, and allow him to use his kit more effectively even when he's not in a tight building.

> Change his hitbox so it more easily matches his actual character model
> Tentatively give him Lifeline's faster healing item usage
Pathfinder's hitbox is notorious at this point, so fix it. However unfortunately there's really not a ton of ways to balance Pathfinder as all his abilities are already pretty good at what they're supposed to do, so perhaps giving him faster item usage might be a buff he could use. It would also help offset his larger hitbox.

No changes to other Legends
> Bangalore and Bloodhound are both on the strong side, but I don't really want to touch them until seeing how everything else impacts their strength. Mirage is likely on the weaker side, but again I think it's important to see how everything else shakes up the metagame before going after him.


> Now uses Energy Ammo
> Substantially slower bullet speed
Wingman using Energy Ammo largely tries to accomplish two very important things. Firstly, it makes energy ammo more common to find in death boxes, as one of the big problems with Energy weapons is that no one carries ammo for them. Secondly, it means that the Wingman can't use a magazine anymore, which should be a pretty big hit to the gun's effectiveness as it won't have it's giant ammo pool or speedy reloads. Slower travel speed is largely to help make the gun less effective at sniping, as it's frankly hard for guns like the Scout and Longbow to compete with a gun that deals as much/more damage then them with a faster fire rate and is still usable at mid/close range.

> Now deals 8-9 damage per pellet, for a max damage of 88-99
In its current state the Peacekeeper almost single-handedly prevents big hitbox characters from being viable as they have to deal with being constantly taking full damage from the Peackeeper. The meta is actually extremely hostile towards the Peacekeeper as most players are gravitating towards small characters and using the Wingman to strafe extremely quickly to make themselves very difficult to hit, and even with all that it's still probably a top 3 gun. All the other changes so far are only going to make the Peacekeeper more powerful so it needs some toning down. Whether 8 or 9 damage per pellet is the better number I'm not sure, but it definitely needs a performance nerf.

> If they're supposed to be terrible, I would still buff up the P2020 a bit as the gun feels like it lags behind the other two. (Yes I do think it's quite a bit worse then the Mozambique despite the memes) If they're ever supposed to be an actual choice all 3 need a ton of help.

> Increase damage per bullet to 18
> Remove vertical recoil
The Flatline in its current state feels like a poor man's Carbine. It has far less dps and is harder to control due to its large horizontal recoil. (Hence the name Flatline) The gun doesn't need the vertical recoil to be hard to control, so just lean into the name and remove it so the big thing you have to worry about is the horizontal recoil. It should make the gun better Semi-Auto as well which should help it's midrange capabilities. With these changes it should become a more reasonable sidegrade to the Carbine

> Increase damage pr bullet to 19
The gun already feels good but doesn't really have the punch needed to be effective at actually taking down targets at range. This damage buff should hopefully help with that.

> There have been some complaints about these weapons, but I'm hesitant to touch them until after the other changes have had their impact. Nerfing the Wingman should help make more room for specialized long range weapons as they won't have a wonder pistol that can do everything.

And that's largely it. I think those changes get at the biggest issues with the game while at the same time not really going overboard with nerfs.

Deleted member 1041

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Breezys Mirage™ Protips™:
In the final circle against 2 other teams, use your decoy to bait one team to shoot it, so the other team gets their whereabouts, while you hide.
You can slide and Decoy, and the Decoy will be sliding too. Mondo cool!
You can use your ultimate to reposition, however you can still be seen whilst invisible! Therefore only reposition if they don't have your attention.
If you crouch with your decoy, it will also crouch walk
Mirage can also trick your teammates! Don't get Bamboozled!
Whenever you use the Zipline balloon, you can launch 2 decoys while you're in flight mode.
When launching from the ship, you can launch 2 decoys!

You got bamboozled


Oct 27, 2017
Last night was awful, didn't win a single games and most of them I was dead within about 10 seconds of landing, really thought I'd made some progress the few days before

King Picollo

Oct 28, 2017
I think I'm largely sick of how awful playing with two randoms is. Hell, playing with one random seems to be even worse. Like, battle royales are by nature a genre where a large portion of the games you're gonna play aren't gonna be great. Having shitty randoms 80% of the game makes the amount of enjoyable games just way too fucking low.

If they don't announce solo and duo queues soon, I'm probably out.
I feel your pain, i had a weekend playing with friends and tried to go in with randoms last night. I got left for dead when team mates were close twice and the other games we died because no one pinged the enemy when they were engaging.

Also twice i got dropped late into areas other teams had already landed in, who does that!?!

Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018
Nah, Bangalore's ultimate is just garbage.

It takes WAY too long to explode so it hardly ever hits anybody, and it only hits for 20 damage when it does.
It's not meant to be used for damage though, it's useful at displacing a team behind cover or to create general confusion during a battle. Also good at covering your back during a retreat.

So just like all the other ults, it's not meant to give you a bunch of kills at the press of a button, they're support tools useful in certain situations.


Oct 27, 2017
Do you guys turn down the graphics for visibility? The game runs great maxed for me. Normally I turn settings down for a mixture of performance and visibility, but the visibility seems pretty solid in this game anyway, especially compared to some other BR games where I can't see shit half the time on high compared to low.

Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018
Okay, I am getting really sick of

A) how hot dropping is the slow death of any BR game, where everyone wants to be the next Shroud and they all die because the hot zone loot amounts were simply not designed for this many people, and even if you survive so much of the server died at one spot that the mid-game is completely dead

B) How the hitboxes mean you can the best physically possible spray with, say, a Flatline on a Lifeline who survives by wiggling 1 pixel left and right, or land two dead-on meatshots at less than 5m with a Peacekeeper on a Wraith who survives because she's literally smaller than the pellet spread
Your point A is really pissing me off now, I get the vast majority of randoms jumping out straight away only to find they can't do shit in a fight. Too many times we get destroyed then see the squad stat screen that I'm the only one who actually did anything!

Kids, you're not going to get any better by repeating what you saw on YouTube. You actually need to be good at the game to accomplish high kill hot drops.

And randoms running off by themselves , then getting downed and quitting. Feels like I'm gonna blow my top when they do that. I make sure to point out where they went wrong over chat so they can at least learn something.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh my God I'm fucking shaking

Deathinator was a little kid and it was his first win

I have no idea why this is making me so salty. I'm upset they allowed you to kill them so much. You're lucky you didnt run into me.😉


Your point A is really pissing me off now, I get the vast majority of randoms jumping out straight away only to find they can't do shit in a fight. Too many times we get destroyed then see the squad stat screen that I'm the only one who actually did anything!

Kids, you're not going to get any better by repeating what you saw on YouTube. You actually need to be good at the game to accomplish high kill hot drops.

And randoms running off by themselves , then getting downed and quitting. Feels like I'm gonna blow my top when they do that. I make sure to point out where they went wrong over chat so they can at least learn something.
I think part of it is the risk/reward/high stakes nature of it all. There is a good chance when hot dropping that you are the only one who finds a LMG. And then? It's just chasing gunless people around and mowing them down. Leaving you with an extremely high kill count. I admit that can be satisfying as hell just watching others panic while you slowly destroy entire squads.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I seem to be getting pretty good at this game, finishing most matches top 3 (unless it's one of those where I die within 2 mins) and getting a few wins everyday.

Imo the game is the least rng dependent and most skill based of all BR out there currently, allowing you to consistently do well. Partly due to loot tiers and loot crates being fixed locations and most guns being good plus the legend abilities. But the end game still has a bit of luck in placed with the placement and positioning of the ring which is normal even if somewhat frustrating.

Also just avoid Hotzone, it's fuckin pointless. Half of the server goes there so the game lags, for a chance to see a fully kitted weapon which isn't even special. There isn't even anything special about that weapon, it's just a normal weapon with all the mods that you'll naturally find through playing normally anyway. Considering how many people land in that area and how few weapons there are, it's just a shitshow and just not worth it for that 1 in 20 chance to find an AR/LMG as soon as you land and now down the rest, but this also means unless your squad finds one too they will likely die and you'll be alone.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'd welcome a solo mode just to get rid of certain kinds of people that are already playing Apex as a solo game. I'm the jumpmaster, I select a location, nobody objects or even says OK to it, then 1 or 2 of my randoms drop out alone into a completely unrelated location. They get downed in seconds and quit, regardless of whether we have time to get him back. Yeah, that kind of people in their own solo mode sounds like a dream come true tbh.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
Yeah. Trash night. Played like ass and could barely do anything. Might be time for a little break.

Had the same day. I played like garbage. Got a lot of second places. I took a break for 2 hours to play Blackout (and got roasted there too). Came back later to Apex and ending up winning one before I quit for the day. I almost can't quit playing Apex until I get atleast one win a day now.
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