Oct 28, 2017
Somehow despite LOVING the trilogy, I have never seen the extended versions till now and I haven't watched Return of the King, which I already regarded as one of the best movies I have ever seen. I can't even tell which parts are not original to the 2001 films but this shit is hitting harder than ever.

And the unexpected part of it this is, thanks to Rings of Power and an extremely knowledgeable ERA poster, I think I understand these movies better and that makes them more enjoyable. I feel like I missed so much before and now I get a few nods here and there. I lot of the names and locations were just too strange for me to get before but now feeling like I see the bigger picture.

Now if I could get ONE of my kids to sit down and watch....

The Quentulated Mox

Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 10, 2022
i think some of the additions are good and some are bad. in conclusion, the LOTR extended editions are a land of contrasts


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
The Extended Editions are almost entirely more world a character building stuff. Outside of Saurman's fate, the Extended Editions don't really add much to the base narrative.

That said, I love all that extra stuff, and will only watch the Extended Editions.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
They are great if you want to dive deeper in to the world. There are also a lot of gratuitous violence he added back in which I assume was cut to keep away from the R rating. The Amon Hen sequence in Fellowship has Legolas killing like 4 more orcs in a row.
Oct 25, 2017
I'd say especially in ROTK there's stuff that's not really needed and kinda just looks goofy

I'm thinking of the scene where Saruman dies and he turns on the wheel and I just lmao every time


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
if im gonna spend a fuckton of time rewatching the trilogy, it might as well be the EE, ya know

Hello Snake

Nov 25, 2020
I bought them on DVD but I could barely get through the first one. Then I fell asleep during the second one and never watched them again. Just found it boring. I liked them in the movie theater. Maybe I was tired.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Los Angeles
I prefer the Extended editions overall but I think only Saruman's fate and fleshing out Faramir really felt like they were essential additions. ROTK was already so long, that EE is the one that feels a bit bloated.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
I bought them on DVD but I could barely get through the first one. Then I fell asleep during the second one and never watched them again. Just found it boring. I liked them in the movie theater. Maybe I was tired.
They are extremely slow, the theatrical cuts are edited to be as lean and fast moving as possible given the material. The EE are there for fans who want to stop and smell the roses in Middle Earth.

Flame Flamey

Feb 8, 2018
Not a fan of the extended cut of ROTK showing Aragorn and friends taking out the corsairs; them jumping off the ships in the theatrical cut was one of my favorite childhood moments


Oct 25, 2017
Theatrical editions are a waste of time.

Extended Editions are the definitive editions.
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
I prefer the Extended editions overall but I think only Saruman's fate and fleshing out Faramir really felt like they were essential additions. ROTK was already so long, that EE is the one that feels a bit bloated.

I didn't think about how much longer ROTK must be. I remember watching in the theater saying "this is great but I have to pee like a race horse, how much time is left?" and they guy next to me said "like 30 mins!" I was like HOW THE FUCK IS THE END OF THIS MOVIE THIS LONG?


Oct 25, 2017
I think Fellowship is the only one where the extended is like, fully superior, but I probably prefer the extended of the other two as well at this point.

Jubilant Duck

Oct 21, 2022
While I think Fellowship is the only EE that is categorically just 100% better, TT and ROTK are on net improved I think. I haven't bothered with the theatricals since their original run tbh.


Oct 26, 2017
My personal bias says "Yes, they are better", but also I wouldn't show someone who hasn't seen the films yet the EE first. It's really just an extra thing for the fans. Well, mostly, as some of the added Return of the King scenes are essential.

I'd say especially in ROTK there's stuff that's not really needed and kinda just looks goofy

I'm thinking of the scene where Saruman dies and he turns on the wheel and I just lmao every time
Saruman's fate is actually why I think the EE of RotK is the only one that's truly essential. Like, without it one of the main villains of the trilogy just kinda disappears.


Sep 19, 2019
The pacing on Fellowship is much grander than the theatrical version, and it's pretty much impossible to go back. The extended scenes in Towers really add a lot of emotional weight that was missing from the theatrical as well. The extended scenes in King are a slog though, and you really feel the weight of them drag things down.

Like, I know people want closure with Saruman, but it is by far the worst scene in the trilogy.
Oct 25, 2017
My personal bias says "Yes, they are better", but also I wouldn't show someone who hasn't seen the films yet the EE first. It's really just an extra thing for the fans. Well, mostly, as some of the added Return of the King scenes are essential.

Saruman's fate is actually why I think the EE of RotK is the only one that's truly essential. Like, without it one of the main villains of the trilogy just kinda disappears.
Yeah but that shit looked straight out of a bad action movie. Especially when the damn wheel turns lol


Jul 17, 2021
Mixed on them. I love Fellowship extended all day every day and ROTK was still watchable extended even in theatres, but Two Towers extended was one of the worst viewing experiences I had in a theatre - the pacing was so fucking dire in a no-pauses, no breaks, stuck in the theatre for three and a half hours setting. And it's weird too, cuz I'm fine with viewing TT extended at home and usually have no issue with 4 hour theatre experiences. Something about that movie's pacing in particular... I was sprinting to the exit when I was done!
Theatrical editions are a waste of time.

Extended Editions are the definitive editions.
Wastes of time seems needlessly hyperbolic. Those are the versions that won all the acclaim and academy awards to begin with and they're not bad in the slightest. Not to mention they're the director's cuts of the films so by definition you could say theatrical are the definitive/main cuts, the extended cuts were just fun bonuses done for the fans and people who wanted extra. Theatrical cuts were never butchered hackjobs and are the original acclaimed versions of the films and have plenty of merit - even if Jackson made one or two baffling editing decisions for them like ROTK.

I've known people too who bounce off the films because of the 'only extended is worthwhile' sort of attitude, so I think it can be unhelpful to newcomers as well.


Nov 4, 2017
It's crazy that even the Extended cuts feel like cliff notes compared to the books. Your next task should be to read The Hobbit and LOTR now, OP.


Oct 25, 2017
They are great if you want to dive deeper in to the world. There are also a lot of gratuitous violence he added back in which I assume was cut to keep away from the R rating. The Amon Hen sequence in Fellowship has Legolas killing like 4 more orcs in a row.
Possibly. But all three LotR extended editions are still rated PG-13. Only The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies Extended got the R rating.
May 26, 2018
I love the extended editions but wouldn't recommend on first time … except Return of the King has Saruman's ending which is a massively good deleted scene.
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
It's crazy that even the Extended cuts feel like cliff notes compared to the books. Your next task should be to read The Hobbit and LOTR now, OP.

One of the few regrets I have is not being a fiction reader as a child. As an adult, I have not be able to read fiction and enjoy it. I can read non-fiction just fine but even then, I can't remember the last time I finished a book.


Oct 28, 2017
At this point I forget what they even added vs what the normal films are but imo return of the king is a bit too long. Battles in particular maybe?

Not saying that the cut parts added into the extended edition aren't worth it, but I think just with those it's very long.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
I personally prefer the pacing of the Theatrical versions better, but the Extended Editions are still really good.

My only complaint about them is (obviously) they can stretch things out more, and I think the few extra jokey scenes with Gimli are a bit much. Very minor complaints I will say.


Oct 25, 2017
Extended Editions are great if you want a nap

RotK is probably the only one of the extended editions I would consider watching


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Monkey's paw cinema. Each EE adds one scene that, once you see it, becomes totally essential to the viewing, and a bunch of bog dreck that drags down and needlessly extends the experience

I have managed to rehabilitate myself out of the TT and RotK EEs, I hope to no longer need the gifts scene in FotR someday. Someday.

edit: surprised it's not been mentioned yet, but don't forget: Peter Jackson considers the theatrical releases of all three films to be the definitive cuts. He's right.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
When I show LOTR to new people, I always have them watch Fellowship and Towers theatrical then Return of the King extended. It's worked every time and multiple people have told me that they previously tried to start with Fellowship extended and bounced off due to the pacing.

Now, I love the extended of all three. It's the only way I watch them when I'm personally doing it just for me. But I do think they are kind of "for fans" and best served as a second watch. Except for Return of the King, it always HAS to be extended. Too many great scenes cut and plot threads abandoned or rushed in Theatrical.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
They're neat if you're already a fan and just want "more.". But they are generally worse cuts of those movies.

Momentum is kneecapped every 20 minutes, flow that feels natural is instead interrupted for world building that undermines the emotional core.

Even Jackson doesn't like the idea of calling them Director's Cuts - he reserves that term for the ones initially put into theaters. If I was showing someone Lord of the Rings for the first time, I would simply show them the Theatrical edits.

There are individual scenes here and there that are great, and would've loved to see in the initial cut. Butt then you have all stuff the Rohirrim riding out towards Gondor... but first we need to catch up with them having soup around the corner going "looks bad over there!"

In an ideal world, we could get a third and final cut that still adds some additional scenes without stopping and starting so frequently.


Oct 27, 2017
From what I recall…

Fellowship Extended is better.
Two Towers Extended is pretty much on par with the theatrical.
Return of the King Extended is worse.


Oct 27, 2017
I think people who are watching for the first time should probably watch theatrical and if rewatching, extended. The theatricals are the best paced. ROTK EE in particular is overly long with some actual bloat thrown in at 4h20min


Jan 9, 2018
I enjoy the extended editions, and tend to watch them if I'm on a rewatch. However, the pacing in the theatrical cuts can't be beat. I'm rarely aware I'm watching a three hour movie when I go back to theatrical. When I watch Return of the King Extended, I'm aware that the movie I'm watching is encroaching on four hours.

When it comes time for my son to be introduced to those movies, I'll probably start with theatrical. Then introduce the extended cuts if he ends up liking the movies.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't seen the theatrical editions since their original DVD releases. They would seem overly edited and cut down to my eyes now, I'm so used to the extended editions.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't even remember how the theatrical versions are cut at this point. Can someone brush me up on what they do with Saruman's in ROTK for the theatrical? I'm so used to seeing him on a wheel.


Oct 27, 2017
While not every addition is phenomenal, all three extended editions are superior to the theatricals. Return of the King in particular benefits from the EE, both because it actually gives closure to Saruman and because it simply flow better. I legitimately think the ROTK EE feels shorter than the theatrical cut. The ROTK EE is just an effortless threading of the story from start to finish.

I don't even remember how the theatrical versions are cut at this point. Can someone brush me up on what they do with Saruman's in ROTK for the theatrical? I'm so used to seeing him on a wheel.

Literally nothing. Treebeard says he's trapped in the tower and that's that. Never seen or mentioned again.