Are you a twitch subscriber or patreon backer?

  • Yes, Twitch subscriber only

    Votes: 132 19.6%
  • Yes, Patreon only

    Votes: 152 22.5%
  • Yes, both

    Votes: 105 15.6%
  • No

    Votes: 286 42.4%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I am too poor to but If I had the money I would throw some on patreon to...

Horror show with Brian Keene
Watch out for Fireballs
The Danger Room:an X-Men podcast

These are all pods.

I would also donate to Jim Sterling for both podcast and YouTube, and Gavin of Miracle of Sound (love his music) and Laura Kate Dale so she can continue being.

I would also become a premium member for The Black Guy Who Tips content, even if I only listen to the normal show now and then Rod and Karen do tremendously important work in my mind.

As for those who "don't get it" it's pretty simple. It's not just people playing games, most of the people I would are not about games and those who do are not lets players. But the bigger point is Patreon (hence the name from a time honored tradition of patronage of the arts) allows you to support people directly, making the smaller ones who would never make it in the pre-internet age a chance to actually make a living off of it, and in bigger cases cutting out the middleman. Say you donate to a musician isn't nice that they get all the money instead of the majority of it going to a record label? I mean when you buy a CD even the best artists with great contract might get a buck for that 15 to 20 you spent, most musicians already make most of their money off touring and merch. That's what Patreon is, the difference between buying a TOOL shirt at the concert and buying the cd at Best Buy, and I don't know about anyone else but I would rather my money goes to the people that are creating the entertainment I enjoy instead of some empty suits that probably already make more money than they will ever need for the "service" of being on the corporate ladder of a company that plays middleman and reaps the most rewards for it.
Oct 27, 2017
If so who and how many twitch subs or patreon donations do you make in any particular month?

More importantly, why?

I've always been curious to see how much people are spending when it comes to twitch and patreon.

I get a free sub on twitch, I throw it to a guy called Cringer. As to why? I like the kinds of games he plays and he has a good personality.

On Patron I had been subbing to a marvel super heroes podcast. I no longer do that because I had to cut back on 'subscriptions, but when I did, it was because I appreciated his content and wanted to support him a bit.


Sep 22, 2018
Just one and it's not video game related. I support the storm of spoilers podcast but I just stopped recently because they switched the format to talk about LOST and I don't care for the show.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No, and I honestly don't see myself ever becoming one. There's just no content creator I'd be willing to spend more than half an hour on in a given week, and even so it's usually "old" videos on YouTube or something. I already give 'em money with YouTube ads and whatnot.


Mar 16, 2018
I very rarely use twitch but I'm a Patreon for:
Easy Allies
Mary Cagle (author of Sleepless Domain)
Abbadon (author of Kill Six Billion Demons)
Zack Morrison (author of Paranatural)
gigi d.g. (author of Cucumber Quest)

I want to send some money Jim Sterlings way but I might be giving to much out as is...
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I use my Twitch Prime sub for Critical Role, and I support a very small booktuber on Patreon with $5/month.

Deleted member 1478

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Closest for me would be a Giant Bomb premium subscriber but after all these years I doubt I'll be resubbing to that. I just don't think it holds enough value anymore,


Oct 28, 2017
Incognitus (very small [in terms of viewership] UK Twitch Streamer) basically owns my twitch prime sub.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I am a sub to two channels.

I don't mind supporting content if it's good and people are trying. There are a lot of talented people out there worth supporting and I sometimes leave these streams on for hours, so I don't mind showing appreciation. I never donate. I don't patreon.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
No, and I honestly don't see myself ever becoming one. There's just no content creator I'd be willing to spend more than half an hour on in a given week, and even so it's usually "old" videos on YouTube or something. I already give 'em money with YouTube ads and whatnot.
I can't talk about twitch but you do realize Patreon supports a lot more than "YouTube content creators".

It's used by all kinds of people in the creative arts from smaller ones that wouldn't get notice in the corporate system to bigger well known people that are taking things into their own hands.

Like Horror author Brian Keene, well respected, prolific write that's seen most his books published and enjoys a very solid career as an upper midlist writer. He does all his short stories as Patreon rewards now, so instead of trying to sell to a dying magazine industry he gets them out, and makes all the money from them. And his fans get a steady diet of his stories that are usually lore heavy and connected to his books without having to hunt down who's publishing it and where to get a copy.

To me that's the dream, the creator actually receiving the bounty of his creation.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm been subscribed to two twitch channels for a couple of years because they both constantly put out content that feels made for me sometimes.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I'm subbed to the boys from OuterHeaven for 68 months now. Metal Gear Solid-only channel.

Was a patreon for Easy Allies for about 6 months, and I've been a sub of Dansgaming for about 6 months.
Oct 27, 2017
I use my Twitch Prime sub on a different person every month, but I do donate to three creators consistently via Patreon. $1 to two of them whose videos I don't regularly watch, but I want to support their efforts. $5 to another creator who has unlockable videos at that level that I occasionally like to see.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I have Amazon Prime so I get one sub free per month, which I use even. No donations or bits though, and no Patreon either.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I did spent up to 120$ a month on patreon but eventually decided that it's getting too much so i cancelled a bunch and dropped it to around 50$.


Oct 27, 2017
I have 5-6 twitch subs, only 2 I pay for, one twitch prime and the other 2-3 are gift subs that have been happening a lot in the mario streams. (sub to Ryukahr,Grandpoobear,Barb,Laserbelch,Glitchcat7, and Nobletofu)

Patreon kind of goes up and down as I go in and out of interests but try to keep it around $20-$30. Mostly podcasts. I've had a Giant Bomb sub for about 6 years now.


Oct 27, 2017
I have 8 non-gifted Twitch subscriptions, and 2 Patreons (totaling $4/month).

The Twitch subs are because I watch far, far more Twitch than anything else. (DasValdez, MikeSci, Fruitbats, jessecox (one-time, lifetime sub), SimCopter1, curvyelephant, 0Reed, Fairlight_Excalibur (Prime sub))

The Patreon subs are for two musicians that I've loved since before Patreon was even a thing (Amanda Palmer and Danielle Ate the Sandwich). The Patreon subs include all of the artists' new music; it's a really great deal.
Nov 28, 2017
I've never watched a single video on Twitch, I have no interest in it.

I have mulled about supporting a couple of sites on Patreon, but then I realized I can get same or similar for free, so I decided to spend the money on myself.


Oct 29, 2017
Twitch prime: singsing

Patreon: easy allies, red letter media, contrapoints

The first two are always locked in since eza started. The third slot I rotate around to various YouTube channels I like. For example I've subbed to noclip before.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
The only time I have ever been on Twitch is to get Twitch Prime for free and claim associated game content. I have never been on Patreon. I don't listen to any podcasts and I don't know what the hell else I would even use Patreon for.

I have YouTube premium so i think they get some kind of kickback for the ads i don't see
Also this.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I sub to Easy Allies on both patreon and using my prime sub on Twitch. Pretty happy with what they've been doing and think they deserve it.


Oct 25, 2017
No, I don't watch Twitch and the channels that I would be willing to support on Patreon don't offer it. I gift online buddies who stream on Twitch my monthly Prime Sub when I think about it though


Oct 27, 2017
Yes! I support Easy Allies on both Patreon and Twitch. (Via my amazon prime subscription on Twitch)


Jan 16, 2018
lara6683 on twitch (prime, so it's free)
I have supported models or digital artists on patreon in the past (for no more than $15 a month total).

Why? I want to support what they do because I think it's more exceptional than the rest and they're not already rich


May 28, 2019
I use a prime sub on Twitch for one of my friend's channels and on Patreon I am supporting:
Last Podcast on the Left
Video Game History
The Cutting Room Floor


Oct 27, 2017
Nope, neither of them. I don't even use my twitch prime subs I get from Amazon. All I use twitch for is watching csgo tournaments


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
Nope, I don't enjoy watching other people do things...and I'm not giving money to personalities online.

Closest I come is backing video game or movie projects with a single purchase/donation(MST3K for example) on kickstarters.


Oct 25, 2017
Twitch Prime and a dollar on Patreon to Easy Allies every month, that's about it. I'm considering supporting SuperMega on Patreon though, but their lowest tier is $5


Oct 27, 2017
Twitch Prime baby, swap between streamers semi-frequently. Currently subbed to vo0id, a DKC speedrunner.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Nope. No interest in it, either. I'm not so rich that I can just throw money away on tips for people who are already getting paid by ads.


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017
I subscribe to Talking Simpsons, Retronauts, The Video Game History Foundation, and Lindsey Ellis.

Don't watch twitch.