
Oct 25, 2017
Gothenburg, Sweden
The victim was seen harassing girls, you think that's ok? It's even from a Max security cam, get the fuck out yourself. I have the right to have my opinion in the case.

I'm sure this has been covered a million times here, but... No, of course it isn't OK to harass anyone. That isn't what is being prosecuted here. What is on trial is an assault.

Harassment should be punished, in its own trial, by a legitimate court.

It is very unlikely that ASAP Rocky and crew assaulted this guy because he harassed some women. Even if that were the case, vigilante action shouldn't be celebrated either. Regardless of the reasons, the actions taken against this guy were not reasonable self-defense.

You're welcome to your opinion, but expect to get some shit for it.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
That poster has a questionable posting history and bans for downplaying racism from youtubers so I guess we shouldn't be surprised at him posting unfunny racist boomer comics


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The victim was seen harassing girls, you think that's ok? It's even from a Max security cam, get the fuck out yourself. I have the right to have my opinion in the case.

What on earth does that have to do with anything? You can be the biggest shithead in the world and still be the victim of a crime - what the flying shit?


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I am extremely doubtful of him getting a sentence that requires him to pay the victim anywhere close to 13k. Might have to fork over some money to replace the headphones, or something closer to that scale.

I'm not familiar with the Swedish healthcare system and how it deals with uninsured/underinsured clients, but perhaps the claim is related to (future) cost due to the injuries? Seems high, but not unreasonably so.


Jul 16, 2019
Why is the sexual assault these guys conducted not being investigated / charges dropped? It was a lie?


Oct 26, 2017
I am extremely doubtful of him getting a sentence that requires him to pay the victim anywhere close to 13k. Might have to fork over some money to replace the headphones, or something closer to that scale.

The suspect did not just break the victim's headphones, or throw a punch and get on with his life.


He threw a minor 19 y.o. man to the ground, and proceeded to beat him down with the help of 3 other people, including a massive bouncer/body-guard.

On top of that, the victim was lashed with a broken glass bottle or something.

13k seems pretty normal, if you acknowledge all of this, plus the fact that the suspect is rich and has a criminal record.

Not to mention that this is pretty bad look to see a dude proceed to beat down a minor refugee with no family.
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hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not familiar with the Swedish healthcare system and how it deals with uninsured/underinsured clients, but perhaps the claim is related to (future) cost due to the injuries? Seems high, but not unreasonably so.
We have public health-care. You need to pay nominal fee but there is an annual cap at around $120 per year for those fees

I think there are three bases for asking for that much.

1. The physical pain and injuries

2. The humiliation of being on a video getting beat up for all the world to see. The mental toll of having irrelevant episodes of his past brought up again, having his name dragged through the mud by stans and alt-right shitstains and receiving threats from people

3. Loss of income because he lost his job as a dishwasher because he couldn't perform it with nasty cuts across his arm

I'm not really familiar with this stuff though so I don't know if he actually has a chance of getting that much.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess you missed the photos of the injuries: the victim was lashed with a broken glass bottle or something.

Plus, the suspect did not just break the victim's headphones, or throw a punch and get on with his life. He threw a minor to the ground, and proceeded to beat him down with the help of 3 other people, including a massive bouncer/body-guard. 13k seems pretty normal, if you acknowledge that on top of that, there was an item (bottle) to deal more injuries.

I don't think that 13k is normal. Granted, I am working off of my knowledge from the way it works here in Finland, but our systems are fairly similar.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think that 13k is normal. Granted, I am working off of my knowledge from the way it works here in Finland, but our systems are fairly similar.

What do you think would be normal compensation for the victim? It is not a small brawl, it is an aggravated gang assault with massive one-sided injuries for the victim.

Moreover, as someone else mentioned, if the victim lost his job and his ability to work, it is pretty big, especially for a minor refugee with no family.
The suspect literally crushed his dream of moving on with his life and improving his social status. It is a massive step back for the victim.
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Oct 25, 2017
What do you think would be normal compensation for the victim? It is not a small brawl, it is an aggravated gang assault with massive one-sided injuries for the victim.

A quick google says that compensation for "pain and suffering" for cuts is in the low hundreds. They'd have to have broken a limb or something as severe to get that sort of amount.
Assuming that judge orders that anyway. IIRC it's hard to get that sort of sentence without demonstrating a clear need for the monetary compensation. Getting compensation in order to replace material possessions is easier.


Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden

lol so true. Hopefully Rocky get off the hook.

What the fuck is this shit? You serious?

And about that he has previous sentences. That's the entire point of our justice system, people can serve their sentences and punishments and come back out to society as normal citizens again. It's how we don't have a constant circle of criminals getting worse and worse and worse here in Sweden because unlike for example USA, people here can get jobs again and live as normal, while in the US. their criminal charges, no matter how small they are, will hang over their heads of the rest of their lives and they can loose opportunities to just work or even voting rights.

The law really doesn't give a shit what you think of a man's previous crimes.

Might aswell just link to Nyheter Idag next time.
The hell?! What is wrong with this asshole?
Why is the sexual assault these guys conducted not being investigated / charges dropped? It was a lie?
There was never a charge against them made about that. Can't investigate then I am afraid, and it probably wouldn't be counted within this assault case but handled as a separate one.


Nov 2, 2017
The suspect did not just break the victim's headphones, or throw a punch and get on with his life.


He threw a minor to the ground, and proceeded to beat him down with the help of 3 other people, including a massive bouncer/body-guard.

On top of that, the victim was lashed with a broken glass bottle or something.

13k seems pretty normal, if you acknowledge all of this, plus the fact that the suspect is rich and has a criminal record.

Not to mention that this is pretty bad look to see a dude proceed to beat down a minor refugee with no family.
Isn't he 19?
One of suspects felt afraid because victim seemed "unafraid"


Oct 27, 2017
Försvarsadvokat Carla Pantzar som företräder den tredje misstänkta. Hon berättar att hennes klient kände sig hotad av 19-åringen och hans kompis då de uppfattades som "orädda".

Attorney Carla Pantzar who is representing the third suspect says that her client felt threatened by the 19 year old and his friend because they were appearing to be "unafraid".

That's an argument, I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
As Leif GW Persson said, the victim has a criminal record. I have no sympathy of those.

He's a youth with no support network, no family and in a foreign country as a refugee. Integrate people by rehabilitating them, not incarcerating them. Christ your shitty optics. Nothing tilts me more than privileged assholes who think life is so easy.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, linking that shit SantaCruz? Nice to see what kind of person you are. Maybe you should stick to creating weird threads in the gaming section. That's a report.

It will be interesting to see where this end up. How much they'll be able to bend it in favour of self defense.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I am extremely doubtful of him getting a sentence that requires him to pay the victim anywhere close to 13k. Might have to fork over some money to replace the headphones, or something closer to that scale.
Did you see the images of his wounds? I don't think seeking 13k is that much, considering the whole situation. But like you, I also don't know how Swedish courts handle this, just going off my knowledge about other countries.

Horrible that he is still locked up.
Not even sure if you're sincere, or trolling, or joking.
But why would you ask for anyone to get off without a trial? It's not like he was sentenced and is rotting in prison. Even presuming his innocence, that whole #FREE stuff is the worst.
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Oct 26, 2017
The victim was seen harassing girls, you think that's ok? It's even from a Max security cam, get the fuck out yourself. I have the right to have my opinion in the case.

The tried and true "(S)He is no angel himself!", huh? Nice. In use to turn victims into untrustworthy perpetrators whose testimony and actions can't ever be trusted, thus turning the actual perpetrators either into victims or innocents who had no other options in light of such objective evil confronting them.

Guess what: The dude could have murdered someone in the past, killed animals, be Satan himself: None of this matters for this case. At all. Thankfully Sweden doesn't use US' asinine Jury system so trying to slander the victim in this way has pretty much zero bearing on the case, anyway.


Jul 4, 2019
We have public health-care. You need to pay nominal fee but there is an annual cap at around $120 per year for those fees

I think there are three bases for asking for that much.

1. The physical pain and injuries

2. The humiliation of being on a video getting beat up for all the world to see. The mental toll of having irrelevant episodes of his past brought up again, having his name dragged through the mud by stans and alt-right shitstains and receiving threats from people

3. Loss of income because he lost his job as a dishwasher because he couldn't perform it with nasty cuts across his arm

I'm not really familiar with this stuff though so I don't know if he actually has a chance of getting that much.

I'm not from Sweden, but I am a lawyer from continental Europe and the legal systems here are often based on simmilar principles. With that in mind, the general idea is that as a victim you can lodge claims for damages + for pain and suffering. This would hold true given the media report said:

The plaintiff claims a total of SEK 139,700 in damages for violation, burning and pain, lost income and appearance damages.

The first one (damages) is a calculable, precise and provable amount (i.e. for example you should present bills for the medication you had to buy, costs of therapy etc.) that has to derive directly from the action of the person you are claiming against - in this particular case it would be medical costs + lost income. The second is an estimated amout corresponding to what your physical and emotional distress - in this particular case it wuold be violation, pain and appearance. Different legal systems have different ways of assessing this. As I understand, the 13k is a sum of the above. Given how the pain and suffering claims are usually rounded amounts, i'd wager it was 39.700 SEK damages + 100.000 SEK pain and suffering, but that's just a wild guess.

Where it gets tricky is what is taken into account when estimating the physical and emotional distress. In Poland, where I'm from, the material situation of the perpetrator is not taken into consideration when assessing pain and suffering, so whether it's a pauper that beat you up or a millionaire, the general idea is that you should receive the same amount. However, this part might differ from country to country - this would explain the somewhat high amount that has been posted earlier. There could be other factors at play here that we just don't know of or it could be the victim trying to get as much out of the situation as they can.

In any case, the claim is quite high, but it's not really shocking.

Also, these are civil claims, so ASAP paying the above would not exonerate him from a crime (though it could have an effect on his sentence). He can pay for the damages and still have to pay a fine or go to jail, should the court find him guilty. Again, this is something that differs from country to country, but even a settlement might not be enough to avoid criminal consequences - a lot of countries do not allow for settlement between the perpatrator and the victim or allow settlement only in limited instances.
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Oct 27, 2017
The tried and true "(S)He is no angel himself!", huh? Nice. In use to turn victims into untrustworthy perpetrators whose testimony and actions can't ever be trusted, thus turning the actual perpetrators either into victims or innocents who had no other options in light of such objective evil confronting them.

Guess what: The dude could have murdered someone in the past, killed animals, be Satan himself: None of this matters for this case. At all. Thankfully Sweden doesn't use US' asinine Jury system so trying to slander the victim in this way has pretty much zero bearing on the case, anyway.
worst part is, asap is not an angel either. he has a history too

Why is it horrible? Do you mind expanding?
hes rich and famous, thats why its horrible. if your rich and popular you should be able to do anything. look at ronaldo as a recent example.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you even know what happened
Did you see the images of his wounds?

Yes, see above for my reasoning. To expand more on it, punitive damages are pretty rare in civil law for fights and his injuries don't seem to require any sort of special care like breaking bones would need. If he lost his job like mentioned above I guess he could ask for loss of wages, but I'm suspicious of him getting fired for having to take time off work after getting assaulted since workers actually have rights in Sweden.


Oct 27, 2017
He's a youth with no support network, no family and in a foreign country as a refugee. Integrate people by rehabilitating them, not incarcerating them. Christ your shitty optics. Nothing tilts me more than privileged assholes who think life is so easy.
so that makes him the right to have a criminal career here?

no support network is bs as well, he is in Sweden. He gets a monthly subsidy.

Dont come here tell me about life being easy shit, I have a disease called POTS, I cannot work fulltime, i feel awful daily. I dont get any money from the state even though I applied several times and my father died when I was a young teen.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
so that makes him the right to have a criminal career here?

no support network is bs as well, he is in Sweden. He gets a monthly subsidy.
You're talking out your ass. A support network is not money. It's " a group of people who provide emotional and practical help to someone". It's something that is necessary for people to function in society. A lack of support network is often a major factor when people turn "bad".
Your massive ignorance is showing.

Are you serious with that cartoon, btw? You still haven't said anything in response to a bunch of people talking about the cartoonist being an alt-right asshole. Or is that something you're cool with?


Oct 25, 2017
so that makes him the right to have a criminal career here?

no support network is bs as well, he is in Sweden. He gets a monthly subsidy.

You must be very young, or just completely ignorant on the importance of family. You think giving *money* to an orphan is going to set them straight?

What do you think happens to someone who has no role model in their formative years? To guide them on how to engage in a healthy way, to respect their peers and the opposite sex? So keen to label him as a career criminal, when the reality is, you'd be just as bad of a troublemaker had you the misfortune of the same life. And by attempting to box him into a life of crime, you're just part of the problem trying to generalize an entire generation of victims. I won't say anymore, because I'm this close to getting banned for speaking my mind.

edit: eh, you don't like it when i make assumptions about your life eh? so stfu when you know nothing about this kid, cause you're doing the same exact thing.