
Oct 26, 2017
In a way yes. Videogames history would have being very different if the Sonic formula was based on MS Sonic 1 and not the flashy (and rather hollow) genesis games.

Yes, Sonic wouldn't have existed nowadays.
Sonic would have never got as big if it were a Mario clone.

Seeing a lot of love for both Sonic 1 and 2 for the Master System, but no mentions of Sonic-not-3D-Blast for the Master System - that somehow only released on Brazil. Predecessor of Donkey Kong Country.

It was mind blowing for me at the time, it looked beautiful even though it animated worse (and it was slower) than Sonic 1.

Egypt stage sucked and, in retrospect, the gameplay in general. Until Sonic Advance though, it was my only way to play as Knuckles :)

The SMS vrersion was only released in Brazil yeah, but the game released worldwide on the Game Gear. (Called G-Sonic in Japan).

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
8 bit Sonic was the first game I bought with my own pocket money so it will always have more nostalgia than any other game. That was a beautiful OP and I agree with every word, thank you.
Oct 27, 2017
For a lot of the emeralds in both 1 and 2 you kind of just had to know or discover by sheer luck. In Sonic 2 for example there's a sky level where in order to reach the emerald you had to get to a spring board hidden in a specific cloud (of which there were many) and if you missed it you fell to your death.

God, that emerald was a pain in the ass to find. I think I found it by sheer luck back in the day.

On a related note, I always preferred the Master System version of Castle of Illusion to the Mega Drive version. Again very different games!

Same here. The MS version is much better.

There is also a secret in Sky High Zone Act 1 that is so bizarre I don't really know how to explain it.

I've known about these birds since I was little, but absolutely nobody knows why they are there in that specific spot in the zone or what they mean or why they appear. Just bizarre shit.

I remember finding those birds as a kid. Utterly bizarre secret.

As for OP, while the 8-bit games are good, they are no match for the vastly superior MD games.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
So basically Sonic once existed as a more coherent product than what we usually have? Cause a world map, the chaos emeralds being in level secrets, and a tighter focus on precision while also retaining the speed aspect sounds like the Sonic I would get into more than the Sonic that exists. Maybe its why I have Sonic Advance 2&3 as my series high points.


Oct 27, 2017
Always preferred the soundtrack, same goes for Naofumi Hataya's work in 2, but having to play through 2 to hear it wasn't pleasant.
Nov 3, 2017
I will appreciate that this is more thought out than a hot take, but even as someone who's enjoyed Game Gear Sonic, I can't sincerely say it surpasses any of the mainline Genesis Sonics.

If I may counterpoint on some things said in the thread:

1) Platforming being a weaker me-too of Mario is not a good thing. What makes Sonic good is what makes it stand out from Mario, and Game Gear Sonic has less of it than what the Genesis games do. In fact, it's platforming is among the most barebones and basic a game can get. Nearly every jump is more or less a Mega Man-style "go into a walk and then jump" style jump, except with none of the challenge associated with Mega Man via also needing to shoot. Furthermore, the utter demand for slow precision platforming comes at the expense of ANY of the speed mechanics having any payoff - there is literally NO POINT in GG/SMS Sonic where going fast actually feels like something you want to do for it's own sake, for the thrill of it. And it's very rarely functionally useful in the game, either.

2) Chaos Emeralds being hidden in the levels is stupid Squaresoft-Strategy-Guide-Selling-Strats bullocks. Even before it got as ridiculous as Sonic 2 Game Gear's, the emeralds were hidden in locations that were not only hard to find and hard to see, but required a strict platforming challenge where screwing up either had you lose a life or permanently miss your chance to get the emerald for the entire rest of the run, locking you out of the best ending. The Emeralds are hidden to such an extent that a casual player may never see one and may not even know they exist. And even IF you can find one or two, just dumping them in a spot in the level makes it hard to discern their importance - you don't even see the name of the gems when you obtain them, and while you get a nice jingle for collecting them it's not really much different from collecting a big bonus point gem in Bubble Bobble or a gem in Adventure Island or whatnot.

(Sonic 3 mitigated this mostly by having loads of possible locations to get emeralds and a post-game save where you can farm for them from the same spot, if you're gonna ask what I think of how that game handled it.)

3) Every single boss being a certain one-hit kill? No, just no. GG/SMS Sonic 1 doesn't let you collect lives like candy bars, so a life lost is a harsh penalty for a boss encounter you're going into for the first time and just started learning the strategies on. And this isn't like the other Sonic games where you can pick up rings you collect - a ring is just one extra hit you can take. And on top of that, nearly ANYTHING to do that wasn't "hit Robotnik" killed you - even GG/SMS Sonic 2 wasn't THAT cruel (IE Performing Seal in Aqua Lake, and Silver Sonic) and that otherwise takes everything wrong with GG Sonic 1 and ups the ante on it!


Oct 30, 2017
Also I will say, we're well overdue a Master System collection on modern consoles/PC

Pixel Grotto

Oct 27, 2017
I can see where OP is coming from. I actually played this one before the Genesis Sonic so in many ways it was my first experience with the blue hedgehog, and remains fondly in my heart because of this.

The Bridge Zone theme is awesome!

Mama Robotnik

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for the awesome responses. I was expecting this to have been a controversial opinion, so I'm really intrigued that quite a number of people agreed with the view!

I also appreciate the nature of the discourse – a lot of nice messages agreeing with the way I presented my argument even if the conclusion was disagreed with. This is something that people can reasonably disagree on.

A point to add – all of the points in the OP were in relation to the Sega Master System version of Sonic 1. I personally find the limited screen space on the Game Gear to be much more difficult to broach.

One thing that I'm really, really happy with, is that many of the readers of the thread didn't know this gem of a platformer existed at all – I'm glad to have brought it to your attention!

You're a good person, OP. You're a good person. I wouldn't necessarily put it above MD Sonic 1, but it's a damn fine game and I absolutely understand that opinion. There are things it does better. Master System Sonic 1 is one of the most overlooked games in the franchise and honestly there are few 8-bit games at all that I'd rank higher than it.

I remember getting Sonic Mega Collection Plus and being so excited to finally play this game again. Ok it's the Game Gear version but still yay! Then I was like......was the screen always this small? No. No it was not. Game Gear version really butchers the game with how much you can actually see. People judging 8-bit Sonic based on the GG version don't understand what they're missing.

Yes I agree – I think the Game Gear doesn't bring out the best in this great platformer.

Most of the Sonic master system games seem to loosely map onto the Genesis series. Sonic 1 shares a few level aesthetics between the two games. Sonic 2 for Master System is loosely analogous to Sonic CD (right down to having a plot of Robotnik taking one of Sonic's friends hostage and shares CD's main theme as level music). Sonic Chaos is roughly comparable to Sonic 2 Gen and Triple Trouble with Sonic 3; Sonic Blast is a horrifying attempt to do Sonic & Knuckles with pre-rendered 3D sprites on hardware barely able to display more than 32 colors at a time. Sonic Labyrinth and Sonic 3D Blast (Flickies' Island) share more similarities than Sega wanted to admit at the time.

Some really interesting observations there!

The Game Gear version of Sonic 1 is a later revision than the Sega Master System version. You can almost treat the SMS version like a prototype. This manifests in lots, and lots of ways throughout the game. Some of these changes are minor, like Green Hill Zone having new art for warning signs to account for the lower resolution, or Sonic's sprite being different between the SMS and GG versions, while other changes are drastic, like Labyrinth Zone featuring an entirely different level layout to the point of it being an entirely different zone, or all the special stages being 100% different. There are also QoL changes in the GG version, like how Jungle Zone Act 2 can scroll backwards down, where in the SMS version, falling to the bottom of the screen meant instant death.

There are lots and lots of differences between the 8-bit versions of Sonic 2, as well.

Also very interesting, I didn't know some of these differences.

I really praying for Taxman use more Sonic 8-bits zones like The Brigde zone and The Forest zone.

I'd love more recognition of the Master System music and levels in contemporary releases!

Has there ever been a version of Sonic 1 based on the Mega Drive/Genesis version that has those story touches/world map? I think that would be my favorite version.

This was something I always wanted. Coming from Sonic 1 on the Master System, the 16-bit game feels slightly incomplete. The vital elements were (1) another green zone – Jungle or Bridge; (2) Secrets in levels; and (3) The grand finale in the Sky Base. I'd love to see a consolidated Sonic 1 that brought in these missing elements.
Mama Robotnik

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
It is very, very, very likely (as in, I'm 99.99% sure of this, I'm just waiting for a specific dump to come out (which has been found) to be able to present as absolute proof) that the 8-bit Sonic 1 port is based off of a very early version of Sonic 1 for the Genesis. What is very likely to have happened is that, once Sonic Team had stopped iterating on core gameplay and level tropes (i.e. after their initial CES appearance with the non-interactive demo), they likely had a meeting with Ancient to get on the same page then didn't communicate after. Between that period where Sonic Team met with Ancient to present what they thought Sonic 1 would be, and when Sonic 1 on the Genesis ultimately released, a number of changes occured that didn't get reflected in the 8-bit port.

So when you look at the 8-bit version of Sonic 1, you are looking at pretty much a split timeline of development. Lots of things in the 8-bit Sonic 1 port resemble parts of the unseen prototypes of the 16-bit version of Sonic 1. A repost of an old topic with a little bit more info:

First - Bridge Zone contains the Yadorin badnik. We know that this badnik was originally supposed to be in Marble Zone. Similarly, Sky Base Zone contains both Bomb, and the special version of Unidus from Labryinth Zone which does not shoot it's spikes - both enemies from Star Light Zone. Now, the special stage in Sonic SMS doesn't contain any badniks, but Spring Yard Zone in Sonic MD recycles most of it's badniks save for Arma.

Second - The Special Stage in Sonic SMS is largely useless. It exists only to give continues. In Sonic MD, the special stage is there to give you chaos emeralds, but since there are emeralds in the stages in Sonic SMS, it renders the Special Stage unnecessary. Now, the Special Stage contains a lot of unique gimmicks which are similar to Spring Yard Zone - most noticeably the bumpers. These appear only in the special stages in Sonic SMS. My personal belief is that they were originally coded for spring yard zone, and reused later for unknown reasons.

Third - the art of the zones are very similar to existing zones, as are their tropes. Bridge Zone obviously is the most different, but a simple change in the palette makes the zone look a lot like Marble Zone:



Bridge Zone and Marble Zone also share similar objects, such as this platform:



Perhaps more obvious is the similarities between the special stage and spring yard zone:



Obviously the Special Stage features what is largely considered the defining feature of Spring Yard Zone - the bumpers. But at first glance it seems to share little else in common with the final Spring Yard Zone. The background is completely different, especially... until you compare it to sparkling zone:


Suddenly the two zones look remarkably similar, especially the background, which features the same dark shade of blue and sparkling stars.

Lastly, we have Sky Base Zone, which borrows a lot from Star Light Zone's industrial highway motif. First, you'll notice that SLZ's yellow-and-black caution color scheme is copied a lot:



That yellow-on-black design is used quite a bit in both stages. The main pattern in the level - industrial squares with lots of rebarbs sticking out, is also used in both zones:



It's a bit harder to see because of the flashing palette in act 1 of Sky Base Zone, but the structures are incredibly similar. Even random objects in the background are similar, like these glowing lights and cones:



Now, even though it's included, I've always felt that labyrinth Zone's background in Sonic SMS was similar to Labyrinth Zone's background in the Sonic beta, with lots of black and smoothly blended sections of background:



Fouth - Sonic sings in the ending, and the title screen is black. This is the most obvious similarity, since we know both were a staple of early versions of the game. Magazine scans have shown that early versions of Sonic MD had a title screen similar to Sonic SMS:



and, more interesting, we know that at one point very late in development, Sonic MD had a robust sound test mode featuring a fully animated band. Concept art shows that Sonic was the singer, and we know this was removed extremely late in development to make room for the "sega" soundbyte:


Sonic SMS's ending shows Sonic, fully animated, "singing" the end theme song. I've said many times, I believe this is the last remaining piece of that soundtest mode:


This is a stunning post, thank you. I never, ever considered what you have evidenced here, but my god does it all make sense. The link between the Star Light and Sky Base Act 1 tilesets really blew my mind. The special stages too, this is really revelatory. Brilliant, brilliant stuff!

There is more, too, I just hit the main beats. You can see other indications that the 8-bit version of Sonic 1 is based off of early Sonic 16-bit discussions, like the spirte of Sonic singing at the end is Sky blue, which matches the JPN Sega logo. Sonic was originally sky blue specifically to match the color of the JPN sega logo, but he wound up clashing with backgrounds in the game, so later in development they changed his color to Cobalt to match the US Sega logo.



The color of Sonic at the end of the 8-bit version of Sonic 1 is reflecting a very early design for Sonic.

Also really interesting!

Holy moly. I wasn't aware of how good Sonic 1's 8-bit version was--didn't even consider playing it before because I thought it was considered grossly inferior--but from your detailed thoughts and description, I really need to play it! Thanks Mama Robotnik and great topic!

As you can tell from the posts, the game is quite well regarded, though most gamers would still say that the 16-bit version is the better of the games, I think both should be experienced.

Interesting argument but definitely not one I agree with. Mainly because I feel the momentum is just too important - the feel of Sonic is key to my enjoyment.

The MS/GG version lacks this entirely while exhibiting severe performance issues. I'm not really keen on the simple platforming stages.

Still, it's different enough that I can respect someone preferring it!

All really fair points. I think this is something that people can reasonably have different opinions on. I love the platforming elements of this lovely little game!

Yes, yes, YES ! It's like you read my mind. I was playing this game last week and literally though about Sonic 1 on Master System being better than the Megadrive games but also my favorite Sonic.

Better exploration, less (shallow) speed, better gameplay. Finding the hidden stones was rewarding. In the others Sonic you just want to reach the end as fast as you can which I never found interesting.

After the Marios I was never motivated to play the Megadrive Sonics, but this one I absolutely wanted to see the end. Alex Kidd in the miracle world (another real platformer) and this one are my favorite games on Master System. Momentum based Sonic games have not good gameplay.

Seriously you nailed it ! I agree with every points you made in this beautiful love letter to the exquisite Sonic 1 on Master Sytem !

Thanks for that, really happy you liked it!

Really interesting links, thank you!
Mama Robotnik

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
So basically Sonic once existed as a more coherent product than what we usually have? Cause a world map, the chaos emeralds being in level secrets, and a tighter focus on precision while also retaining the speed aspect sounds like the Sonic I would get into more than the Sonic that exists. Maybe its why I have Sonic Advance 2&3 as my series high points.

Yes, I'd love to see where these ideas could have taken the franchise. Sonic 1 8-bit is great, but later games in the series feel nothing like it.

GameGear or Master System version?

For me, definitely definitely the Master System version. The extra screen space really makes it.

At last, someone else who supports my long held belief!

I think the thing is for me, is that Sonic 1 Mega Drive swiftly turns into a slow paced platformer the moment you leave Green Hill Zone which is when Sonic 1 MS can swoop in and reveal its more pleasing character control for that focus and often having better platforming challenges to boot.

Throw in that Koshiro OST and you got a stew going.

The autoscroller bridge stage still feels more speedy than all of marble zone, damn does marble zone suck.

That's a really interesting way of describing it!

I actually find the arguments about the joined map compelling, as well as the stronger ending to the story in StH 8-Bit.

I don't think I agree because what I like about Sonic (low-middle-high exploration in a level and branching paths that create level replayability) is missing in StH 8-Bit, and the platforming that replaces it isn't very fun because typical platforming isn't fun with Sonic's jump physics. The thing that makes Sonic's physics work is that you're having to control him coming off lips and shooting up ramps. When you're just making regular-ass jumps like in Mario, the physics make it less fun.

But I do see where you're coming from, OP.

EDIT: I also LOVE Sonic 1's Special Zones. The swinging perspective and having to control Sonic within that moving maze was really fun to me. I don't think that replacing them by scattering the chaos emeralds within the level and then having a different special level with a continue monitor in it is, for me, a great exchange.

Definitely a fair perspective. I think this is something people can definitely reasonably disagree on according to their tastes.

The only positives you listed were how they handle getting the chaos emeralds and the world map

What about the Sky Base Zone? This level is one of my favourite Sonic levels of all time, it really leads the game to end on a high.

I'm assuming the Master System version is better due to screen resolution?


OP, you've confirmed that Sonic 8-bit isn't really Sonic at all.

I think Sonic can be different things as long as it is done well. Most times, anything outside of the core formula falls flat on its face. But this lovely little platformer is a great game.

Master System Sonic 1 is a fantastic game.



Nov 9, 2017
I loved the 8Bit Sonics, but i won't say they are better than their 16bit counterparts. They are just différents.

Just like Castle of illusion is different.

In Sonic 2 8bit, vehicles were not a very good idea.

Also in Sonic 16bit, best zone is Marble zone

PS : OP you learnt me something today, i didn't know that Ancint made thèses games.
Mama Robotnik

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
I loved the 8Bit Sonics, but i won't say they are better than their 16bit counterparts. They are just différents.

Just like Castle of illusion is different.

In Sonic 2 8bit, vehicles were not a very good idea.

Also in Sonic 16bit, best zone is Marble zone

PS : OP you learnt me something today, i didn't know that Ancint made thèses games.

I think it's such a different type of Sonic game that people can certainly have a preference towards it's platforming style.

It's interesting how opinions can differ on this - I always felt that Bridge Zone was so much more fun than Marble Zone. I think Marble is interesting but for some reason I don't look forward to it on playthrough.


Oct 26, 2017
It plays as a conventional 8-bit platformer, lacking what made the original Sonic game special, namely the intricate physics, the inertia, slopes and high-octane segments.
Jan 9, 2018
oh! I never realized of those differences, I played the Master system 2 version of sonic when I was 10 or so and I liked a lot. I tried many times after other sonic games and they never clicked. I was so disappointed on sonic mania (not because is bad, but because I realise I don't like this kind of gameplay).

Now that makes sense, I have always been a Mario person.
Mama Robotnik

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
It plays as a conventional 8-bit platformer, lacking what made the original Sonic game special, namely the intricate physics, the inertia, slopes and high-octane segments.

While that is a fair perspective to have, I feel that Sonic 8-bit has different qualities that make it special.

oh! I never realized of those differences, I played the Master system 2 version of sonic when I was 10 or so and I liked a lot. I tried many times after other sonic games and they never clicked. I was so disappointed on sonic mania (not because is bad, but because I realise I don't like this kind of gameplay).

Now that makes sense, I have always been a Mario person.

It's interesting that in my view, the best 2D Mario's were always better than the best 2D Sonics. Sonic 8-bit might be the closest middle ground between the two franchise approaches.

Stuart Gipp

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Cambridge, England
By contrast, the Sega Master System version of Sonic 2 DOES feature the Sneaker power up - Once, in a very obscure location in Aqua Lake Zone Act 2. Using it in fact plays a unique song not heard anywhere else in any other sonic game

Also, if I recall accurately they have no discernible effect on your speed, either because you're underwater or they're just functionless.

There is also a secret in Sky High Zone Act 1 that is so bizarre I don't really know how to explain it.

I've known about these birds since I was little, but absolutely nobody knows why they are there in that specific spot in the zone or what they mean or why they appear. Just bizarre shit.

That was weird seeing my old Youtube avatar pop up. Sorry about the "commentary"!

Stuart Gipp

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Cambridge, England
In Sonic 2 for example there's a sky level where in order to reach the emerald you had to get to a spring board hidden in a specific cloud (of which there were many) and if you missed it you fell to your death.

This second emerald can be acquired using the hang glider and a LOT of effort/luck. I know because I had the game as a kid and this is how I got it back then.


Oct 25, 2017
I have really fond memories of the 8bit sonic games on my Master System and Game Gear! I'm forever shit at the gliding bit on Sonic 2 though. I played it again last year too lol

I have to say that I absolutely love the special stages in Sonic 1 too.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
If you pay attention, the game gear boss battle is actually harder on top of having more limited viewing space. The balls actually bounce in 3 different patterns -- a low pattern, where the best option is to jump over the balls, a medium option where you have to jump with slightly different timing, and a high bounce pattern where the best option is to actually run under the ball. And these patterns are random, the game uses the PRNG to determine each ball's behavior, so there is no pattern. This makes dodging the balls in the first place way, way, way harder. In the Master System version, the balls exclusively bounce in the low pattern, there is no medium or high pattern, which makes every ball easy to jump over, even without being able to see further. In the SMS version, you never have to press left or right at all to beat the boss, you can beat it just by tapping the jump button at the right time. In the Game Gear version, you pretty much are required to run all around that tiny cramped screen to avoid the balls.

Really late to this (read this from the Mama Robotnik topic on Sonic 2 8-bit), and it's probably obvious to you anyway, but it seems to me like the other two patterns were last-minute additions to the GameGear version, since the balls don't actually land on (or even touch!) the boss in these, they just bounce past it and it takes damage. :D

Whoever thought "we should make the first boss fight, one with instakill mechanics that's already much harder than in Master System due to the super limited screen space, even harder!" is hopefully bound for a one-way ride to developer hell.
Dec 22, 2017
I loved this game on Game Gear! I played through it a couple years ago on the 3DS and was surprised by how well it held up.

It also has some of the best 8bit music of all time.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I really liked it, but I was kinda biased towards the MS cause I wasnt allowed a Genesis til like 94. Great plucky little machine.

VG Aficionado

Nov 6, 2017
I missed this thread last week! I completely agree with all of the points in the OP. I remember playing Megadrive S1 years after I played MS S1, and I always felt it was inferior. The visuals were far greater, but that was all... The journey in MS S1 is really cool, finding the emeralds through exploration is more rewarding than doing the lame MD S1 special zones (which MS S1 also had, and unique ones at it), and the final stretch of the game is a lot more epic than the boring, standard one in MD S1. The zones are more original and pleasing to my taste as well.

Also, it was great when I realised that by finding every extra life (one per level), you get an extra one before the final boss fight.
Mama Robotnik

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
I missed this thread last week! I completely agree with all of the points in the OP. I remember playing Megadrive S1 years after I played MS S1, and I always felt it was inferior. The visuals were far greater, but that was all... The journey in MS S1 is really cool, finding the emeralds through exploration is more rewarding than doing the lame MD S1 special zones (which MS S1 also had, and unique ones at it), and the final stretch of the game is a lot more epic than the boring, standard one in MD S1. The zones are more original and pleasing to my taste as well.

Also, it was great when I realised that by finding every extra life (one per level), you get an extra one before the final boss fight.


I have the vaguest of memories as a child of sometimes, an extra life being present on Sky Base Act 3, and other times it was not. I never realised that this was the reason!


Oct 26, 2017
I may be biased because I grew up with Master System and Sonic 1 was my favorite game back then, but I completely agree with OP and I think he´s done an awesome job expressing why this version may be better for some people. 16 bit Sonic never grabbed me in the same way the first MS game did, specially thanks to 2 aspects OP commented:
  • Platforming is better thanks to there being a clear path through the level which allowed the designers to make more meaningful challenge progression. 16bit Sonic always felt a bit unfocused to me, like the levels lacked structure. This is something even Sonic Mania suffers from, I guess I just don´t like 16bit Sonic level-design.
  • Exploration and secrets are much better. There being only 100 rings, one hidden 1-UP and one Emerald per level and all of them being collectable in a single run made me look everywhere for secrets and strive to get every ring, while in the 16bit games I always feel like I´m missing stuff when I inevitably have to choose a path through the level from all the available ones. Also, I can´t remember any other game where I needed to look up and down like in Sonic 1, making those abbilities incredibly useful and fun to use, unlike other games where they weren´t really justified.
Awesome thread OP :)


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who grew up with a Master System and played 8-bit Sonic before 16-bit, I wholeheartedly agree. And it isn't just the nostalgia talking, because I also owned Sonic 2 on Master System before the Mega Drive games and that game is woeful.

I'd go as far as to say all the 8-bit Sonic games are mediocre-to-terrible, apart from Sonic 1 which is great. Isn't it the only one developed by Ancient?


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
nice thread. I'd never considered why those versions felt different.

VG Aficionado

Nov 6, 2017
I may be biased because I grew up with Master System and Sonic 1 was my favorite game back then, but I completely agree with OP and I think he´s done an awesome job expressing why this version may be better for some people. 16 bit Sonic never grabbed me in the same way the first MS game did, specially thanks to 2 aspects OP commented:
  • Platforming is better thanks to there being a clear path through the level which allowed the designers to make more meaningful challenge progression. 16bit Sonic always felt a bit unfocused to me, like the levels lacked structure. This is something even Sonic Mania suffers from, I guess I just don´t like 16bit Sonic level-design.
  • Exploration and secrets are much better. There being only 100 rings, one hidden 1-UP and one Emerald per level and all of them being collectable in a single run made me look everywhere for secrets and strive to get every ring, while in the 16bit games I always feel like I´m missing stuff when I inevitably have to choose a path through the level from all the available ones. Also, I can´t remember any other game where I needed to look up and down like in Sonic 1, making those abbilities incredibly useful and fun to use, unlike other games where they weren´t really justified.
Awesome thread OP :)

Agreed! These threads made me impulse-buy Sonic Mania and I'm not enjoying it very much. I like the twists in the classic zones and it tries to interconnect them, but not very successfully IMO. I'm in the second to last zone and it's been almost a chore to play through.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles is easily the only 16 bit game that actually tries to be an actual adventure with zone transitions that make sense. It's still far away from the feeling you describe in Sonic 1, where the platforming is meaningful and there's a point to item placement. It's like Sega never wanted Sonic games to be about exploration, but just obstacle-filled fast platforming... which creates a very uneven experience IMO.