
Oct 25, 2017
Whenever a game has a taunt option, I will use it.

In Street Fighter, if my opponent is dizzy and has a sliver of health left and I have ultra/super, I will finish them off using that instead of just hitting any button.


Lol you're that guy who does the whole ultra combo in KI.



Oct 27, 2017
If someone tries to engage me 1v1 in overwatch when they shouldn't, or should win but don't, you'd best BELIEVE I'm crouching on them before their character model stops moving. I like to think of it as a win-win; either they get mad and tunnel vision me to the detriment of the rest of their team, or they learn not to step to me unless they have a team backing them up and become better players as a result.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Nope. Seems like a waste of time. You don't even get to see their reaction.

I never felt anything when someone did it to me.


Oct 30, 2017
In TLoU factions I always teabag those who use lame p2w weapons or skills while they crawl on their knees. Then execution and another round of teabags while his camera is focused on me.

It's so fucking humiliating I can't help not doing it.


Oct 25, 2017
No. What's more fun than being an asshole is goofing around with other players on your team. Another guy took cover near me in Gears the other day and we both just spammed weapon switch for ten seconds after every Horde victory. Looked so stupid.
I cannot fucking believe this exists.
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Oct 26, 2017
Not really. Worst (best?) case scenario, I'll be a sarky twat if someone is clearly taking things too seriously in Overwatch, like aggressively telling somebody else who they should be playing. Otherwise, in the majority of games I won't say anything and if I do, I'll typically be polite.

Getting into wonderfully absurd conversations with complete strangers, seemingly for no other purpose than weirding everyone else in the game out, has always been more fun to me than trying to make the opposition feel bad.


Oct 25, 2017

if you played dark souls and died to an invader who then pointed you down, that was probably me.

also if you ever got stupidly cheesed by someone who then proceeded to use "proper bow", that was probably me too.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I am fine with people doing stuff like this. Have your fun, right?

For my part, it feels better to win and just act like it ain't no thing. Additionally, I feel like it frustrates taunters way more when you win respectfully than when you act like they do. Win/win.


Alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes being taunted helps make me more motivated/be on fire. Lately, though, no. Taunting is just releasing oneself's stress and feel good bout it.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm not 12 anymore, my brain doesn't understand the purpose of taunting anymore. The only game i use to taunt in was on socom, but it was just because the dancing was hilarious to me. In fighting games I don't understand the taunting or the crouching and standing quick stuff, when the player does that It makes me think hes 12 or has some kind of mental condition. I don't see how you can get any satisfaction unless you a 10 year old.


Oct 25, 2017
If it's as a response to someone else doing something, then sure i'll fight fire with fire. If we're talking about doing it unprovoked, purely to piss off the other guy, then nope. In my view that makes about as much sense as bullying, you're basically just being shitty to another person for no reason in that scenario.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Only if the team is really bad and I'm sure taunting won't blow up in my face

1v1s are honorable duels, I won't taunt unless taunted

I'm not 12 anymore, my brain doesn't understand the purpose of taunting anymore. The only game i use to taunt in was on socom, but it was just because the dancing was hilarious to me. In fighting games I don't understand the taunting or the crouching and standing quick stuff, when the player does that It makes me think hes 12 or has some kind of mental condition. I don't see how you can get any satisfaction unless you a 10 year old.
y u mad tho


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not 12 anymore, my brain doesn't understand the purpose of taunting anymore. The only game i use to taunt in was on socom, but it was just because the dancing was hilarious to me. In fighting games I don't understand the taunting or the crouching and standing quick stuff, when the player does that It makes me think hes 12 or has some kind of mental condition. I don't see how you can get any satisfaction unless you a 10 year old.

That has nothing to do with age. I guess you are the that is still growing, huh? Trash talk in competition is nothing new and also nothing bad. But I can see how it's annoying if you are the one that always gets trashed.


Oct 27, 2017
Shit talking is fun and funny. But online communities are too sensitive nowadays. They think shit talking is a personal attack on them versus just taking the piss and trying to build camaraderie


Oct 27, 2017
I hate stuff like that except for overwatch.

In overwatch, there are two instances in which I teabag:

Quickplay: being a bitch with sombra by hacking healers, killing and teabagging them. I then let them a good chance to kill me and revenge-teabag. I love it.

Competitive: if i kill someone who is really annoying me, i'll Usually teabag them. Fuck tracer.

These are the only examples. I find the combo spray, punch, teabag combo I sometimes see in killcams to be utterly silly.


Oct 25, 2017
If the objective is to aggravate someone, I've never been a fan of that. If it's in good spirit and people know I'm just messing around, sure.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I'll always pop off a "greetings" just before beating a face hunter or aggro paladin in Hearthstone.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, Depending on the attitude from the other team (cod)

But I'll be clear on one thing. If just one individual or the whole team comes off disrespectful, I love it. Because that's motivation to either keep kicking their shit in, or to play better and watch them choke on all that bullshit they running out their motherfuckin mouth. This is not PBS kids, Disrespect is the spirit of true competitive gaming.

Out of here with that kumbaya shit. GGs.