Edmond Dantès

It belongs in a museum!
Aug 24, 2022
Alexandria, Egypt

Archaeologists from the University of Wrocław have uncovered ancient papyri that contains the correspondence of Roman centurions who were stationed in Egypt.
The papyri were discovered in Berenice Troglodytica, an ancient seaport of Egypt on the western shore of the Red Sea. The city was founded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285–246 BC), who named it after his mother, Berenice I of Egypt.

During the Roman period, Berenice Troglodytica was one of the main waystations for the trade in war elephants and exotic goods, imported from India, Sri Lanka, Arabia, and Upper Egypt.

Excavations of an animal cemetery located on the western outskirts of the city have uncovered an accumulation of ceramics originating from the Mediterranean, Africa and India.

Among the accumulation, the team found Roman coins, a fibula, ostracons (fragments of texts on ceramics), and several papyri.

he papyri contains the correspondence of centurions, naming Haosus, Lucinius and Petronius. Centurions were soldiers who were promoted to command a centuria or "century", a military unit consisting of between 80 to 100 men.
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"In the correspondence, Petronius asks Lucinius (stationed in Berenice Troglodytica) about the prices of individual exclusive goods. There is also the statement: "I am giving you the money, I am sending it by dromedarius (a unit of legionnaires moving on dromedaries). Take care of them, provide them with veal and poles for their tents."

Dr. Marta Osypińska from the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Wrocław, said: "For Egyptologists and other scientists dealing with antiquity, this is an extremely rare and high-calibre discovery."

"In this part of the world, there are very few sites from the Roman period. The Egyptians tend to leave little historical accounts from this time in history, because it is the moment when they were conquered." added Dr. Osypińska.

Archaeologists find ancient papyri with correspondence made by Roman centurions

Archaeologists from the University of Wrocław have uncovered ancient papyri that contains the correspondence of Roman centurions who were stationed in Egypt. - HeritageDaily - Archaeology News

Egipt/Listy centurionów znaleźli polscy archeolodzy w Berenike

Papirusy z listami rzymskich centurionów stacjonujących w Egipcie znaleźli polscy archeolodzy w Berenike. Te unikalne dokumenty odnaleziono wraz z m.in. ceramiką z Italii, monetami rzymskimi i specyficzną zapinką do płaszcza w miejscu, które mogło być pozostałością biura centuriona.


Jul 17, 2021
Stuff like this is always one of the coolest kinds of finds imo - the words of (relatively speaking) average people going about their business and corresponding with one-another. Just these little glimpses not into great men of history, but the briefest peek into the lives of random people who lived centuries ago.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
Stuff like this is always one of the coolest kinds of finds imo - the words of (relatively speaking) average people going about their business and corresponding with one-another. Just these little glimpses not into great men of history, but the briefest peek into the lives of random people who lived centuries ago.

Yep. I will take this over a thousand fancy marble busts, because this stuff speaks to life

It's a rather neat parallel to Vindolanda that way - I will never not smile thinking about that birthday invitation - and I really hope the conditions allow for more of such material to come forth.