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Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I'm surprised so many of you are completely against a solo game mode. Continue playing squads and let the solo guys do their thing. I know I'd be down for both. The only valid argument I've seen so far is that bloodhound will be even more of a beast. I'm sure they'll come up with a solution.
I'm one of them, as things are rarely that simple. Balance issues will inevitably appear in solos that are not an issue in squad play (with requisite whining) that would force sandbox changes that would bleed into all modes and may not be best for the game in its intended playstyle which is quite clearly team-focused combat. In fact, I don't think the intent of design could be more clear than it is in Apex Legends that this game is about teamwork and cooperation. It's in the soul of the game and a solo mode strips it entirely of said soul. I'm not convinced that their dev team has any interest in having different balances for the solo mode and a completley separate set of balances for duos and 3-man.

Plenty of shooters have done quite well over the years without what amounts to a standard Deathmatch mode. TF2, Overwatch, CSGo and Seige come to mind and are some of the biggest FPS games in the history of the genre and none of them have meaningful solo options (that is to say they are extremely minor inclusions with very small player bases eg Overwatch arcade mode). This can and probably should be one of them. I would not hold my breath and expect a solo mode to ever appear, to be quite frank. Duos will be cool and interesting, solos get a nope from me dawg. If those "solo or nuttin" players bleed away, see ya. Ya'll aren't import enough to fuck up the magic they have going right now, and most of that magic is in how uniquely good their implementation of team play is. They took it to heights not seen in this genre before it. Let that be this game's claim to fame and continue to spend resources to develop that to its maximum potential.

Skid 4

Jan 18, 2018
they should add matchmaking. these low level 0 damage kids i have on my squad every game need to go.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see the harm of them adding a solo mode. Personally I'm loving the squad mode so I'll stick to that. And the people who rather play solo can stick to their solo mode. This way I will have actual teamplayers on the squad instead of randoms who go on a solo venture in squad mode. Win-win I'd say.

Deleted member 2321

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm one of them, as things are rarely that simple. Balance issues will inevitably appear in solos that are not an issue in squad play (with requisite whining) that would force sandbox changes that would bleed into all modes and may not be best for the game in its intended playstyle which is quite clearly team-focused combat. In fact, I don't think the intent of design could be more clear than it is in Apex Legends that this game is about teamwork and cooperation. It's in the soul of the game and a solo mode strips it entirely of said soul. I'm not convinced that their dev team has any interest in having different balances for the solo mode and a completley separate set of balances for duos and 3-man.

Plenty of shooters have done quite well over the years without what amounts to a standard Deathmatch mode. TF2, Overwatch, CSGo and Seige come to mind and are some of the biggest FPS games in the history of the genre and none of them have meaningful solo options (that is to say they are extremely minor inclusions with very small player bases eg Overwatch arcade mode). This can and probably should be one of them. I would not hold my breath and expect a solo mode to ever appear, to be quite frank. Duos will be cool and interesting, solos get a nope from me dawg. If those "solo or nuttin" players bleed away, see ya. Ya'll aren't import enough to fuck up the magic they have going right now, and most of that magic is in how uniquely good their implementation of team play is. They took it to heights not seen in this genre before it. Let that be this game's claim to fame and continue to spend resources to develop that to its maximum potential.

Well put.


May 12, 2018
Just strip out all abilities and passives and have the characters act as skins. Who cares. Let the solo players do whatever and out of my team games.


Oct 26, 2017
That won't happen, you know that. Solo mode won't affect squad mode balance lol.

And you're basing this on... What? They would either 1) release a half-assed solo mode that had no balancing involved at all, 2) have a completely different balance for solo and squad modes or 3) balance everything with both solo and squads in mind, likely to the detriment of the squads mode's balance.

Now, these things are hard to "prove", but my gut says it'd be much, MUCH more likely they'd go with 3 rather than 1 or 2.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Just strip out all abilities and passives and have the characters act as skins. Who cares. Let the solo players do whatever and out of my team games.
I think sometimes you guys might be confusion or conflating "solo players" with "bad players who don't quite grasp the fundamentals of Apex Legends yet".

I play almost exclusively with randoms and 95% of the time they understand sticking with the group. Only a handful of times in my leveling up playing (level 56 now I believe) has someone intentionally separated from the team during the drop and landed far away from the team. Even then, they tried to get back with the team.

Now, people making bad decisions and going ham then dying is a different matter. But I think if you asked them, their intention wasn't to say "fuck the team, I'm doin this RAMBO"; they just made a bad decision. As for disconnects, there are lots of people still learning that you can be resurrected. If I notice I have new players on my team, I specifically tell them that they can be resurrected. Many people have been playing BR games for so long that they have a natural instant to disconnect at this point. They will have to break the habit. I don't think they intend to be a bad teammate; they just probably aren't used to the mechanic or are otherwise under-informed. Alternately they know about it and rage quit, which nobody can do anything about.


May 12, 2018
I think sometimes you guys might be confusion or conflating "solo players" with "bad players who don't quite grasp the fundamentals of Apex Legends yet".

I play almost exclusively with randoms and 95% of the time they understand sticking with the group. Only a handful of times in my leveling up playing (level 56 now I believe) has someone intentionally separated from the team during the drop and landed far away from the team. Even then, they tried to get back with the team.

Now, people making bad decisions and going ham then dying is a different matter. But I think if you asked them, their intention wasn't to say "fuck the team, I'm doin this RAMBO"; they just made a bad decision. As for disconnects, there are lots of people still learning that you can be resurrected. If I notice I have new players on my team, I specifically tell them that they can be resurrected. Many people have been playing BR games for so long that they have a natural instant to disconnect at this point. They will have to break the habit. I don't think they intend to be a bad teammate; they just probably aren't used to the mechanic or are otherwise under-informed. Alternately they know about it and rage quit, which nobody can do anything about.
That wasn't my main point, just a nice side effect.
I meet plenty of good randoms.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
No one would argue that the game was designed for squad play. It respawn wanted they could even put a warning on screen when you select the solo mode which says something along the lines of "apex legends is best played with a team."

However unless Respawn wants Apex to start leaking players in the coming months a solo mode will be necessary since many people enjoy Battle Royale games because they like playing alone without the baggage of random teammates. Those people, myself included, are willing to play a more stripped down version of the game if that's what it takes. We just like the mechanics and pace of Apex.
It's really not rocket science. A lot of people just want to play alone with no pressure or without having to deal with teammates, it won't matter at all if it's not balanced or the way Apex is meant to be experienced. I won't touch Solo mode because I get too nervous and tense in Solo BR modes, but it still annoys me people making silly balance or game design arguments against its inclusion.

Not to mention Solo players right now are ruining things for the people looking for a good team experience.

Deleted member 2321

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Oct 25, 2017
It's really not rocket science. A lot of people just want to play alone with no pressure or without having to deal with teammates, it won't matter at all if it's not balanced or the way Apex is meant to be experienced. I won't touch Solo mode because I get too nervous and tense in Solo BR modes, but it still annoys me people making silly balance or game design arguments against its inclusion.

How game design or balance arguments are silly is beyond me.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
This is my view too, I don't want solos, but I do want all of the randoms that clearly have no interest in playing as a team to have a place to go.

You can't force people to be team orientated players.
If I was a solo player, why would I ever accept that as an offering to satiate me? It's giving them like 1/3rd of the intended game experience.

Ya'll know how fast the complaints would come in? lol

How game design or balance arguments are silly is beyond me.
It's early in the morning in some places and I think some of us aren't ready to really think through what they're asking of the game...and its potential consequences.


Oct 26, 2017
Some of y'all who suddenly expect squad games with randoms to improve in quality if a solo mode is added are in for a rude awakening.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
If I was a solo player, why would I ever accept that as an offering to satiate me? It's giving them like 1/3rd of the intended game experience.

Ya'll know how fast the complaints would come in? lol

What do you mean? If you're a solo player, why wouldn't you be happy to play alone? The solo players on reddit and similar desperately want solo modes.

Also, people are wrong about the abilities. They all work independent of team coordination. The meta is certainly different, but I don't think that's problematic.

Deleted member 2321

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
And btw, not to crush your dreams or illusions, but inexperienced players would not all of a sudden all play solos and leave you with amazing teammates. They would still stick to squads in hope to get carried.

That's my experience.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
How game design or balance arguments are silly is beyond me.
It's just an unbalanced side mode that lone wolf players can fuck off to, I don't see why they would change the main game to balance that or why it need to be balanced. Just put a warning on it when people queue up for it. Blizzard didn't rebalance the whole overwatch gameplay when they included FFA deathmatch for all the people who really wanted it.

Deleted member 2321

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's just an unbalanced side mode that lone wolf players can fuck off to, I don't see why they would change the main game to balance that or why it need to be balanced. Just put a warning on it when people queue up for it. Blizzard didn't rebalance the whole overwatch gameplay when they included FFA deathmatch for all the people who really wanted it.

That's short sighted imo. But we all made out points now. Read Dreams-Visions post.

He put what I'm trying to say in better words.
Oct 28, 2017
It's just an unbalanced side mode that lone wolf players can fuck off to, I don't see why they would change the main game to balance that or why it need to be balanced. Just put a warning on it when people queue up for it. Blizzard didn't rebalance the whole overwatch gameplay when they included FFA deathmatch for all the people who really wanted it.

you just said it

it will be unbalanced

people will complain for unbalancing and this or that meta or op

just like now complaining for missing solo mode

rinse and repeat


Oct 28, 2017
Making a solo mode would not suddenly make all the solo que players actually go there. ESPECIALLY if it's unbalanced or removes all the abilities.

Some of y'all really aren't thinking this through past "I'm mad people on my team didn't play the way I want them to!"


Oct 25, 2017
Add solo game.

Don't change anything, just add it as an option.

If you select mirage, well screw your passive since it wont be used.


Oct 25, 2017
I still don't see what the big deal is if, say, Mirage or Lifeline would be somewhat worse in solos. So they get picked less often, wow, I guess the mode is ruined.

Well we'll see. Those other examples come from stubborn insistence to keep every mode the same and focus on all of them equally. Respawn has already made it abundantly clear that this is a squad game first and foremost.

you just said it

it will be unbalanced

people will complain for unbalancing and this or that meta or op

just like now complaining for missing solo mode

rinse and repeat
"You'll never reach a point where no one complains so why bother" is honestly one of the most tired and pointless arguments that keep popping up.
Making a solo mode would not suddenly make all the solo que players actually go there. ESPECIALLY if it's unbalanced or removes all the abilities.

Some of y'all really aren't thinking this through past "I'm mad people on my team didn't play the way I want them to!"
This is another good one. It won't completely solve the issue so let's just not do it at all. Ok.


Oct 25, 2017
i have an elite now and trying to rewire my brain that there are paddles on the back is actually kinda annoying lol


Oct 25, 2017
No good reason to have solo mode imo

But I'm a lone wolf, shitty teammates , etc

Dont care, dont play it then

a good reason is to have more options, more ways to play, it's not harming or worsening the core game to have it included so why argue against it other than to be argumentative

actually i dont care because you're not respawn

dont care, don't play it. if they don't include it, fine, but it's stupid to try and argue from their viewpoint when there's already evidence of it possibly coming.


A. D. Skinner

Nov 13, 2017
Guys, there are many options in this game for how to display damage, where it's coming from, all sorts yet somehow when I make the changes, I can't tell in game, (as in, it's changing, I just don't know) the difference.

Does anyone have a video or picture guide that shows the differences? I could only tell the difference between pickups being standard and compact when I saw a picture of it on Reddit.

Also, I cant find a video of the Havoc with the choke?


Oct 28, 2017
You seriously don't think it would make random teammates any more likely to actually play as a team?

No, I don't. Because what is happening with random's isn't that they're not team playing. It's that they don't play with the same style as some of the people they get teamed up with. For example, I get extremely annoyed when the randoms get Jumpmaster and immediately hot drop and die or when they chase after every gunfight without considering position or circle movements. That doesn't mean that they're not team players. It means their playstyle isn't compatible with mine. If I was a more aggressive player then win or lose I would feel those players and I were on the same page.

The majority of what people are complaining about is just playstyle clashes. And that will continue to happen whether there is Solo Que or not because not everyone plays the same way.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't seem to connect. Stuck at the loading when I boot the game. Read something about servers issues, anyone else?


Oct 25, 2017
Guys, there are many options in this game for how to display damage, where it's coming from, all sorts yet somehow when I make the changes, I can't tell in game, (as in, it's changing, I just don't know) the difference.

Does anyone have a video or picture guide that shows the differences? I could only tell the difference between pickups being standard and compact when I saw a picture of it on Reddit.
Damage numbers are pretty straight forward. You can choose between individual numbers for every bullet, shotgun pellet etc separately or you can make it so that within maybe about 200ms frame they add up to a single number so you get a better idea of how much damage you've done in total.

I haven't messed around with damage indicators but I suppose 3D tries to point at the direction of the enemy in 3D space and 2D just points down if they're behind you and so on.

No, I don't. Because what is happening with random's isn't that they're not team playing. It's that they don't play with the same style as some of the people they get teamed up with. For example, I get extremely annoyed when the randoms get Jumpmaster and immediately hot drop and die or when they chase after every gunfight without considering position or circle movements. That doesn't mean that they're not team players. It means their playstyle isn't compatible with mine. If I was a more aggressive player then win or lose I would feel those players and I were on the same page.

The majority of what people are complaining about is just playstyle clashes. And that will continue to happen whether there is Solo Que or not because not everyone plays the same way.
I've had several games where the third wheel jumps on their own to god knows where, ignores all pings and doesn't even try to group up. And of course they get slaughtered by the first team they come across. That's not different play styles. That's playing solo the only way you currently can.
Oct 28, 2017
No, I don't. Because what is happening with random's isn't that they're not team playing. It's that they don't play with the same style as some of the people they get teamed up with. For example, I get extremely annoyed when the randoms get Jumpmaster and immediately hot drop and die or when they chase after every gunfight without considering position or circle movements. That doesn't mean that they're not team players. It means their playstyle isn't compatible with mine. If I was a more aggressive player then win or lose I would feel those players and I were on the same page.

The majority of what people are complaining about is just playstyle clashes. And that will continue to happen whether there is Solo Que or not because not everyone plays the same way.

i'm ok in trying and experimenting different playstyles... but as group. That's why you can say OK or suggest another drop point...
If all the 3 are ok in hotdrop, just let's do it. maybe i'll also learn something if the one proposing the hotdrop is actually skilled.

that's it.

hotdropping alone only means that you are that kind of selfish/wannabepro/ifeelmyselfsogoodthatillslaughteranyone/justrackingupmykillsstatsoicanshowitthatimfukkinggoodanddontcareaboutwins players


Dec 12, 2018
My most nerve wrecking win so far, that ended in the most anticlimactic way possible. It's just a short version omitting all the little things that made it so nerve wrecking, but I just had to laugh at that poor fella trying to get into the house.
Another thing I wanted to say though, the last time I posted in this thread, it was about a very negative experience I had, but not this time, quite the opposite actually. I'm not sure if I'm out of this world lucky with my teammates, but 95% of my teammates that speak in-game are really nice and fun to play with. I've added quite a lot of people already that I can kinda queue with around the clock now. While I had no one as bad as the person I posted about earlier, there were some other sexist encounters or shitty people in general, but it feels much more rare than in other games. I truly hope this is more than me just being lucky with the people I come across, would like to hear some other people and their experiences in that regard.


Oct 25, 2017
Be cool if for a potential solo mode they just made everyone a titanfall pilot of sorts. No titan. Just the gear like we have now and maybe grappling hooks for all because I love grappling hooks. I reckon it'd still be a hoot without abilities and just with the pace, map and shooting. Don't see the legends working in solo mode and as others have said it'd be shite if they made changes to the legends to suit it.
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