
Oct 27, 2017
"It's tough to stay healthy when you have to be out in the field."

"I got the infection during a personal gathering that I hosted."


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
To everyone in this thread hoping for another human to die, you should rethink your life, seriously.
*rethinks life* Nah, I'm still good.

This man and his stupidity/hubris/all around piece-of-shit-ness, has brought this wholly upon himself and is a danger to others. How many people will die because of this man and others who act just like him? Too many.

But yes let us be kind and understanding to this dumb fuck.


Oct 25, 2017
Has he tried shooting the virus while it's still in him? You know just in case it runs .


Oct 27, 2017
He only regrets not being able to meet dear leader.

To everyone in this thread hoping for another human to die, you should rethink your life, seriously.

As a personal rule I don't generally wish death on others. In this case, I am ok that this individual, gets what ever karma comes to them.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
The gall to pretend he caught it in the line of duty and then gets it at a shitty campaign rally that possible endangered many people


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Oh so it's suddenly dangerous and honorable to catch it in the line of duty but fuck normal citizens right?


Oct 28, 2017
Hope the entire GOP base comes down with a serious case of covid and kicks their asses.

Fucking endangering everyone. We could have had this handled if not for the incompetent idiot at the White House


Oct 28, 2017
To everyone in this thread hoping for another human to die, you should rethink your life, seriously.

Nah fuck this shit. These people and their ilk have been responsible for countless deaths and atrocities. And they've shown no remorse. Over and over again we tried peaceful and rational discourse with theses fucks. They don't care. They don't want to care. They just abuse and abuse and then, when shit hits the fan, blame others and hide away life fucking cowards as we clean up their fucking messes .

I'm done empathizing with these shit heels. We've given them so many chances and they constantly fuck up.

No more sympathy for shitty white people. Period.
*rethinks life* Nah, I'm still good.

This man and his stupidity/hubris/all around piece-of-shit-ness, has brought this wholly upon himself and is a danger to others. How many people will die because of this man and others who act just like him? Too many.

But yes let us be kind and understanding to this dumb fuck.
Yep to all


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
No sympathies. Play stupid games and get Covid-19. He doesn't regret going to the event on Saturday so playing the smallest violin for his pitiful self.


Oct 27, 2017
"This line of work is inherently dangerous, and that is a risk we take when we sign up for the job.

"On Saturday, I held a campaign event, where it is likely I came into contact with an infected individual."

Haha fuck off with that woe is me bullshit when you did this to yourself for your own ego.


Oct 12, 2018
To everyone in this thread hoping for another human to die, you should rethink your life, seriously.

Are you saying blue lives matter? This is a blue who didn't want believe in something that could have saved a lot of lives out of stupidity. But no, he caved into his stupidity and got the virus himself. Now he will be stupid again and spread it to others. Yeah right to him staying in quarantined.
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
Just found out one of aunts in my distant family in AZ tested positive today. Turns out she was at a pool party the weekend before with multiple other family members. They are all freaking out and trying to secure their tests

This is why good leadership is important. People are easily easily easily led by example.


Oct 27, 2017
i read a post on facebook about antifa bio-terrorism labs in pinal county though

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't say I WANT him to die, but I'd say I wouldn't care if he did. This is one of the many irrational white folks responsible for keeping PoC down through their traditional, irrational fears and hatred. Responsible for making Black, Brown, Asian, Middle Eastern, Native American, and LGBTQ folk into second-class citizens. Do I care if one, or a handful of irrational white folk die? Nah. If anything, the less irrational white folk in this country, the better, and if those white folk are dying because of their OWN irrational stupidity and stubbornness, far be it from me and others to save them. For once, let them FACE what they've created for THEMSELVES. Let the REAP what they've SOWN. In this time of rampant idiocy, where the truth is being challenged by morons, we could DO without a few irrational dipshits.

To everyone in this thread hoping for another human to die, you should rethink your life, seriously.
Save your bleeding heart convictions for people that are persecuted and killed at the hands of men like this sheriff, or at the choices men like this make for the world.