
Self Requested Ban
Oct 26, 2017
I swear finding money on the floor is a life skill which I'm terrible at, my mum however is awesome at it she's always finding notes on the floor £ coins anywhere.

The best I can do of late is 10p I found in the fridge at work.

How about you guys, does money gravitate to your feet?

Ever found a small fortune?

Or are you 20p down the sofa guy like me?
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not good at anything to do with money. I'm bad at making it, I'm bad at saving it, I'm bad at investing it, I'm bad at winning it, and I'm super bad at finding it.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
In the past two years, I've found 10 euros, $20, and $5 that I can remember. Is that considered good?


Oct 26, 2017
I'm good at avoiding shit in the floor, so there's that

If money were brown-ish I'd be a millionaire


Oct 27, 2017
I once found $23 in a parking lot at my community college. I felt guilty about it for a while since that might have been someone's gas money, but there was no one around and it was a huge lot on a windy day.

That was over three years ago. I think I used up all my good luck then.

Deleted member 2109

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I found a 50 in a target like two years ago. I stuck around for 20 minutes waiting to see if anyone came and then I gave it to an employee. :-/


Oct 27, 2017
Not particularly, though there have been a few lucky times. I found $10 on the ground by a grocery store, and $20NZD on a path near Witch Hill while hiking above Christchurch.


Nov 3, 2017
Yup! I always find a few birthday/Christmas cards that i leave in a drawer that have some money that I had forgotten about. Always a nice little surprise.


Oct 27, 2017
I used to be pretty good at it.

Went to the movies once, while visiting my grandparents out of town, and there was a $10 bill on the ground in the foyer/tiny arcade area. I was younger -- maybe 12 -- and felt morally wrong about picking it up, so I looked at it and thought for a minute. As I did, some guy walked by and snatched it up from right in front of me.

A week later, while near my house, I found another bill -- a $20, I think -- on the ground in a strip mall's parking lot, and picked it up.

Another time, I was in California for work. It was my first time there and my trip had ended. While waiting for a lift to the airport, I sat on a bench outside of my hotel with my luggage, and looked to the side. There was a $20 American bill. I used it to buy a duty free bottle of gin at the airport, and didn't have to pay out of pocket.


Oct 30, 2017
Several years ago I found 200€ literally floating around me in a park. I run and asked everyone in the park if they've lost money; all them said 'no', so 200€ for me and my lucky companion!


Banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Yes - found a 20 once on the floor. I also found 200 poking out a cash machine that I was like "better take this" and so I made off with 200 in small notes. I feel bad about it now, maybe I should of made a better effort to return it than just grabbing it and shuffling away behind a pillar then scurrying home. I hope it was a machine error and a victimless crime.

Scarlet Death

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I found $5 on the floor the other day. One time a christian gave me $40 and emptied out his wallet because "god called him to do it." Someone just gave me $300 bucks because they know i've been having a hard time lately. I've probably raised at least $5000 on gofundme over the last 6 years. People send me stuff on squarecash and facebook messenger pretty often.

The other day though a guy in front of me at the crosswalk found some money but I didn't. Didn't feel like a lost opportunity, everyone deserves the chance to be delighted with some random floor money


Oct 27, 2017
I found a wad of cash at a park while I was running a couple years ago. It was in the grass right at the edge of the pavement. I contemplated picking it up, but I didn't. Plenty of people were around so I just didn't feel comfortable I guess. On the next lap, the money was gone. Eventually, someone came up to me and asked if I had found some money. I saw them asking several others after me. Felt like an ass because I could have at least returned that money if I picked it up when I first saw it. Oh well.

Other than that, I just find random coins.

Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm good at "finding" money in that I put it somewhere, forget, and then randomly rediscover it.


Oct 28, 2017
I found $100 in the pocket of a jacket I hadn't worn since I was a small child.

It felt a bit like stealing from myself; no doubt he would have had much more use for it than I did.

The Pot

Oct 25, 2017
Found a 100$ bill in the parking lot outside a Kroger a few weeks ago.
At a time i really needed it too.

Late Flag

alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I kill every bird I see. You'd be surprised how many of them are carrying money and grenades.
Oct 28, 2017
I swear finding money on the floor is a life skill
OMG, yes! You get it. One the features I've learned to identify I have but many don't. I keep finding coins, bills, credit cards and other cards, phones, keys, whatever. And it's always been like this. My mom told me when I was a child this one time I hopped out of my stroller and picked up a bill. This continued through my school years. I kept finding money. I thought it was nothing out the ordinary but later learned it's not that common to find (that much) money. I think I'm visually very ... umm, sharp maybe. I love details. I recognize visual things. I don't think my viasual memory is that good. I just recognize and realize and notice visual things.

But I don't find money that often nowadays. I think it because cash isn't used that much anymore.

Funny thing is today I saw someone had dropped their key in the store. I didn't see the key being dropped, I saw something that caught my eye and just had to look. This was from a distance and the floor has busy texture. So I walked by her, picked up the key and asked if they were hers. Which she said were and she was quite happy. Later I found a 2 € coin by the slotmachines and gave it to this older lady since I believed it was hers.


Oct 25, 2017
Aside from the occasional coin, I don't really find any bills on the ground. Even if I did i'd have to really think about what i'd do next since someone nearby could be looking for it.

I'm remembering this time I was walking with a friend of mine in our high school and this other kid we barely talked to comes up to us and begins asking us about a class or something. My pal interrupts him and says "hey look it's a 20." and this kid we barely know legit pushes us both outta the way and dives for that 20 dollar bill and shoves it in his pocket. The first thing he says after this is "I grabbed it first! I don't care who saw it first!" We were both like "whatever man keep the 20 dollars god damn. Why are you being so confrontational?"

He then chuckles and then leaves. One of the weirdest moments of my life.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
People often leave money in the self-service checkouts when I'm in Tesco. Found a few quid in there recently, paid for most of my shop, lol.

Player 1

Oct 29, 2017
I found the equivalent of almost $8,000 in a plastic bag back in 2011 when I was out in the woods picking mushrooms (chanterelles). I took the money to the police but nobody came forward to claim the money and they could not match the money to any crime so after three months they became my property.

A few years later another person in my area found the equivalent of almost $110,000. He also got to keep the money.


Drive-In Mutant
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I found a dudes wallet in a parking lot once. Google mapped his address and took it back to him.
Oct 25, 2017
I found the equivalent of almost $8,000 in a plastic bag back in 2011 when I was out in the woods picking mushrooms (chanterelles). I took the money to the police but nobody came forward to claim the money and they could not match the money to any crime so after three months they became my property.

A few years later another person in my area found the equivalent of almost $110,000. He also got to keep the money.

Lol what sketchy area of the world do you live in?


Oct 30, 2017
OMG, yes! You get it. One the features I've learned to identify I have but many don't. I keep finding coins, bills, credit cards and other cards, phones, keys, whatever. And it's always been like this. My mom told me when I was a child this one time I hopped out of my stroller and picked up a bill. This continued through my school years. I kept finding money. I thought it was nothing out the ordinary but later learned it's not that common to find (that much) money. I think I'm visually very ... umm, sharp maybe. I love details. I recognize visual things. I don't think my viasual memory is that good. I just recognize and realize and notice visual things.

But I don't find money that often nowadays. I think it because cash isn't used that much anymore.

Funny thing is today I saw someone had dropped their key in the store. I didn't see the key being dropped, I saw something that caught my eye and just had to look. This was from a distance and the floor has busy texture. So I walked by her, picked up the key and asked if they were hers. Which she said were and she was quite happy. Later I found a 2 € coin by the slotmachines and gave it to this older lady since I believed it was hers.

The bolded is something I think I possess, as well. My friends make fun of me for noticing all kinds of trash on the ground, but what they don't realize is I also notice things of value on the ground while they're busy paying attention to their phone etc.


Oct 27, 2017
My fiancé and I used to go to a bowling alley when we visited her hometown and we would pull out our phone flashlights and search the arcade section for dropped change. You'd be surprised on how many people just drop their coins in the dark when playing games. We once found like $5-10 in coins one day. We are a cheap couple, so we used the dropped change to play billiards or air hockey. People always stare at us, but the jokes on them I have money to play!


Oct 27, 2017
I can't remember the last time I actually found money whether that be on the ground randomly, or left in a coat pocket over a summer, or really under any circumstance.

Deleted member 14887

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I've come across many lost credit and debit cards which I promptly returned to a nearby local branch. I don't have much luck finding actual money outside the house.
Oct 27, 2017
I found a $100 bill on the ground once walking around downtown. I also found some dude's wallet and called the business card inside. He was super appreciative and offered me a free meal at his sushi restaurant.

Deleted member 8197

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I've found a few £5 notes before, but I've been alive for 31 years, so it's not particularly incredible.

I also once saw someone drop a £5 note but decided to keep it. She was screaming at her kid and had a Gucci handbag so I figured she was an arsehole and could afford it.


Oct 25, 2017
In college I always noticed coins on the floor but never really cared and ignored them. Last semester I just said screw it and started picking them up as I came across them. People would give me strange looks but whatever.

At the end of the semester I had about $45 worth of coins. It was pretty nice.

I rarely come across coins (or money, period) now.


Oct 25, 2017
No, but I'm good at saving money.

The only time I really find money is when it drops out of someone's wallet, and even that's usually just a few coins.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Much harder to find today than say, 10 years ago

- Smart phones distracts you
- There's no cash in the world


Oct 26, 2017
Found two 20 quid notes wrapped up in a little baggy and took my gf to a surprise dinner date the same day. Lucky girl.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
To be honest if feel kinda guilty for picking up something big, though I don't think I've ever found more than 50 cents or whatever.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like I never find loose money anymore. It's probably been at least 10 years since I found more than a quarter anywhere.