
Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
Thought this merited it's own thread.


When a gunman opened fire inside a Walmart in Thornton Wednesday night, shoppers screamed and ran for cover — and others pulled out their own handguns.

But those who drew weapons during the shootings ultimately delayed the investigation as authorities pored over surveillance videotape trying to identify the assailant who killed three people, police said Thursday.

Although authorities said "a few" individuals drew handguns, they posed no physical hazard to officers. But their presence "absolutely" slowed the process of determining who, and how many, suspects were involved in the shootings, said Thornton police spokesman Victor Avila.

It took more than five hours to identify the suspect, 47-year-old Scott Ostrem, who is accused in the seemingly random shootings. The problem for investigators came when they reviewed the surveillance footage and had to follow each individual with a firearm until they could eliminate them as a suspect.

"Once the building was safe enough to get into it, we started reviewing that (surveillance video) as quickly as we could," Avila said. "That's when we started noticing" that a number of individuals had pulled weapons. "At that point, as soon as you see that, that's the one you try to trace through the store, only to maybe find out that's not him, and we're back to ground zero again, starting to look again. That's what led to the extended time."


Taurus Silver

Big ol' Nerd
Oct 29, 2017
Surprised this is the first instance of non active shooters pulling guns during an active shooting.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Now imagine how long that would've taken if it happened on a college campus that had "campus-carry" laws.

Sad to hear this anyway. I don't live too far from Thornton. RIP to the victims.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah but if everyone just carried guns all the time, the cops would get more practice with this stuff and it wouldn't be an issue. That's how this stuff works right?

This country is fucked.


Oct 25, 2017
I somehow find lucky that this didn't become a free for all shooting fest where nobody has a clue who the active shooter is and thus shooting at each other.

Unfortunately, at some point, that's bound to happen


Oct 27, 2017
I suppose they're all just damn lucky one of them didn't see one of the others and draw premature conclusions.


Oct 25, 2017
I suppose they're all just damn lucky one of them didn't see one of the others and draw premature conclusions.

I'm amazed at that. It's always been my question for "if everyone was armed there would be no crime". How the fuck are you supposed to identify a shooter in a room full of people screaming and running around with guns drawn?


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine if the armed shooters all got in a gun fight with each other?

Just posed this to my partner and he suggested incidents like this might actually lead to some kind of push for reform.

Sadly I think it would take many, Many such incidents before change happens. We'd need dozens of incidents before people stop writing them off as examples of "irresponsible gun owners" in isolation.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Another mark against the myth of the good guy with a gun. Good thing more people weren't hurt


Oct 25, 2017
so many dudes walking around armed just hoping they'll get a chance to get their gun off. The hero that saved the day with his big, hard firearm.

how many times has a civilian with a gun stopped a mass shooter? Ever?


Oct 25, 2017
Just posed this to my partner and he suggested incidents like this might actually lead to some kind of push for reform.

Sadly I think it would take many, Many such incidents before change happens. We'd need dozens of incidents before people stop writing them off as examples of "irresponsible gun owners" in isolation.

The way I see it, the only way to remove the "more guns would solve it!" mentality, is for either dozens of people to start shooting people thinking they're helping, or for there to be a mass shooting at a gun convention. The first proving that people will shoot other victims, the second that gun enthusiasts, with thousands of guns at arms reach couldn't stop it.