
Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
They should keep it alive on Disney+ and take at least a 5 year break from making anymore movies.


Apr 29, 2018
Mainly the fans, not talking here in particular, but the attitude of "nothing is good. " I find out quickly that a lot of fans would not like anything that isn't 4-6 or 1-6 depending on the fan. I'm not a 100% fan of the ST at all but.. So many many people would never like it no matter what happened.


Oct 27, 2017
Not burnout, but after The Rise of Skywalker I'm pretty checked out on the whole thing. I loved The Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi felt like this capital M moment for Star Wars where the possibilities were endless and we were about to embark on a new era, but TROS brought the whole thing screaming back into tired, familiar territory with such blunt finality that it just made me feel embarrassed that I ever let myself get my hopes up. I mean, I know that's a little dramatic, but, honestly, when I think back on some of the things that happened in that movie, 'embarrassed' is the only word I can come up with for how I feel about the whole thing.

So, I don't know, I'm not swearing off Star Wars or anything, but I don't see myself ever really getting invested in it again. The standalone movies and TV shows don't really do it for me, and I think I'd have difficulty trusting that another trilogy would work out any better than the Sequels did in the end. If something's good I'll watch it, if not then I'm not really interested.


Oct 27, 2017
More just in the sense that I realize the IP really shouldn't have been on the pedestal it was put on. It isn't the greatest thing ever or anything like that, the OT was just lightning in a bottle and they will never be able to match that again.

Once you kind of just accept it as a regular IP, then it's a lot easier to deal with. You can't take it that seriously. Which is probably a good pro tip for most things of this nature.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The Rise of Skywalker has almost completely deflated my love for the series.


Oct 29, 2017
I am not burnt out, just tired of bad storylines. They expanded universe material where the movie people are not as involved is extremely creative and interesting, which is why I follow them. I still can't get over how good Lost Stars and Bloodline are. Then again, Claudia Grey is a very good writer.


Oct 27, 2017
JJ and Terrio managed to kill most of my interest and the High Republic stuff looking like a snooze fest doesn't help.

I'll definitely check out Rian Johnson's trilogy if it ever happens though.


Mar 16, 2018
only on disney star wars. i still am interested in star wars games and ii want to get into some old EU books (never read the whole x-wing series).
i'm also looking forward to seeing galaxy's edge at least once.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, completely.

Disney have tried to Marvelify it and for a 40yr old movie franchise, its had a diminishing effect. They've completely mishandled it, I'm not drawn to it as I previously was in 2014, pre ST. TLJ + TRoS torpedoed the OT.

Mando is alright, but not enough to fix the damage done. I'm not enthused towards it and unlikely to seek new stories for now. Please, no more movies. The Obi show is perhaps the only project that has me excited but mainly because it's continuing established circumstances set prior to Disney buyout. ST universe and it's main threat (FO) is trash.
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Oct 27, 2017
I loved the OT growing up but I've never been interested enough in Star Wars to go watch the TV shows or read any of the books/comics. I did play some Star Wars games, and enjoyed them, but even with games Star Wars was never that big of a draw. As Star Wars has gotten back into the spotlight, first with the prequels and then with the sequels, I've only grown more disinterested. Having said that, if something comes out that I think might be good I'll still go watch it. For example, I loved TLJ and if Rian Johnson's trilogy ever materializes I'll definitely go see it but it'd be more about Rian Johnson than Star Wars.


Oct 30, 2017
The Sequel trilogy with its rehashed OT storylines and horrible characterizations burned a lot of my Star Wars enthusiasm to the point that it retroactively lessened my enjoyment of previous Star Wars media . . . . knowing what happens to my favourite characters. If it were not for my Extended Universe investments which for me personally is the REAL Star Wars timeline instead of Disney's, i would've no nevermind dropped this IP in a heartbeat like Bleach.


Oct 27, 2017
The Force Awakens was disappointing and I didn't watch Solo or The Last Jedi.

The Mandalorian started slow but I warmed up to it and loved it. It sparked my love for the franchise again and I started to watch the movies I missed. Only need to watch The Rise of the Skywalker now.


Nov 1, 2017
For me Star Wars starts and ends with the OT. Literally everything since then has been nothing but candy and can take it or leave it. I don't get bent out of shape about it.


Oct 31, 2017
No. I only watch the movies. I don't watch any of the TV shows or read any of the comics or novels. I'm not really burned out. I'm just really disappointed in the quality of what they put out.


Jul 2, 2019
Definitely. Disney Star Wars at this points feels so soulless and corporate that it's hard to muster any excitement about it.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I'm not burnt out on Star Wars as a whole. I'm totally burnt out of any Resistance vs Empire style storylines though.
I just want to see a lot of Jedi, Sith, and force powers over "regular" people with one or two Jedi/sith in the mix.
Oct 27, 2017
Never been a huge fan, but I have still always enjoyed the movies. Also in theatres. But I've not seen episode 9 yet though, I'll just wait for it to show up on Disney+.

The Emperor

Oct 25, 2017
Yes of non force related stuff

Why the ST only has one damn light side force wielder is beyond me

Thank god High Republic is all about the Jedi aplenty

Star Wars is the force, Jedi & its mysticism. Without that it could be any other damn sci fi series for me.

The best parts of The Mandalorian & Rogue One for me have to do with the force lol

Give me loads of force wielders. Dark and Light. Give me a Jedi vs Sith war with complex characters & factions.


May 31, 2018
It's kind of hard to be burnt out on 'Star Wars' because Star Wars can be so many different things. Like, are you seriously burnt out on unrelated side-stories like The Mandalorian or are you just burnt out on the 'good rebels vs. evil empire' meat-and-potatoes of the franchise?However I'd definitely say that I'm burnt out on the mainline films, and that happened even before TRoS came out.

For me that stemmed from a few things:

1) The Sequel Trilogy doing its absolute best to negate the Original Trilogy. In hindsight the entire thing just seemed like an exercise in Disney trying to make their Star Wars the 'definitive' Star Wars, what with killing all the major OT characters, shoehorning the whole 'Skywalker Saga' thing, and canonically making the Empire vs. Rebellion fight mostly meaningless

2) The openly-sexist, racist, etc side of the fanbase who thinks Kathleen Kennedy is the devil and Rian Johnson the anti-Christ, alongside making my dislike of the films a harder position to take, is just disgusting overall. It's hard watching these films and trying to form an actual opinion on them when you know that there's a whole bunch of assholes waiting in the wings that will use those opinions in a motte-and-bailey-styled argument to enforce their own shitty views.

3) Being directly called, or implied to be, an 'idiot who can't understand films' by the other side of the fanbase simply because I didn't 100% love The Last Jedi got old after a while. Sometimes the fanbase, especially on here, can make it seem like you can't dislike anything about that film lest you be inundated with gif spam, direct jabs, and unhelpful, and quite frankly insulting 'insinuations' that you're part of the aforementioned racist, sexist cabal from point 2

So, yeah. I'm burnt out on the mainline Star Wars stuff because dealing with it means dealing with corporate cynicism, insults, sexists and racists, and an endless culture war that seemingly won't end until humanity collectively forgets about The Last Jedi (i.e. when the sun engulfs the Earth). However I'll still dabble in the other stuff if it looks good. I'm one of the five people in the UK who didn't pirate The Mandalorian so I'm looking forward to that for sure, and the new Lego game (despite being connected to the Skywalker Saga directly) is something I'll be picking up day one

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
After ep IX showed me just how utterly asinine & brain dead the latest trilogy could get, esp after ep VIII tried to insert some semblance of being different, a switch just flipped in my head and I felt like I was done, just fucking done with a franchise that's now so far up it is own ass that it can't see beyond the Vader, Luke & Palpatine timeline.


Self-requested ban
Oct 30, 2017
I will admit that TROS was a draining experience (only saw it three times in theatres which is an all time low for me since I started going to theatrical releases starting with the Special Editions), but the launch of season 7 of the Clone Wars, and the announcement of the High Republic book series, has done much to wash the bad taste of Episode IX out of my mouth, much like KOTOR and SWG got me more hyped from Episode 3. And in six months I'll be attending Celebration Anaheim 2020, which is always a rejuvenating experience for me as a SW fan. One thing that's been true about Star Wars since 1991 is that there is always something new coming up with the potential to make up for a disappointing SW story.


Nov 9, 2018
I'm burnt out on Skywalker "written in the stars" bs stories.

Give me more Rouge One and Mando please.


Oct 30, 2017
No, but after TROS I don't want to ever watch, read or play anything to do with the Palpatine era. That movie really salted the earth for me.

I will never get tired of the Star Wars universe in general.


Oct 25, 2017
No, they need to do more stories in less-explored corners of the lore and sci-fi like with Mandalorian and Aphra


Oct 25, 2017
TROS was straight up vomit and Mandalorian has awful writing and acting.

I'd say I'm good for a while.


Sep 21, 2018
Having been a fan since I was 7 years old watching it in 1977, not in the slightest.
We had the OT, then waited a loooong time for the PT, then waited a loooong time for the ST. I don't want to have to wait a loooong time for the next films.

Here's a really simple concept. If you're burned out then don't watch. You don't HAVE to see everything, read everything, and there's nothing bad about not liking some of what's made.

Future Gazer

▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I don't know if burnt out is the right term, but the prospect of a new Star Wars movie in development is no longer remotely exciting.

I also have zero desire to ever revisit the sequel era. I don't want to see Kylo's goofy ass face or bum ass Luke ever again.


Aug 22, 2018
I sort of thought I was, but then The Mandalorian and Fallen Order pulled me right back in. Sluuurp. Like a sarlacc pit.


Oct 30, 2017
nah. i'm not one of those "star wars fans" who only likes two movies made four decades ago.

rise of skywalker was disastrous but otherwise i loved the sequel trilogy. mandalorian was occasionally shaky but turned out awesome. mostly really dug fallen order. could've lived without rogue one or solo existing but not mad that either do.

i do think they should cool off on the movies — it cheapens the franchise a little that almost as many came out in the past five years as the preceding 35. but i still really dig the universe and am excited for the possibilities now that they've realised that games don't have to suck and live-action TV exists.


Oct 28, 2017
At this point I want the ip to move 200 years into the future and we get new stories with an unknown outcome. Doing stories from the past is uninteresting knowing that it will all end with the most resent dogshit trilogy. So ya if they keep making stuff that precedes the sequel trilogy I don't care that much.

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
I absolutely adore Star Wars, what I am burnt out on is the creatively bankrupt nonsense Of "oh you remember this? Sure you do! you remember this? Oh look this is something new but it's actually everything old is new again"… All culminating in the trash fire that was Rise of Skywalker. There is an entire universe to play with there is no reason we should be getting garbage like that, there are far too many talented people involved


Nov 30, 2018
Yeah I am even thought I liked the mandalorian. I don't want another movie for awhile.
If ea hadn't stop production on all their sw games I'd be done with them cause I like fallen order. The main guy was super generic and I wish more risks would be taken with the games.


Nov 11, 2017
I've spent more time proving why the new movies all suck minus rogue one here, than I enjoyed any new content minus rogue one and baby Yoda.

Yeah. It's time to move on. It got Disney'd.

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
Im burnt out of the ray saga. There just isn't anything of interest there after the third movie. And felt like a big loop that added nothing by tue third film.