
Oct 27, 2017
I agree 100%. The movie doesn't waste time introducing all the characters to newcomers, it is incredibly tight so if you've just seen the Avengers movies you will have no idea what's going on. The good thing is that the movie's success proves that a whole lot of people are invested enough in the MCU to be able to follow and appreciate it. For me it was indeed the best MCU movie.
Yep, It makes me excited for the MCU's future, this "CBM fatigue" has still not shown up a decade after it started, so they are here to stay.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Finally saw it, best MCU film yet, but I feel that if you weren't already invested in the MCU you'd probably think it was terrible.

I know this is the conventional line, but it's belied by the much larger audience for this film and the first Avengers film. As an audience member who came into the franchise in that first ensemble film having only a nodding acquaintance with the Hulk and recognising Thor and Loki from their mythological namesakes, I loved it even despite having little idea going in. Exposition and good storytelling works. Saturation publicity with lots of trailers also helps.


Oct 27, 2017
Sony people after working out the perfect cameo for Tom Holland in the Venom movie



Dec 19, 2017
Random question of the day: how long after BP is IW set? Banner and Rhodey didn't seem much in awe when they got to Wakanda, so I assume a little time has passed since BP, and the world has been shown (albeit in limited fashion I would guess) that Wakanda is high tech. This is of course taking into account the fact that the Russos had limited time to tell the story and couldn't spend any extra minutes on such moments. (though I would have liked one scene between Banner and Natasha...)

Or maybe the world doesn't yet know much about Wakanda other than the outreach program, but Cap told Banner & Rhodey what to expect before they landed?


Jan 7, 2018
Random question of the day: how long after BP is IW set? Banner and Rhodey didn't seem much in awe when they got to Wakanda, so I assume a little time has passed since BP, and the world has been shown (albeit in limited fashion I would guess) that Wakanda is high tech. This is of course taking into account the fact that the Russos had limited time to tell the story and couldn't spend any extra minutes on such moments. (though I would have liked one scene between Banner and Natasha...)

Or maybe the world doesn't yet know much about Wakanda other than the outreach program, but Cap told Banner & Rhodey what to expect before they landed?

Yep, tiny maybe-plot hole. They go to hide "somewhere only they know about" but Wakanda has announced itself. But of course what does 'announcing' itself really mean you know. Giving tech away? Giving tours to high up people like General Ross? Building an airport for tourists?

I'm guessing they're set in the time they were released IRL? 2 months ish apart if so.

Is the arrow in that pic meant to tell me something? o.o


Oct 26, 2017
Random question of the day: how long after BP is IW set? Banner and Rhodey didn't seem much in awe when they got to Wakanda, so I assume a little time has passed since BP, and the world has been shown (albeit in limited fashion I would guess) that Wakanda is high tech. This is of course taking into account the fact that the Russos had limited time to tell the story and couldn't spend any extra minutes on such moments. (though I would have liked one scene between Banner and Natasha...)

Or maybe the world doesn't yet know much about Wakanda other than the outreach program, but Cap told Banner & Rhodey what to expect before they landed?

BP is set shortly after Civil War (he hasn't become King yet at the beginning of the movie) and the movie timeline is set in real time (mostly) so ~ 2 years.


Jan 8, 2018
So let me get this straight, every single person besides Thor and that one dwarf from Asgard are now dead? They all went on the ship at the end of Ragnorak, but then Thanos showed stepping over all their dead bodies and then the whole ship blew up on top of that.

Just That Simple

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
It's weird how they didn't confirm if Shuri is alive or not. Isn't she the only character on the poster whose fate is ambiguous ?
Her and Wong are the only poster characters who weren't shown either dying or surviving post snap.

So let me get this straight, every single person besides Thor and that one dwarf from Asgard are now dead? They all went on the ship at the end of Ragnorak, but then Thanos showed stepping over all their dead bodies and then the whole ship blew up on top of that.
Thor mentions that Thanos killed half of his people so the ones that didn't get killed must have escaped on a smaller ship or something.


Jan 7, 2018
Sony people now realising that they have a reason why there's no Spider-Man in their Venom movie.

lol they're totally going to do that with a handwavey explanation from the Director or whoever, ignoring the rest of The Snap though :P

The moment he expresses guilt and tears by throwing Gamorra, its kind of strange how the Soul Stone can't see past that obvious deceit by Thanos. He seems hurt, but something in his expression tells me he really isn't.

Err the film makes it pretty clear he actually loved her. If it seems unreasonable that he'd do it if he really loved her, well thats what the parallelism with Starlord is for ie him choosing to shoot her even though he loves her.

So let me get this straight, every single person besides Thor and that one dwarf from Asgard are now dead? They all went on the ship at the end of Ragnorak, but then Thanos showed stepping over all their dead bodies and then the whole ship blew up on top of that.

Movie does a bad job of conveying this but theres a quick line where Thanos says "half of your people" and in the opening shot you can see the ship is actually torn in half.

No idea where they are though, if Thanos abducted them or what. I mean he wants the other half to live right? For his 'balance'? So he probably wouldn't leave them on a broken half of a ship floating listlessly in space
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Weird. Its one of the lower rated ones (MCU), critically. Yet I feel it was the best comicbook movie ever.


Oct 26, 2017
Pensacola, Fl
lol they're totally going to do that with a handwavey explanation from the Director or whoever, ignoring the rest of The Snap though :P

Err the film makes it pretty clear he actually loved her. If it seems unreasonable that he'd do it if he really loved her, well thats what the parallelism with Starlord is for ie him choosing to shoot her even though he loves her.

Movie does a bad job of conveying this but theres a quick line where Thanos says "half of your people" and in the opening shot you can see the ship is actually torn in half.

No idea where they are though, if Thanos abducted them or what. I mean he wants the other half to live right? For his 'balance'? So he probably wouldn't leave them on a broken half of a ship floating listlessly in space

Yeah and there's also the distress call from the surviving Asgardians as the movie first opens. And later in their first appearance the GOTG are heading that way because they say they've received a distress call and maybe they'll get some money for helping out lol.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda feel like this could even spin off into a topic of it's own (what with all the other ones that discuss specifc things in the movie) but Moviebob did a video digging deeper into the rationale of Star-Lord after a lot of people have been extremely critical against him about that one moment where he screws it up for everyone.

Even if you disagree with the reason he did the things he did I still think this is worth a watch - it made me appreciate some of the subtle details of this movie's structure and way of handling character arcs even more.
Oct 25, 2017
Is the rationale for killing all the dwarves except Eitri that they make incredible weapons? It's not stated outright but it's the only thing I could think of.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
So I haven't been keeping up, but at the end of the movie we're left in Dr. Strange's 1-in-14 million (or however many) shot right?

He goes from being absolutely adamant that the Time Stone is more important than anything else, to handing it over just to save Tony's life. He might as well wink at the camera when he says this is the "End Game" (which will surely be the title of the next movie).

I'm not super off base or anything here, right?

Is the rationale for killing all the dwarves except Eitri that they make incredible weapons? It's not stated outright but it's the only thing I could think of.
Same reason for taking his hands, yes.


Dec 18, 2017
Quick question: is there really only one way to pronounce 'avengers?'

I never noticed all English-speaking people seem to really pronounce it this one way. I keep saying 'Ah-followed by a really quick-vengers.' People keep going "OH, you mean the AVEN-pause-gers.'

In other words I know it's meant to sound the way the verb sound e.g 'I will avenge my father,' but I can't do the same pronunciation for the noun. Oh well.
Oct 25, 2017
Quick question: is there really only one way to pronounce 'avengers?'

I never noticed all English-speaking people seem to really pronounce it this one way. I keep saying 'Ah-followed by a really quick-vengers.' People keep going "OH, you mean the AVEN-pause-gers.'

In other words I know it's meant to sound the way the verb sound e.g 'I will avenge my father,' but I can't do the same pronunciation for the noun. Oh well.
Most of the emphasis is on the VEN. aVENgers

Rogue Blue

Oct 27, 2017
Well I just got out from a screening with my mom and brother. You know, to celebrate Mother's Day.

Before going in, I honestly didn't know what to expect. I'm not the biggest Marvel fan, but I've enjoyed their movies in the past. Loved Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther and Guardians of the Galaxy.

This movie might have changed that. Cause I might turn into a Marvel fan now.

The focus on Thanos and his goal was a lot stronger than I thought it was going to be. I also didn't expect it to be quiet as it was. It let scenes breathe, it let people react to what was happening on screen.

Kudos has to be given to how this movie was crafted, from top to bottom. The story, characters, pacing, tone: any of these aspects could've easily have been screwed up with a movie like this, a movie with this many characters. But it didn't. This movie nails everything. Absolutely everything.

My mom loved this movie. My mother, a person who has never picked up a comic book in her life and never really cared much for superheroes. Now she can't wait for part 2 to come out next year.

I'm actually rooting for this movie to beat Avatar. Go Avengers go!

Punished Goku

Oct 25, 2017
Well I just got out from a screening with my mom and brother. You know, to celebrate Mother's Day.

Before going in, I honestly didn't know what to expect. I'm not the biggest Marvel fan, but I've enjoyed their movies in the past. Loved Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther and Guardians of the Galaxy.

This movie might have changed that. Cause I might turn into a Marvel fan now.

The focus on Thanos and his goal was a lot stronger than I thought it was going to be. I also didn't expect it to be quiet as it was. It let scenes breathe, it let people react to what was happening on screen.

Kudos has to be given to how this movie was crafted, from top to bottom. The story, characters, pacing, tone: any of these aspects could've easily have been screwed up with a movie like this, a movie with this many characters. But it didn't. This movie nails everything. Absolutely everything.

My mom loved this movie. My mother, a person who has never picked up a comic book in her life and never really cared much for superheroes. Now she can't wait for part 2 to come out next year.

I'm actually rooting for this movie to beat Avatar. Go Avengers go!
Welcome to the MCU fandom!


Oct 25, 2017
Having not stepped inside of a movie theater since Avengers 2 and having not seen a single MCU movie, since, I watched every movie between Ultron and Infinity War over the last month or so before seeing Infinity War today.

I'm not a big MCU or comic book fan in general, but Thanos was always my favorite villain and he was my boy in Marvel vs. Capcom 2, so I was looking forward to this. It did not disappoint. My boy was wheeling and dealing and they pretty much made him the way I thought they should make him.

My only real complaint was that so many people "died" in the end because you know that most, if not all of them are coming back to life in the next movie somehow.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
After a second viewing:
-Thanos definitely heals is chest wound with the time stone
-his left hand got all burnt up after the snap
-storm-breaker is more powerful that a full blast from all the stones together
-and tony suit is pretty op to be able to withstand that blast of the power stone

What do you think Tony's next upgrade will be? He usually gets an upgrade especially if his previous suit didn't quite solve the problem. I liked how the end of the fight went when he'd have to take nanites from other areas just to make weapons.

Maybe he studies Nebula and the "upgrades" Thanos gave her.

Punished Goku

Oct 25, 2017
What do you think Tony's next upgrade will be? He usually gets an upgrade especially if his previous suit didn't quite solve the problem. I liked how the end of the fight went when he'd have to take nanites from other areas just to make weapons.

Maybe he studies Nebula and the "upgrades" Thanos gave her.
Maybe he will use the forge and build a op armor!


Jan 7, 2018
My only real complaint was that so many people "died" in the end because you know that most, if not all of them are coming back to life in the next movie somehow.

Its funny that people mention this as a negative, I mean its natural to have that nagging in the back of your mind.

But the film already addresses it. Dr.Strange says this is the only way they win. You're right, they are all coming back, they said so in the movie lol

That doesn't detract from the journey though. Imagine Black Panther comes back and M'Baku or Shuri is now the New Black Panther. Or Peter Parker having to tell Aunt May "yo I died". All it will take is a couple years time skip and you have a lot of stakes in people suddenly magically coming back to life.

Imagine a scene where all the people come back to life and suddenly there's no enough food or water or even living space for them since their disappearance.

What do you think Tony's next upgrade will be? He usually gets an upgrade especially if his previous suit didn't quite solve the problem. I liked how the end of the fight went when he'd have to take nanites from other areas just to make weapons.

Maybe he studies Nebula and the "upgrades" Thanos gave her.

The stab through the stomach inspires him to put the nanomachines in his blood and for crazier nanomachine shenanigans. I actually hope that specific injury Thanos gave him was the exact conditions, the 1 in 14 million, is what Strange was waiting for.


Nov 16, 2017
Well I just got out from a screening with my mom and brother. You know, to celebrate Mother's Day.

Before going in, I honestly didn't know what to expect. I'm not the biggest Marvel fan, but I've enjoyed their movies in the past. Loved Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther and Guardians of the Galaxy.

This movie might have changed that. Cause I might turn into a Marvel fan now.

The focus on Thanos and his goal was a lot stronger than I thought it was going to be. I also didn't expect it to be quiet as it was. It let scenes breathe, it let people react to what was happening on screen.

Kudos has to be given to how this movie was crafted, from top to bottom. The story, characters, pacing, tone: any of these aspects could've easily have been screwed up with a movie like this, a movie with this many characters. But it didn't. This movie nails everything. Absolutely everything.

My mom loved this movie. My mother, a person who has never picked up a comic book in her life and never really cared much for superheroes. Now she can't wait for part 2 to come out next year.

I'm actually rooting for this movie to beat Avatar. Go Avengers go!

Wow so I have to ask, your mom has seen no MCU film and has no attachment to the characters and loved the film?

That's a big win, I was thinking that's the only way this movie could be a let down, it doesn't mean much if you aren't familiar with who's in it, but I guess this works with entertainment factor alone.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So do we think that The Collector is dead? Thanos was interrogating him, but that was just a Reality Stone illusion. If he wasn't killed by Thanos, he's probably ash anyway


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Wow so I have to ask, your mom has seen no MCU film and has no attachment to the characters and loved the film?

That's a big win, I was thinking that's the only way this movie could be a let down, it doesn't mean much if you aren't familiar with who's in it, but I guess this works with entertainment factor alone.

My sister was also mostly unfamiliar with the cast aside from Black Panther and Spider-man as well and also got into it.

I'm guessing it's because they've gotten really good at weaving exposition into dialogue. That and the "plot" is never the appeal of an Avengers movie anyway.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
So I haven't been keeping up, but at the end of the movie we're left in Dr. Strange's 1-in-14 million (or however many) shot right?

He goes from being absolutely adamant that the Time Stone is more important than anything else, to handing it over just to save Tony's life. He might as well wink at the camera when he says this is the "End Game" (which will surely be the title of the next movie).

I'm not super off base or anything here, right?

Same reason for taking his hands, yes.

Strange is basically the most op character in the movie universe. He already beat Thanos where Thor was too fucking cocky not to.


Oct 25, 2017
I do hope they at least touch of the every day human aspect of the world in a post IW film. I wanna see how the world is coming to terms with half the population being gone. I remember being disappointed they relatively shrugged off "aliens, other dimensions, and gods are real"


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Finally saw it. What do you guys think was the best character entrance/intro?

Cap catching the spear was pretty badass, but Axe Thor showing up and just demoing Proxima's goons was all time. Thor was such a G in this movie.

Thor in Wakanda, no contest. Biggest moment of the entire movie and biggest pop from the crowd.
Oct 25, 2017
Man, I still can't even begin to imagine that panic of seeing loved ones, neighbors and such just...vanishing. Thanos is insane for thinking that something like wiping half the universe would be good in the long run, especially the hell that would unfold when people important in keeping the world running are suddenly gone.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
It's so cool checking out a song and seeing how a movie made everyone check it out. I loved the Guardians intro in the movie, wonder if Gunn chose Rubberband Man. Had added a good amount of songs to my playlists thanks to him.

And to be honest, I saw the Guardians intro on youtube and started thinking about seeing IW again lol.


Oct 25, 2017
What do you think Tony's next upgrade will be? He usually gets an upgrade especially if his previous suit didn't quite solve the problem. I liked how the end of the fight went when he'd have to take nanites from other areas just to make weapons.

Maybe he studies Nebula and the "upgrades" Thanos gave her.

So many possibilities with nanomachines, it is already incredible op and durable, time skip + losing so many people, i cant even imagine how much it will fuel his determination to make a better suit.

(if he teams up with Shuri, lord have mercy)

Just That Simple

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
Biggest reaction on my second viewing was the"Kick names, take ass" line. The reactions from Stark and Peter added to it so much.

Bear in mind that we don't cheer or applaud during films here.


Oct 25, 2017
I expected a lot going into the movie but it still managed to exceed those expectations. Nearly all the scenes with Thanos were amazing. He was an absolute joy to watch whether he was beating down villains or giving speeches.

Tony is gonna not be feeling too good after Shuri roasts his nano machines.

It's going to be amazing to see.