Deleted member 2585

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with everything you have to say here.

Your outsider status does not make you privy to some sort of transcended actualization. All it does it exclude you from understanding what it is like for us inside.

All people are hypocritical. Movements have elements of hypocrisy in them. To try and both sides the two parties in the US is incredibly regressive for minorities, women, and marginalized groups. The "liberal" side is not perfect. However, the liberal wing of America consists of people who are more open to inclusiveness and equality.

Take the emasculation of Asian men. Some of the posters in this thread will remember my views and posts on this on GAF. Hollywood emasculates Asian men. Hollywood is also more liberal than the rest of America. Sure, you can look at this and infer, well, Hollywood = liberal, Hollywood = emasculates Asian men, therefore liberal = emasculates Asian men.

But to do that requires that you think in a deliberately ignorant manner on how conservatives view Asian men. Conservatives believe in things like Japanese internment camps, or rather, herding up Asian men (and women), regardless of citizenship, and putting them in camps in the desert without adequate food, water, medicine. Taking their land and money and lives. They're willing to go that far- if they "ran" Hollywood, the portrayal of Asian men would be the same and would not change, unlike what is (slowly) happening in Hollywood.

Yes, Hollywood suffers from tokenism. "We made one Asian man okay, that's all we need." No, that's not enough, and I encourage people to say so. But, they tried. They (begrudgingly?) listened to the liberal ideas of inclusiveness, inclusion, and equality. The reason why it even moved one centimeter is because of what liberalism stands for in the US. If they were conservative, we wouldn't even have this (and would never get it, because what conservatives now in the US stand for is really anti-inclusiveness, anti-diversity, and white supremacy).

There are only two sides in America, and only one of them will even attempt to listen to us.
Thanks for saying this and putting it far more eloquently than I could ever hope to.
Oct 28, 2017
Is there a thread in the OT about Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem? I'm afraid of looking myself, because I might be tempted to post in it.

I can feel knots forming in my stomach just thinking about how god awful a thread like that would be.


Oct 25, 2017
Your outsider status does not make you privy to some sort of transcended actualization. All it does it exclude you from understanding what it is like for us inside.

All people are hypocritical. Movements have elements of hypocrisy in them. To try and both sides the two parties in the US is incredibly regressive for minorities, women, and marginalized groups. The "liberal" side is not perfect. However, the liberal wing of America consists of people who are more open to inclusiveness and equality.

Take the emasculation of Asian men. Some of the posters in this thread will remember my views and posts on this on GAF. Hollywood emasculates Asian men. Hollywood is also more liberal than the rest of America. Sure, you can look at this and infer, well, Hollywood = liberal, Hollywood = emasculates Asian men, therefore liberal = emasculates Asian men.

But to do that requires that you think in a deliberately ignorant manner on how conservatives view Asian men. Conservatives believe in things like Japanese internment camps, or rather, herding up Asian men (and women), regardless of citizenship, and putting them in camps in the desert without adequate food, water, medicine. Taking their land and money and lives. They're willing to go that far- if they "ran" Hollywood, the portrayal of Asian men would be the same and would not change, unlike what is (slowly) happening in Hollywood.

Yes, Hollywood suffers from tokenism. "We made one Asian man okay, that's all we need." No, that's not enough, and I encourage people to say so. But, they tried. They (begrudgingly?) listened to the liberal ideas of inclusiveness, inclusion, and equality. The reason why it even moved one centimeter is because of what liberalism stands for in the US. If they were conservative, we wouldn't even have this (and would never get it, because what conservatives now in the US stand for is really anti-inclusiveness, anti-diversity, and white supremacy).

There are only two sides in America, and only one of them will even attempt to listen to us.

While the current Republican Party is hateful and racist please don't group all the conservatives together with them. There's plenty of conservatives that are more socially inclusive than many democrats.

Your examples of Japanese camps as well as the Chinese exclusionary act was both created by liberals. FDR which is idol in most American liberal eyes probably have done the most heinous thing to a group of American citizens in the last century.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
While the current Republican Party is hateful and racist please don't group all the conservatives together with them. There's plenty of conservatives that are more socially inclusive than many democrats.

This is such a ridiculous argument.

If you're the kind of person that believes that we can't criticize police brutality or be upset over the Thin Blue Line because we shouldn't generalize and there are good cops, we will never understand each other.

Your examples of Japanese camps as well as the Chinese exclusionary act was both created by liberals. FDR which is idol in most American liberal eyes probably have done the most heinous thing to a group of American citizens in the last century.

You misunderstand what I wrote.

I'm not talking about what happened in WW2 and who supported it then. I'm talking about the people that support those kinds of actions now.

Let me make you aware that it is conservatives that now argue there was nothing wrong with internment camps, that it is conservatives now that argue for Muslim registries, it is conservatives now that are supporting and also quite literally putting minorities in these self-proclaimed "concentration camps." If you think that this is only because they're undocumented immigrants, and not because they're minorities, then bless your heart, come back to reality.

It's not the liberals doing this shit now.


Oct 25, 2017
This is such a ridiculous argument.

If you're the kind of person that believes that we can't criticize police brutality or be upset over the Thin Blue Line because we shouldn't generalize and there are good cops, we will never understand each other.

You misunderstand what I wrote.

I'm not talking about what happened in WW2 and who supported it then. I'm talking about the people that support those kinds of actions now.

Let me make you aware that it is conservatives that now argue there was nothing wrong with internment camps, that it is conservatives now that argue for Muslim registries, it is conservatives now that are supporting and also quite literally putting minorities in these self-proclaimed "concentration camps." If you think that this is only because they're undocumented immigrants, and not because they're minorities, then bless your heart, come back to reality.

It's not the liberals doing this shit now.

Again conservatives != Republican. Do you really think a tax plan that will bankrupt this country is fiscally conservative.

Gaf and now era has this boogie man concept of conservatives because of the monstrosity of the Republican Party but they're actually less in tune with the conservative agenda with their corporate welfare and policing people's private lives than democrats.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Berkeley, CA
Is there a thread in the OT about Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem? I'm afraid of looking myself, because I might be tempted to post in it.

I can feel knots forming in my stomach just thinking about how god awful a thread like that would be.

There's a thread on it but it's not a topic I'm well informed about so I stay out of it. From a cursory glance, it seems like many people believe that it will complicate the peace process, which I believe is a somewhat fair assessment. There is also some notion that the move didn't seem very well planned from the administration's part, because agencies such as the State Department weren't informed until it was broadcast on Twitter. Also talk of some preparations for possible violence, which sounds scary.

Deleted member 2779

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Erheller Finished Native Speaker after not having read it for two weeks lol, should have taken me less than a week. I couldn't appreciate all of its ticks having grown up in the suburbs outside of America but I liked it all the same. One quirky image I don't think I'll ever forget is the protag describing how he'd walk around his apartment naked with Leila on his shoulders. It's oddly bizarre and memorable.

Deleted member 2585

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Erheller Finished Native Speaker after not having read it for two weeks lol, should have taken me less than a week. I couldn't appreciate all of its ticks having grown up in the suburbs outside of America but I liked it all the same. One quirky image I don't think I'll ever forget is the protag describing how he'd walk around his apartment naked with Leila on his shoulders. It's oddly bizarre and memorable.

Good to hear you liked it! It's a novel that's a little strange at times, but the themes about two different cultures and not really fitting in with either really resonated a lot with me.
Oct 28, 2017
There's a thread on it but it's not a topic I'm well informed about so I stay out of it. From a cursory glance, it seems like many people believe that it will complicate the peace process, which I believe is a somewhat fair assessment. There is also some notion that the move didn't seem very well planned from the administration's part, because agencies such as the State Department weren't informed until it was broadcast on Twitter. Also talk of some preparations for possible violence, which sounds scary.

Those are all reasonable viewpoints.

And to be fair, most of the people I encountered in other Israel-related threads were badly misinformed (and showed very little interest in entertaining other perspectives, especially ours). It was so bad that it nearly caused me to leave Reset altogether. At bare minimum, I no longer bother with OT, but there's always that feeling that if I don't say something, it will just get worse. So I'm extremely torn.

Hopefully my FAQ will help, although I still have yet to finish writing it. Can I post it in here when it's done (it's a bit on the long side)?

EDIT: Thisexplains the problem surprisingly well (barring a few minor flaws, which were pointed out in the comment section).
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Deleted member 2779

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Good to hear you liked it! It's a novel that's a little strange at times, but the themes about two different cultures and not really fitting in with either really resonated a lot with me.
Yeah the general gist of feeling alienated and trying to navigate issues of culture resonated with me too. I'd like to read a coming of age story in the same vein, would probably relate to it more since I'm fresh into adulthood :p


Oct 25, 2017
Complete sidetrack - but something my dad and I and the group he volunteers with (The Innocence Project) have finally started to get public consensus on an issue turned around

There used to something close to a medical consensus that certain patterns of injuries can only be caused by shaking. In particular, a "triad"—swelling of the brain, bleeding on the brain's surface, and bleeding behind the retinas—was believed to be solid proof that a baby had been abused in this way. The theory was put forward in the early 1970s by doctors trying to explain the deaths of infants and children with no outward signs of abuse. The diagnosis soon became accepted as scientific fact and has since been used to convict hundreds of people of harming or killing children.

But over the past 20 years, a body of new research has shown how diseases, genetic conditions and accidents—including short falls—can produce the same constellation of injuries. As a result, faith in shaken baby syndrome is unraveling.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommended in 2009 that doctors stop using the term. A 2015 investigation by the Washington Post found at least 16 shaken baby syndrome murder convictions that have been overturned.
Lot of innocent people behind bars for this. Junk science at its worst - the misuse of science to be lazy and "punish".


Oct 25, 2017
Complete sidetrack - but something my dad and I and the group he volunteers with (The Innocence Project) have finally started to get public consensus on an issue turned around

Lot of innocent people behind bars for this. Junk science at its worst - the misuse of science to be lazy and "punish".

A lot of sciences and protocols dealing with babies are not consistent. Having our second child now we're being told how things we were recommended to do with the first is now known to be incorrect and things we were told never to do is now the correct thing to do. It's a complete 180.


Oct 25, 2017
That's not the whole story. Are they voting Republican downballot?

No clue since we don't really talk about the down ticket or even know who the candidates are for their district.

For me it's pretty much all dems but it wasn't like there was a choice in my district many ran without an opponent.
Oct 28, 2017
Complete sidetrack - but something my dad and I and the group he volunteers with (The Innocence Project) have finally started to get public consensus on an issue turned around

Lot of innocent people behind bars for this. Junk science at its worst - the misuse of science to be lazy and "punish".

Can smoking cigarettes while pregnant transmit asthma to the baby?

I think that may have happened to me.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think I can handle a full year of just hot weather. I'm too used to the cold and snow in Minnesota :P

Deleted member 2779

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Oh I wish we had a full year of just hot weather, my skin acts up during winter. Thankfully that's only 3 months of a year and with global warming it's getting less cold too >__>


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
Hit me up with some of that cold breeze. We just passed monsoon season and the sun's come back with a vengeance. I'm sweating as I'm showering.


Oct 25, 2017
It's so cold here with snow and hail and rain falling today. Luckily, I just booked my Christmas and NYE winter escape to Southeast Asia. Can't wait for the warm weather, the sun, the beaches and sea, and the food.
Oct 28, 2017
This happened in my own city, just 20 minutes from where I live.

A large protest held in New York City's Times Square on Friday against US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital featured chants calling for violence and the destruction of the Jewish state.

In video footage captured by the advocacy group Reservists on Duty (RoD), protesters clad in keffiyehs and waving Palestinian flags can be seen shouting in Arabic, "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammed is returning." The slogan refers to a 7th century battle fought by the Islamic prophet Muhammad against Jewish tribes, and is often invoked by Islamist terrorist groups including Hamas and Hezbollah.

Participants at the rally — organized by a coalition of local pro-Palestinian groups active in the boycott, divestment, and sanction (BDS) campaign against Israel — repeatedly described an "intifada" as the "only one solution" to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "Intifada" — an Arabic term for a popular uprising — refers to two violent Palestinian campaigns carried out against Israel in recent decades, which included multiple suicide bombings, shootings, stabbings, and other terrorist attacks.

"With spirit and blood we'll redeem al-Aqsa," protesters chanted in reference to the mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. "We don't want no two state, we want '48."


December 9, 2017 11:00 am
European States Push US for Detailed Israeli-Palestinian Peace Proposals
Britain, France, Germany, Sweden and Italy called on the United States on Friday to put forward detailed proposals for peace...

"The media isn't covering everything because the media is under you know, you know who is controlling the media," another protester claimed, "and Palestinians have the right to raise their voice."

Various figureheads from the local pro-Palestinian community addressed the crowd, including Sayel Kayed, the president of the New Jersey chapter of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). AMP is a sponsor of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the leading anti-Zionist group on American university campuses.

"Death to the peace accords," Kayed proclaimed. "Today we officially announce that Palestine is from the river to the sea," he added, echoing the chants of protesters calling for a single Palestinian state to replace Israel. "We have to become active, we have to become politically involved, we have to influence Congress."

Shortly afterwards, Taryn Fivek of the Marxist–Leninist communist party Workers World saluted members of the Palestinian "resistance" — a common euphemism for terrorism — for fighting "with whatever they can."

"They fight with rocks, they fight with rockets from Gaza, they fight with guns, their children fight, every single Palestinian is in it to win it," she said to wide applause.

Nerdeen Kiswani of the New York City branch of SJP — which claims some 200 chapters and affiliate groups on American universities — later told the crowd that they "should be just as angry" that the United States has "an embassy in Tel Aviv or Jaffa as we are al-Quds, because every inch of Palestine is Palestinian land." Al-Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem.

"Their time is limited, and their time is up," Kiswani said of Israel. "It's up to all of us here, including everyone in the crowd, to keep this momentum going if we want to see Israel fall within our lifetime. And inshallah, it will fall within our lifetime."

Amit Deri, head of RoD, told The Algemeiner that "these protests taking place all over the world and in Times Square prove that the BDS movement and its radical supporters are in fact against Jews — not just against Israel — and also against the United States and the values it represents."

"The Jews of the United States are the first ones who need to understand that these extremists will target any Jew because they are a Jew — that's why they said, 'Khaybar, Khaybar, ya yahud,'" he argued. "These aren't people we can talk to and negotiate with — they want us out of the state of Israel. Like they said, it's about 1948 — not 1967."

"Our activists will continue exposing the hypocrisy and antisemitism of the anti-Israel organizations operating in the United States," Deri added.

An RoD activist who filmed the rally and requested to remain anonymous said that a few protesters were detained by police officers. "It got really heated," the activist said. "Protesters started yelling about killing the Jews and saying intifada is the only solution. That was the undertone for the entire march, but then it really came out."

The activist noted that some 50 people attended a pro-Zionist counter demonstration, "but once the Palestinians crossed over and rallied around them," some officers interjected and encouraged counter protestors to leave. "It shut down relatively quickly, about 30 minutes to an hour in."

Dennis Mitchell, who attended the pro-Israel counter protest, told NBC New York that he believes "in a shared state," while "they want the whole thing for themselves."

"They just want to get rid of Israel," he said. "That doesn't work."

A compliation of videos taken at the protest is embedded below.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
The Middle East makes my head spin. I don't dare to comment on what goes on there because of the complex history and meddling from other countries. Trump is a moron of course.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Berkeley, CA
Finals are killing me, ya'll. I want to be more active here, but I'm busy trying not to fail right now. LOL.

Edit: And oh yeah, fuck yes Doug Jones.


Oct 25, 2017
Anniversary dinner with the gf on Saturday, sorry if some are a little too blurry:

Pabu in Downtown Boston
Menu for reference:
Drinks Book.pdf

'Happy Spoon' Oyster

Japanese Whisky Flight

Matcha Soba Noodles


Binchotan-grilled Kama (I forgot the specific fish)

Tasting of Robata (Clockwise from top: Pearl Onion, Chicken Skin, Chicken Meatballs, Skirt Steak, Pork Belly, Chicken Hearts, Trumpet Mushrooms)

Negitoro Roll

1944 Whisky Cocktail

Milk Chocolate-Sesame Custard
Oct 28, 2017
The Middle East makes my head spin. I don't dare to comment on what goes on there because of the complex history and meddling from other countries.

It's actually about an SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) protest that happened in NYC the day before. They were calling for Israel's destruction (no coded language this time) and violence against Jews, even chanting "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is returning" (referring to the slaughter conducted by Muhammad's army against the Jews in Khaybar). They obviously don't see any point in hiding their true feelings anymore.

The Middle East is an intractable mess, and I don't expect to see peace in my lifetime, if ever. But if I had to give my own perspective (and that of most Jews, especially Israelis) on Israel/Palestine in concise terms, it would be "historically displaced indigenous population re-establishes itself on its ancestral lands through aliyah (i.e. return)/land purchase (i.e. Zionism). A previous colonial occupier (i.e. Arab world) violently objects to this (for various reasons), while two more colonial powers (i.e. Ottomans, later the British/French) proceed to fuck things up even further. Arabs reject UN partition and attempt genocide against the Jews in Israel, who somehow manage to survive (despite being outnumbered and outgunned by 100:1 ratio). Refugees are created on both sides (all Jews living in East Jerusalem and beyond are expelled, along with the Jews living in Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and other Arab countries; likewise, some Arabs in Israel were expelled, although most either fled at the behest of invading Arab armies or became citizens of Israel), and Israel is re-established as a state within the pre-67 borders, while Jordan occupied J+S/West Bank. Another attempted genocide is waged in 67, but Israel wins and regains control of J+S, including Jerusalem, while also conquering the Sinai (which was returned to Egypt in exchange for peace). Israel leaves Gaza in 2005 as a peace gesture, but Hamas takes over and turns it into a launching pad for rockets. The Arab world (sans the Gulf states, who no longer seem to give a shit - Qatar is the only exception)", Turkey, and now Iran refuse to give up the dream of restoring all of Israel/Palestine to Arab/Islamic domination, whereas extreme irredentists in Israel want to re-annex the West Bank into Israel for historic reasons".

OK yeah, that wasn't as concise as I thought it would be. Oh well.

Trump is a moron of course.

Yup. This is the first (and probably only) thing Trump has done that I actually agree with, although it was actually Bill Clinton who made it law in 1995 (Obama supported it in 2008, although this was probably just a bid for Jewish votes). They just kept signing waivers delaying the embassy's move.
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Deleted member 907

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not a Hero was a very simple game with not a lot of narrative. The best thing about the game is punching things. The lack of bonus stuff is why I think I'm done with it after one run.
Oct 28, 2017

I was hoping Lucas would be a scarier boss, but instead he's just another lumbering mass of mold. There's just nothing to him at all. Very disappointing after the top notch fights with Jack and especially Marguerite.

Still not big on Chris' redesign either. It doesn't even feel like the same person.


Oct 25, 2017
Chris's new design in RE7 and Vendetta are such a weird contrast. Two entirely different looking Chris' for two Resident Evils. I much prefer his older look, but his RE7 look is entirely better than his Vendetta look. At least with Leon he still retains a similar look to his older designs.

Wentworth Miller as Chris is also baffling. What a weird casting choice, lol.