Were you happy with how the story of the White Walkers and the Night King ended?

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Jan 24, 2019
Thing is, and I hate stanning for anyone, but compared to most TV writing at the time GoT first started airing, GRRM's writing style is like a game of 5D chess with the audience. He's just very thorough with his character studies and really, really skilled at plotting out narrative that respects your intelligence and the intelligence of the characters. That's definitely what hooked everyone in those first four seasons.

And even though season 5 and 6 royally fucked up Dorne and Jamie's character development, the streamlining of the book 4 and 5 material in the show arguably improves the story.

The narrative quality started declining around season 6 and absolutely did some shark jumping with the "capture a zombie" mission of season 7. Characters do stupid shit much more often as the show goes on, no doubt about it. But unless GRRM put aside his three prequel books time to screenwrite each season (apparently it takes him several months per episode!), which might have delayed season 8 to whenever tf TWoW is currently scheduled for release, there's not much else to do but enjoy a more troped out version of the first half of the show.

And I think it's a half empty/full situation. The amount of trauma we had to endure watching so many characters we like die so many horrible deaths makes the moments of heroism and revenge dished out to the villains in recent seasons all the more impactful. And I'm sure GRRM is planning/has planned a similar bend in his upcoming books. All that suffering gives more meaning to the victories of the surviving characters we root for in later seasons.

So you can both look at it as a groundbreaking TV series that gradually became a bit dumber and more troped out, or an unprecedented TV epic medieval fantasy story that's very much about magic and battles with creatures and dragons and all that stuff, but one made significantly more meaningful via the deep character development and world building leading up to it.


May 17, 2018
"Kill the NK = the entire night army dies" is Fine. The Problem is Execution.
A least make jon and arya team up fight him.
I agree, the White Walkers relied on numbers only. Their attack didn´t have much strategy and they fell for Bran as a trap. Ideally, the episode would have shown a very hard human victory based on their defensive position and strategy: Let them charge the walls, open paths in their army with the dragons, use the paths to charge with the Dothraki, win the battle and have the remaining heroes go after NK and his commanders.

In other words, I totally agree with you that there were ways to make it much better without changing the outcome, the fact that the whole thing would only last one episode or anything about the story or the lore.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like we're gonna learn more about 3ER/Bran/Lord of Light in the next few episodes, and why the Night King was after him personally.

Like, one theory I have (which probably won't be true) is that Bran can raise the dead just like the Night King, which is why he wanted Bran out of the picture. So he's gonna start raising all of the dead from the NK's army and Dany's army to go march on King's Landing or something.
Why does the 3ER/LoL care about Cersi or the iron throne at all to raise the dead to fight against her?

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017

Hey now, he got further than the last time, if the wall is any indication.


Nov 1, 2017
The show is so disjointed in it's last two seasons it feels. Frankly feels like they don't have enough time or budget to tell the story they wanted so it's all so chopped up.


Apr 4, 2018
The show is so disjointed in it's last two seasons it feels. Frankly feels like they don't have enough time or budget to tell the story they wanted so it's all so chopped up.

D&D have been pretty up front for years that they desperately want to move on to other things. They've probably felt this way since the Red Wedding which was the reasoning they originally gave for wanting to do any of this in the first place. Combine that with ballooning contracts for the main actors and you have the perfect recipe for an unsatisfying rushed mess of an ending.


Dec 22, 2017
I think it's exactly what I'd visualised a massive battle between the living and the dead, complete with dragons, would be like years ago when o was imagining what the final series battles would be like. So it worked for me.

My biggest disappointments have already come and gone in previous seasons (especially 6). And having read the books I'm not going to give GRRM any credit for doing things better unless he's actually, you know, done it.

Exasperation with the lack of new book material aside, I'm glad that there are massive departures from the novels in some respects, because when (or if) they get finished I'm fascinated to know what's happening with some aspects of the story that were excised from the show (especially the Maesters). Although I think they made the right call with some of the other plot lines in order to cram it into a TV show.

Also, having just finished a rewatch of BSG... sometimes people don't know how good they have it XD

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
Eh I'm fine with it. I can't imagine how else they could wrap that up. I mean it's been built up so much there's no way we'd be satisfied with anything whether Arya killed him or Jon did or Dany or Bronn or the Hound or Jamie or Cercei herself. It's of my opinion that the whole White Walkers thing could have been left out of the entire series (Both book and TV) completely and nothing would change except a bunch of people who are dead might still be alive for a little bit longer. It'd still be a story about a bunch of people fighting over who gets to sit in a big iron chair. There just wouldn't be that whole Wall thing or Dragonglass or anything related to White Walkers. It'd still be the same outcome. A bunch of people about to fight each other over who rightfully gets the chair. Basically just a bit more boring. Possibly shorter.


Oct 28, 2017
It surprised me outta nowhere. I liked the episode but I wish the final confrontation with the Night King was done differently.


Oct 26, 2017
They didn't really have to do anything with the whitewalkers. But how they had the humans on the show, specificially Bran and Jon interact with them was disappointing.


Oct 28, 2017
Fuck no. Arya defeating NK is equivalent to Han Solo suddenly killing Palpatine in episode 6 of SW. Or Hermione defeating Voldemort while Harry was miles away fighting a different battle.
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Oct 25, 2017
I like how it ended, I didn't like anything else about the white walkers part in the story, it doesn't add anything

zill pickle

Sep 30, 2018
I don't think the episode needed to be as long as it was. And I wish the season had been longer so we could have had more build up.

The episode was disappointing. If they were trying to subvert our expectation that a bunch of people would die and Jon would fight the Night King, that's cool, but it's weird to have show-changing stuff happen during a battle.

All the best moments on the show happen away from the battles. I would've liked a more dialogue filled episode like Blackwater instead of them constantly faking us out by putting people in danger and then saving them over and over.

So yeah. Expectations lower for the rest of the season.
Oct 27, 2017
I just watched this episode with my wife. It was okay, although there seemed to be a ton of bullshit plot armour to save the main characters and I liked how they just offed all the redshirts without hesitation. I was really annoyed by how dumb their plan was and how the Dothraki basically committed suicide by riding against an army of unknown size they couldn't see in the dead of night and not taking advantage of their defensive position.

But yeah, I have some reservations but I still enjoyed it. They should have just sent Arya to kill the Night King ages ago. Fucking Terminator ninja weapons master would have killed him in a second. Also I really don't see how Dany can put up any sort of fight to take the iron throne now. Her armies are destroyed and all she has left worth a damn is Drogon.
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