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Jul 24, 2018
IW Thanos has found the location of all the stones and and after getting two of them is now is on a religious pilgrimage to fulfil his destiny. 2014 Thanos is still fighting a war to find all the stones in order to fulfill his destiny.

IW Thanos is more merciful

Yeah I guess IW Thanos was actually holding back all the time. Endgame Thanos was a god damn nightmare.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah but in the same interview

I think they're confusing themselves. There is definitely a timeline out there with Loki that now doesn't lead to Endgame.

Yeah, but that is kinda consistent with what the writers said, because an infinity stone was removed in the process. Eh, I'm fine with both interpretations but it's fun to talk about!

Deleted member 2809

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Oct 25, 2017
IW Thanos doesn't seek to kill. Just get these clowns out of his way so he can fulfill his destiny.
Endgame Thanos is fucking mad at these people and he doesn't want them to undo his snap, so killing is the goal.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't seen it mentioned here, but Mordo in Doctor Strange alludes to the Endgame kind of time travel.

"Temporal manipulations can create branches in time."


Oct 27, 2017
I'm going to miss America's ass :(

Actually tho, that was amazing. What a great coming together of everything they've been building.

Actually tho, I'm going to miss Chris Evans. He's so, so, so handsome. 😩
Nov 30, 2017
I haven't seen it mentioned here, but Mordo in Doctor Strange alludes to the Endgame kind of time travel.

"Temporal manipulations can create branches in time."

Multiverse theory has always been there. The Ancient One mentions it a few times. But not many people liked Doctor Strange so they tend to gloss over it and think it's not canon or


Oct 25, 2017
Would someone please tell me the significance of why the song Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic was played at the beginning? I absolutely love that song.


Oct 25, 2017
Markus just absolutely goes full-on batshit:

So now we have the director of the film and the screenwriter telling us straight up different things. Except that Russo's version actually makes sense and it seems like the screenwriters didn't care too much about keeping their own rules consistent.

If new timelines didn't branch off without the removal of an Infinity Stone, than everyone would remember Loki fucking off with the Tesseract, because all Infinity Stones were replaced at the end of the film. It makes zero sense.
The Ancient One isn't an expert on any kind of science and Banner admits that it's not his field. That's also before the whole plan is blown when Loki escapes. Everything about the project is experimental. As far as I'm concerned there are allowances for bending/breaking any rules they've laid out.

My personal objection to "the rules" is that Cap living in an alternate timeline to live with an alternate Peggy doesn't sound romantic at all. You also have to accept that there are millions of doomed timelines and The Avengers intentionally made more vulnerable by taking their gems.

Aaanywaayys, in Endgame alone there are 2 forms of time manipulation. Who says there can't be more, and that they can have different repercussions?
Oct 25, 2017
Avengers actually saved about 3 timelines. They fixed theirs

They created one where Thanos is gone and never snaps.

And there is one where Loki is off fucking around with the tessarct
I'm not sure the Loki timeline is going to go better or worse

Korg and noobmaster69.
This made me laugh out loud. Was great to see Korg and Miek again.
I want them to make another Thor where they play a big part. Also would love to see a Valkyrie movie.

Again, I feel there may be a difference between holding Stormbreaker and actually using it properly by wielding it and using it's magical properties, if only because Groot was able to pretty much lift the completed Stormbreaker from his arm while making the handle. If you disagree, and that it doesn't count because it wasn't officially Stormbreaker yet until Groot separated it from the rest of his body or something, that's alright. I guess I see a bit of a grey area with it, and I could certainly be wrong in my interpretation.
I would look at it like this. 1 Groot is certainly a unique creature and no normal man so it may be that he is just capable. 2. Like you said the weapon wasn't done yet so that could explain it. 3. Groot, by making his arm the handle, is part of the weapon which might then also explain him being able to wield it in a future story.

Finally saw it. Teared up at Tony's death and even more at the Jon Favreau scene, felt like we were watching him say goodbye to what he started 11 years ago.

I haven't read the thread but has it been talked about how Thanos was like 5 times more powerful here than he was fully kitted out in IW? He was fucking everyone up, I can't believe how easily he just knocked out Captain Marvel. Also just way more vicious in general, he changed a lot in those 9 years I suppose.
I think a lot of it was seeing that he succeeded in the future, and that instead of the grateful universe he was expecting, they were actively working to undo all that future him did.

My personal objection to "the rules" is that Cap living in an alternate timeline to live with an alternate Peggy doesn't sound romantic at all. You also have to accept that there are millions of doomed timelines and The Avengers intentionally made more vulnerable by taking their gems.
Well it isn't really an alternate peggy. It's more like he goes back which then branches off at that point. So the peggy at that time is the same peggy, just living in a different timeline. I suppose you could argue it's not the same person but you could also argue it is.

Rare Opiums

Oct 28, 2017
Yeah but in the same interview

I think they're confusing themselves. There is definitely a timeline out there with Loki that now doesn't lead to Endgame.

Markus just absolutely goes full-on batshit:

So now we have the director of the film and the screenwriter telling us straight up different things. Except that Russo's version actually makes sense and it seems like the screenwriters didn't care too much about keeping their own rules consistent.

If new timelines didn't branch off without the removal of an Infinity Stone, than everyone would remember Loki fucking off with the Tesseract, because all Infinity Stones were replaced at the end of the film. It makes zero sense.

The thing that bothers me is why this film shows Steve Rogers seated on the bench after returning the stones rather than appeared on the platform. Only if we admit that it was an oversight by the filmmakers, then I can accept your theory.

I also don't understand why Loki escaping with the tesseract has any impact to the story. Returning the stones will, as Steve Rogers said, "clip off the branched timeline". Once he go back to the 70s (the earliest timeline in this story) to return the tesseract, any alternate timeline will only exist in memory.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
The thing that bothers me is why this film shows Steve Rogers seated on the bench after returning from the past rather than appeared on the platform. Only if we admit that it was an oversight by the filmmakers, then I can accept your theory.

I also don't understand why Loki escaping with tesseract has any impact to the story. Returning the stones will, as Steve Rogers said, "clip off the branched timeline". Once he go back to the 70s (the earliest timeline in this story) to return the tesseract, any alternate timeline will only exist in memory.
If what Markus said is correct, then those timelines aren't alternate timelines (because the stones were returned and there are no more branches). They're all accurate, all of it happens within the primary MCU. Two Steve Rodgers, Loki escaping, Tony meeting his dad, all of it.

Which is nonsense, that's not what happened.


Apr 27, 2018
The thing that bothers me is why this film shows Steve Rogers seated on the bench after returning from the past rather than appeared on the platform. Only if we admit that it was an oversight by the filmmakers, then I can accept your theory.

I also don't understand why Loki escaping with tesseract has any impact to the story. Returning the stones will, as Steve Rogers said, "clip off the branched timeline". Once he go back to the 70s (the earliest timeline in this story) to return the tesseract, any alternate timeline will only exist in memory.
Why would returning the Tesseract to the 70s change that Loki took it in 2012? That 70s timeline now leads to Loki.
Oct 25, 2017
Why would returning the Tesseract to the 70s change that Loki took it in 2012? That 70s timeline now leads to Loki.
No. Actually you're both kind of wrong.

The timelines are created as soon as you travel to the past. Even if you return the stones all the smallest things you do, like your presense, is enough to branch that timeline. But since time is handled by the stones, they are needed so that the time doesn't get wack in that timeline which is why they needed to be returned in the first place.

The 70's timeline and the 2012 timeline are 2 different branches.


Oct 27, 2017
Would someone please tell me the significance of why the song Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic was played at the beginning? I absolutely love that song.
The lyrics perfectly describe Tony Stark.

Dear Mr. Fantasy play us a tune
Something to make us all happy
Do anything, take us out of this gloom
Sing a song, play guitar, make it snappy
You are the one who can make us all laugh
But doing that you break out in tears
Please don't be sad if it was a straight mind you had
We wouldn't have known you all these years

And yeah, I've been listening to it since I heard it was in the movie weeks ago.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
There is nothing to back that up. Using Stormbreaker to shoot lightning and summon the bifrost, sure that would be beyond people that aren't Thor, as it's been shown to directly compliment and amp his powers. Your body crumbling and your mind breaking simply from picking it up? Nothing that has been shown on screen that supports that.

Thor told the Gaurdians of the Galaxy that the dwarves couldn't make weapons for them because they "simply don't have the strength to wield them... [their] bodies would crumble as their minds descend into madness.

So, it makes sense that Cap gaining Thor's power from the Mjolnir enchantment is what allows him to wield Stormbreaker.

Thanos can wield Stormbreaker because he has the natural strength to do so, just like Thor.

Young Groot didn't wield the weapon, he just picked up the head of the axe.
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Oct 26, 2017
So it's obvious that it was a panicked move, but how did they intend to use the van? Just throw the gauntlet in there and have it stuck in the void? It might be better than the immediate alternative of Thanos using it, but it would kind of make it difficult for them to return the stones.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
The Ancient One isn't an expert on any kind of science and Banner admits that it's not his field. That's also before the whole plan is blown when Loki escapes. Everything about the project is experimental. As far as I'm concerned there are allowances for bending/breaking any rules they've laid out.

My personal objection to "the rules" is that Cap living in an alternate timeline to live with an alternate Peggy doesn't sound romantic at all. You also have to accept that there are millions of doomed timelines and The Avengers intentionally made more vulnerable by taking their gems.

Aaanywaayys, in Endgame alone there are 2 forms of time manipulation. Who says there can't be more, and that they can have different repercussions?

Ancient One is a Master of the mystic arts. Science, the Mystic Arts, and Magic are all bound by the same rules of the Universe- they are just different levels/paths to applying these rules.

There's nothing to suggest the rules are flexible- other than viewers wanting them to be because it would allow their prefered narrative to be cannon.

There aren't two forms of time manipulation. There is just one- enter the quantum realm, then exit the quantum realm at desired point in space-time. There are two ways to enter the quantum realm 1) a machine 2) shrinking via pym particles

Also, why isn't Cap living in an alternate reality to be with the woman he loves "romantic"? I mean, he went back and undoubtedly took huge risks without any knowledge of whether or not the relationship would actually pan out- and it ended up lasting 70 years!
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Mar 10, 2019
So they've shown with Gamora you can bring people back.

And they have the time platform they used for cap..

What exactly is stopping them from getting Nat & Tony back again?


Dec 19, 2017
I'm probably the only one, but... did anyone else lose respect for Korg in this movie? He's that negative influence in your life enabling bad habits, asking Thor to confront Noobmaster. I just thought he was pathetic, made me sad. (and laugh, obviously!)


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
So they've shown with Gamora you can bring people back.

And they have the time platform they used for cap..

What exactly is stopping them from getting Nat & Tony back again?

It wouldn't be the same Nat and Tony. They'd have to convince them to leave their own realities and jump to the future, skipping out on several years of their lives to be with versions of people they don't have the same bond with. Why would they want to do this rather than stay with their current lives and defend their own timelines?


Apr 27, 2018
I'm probably the only one, but... did anyone else lose respect for Korg in this movie? He's that negative influence in your life enabling bad habits, asking Thor to confront Noobmaster. I just thought he was pathetic, made me sad. (and laugh, obviously!)
Ultimately Thor has to be responsible for his own life. Korg thinks he's being a friend, he's not intentionally bringing him down. And you know he's on a completely foreign world trying to fit in so probably just following Thor's lead. When Asgard needed help he was there fighting and again at the end of Endgame he was fighting for everyone, he's a good guy.


Oct 31, 2017
I keep thinking about the soul stone on Vormir.

When Thanos got there with Gamora in IW I thought Red Skull/The soul stone tailored that ' soul for a soul' for Thanos alone and it made sense but in Endgame it was the exact sacrifice and it kinda made it kinda fall apart and it raises a lot of questions.

Nat and Clint conveniently go there together, what would have happened if she went with anyone else?
If you have to give up what you love most, shouldn't hey have tried to throw each other off the cliff instead of trying to safe each other and trying to sacrifice themselves?
Does it matter if you're the one giving something up or if the other does the choice for you?

At one moment I expected Red Skull to step in and say something like "alright, I get it you both have what it takes, here's the stone"


Oct 26, 2017
One thing crossed my mind about Nat and Hulk/Banner saying they tried to bring her back. If he did bring her back he wouldn't know if he did or not and since her body was on Vormir wouldn't she be stuck there? I mean I guess Cap would have saw her when he took the stone back but IDK.


Freelance Games & Comic Book Writer
Oct 26, 2017
It seems like an obvious setup, but I won't like it because it'll pretty much retcon all the mutants history (eg: magneto ww2 etc..)

I suspect something would need to change either way - the problem with Magneto being tied to WW2 is that in 2019 (or further, counting the time jump) he'd potentially be over 70 years old already unless you do a X-Men First Class and set it in the recent past. Which doesn't automatically diminish his threat, but you run into casting question marks (for a franchise), ripple effects in narrative (Prof X will also need to be a similar age) and other factors that need to be looked into to keep it 'modern', unless you add in reduced aging as a side effect for some mutants (which then affects the perception of Wolverine's ability etc).


Oct 26, 2017
I think he was talking about how Tony was able to remain upright and even quip while wielding the stones, whereas Hulk took what felt like a minute to work up the energy to snap.
I think this is more cause he was trying to get Natasha back. He says as much later that he couldn't get her back no matter how much he tried.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I suspect something would need to change either way - the problem with Magneto being tied to WW2 is that in 2019 (or further, counting the time jump) he'd potentially be over 70 years old already unless you do a X-Men First Class and set it in the recent past. Which doesn't automatically diminish his threat, but you run into casting question marks (for a franchise), ripple effects in narrative (Prof X will also need to be a similar age) and other factors that need to be looked into to keep it 'modern', unless you add in reduced aging as a side effect for some mutants (which then affects the perception of Wolverine's ability etc).
Yeh I didn't think of that. Very good point


Oct 25, 2017
The mutant problem is easily solved by making it a conspiracy theory type deal. Mutant existence and knowledge of it hidden by the Hellfire Club for centuries. No need to tie it into anything in the Infinity Saga.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
I thought of a very small nitpick, but what are the odds steve happens to wait to shave 22 days and then happens to be shaving right when marvel brings the ship back down?

Coincidence is the most basic tool of storytelling. Why show two events in separate scenes when you can tell the story better with two events in one scene? You may also notice that the time it took Scott to get out of the quantum realm, five years, has interesting implications for the younger characters, and that by a further curious coincidence most of the important narrative characters at Peter's school were snapped.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Am I to believe that Tony wouldn't put fingerprint recognition on the Iron Gauntlet...?


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I can't stop thinking about you are chilling out in Buffalo NYC and 50 miles to the north it looks like hell itself is opening up it's rectum and shitted out a space ship


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
My friend told me that Morgan's "love you 3000" quote is a nod to Marvel movies total runtime in minutes (including Spiderman Homecoming and Far From Home). I tried to verify this by using google search, and I found the number is 3057 minutes. Not exactly 3000, but nice easter eggs nevertheless.

I first assumed it must be related to a commercial product called Iron Man 3000 that Morgan had heard advertised on television. My mind works that way.

Checking just now I can confirm that there is an item of weight training equipment known as the Ironman 3000. It's probably just a coincidence. I can't imagine a TV ad for a gravity inversion table featuring the phrase "Love you 3000."


Dec 19, 2017
I can't stop thinking about you are chilling out in Buffalo NYC and 50 miles to the north it looks like hell itself is opening up it's rectum and shitted out a space ship

I've been thinking about what it's like to be snapped. Imagine you're Peter, you're snapping in the arms of Tony, then nothing but darkness and oblivion. One second later you're back, and Strange is telling you it's been five years and we need to go help Cap against Thanos.

Peter: "....wat."

I can imagine other movies or TV episodes handling it in many ways. Imagine a time lapse of someone being snapped, when they come back the entire neighbourhood around them has suddenly changed.
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User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Would someone please tell me the significance of why the song Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic was played at the beginning? I absolutely love that song.

It has a rather sad, elegaic quality, fitting to the unfolding of horrific events at the start. I really hope it wasn't chosen because it contains the phrase "Make it snappy."


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I've been thinking about what it's like to be snapped. Imagine your're Peter, you're snapping in the arms of Tony, then nothing but darkness and oblivion. One second later you're back, and Strange is telling you it's been five years and we need to go help Cap against Thanos.

Peter: "....wat."

I can imagine other movies or TV episodes handling it in many ways. Imagine a time lapse of someone being snapped, when they come back the entire neighbourhood around them has suddenly changed.
I would be more confused by Hawkeye's stupid haircut

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've been thinking about what it's like to be snapped. Imagine your're Peter, you're snapping in the arms of Tony, then nothing but darkness and oblivion. One second later you're back, and Strange is telling you it's been five years and we need to go help Cap against Thanos.

Peter: "....wat."

I can imagine other movies or TV episodes handling it in many ways. Imagine a time lapse of someone being snapped, when they come back the entire neighbourhood around them has suddenly changed.

Pete is surprisingly chill, actually. He wasn't the least bit taken aback when Stark told him an alien was trying to steal a necklace from a wizard. I guess after aliens invade New York you just kinda go with it, whatever it is.
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