Oct 28, 2017
I think the change to next gen will see very little disruption. It will simply be like getting a new phone and performing a smart switch
Oct 25, 2017
As others have said, I would hope they heavily base their OSes on the current gen iterations. We all expect the hardware architecture to be essentially the same between the current and next gen PS/Xbox, and hardware/targeted software feature sets should largely be the same, so there's no real reason to reinvent the wheel here. Especially in MS's case when the console OS team is working much more directly with the Windows team in the past, and the changes in how Windows is being handled. It would be outright bizarre to see them re-fork Win10 with a new stripped down, barebones custom iteration.

The most I expect is overhauled UIs, but honestly I could see at least Xbox launching with essentially an identical OS and both gens getting concurrent equivalent updates for a few years.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I doubt we're seeing a reinvention of the current OS. We're in an era now where next-gen basically is like buying a mid-gen refresh. Everything carries over only the visuals get a bit prettier.


Oct 28, 2017
I too expect Sony to build their next OS based on the PS4 one.

I expect most of the features, services and 3rd party apps to still be there.

I hope for a new look and possibly a minimalistic design.


Oct 26, 2017
Get back to us when your switch has 4TBs of games installed on it at once.

Is half a TB enough? As much as on an original PS4?

That's still no excuse for a struggling OS. If you're designing your console for 50+ GB games with huge HDDs, you better make sure your OS can handle it, that's all i want to make sure.

And i doubt that all of the PS4's sluggishness stems exclusively from too many installs.


Oct 31, 2017
I only care the allow us to have a clean dashboard, even with the ability to make folders they were still shuffled along all the other junk with no way to re-order them. I would love a minimalistic game grid like the Switch.


Oct 26, 2017
I expect a functional OS in the beginning which will gradually be updated with time.
That said, the OS is also a good opportunity to solidify what next-gen can mean. Having some features that point to that from the beginning could help immensely IMO. I don't what those features are TBH but there you go.

Locust Star

Alt Account
Apr 21, 2019
I forgot all about this, it's always so shitty that they have to start from square one software-wise. Especially Sony who seems to be lacking in this department for a while now.


Oct 25, 2017
The transition from PS4 to PS5 is completely different than coming from the PS3 due to architecture. With this in mind, I'm hoping they build on what we already have available to use. But hey, I guess we will see.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it will lose as many features in transition this time but like with the Switch UI, I do think these consoles desperately need to add a search function for content on the console. This means even if something like folders aren't in at launch its easy to find content. Plus, once folders are in (if not at launch) being able to search for or through those would be useful. I do also think integration with the store (mainly on playstation) still needs a lot of work.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it will lose as many features in transition this time but like with the Switch UI, I do think these consoles desperately need to add a search function for content on the console. This means even if something like folders aren't in at launch its easy to find content. Plus, once folders are in (if not at launch) being able to search for or through those would be useful. I do also think integration with the store (mainly on playstation) still needs a lot of work.

The PS4 already has a search function.

I really hope that current OS features get ported to next-gen consoles at launch like many people have said.

Deleted member 11832

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Consoles are toys to play games on. Let me plug in a game and play.

If you want general computing, use a device made for it like a tablet or a PC.


Oct 25, 2017
OS's will carry over, with probably a design overhaul. Most of the features should be there though. The things we had to wait on this gen that I will need day 1 in next gen are extended storage and media player.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
Yeah, I mean I don't really think I care.

I want to put in a disc (or download a game) and play game. Other stuff is much less important to me.


Nov 1, 2017
The OS on PS and Xbox will be the same. They already tested the OS using multiple hardware with the Pro and the X.

Deleted member 38397

User requested account closure
Jan 15, 2018
They better keep in background game recording and up it to 4K60. That's about the only reason I actually bought my PS4 Pro, so I could record in 1080p.


Mar 5, 2018
The PS4 menu is still shit. I hate how clogged up it is, I just want a simple way of hiding and sorting things and not having to rely on sub folders to do that. I don't want a gazillion different options like in the top row and sub sub menus either.

I actually think the Wii U and Wii had the best menus.

Green Yoshi

Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Cologne (Germany)
The resume feature is really neat especially for games like Days Gone that has a really long loading time when you are booting up the game. And the support for external SSDs is also a must if games keep getting bigger and bigger.

I'm fine with an evolution of the PS4 OS, Microsoft on the other hand should make a complete new OS. It's really bad compared to the 360 OS.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't know why they couldn't just use the same OS.
Because you're leaving it wide open to being cracked. Even if the previous generations is secure, it makes it easier because there will be legacy code that will be figured out how to cracked.

Look at the 3DS and it's early cracks being related to DS games, or the PSVita and using PSP games to get in... Reusing the old OS even in small amounts is a big red flag to "Hey this is probably the way in"


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't even know I could suspend/resume and I've owned my Pro for something like half a year now. Thanks OP.

And no, I'm not prepared for a barebones OS, then again I don't think I'll be buying a next gen console at launch. Hopefully they'll use the same OS from this gen though, since the consoles will have BC and all that. One think I hope will change is the speed of the OS. Don't have much experience with the Xbox OS (that one would surely do with some UX tweaks if my limited time with it is any indication), but the PS4 one is slow sometimes to the point of being unusable.


Jan 14, 2019
I'm ready for a bunch of pre-installed crap like on phones.

Barebones OS would be fine by me.


Oct 25, 2017
For PS5 I hope they just a slightly modified version of the PS4 OS. Suspend/resume is a godsend and I'd be furious if it wasn't supported on day 1 on PS5.

Gorion's Ward

Apr 6, 2019
Israel <3
I care a lot about the OS and features, it's something to consider when getting a console. The most important things for me at launch will be access to UWP apps and background music/podcasts support.


Oct 27, 2017
I still miss the "preferences" feature on the Xbox one. Not having to select to invert the camera any time I start a new game was like magic


Dec 13, 2017
If it means 0 loading I guess, I don't really care about any of the stuff in the OP. But I like how the PS4 dash is right now, an improved version of that would be nice.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm simply speaking for myself here, but I don't use 90% of the features on PS4 or Xbox One, I really just see them as game-consoles and little else. So yes, I'd be fine with that.


Oct 31, 2017
The PS4's OS was so bad and it lacked many basic features at launch.
  • You couldn't pause downloads
  • No suspend/resume
  • No folders
  • No extental storage
  • No DLNA support
  • No USB music
  • All your games had to be on the home screen at all times
  • No themes
  • No custom wallpapers
  • No YouTube app
  • More
I didn't have an Xbox One at launch so maybe someone else can tell us how it was.

What do you expect from next-gen consoles in terms of features at launch?
Soooooo..... kinda like the Switch? :)


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
PS4 and XB1 UIs are both bloated messes right now, so that could actually be somewhat refreshing. Folders and suspend/resume I would definitely miss. The rest is whatever.


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
Other than playing games, I only care about having folders (especially now when my current library carries on), Netflix, local services like Yle Areena, and movie rentals available at launch. I just hope they'll stick with the good old minimalistic UI design of PS3/4, and don't start pushing unrelated ads to me.