Dog Weissman

Sep 12, 2020
The podcast Knowledge Fight has been going for nearly 5 years and a solid chunk of the 602 episodes they've done have been dedicated to following the ongoing Sandy Hook lawsuits and researching *exactly* what Alex Jones and InfoWars did in the wake of that massacre. For long-time listeners such as myself, there's been an unbearable amount of edging with regard to AJ and company's fate from these legal proceedings. You've maybe read the most recent news about Infowars losing three of these suits after the judge presiding over the cases issued a ruling for default judgement against him.

I wouldn't call it closure, especially for the families, there's still an important part of the process yet to go. But the question as to whether or not a reckoning for Alex Jones is coming is no longer if—it's when.

Attorney Mark Bankston heard their episodes analyzing his now infamous deposition against Alex Jones and came on to answer questions about the case in the most recent episode of the show. It can be found here:

The two deposition analysis episodes can be found here and here and are totally worth listening to in their own right.

If I had to summarize: InfoWars is an evil organization whose malice is only outmatched by their stupidity and incompetence.


Shit Shoe Wasp Smasher
Apr 3, 2018
I've not listened to KnowledgeFight but they've been great guests on Behind the Bastards. They do important work. Bless their souls for willingly listening to every episode of infowars FFS

Banjo Tango

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing - never checked out knowledge fight before, but I listened to the two deposition eps over the last few days and am looking forward to the latest.

I could have guessed Alex and co. would adopt the "unprepared mumbly dipshit" defense, but it was still surreal to hear it play out. And it was nice to have context provided by two guys incredibly familiar with the man.