
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen and heard judges say some pretty off the wall stuff in court when they get irritated and pissed off. It's not a good thing to upset a judge. A judge could 100% say this verbatim and have zero consequences. Not saying it's real though but some that are saying that it can't be real because no judge would do that are just wrong. I've heard way worse lol


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen and heard judges say some pretty off the wall stuff in court when they get irritated and pissed off. It's not a good thing to upset a judge. A judge could 100% say this verbatim and have zero consequences. Not saying it's real though but some that are saying that it can't be real because no judge would do that are just wrong. I've heard way worse lol
I mean if you're filing drawings instead of briefs I don't even think you'll ever be hearing directly from the judge aside from sanctions lol.


Profile Styler
Oct 25, 2017
The boomer energy of this forum is reaching a zenith

The sheer aggressive foolishness of twisting yourself to pretend a tweet about crayon drawings and chocolate sauce is real. Trove of human knowledge at your finger tips and this is the absolute state the internet has you in


Oct 26, 2017
I mean, if I was one of these judges getting bullshit from these Trump lawyers I'd be doing some movie quotes too but I'd be a little more subtle about it than that fake transcript. lol Probably a good thing I'm not a judge.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Tweets are almost always not primary sources. If your contribution to any discussion is to post a random Tweet and use that to justify your position, that's likely an absence of critical thinking.

I honestly don't understand how anyone could be duped by this. I don't. And yet, here we are. For something that audacious, Google it. See if reputable sources have covered it -- not the random Tweet linking one page of something in Courier New font with a misspelled county and a quote from Billy Madison.

And people in this thread are still falling for it.

Seriously, think critically about sources you encounter. Critical thinking is metacognition -- or thinking about thinking. If something makes you angry or conveniently conforms to your worldview, think about why you're so quick to post it. That's the intended effect and it's how misinformation spreads.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Sep 12, 2019
I'm a little disturbed at how many people didn't immediately realize that manuscript was parody lol. Do you guys also think The Onion is a real news source?


Jan 9, 2018
This thread is just a sad example of what people on this board complain about. The moment you read chocolate sauce on the ballot, you wouldn't question it's fake? Comon people.

Mary Celeste

Oct 25, 2017
This thread is pathetic. For as bad as conservatives are with believing bullshit because it applies to their cognitive bias, this thread serves as a perfect example that liberals do the exact same thing.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017

even before the bit that's a movie quote

do you seriously think they would say "And, finally, five or six million ballots that were not for Trump, we just want to kind of get rid of them."

like, not just that they would say that, but that they would just randomly bring that up when talking about the 13 specific ballots that the lawsuit would theoretically be about

I know this entire thing is a joke but please use your brains regardless


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
This thread is just a sad example of what people on this board complain about. The moment you read chocolate sauce on the ballot, you wouldn't question it's fake? Comon people.
It was "filed no brief instead sent crayon pictures" which happens before the chocolate sauce part that made me know it was fake.

Shows that it's not just OP we don't read on Era.


Oct 27, 2017
I just want to say, I'm 100% in favor of critical thinking pop quizzes, and I hope those who didn't succeed on this one have learned something and do better in the future. Spotting bullshit is a skill, and skills require practice, so while I'm glad Era isn't flooded with fake news the occasional gotcha is IMO good for the community and its members in general.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Even stepping back from the important issues of misinformation and not bothering to source information I think this thread is a good example of why the discourse can kinda suck on this forum. Too many people rushing in with no thought to respond to a tweet like that without reading the tweet, the thread or the OP.

There's no actual discussion or thinking happening. Even on this page people are still quickly responding to that tweet without taking 2 seconds to see the dozens of posts in this thread pointing out that it's fake.

It would be nice if more people came into threads with the intention to add to the discussion instead of quickly jumping in with an thoughtless 1 liner.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
Fun fact. The guy who played the high-school principal in Billy Madison who made the quote everyone is falling for is Robert Downey Jrs uncle.

Also lol at people thinking thats real


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
That's what she said!

You actually quoted someone so that's a step above most posts. It can be an interesting exercise to go into random threads and see how long it actually takes for someone to quite someone else for some discussion. Sometimes you can get past the 1st page and not a single poster has engaged with anyone else.


Oct 28, 2017
The fact that people thought the manuscript was real is a testament to the standards set by the trump administration. That is, the lack of standards in general.

It's not an "Era", "Liberal", or a "Boomer" thing. It's a "I'm so tired of trump's shit" thing.
Oct 31, 2017
I've seen people posting and reacting to BS tweets way too many times on here

before posting please be responsible and double check the source (or in this case, read what you're posting lol)


Oct 26, 2017
So this is the power of a lawyer.
The fact that one could believe this is real speaks to how ridiculous this whole thing is.
I dunno. As ridiculous as Trump is, no one should have believed it was real after line 6. Trump submitted crayon drawings? The rest of it goes to levels of absurdity even Trump shit doesn't go to and is too poorly written and on the nose. It like goes out of its way to scream "not real." And then it ends with a movie quote.


Oct 26, 2017
Christ this thread is a disaster. How did people actually believe that parody tweet? Good lord. And even if they did it just shows how many people rush to post some hot take without actually reading the thread.


Feb 17, 2019
I dunno. As ridiculous as Trump is, no one should have believed it was real after line 6. Trump submitted crayon drawings? The rest of it goes to levels of absurdity even Trump shit doesn't go to and is too poorly written and on the nose. It like goes out of its way to scream "not real." And then it ends with a movie quote.
It would have been a new low in a series of new lows for like 4 years straight. I can't blame people. But I do worry about how easy it is to spread misinformation even in a place like this.