
Oct 28, 2017
United Kingdom
Love Pillars on PS4, shame I won't be able to play this on PS5

I had the opposite experience. The loading times killed the first game for me on ps4.I am hoping to play it on PS5 (fingers crossed for BC). Sadly the game runs like crap even on my MacBook air (my first steam game).

But the story and lore was so good, I am often tempted to reinstall it on ps4, got the 20 hour save.


Oct 27, 2017

As I previously mentioned before the announcement, Obsidian is working on Pillars (I assumed this regarding the info) game as back then I did get confirmation that game contains "spore-like" creatures with few other vague descriptions of The Living Lands.

So, I did get new informations about Avowed:

- fully open world, much much larger than Skyrim (very differently "larger", more proper word would be "denser" and "more contrasted" at the same time)
- primarily set in the The Living Lands region of Eora (not sure if it'll go like that as explicit later on, but that was starting point)
- big focus on world-reactivity, lighting and next-gen AI systems and physics (special focus on physics with magic systems - have no clue what would that mean)
- realtime whether system (don't have full details but fog is very important as realtime element, rivers will have specific micro physics systems regarding this)
- very advanced character creation tool (didn't get more info)
- mod support (for now PC is/will be very dominant as creation tool, but I'll be playable fully on Xbox)
- very large number of fractions but very different approach than with Skyrim
- you'll be able to have companions (different than Outer Worlds)
- storyset: fight against incoming threat of tyranny (independent from previous stories)
- game has bosses planned and some of them are very very large
- Gods will have special say in the game
- great focus on iconic landmarks, statues and buildings
- two large cities planned with many smaller ones with strong focus on contrasting wild-areas, rivers, mountains and desolated areas (yes, you'll be able to swim)
- fully respecting POE creatures lore with new additions
- dynamic presentation of dialogue
- for now idea is to keep "you can kill everyone in the game" option
- around 100 people are on the project for 2y (smaller number for 7m of preproduction), in total 2y 7m
- full production is already a thing
- team will still grow
- target date: late 2022/early 2023

Keep in mind that some parts of this can change during the development process.

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
Here's a run-down of the Living Lands according a lore book in Pillars, which seems to match what was seen in the trailer:

"Only the heartiest of explorers would dare take the long, dangerous trek to the Living Lands. While there is no denying its beauty - the diversity of plant life alone is an herbologist's dream - the inherent risk in blithely trekking through these pristine hills is more than most should undertake.
Let me take a moment to tell you about the land itself - rolling hills, greenery, and sun. The whole area feels like a succession of hills and valleys, each with its own ecosystem. While that declaration is a tad extreme, it can almost be said to be true. The combination of sun, geographical location, proximity to fresh water, valley depth, and the existence of hot springs have given the Living Lands a wide breadth of flora and fauna. Walk down a hillside into a valley and you will find lush, verdant hills. Climb the next rise and you might see nothing but rock and boiling mineral springs.

And the creatures! In my travels, I've seen it all and this place never ceases to amaze me!


I will never forget my encounter with the trolls of the Living Lands. I had just narrowly avoided being consumed by a giant plant (more on that later) and was running as fast as I could to get away from it. I broke the crest of the hill and the valley below was wide, green, wet, and covered with low, thick-branched trees. Vines grew everywhere! Between the trees, across the tops of them, down to the ground - it as a mess of vine and green. Cautiously, I worked my way down toward the basin, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. And it's a good thing I did so! I noticed not all the trees appeared to be trees. I froze, dropping to the ground in an effort to minimize my appearance. One of the trees moved, lumbering slowly away from the cluster. It's then that I realized it was a troll, stepping out from among the group of trees it had been resting against. With a few more steps, I would have walked right into their home! The camouflage these trolls exhibited far exceed any I had ever seen before. I hope to return again in the future and observe them more.


While I have never seen them, I have read reports of giant insects in the Living Lands. Centipedes, flies, mosquitoes, and hornets all ten times the size you would see them elsewhere! Imagine making camp - you've just gotten everything set up. There's a nice fire going next to your shelter. Something is gently simmering in the cooking pot. You sit down, finally feeling like you can relax after a trying day. You feel a tickling at your feet, insistent and prolonged. Reaching down to brush whatever it is away, your hand comes in contact with something hard, long, and flexible winding its way around your boot. You look down to see a centipede the size of your arm casually making its way over your feet, toward the far side of your camp. You would get out of that camp, wouldn't you? That's exactly what my friend did when he realized he had started his fire over a centipede nest.


And lest we forget - do not let your guard down around the plants! I had discovered a wonderful collection of giant flowers. They were bright pink and grew in a circle around a central stalk. What an aroma! I lack the words to describe how delectable it was. Sweet, fruity, and light with just a hint of something tangy. Looking closer, I saw some berries growing on the stalk in the center of the flowers. Well, I just had to have them! So I started pushing my way through the flowers. Then the vines growing around the base of the plant began to twitch and the blooms turned toward me. It was at that moment I saw the blooms weren't actually flowers, but hinged jaws! I had been fooled by its camouflage! I quickly retreated, pushing my way back out - just in time. The blooms slammed shut. If I had still been standing there, trying in vain to reach the berries, I wouldn't be writing this book today."

It's located to the north of the known world (Dyrwood was PoE1, Deadfire Archipelago was PoE2, so a good distance away):


Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
I wonder if it recreate Pillar's (esp. II's) phenomenal and at times, cozy aesthetics, on an equally large scale given the resource, time and money it would cost:

Oct 25, 2017
- fully open world, much much larger than Skyrim (very differently "larger", more proper word would be "denser" and "more contrasted" at the same time)
😬 i have yet to play an open world game that wasn't way larger than it needed to be. maybe this time it won't be the case, but i have my doubts

- dynamic presentation of dialogue
very interested in knowing more about what this means. dialogue presentation is one of the top things i care about in rpgs

Here's a run-down of the Living Lands according a lore book in Pillars, which seems to match what was seen in the trailer:

It's located to the north of the known world (Dyrwood was PoE1, Deadfire Archipelago was PoE2, so a good distance away):

went looking through the guidebooks and only found this blurb


couldn't find a lot of information, but that makes sense since choosing a less developed location gives them more leeway

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
went looking through the guidebooks and only found this blurb


couldn't find a lot of information, but that makes sense since choosing a less developed location gives them more leeway

Basically any time the Living Lands was mentioned as this mysterious island with a bizarre and dangerous ecosystem, the first thing to come to mind was "Oh yeah, they're totally saving this for a sequel".
Oct 25, 2017
Interesting info. The Living Lands is a great setting for an open world RPG; you get a variety of biomes in a compact area and a lot of verticality.

From the trailer, the Living Lands does make sense for the geography we see, but the look of the fortifications, the narration, and the Aedyran script used on the sword and spell all point to an Aedyran connection. Maybe the plot will involve an Aedyran force in the Living Lands?

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
From the trailer, the Living Lands does make sense for the geography we see, but the look of the fortifications, the narration, and the Aedyran script used on the sword and spell all point to an Aedyran connection. Maybe the plot will involve an Aedyran force in the Living Lands?

There's a book in Forgotten Sanctum (Deadfire's last DLC) called The History of Eora, Volume XII: The Reclamation of the Living Lands that may point in that direction:

"The forces of the faithful left Aedyr with an exhortation from the Héamecwyn still ringing in their ears.
'Let not the sullen, wild people of that lawless continent continue to suffer beyond the guiding hand of The Queen That Was And Shall Be Again! Deliver them of their savagery that they might join us in civilization and reap soon the rewards of their newfound piety.

'As your Queen demands, so too do I: take up the burden of empire. Free them from themselves."

"The Queen That Was And Shall Be Again" referring to Woedica, whose symbol is on the flags in the trailer.

Note that the nature of the Forgotten Sanctum is such that the history books you find in its library document possible pasts, presents and futures, so it's hard to tell when it takes place in relation to Pillars 1/2.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Feb 21, 2020
I'm not sure how I feel about this being first person. I never liked the feel of melee combat in first person and what I've played Oblivion certainly didn't change that. When I played the Bethesda Fallouts I played exclusively with VATS because I found that more interesting.


Jul 21, 2020
Was that 2nd part (1st person mode) in-engine? That looked like gameplay honestly. Looks easily achievable no?

Dr Strange like magic, swords, open world... wow. The story will be good no doubt. I hope MS doesn't rush them. I also hope the extra money they will have will result in a great looking and playing game.

That truly looks so promising.
i think it was cgi but representing their vision for game play so first person with sword and magic sorta thing


Oct 27, 2017
That info reads like a wishlist, but if they're really two years into development and that's what their goals are, then hot damn.


Oct 27, 2017
sounds like a dream game

2023 isn't bad considering tes6 probably won't be out until the end of next gen


Oct 25, 2017
😬 i have yet to play an open world game that wasn't way larger than it needed to be. maybe this time it won't be the case, but i have my doubts

very interested in knowing more about what this means. dialogue presentation is one of the top things i care about in rpgs

went looking through the guidebooks and only found this blurb


couldn't find a lot of information, but that makes sense since choosing a less developed location gives them more leeway
They deliberately avoided having a detailed world map around Pillars 1 (other than general location of the various lands and nations), so that any region they picked for future games wouldn't be tied to any more than the general description Pillars 1 offered in books, and they'd have a very free reign to make whatever that game needed.

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
They deliberately avoided having a detailed world map around Pillars 1 (other than general location), so that any region they picked for future games wouldn't be tied to any more than the general description Pillars 1 offered in books, and they'd have a very free reign to make whatever that game needed.

I appreciate their restraint in dumping worldwide lore on you. Anything that isn't relevant to the place/situation the games take place in is left fairly vague, since going off on a long-winded tangent about something/somewhere completely irrelevant can hurt the pacing.


Oct 25, 2017
Really ambitious for a 100 person team but I'm sure they're using MS support studios and they have 3 years to grow.

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
Really ambitious for a 100 person team but I'm sure they're using MS support studios and they have 3 years to grow.

It's about the same number of people who worked on Skyrim, but I suppose maybe tech has advanced to the point where large-scale modern games demand similarly large-scale teams.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
If this is what Obsidian is planning to accomplish with this game then hot damn. A 2022/2023 release for this game also sounds promising.

Btw do we know if there's another team working on an Outer Worlds sequel? I know they've talked about Outer Worlds as a franchise they want to grow.
Oct 25, 2017
There's a book in Forgotten Sanctum (Deadfire's last DLC) called The History of Eora, Volume XII: The Reclamation of the Living Lands that may point in that direction:

"The Queen That Was And Shall Be Again" referring to Woedica, whose symbol is on the flags in the trailer.

Note that the nature of the Forgotten Sanctum is such that the history books you find in its library document possible pasts, presents and futures, so it's hard to tell when it takes place in relation to Pillars 1/2.

Good find! That's really cool.

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If this is what Obsidian is planning to accomplish with this game then hot damn. A 2022/2023 release for this game also sounds promising.

Btw do we know if there's another team working on an Outer Worlds sequel? I know they've talked about Outer Worlds as a franchise they want to grow.

Assuming MS was able to acquire publishing rights from Private Division, there'll definitely still be a sequel. The Outer Worlds team is still together and I imagine they're not all working on DLC.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Living Lands is awesome. They could do some really far out stuff there. And the more use of the gods, especially Woedica, the better. Loved all the vignettes and interactions with them in Deadfire.

I really hope it's not a prequel, but more an side story that takes place during the relatively same time span at PoE/Deadfire. I want to pop a blunderbuss off in the face of some fools.
I wonder if it recreate Pillar's (esp. II's) phenomenal and at times, cozy aesthetics, on an equally large scale given the resource, time and money it would cost:

Agreed, Deadfire especially was such a richly detailed looking game. Everything felt so lived in and textured.


Oct 27, 2017
If this is what Obsidian is planning to accomplish with this game then hot damn. A 2022/2023 release for this game also sounds promising.

Btw do we know if there's another team working on an Outer Worlds sequel? I know they've talked about Outer Worlds as a franchise they want to grow.
Assuming MS was able to acquire publishing rights from Private Division, there'll definitely still be a sequel. The Outer Worlds team is still together and I imagine they're not all working on DLC.
They already talked about a sequel so its coming. :)
And the team is indeed still there. Also for 2K there isnt much to do with the IP anymore. So better sell it and get some money from it.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
playing through Pillars 1 has me hyped for this

just playing on Story Mode to get a sense of the lore, but may give Deadfire a shot on Normal with the turn based combat


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
playing through Pillars 1 has me hyped for this

just playing on Story Mode to get a sense of the lore, but may give Deadfire a shot on Normal with the turn based combat
I beseech you to at least try Real Time w/ Pause for Deadfire. It's is very much the pinnacle of the genre and a significant improvement over the first game's combat with a plethora of QoL additions.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
They already talked about a sequel so its coming. :)
And the team is indeed still there. Also for 2K there isnt much to do with the IP anymore. So better sell it and get some money from it.
Nice. My only worry is that since they're still a relatively small studio, these games will take forever to come out given how ambitious they seem to be.


Jan 31, 2019
Btw do we know if there's another team working on an Outer Worlds sequel? I know they've talked about Outer Worlds as a franchise they want to grow.

Most likely it's in pre-production currently. Brian Heins talked about an upcoming "large project" by Obsidian being in pre-production with a small team working on it. Heins is the Content Director (afaik) on that project.

With Carrie Patel taking the Game Director role on DLC 1 and most likely Brandon Adler being the Game Director on DLC 2, that leaves Cain&Boyarsky free to work on the sequel.

So either there's a 3rd big game/IP coming up or TOW2 is in pre-production. Obsidian does have two more unknown projects that have been given a name (Illinois and Mississippi). At least one of the two got cancelled mid/late 2019.

Avowed is Alabama, Grounded is Maine and whatever Sawyer is working on is Missouri. The project names are given in they order they go into (pre)-production. Which would mean that TOW2 would be Project Arkansas (unless there's something else in works started late last year / this year).

DLCs and smaller projects are named after state capitals.


Mar 24, 2018
New Brunswick, Canada
Hopefully this has a pretty fleshed out class and skill system. I'd love to see things like shape shifting, animal companions, and a large variety of magic (more then TES usually has) like we've seen in the Pillars games. There's potential here to be far more than just a standard TES clone, and I really hope Obsidian take this opportunity to blaze a new trail for open world action RPGs.


Self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
What makes you guys think a first party studio's mega-corporation owner is going to allow their game to be on the competitor's console?


May 24, 2018
United States
CRPG don't have the broad market appeal for Microsoft to greenlight another one for them especially since last I heard Deadfire didn't do amazing number. At least that's my take on it from an outside perspective, if we evber get a third one I'll be ecstatic.

I agree POE3 is unlikely but I think it's more because 2 bombed. MS has shown themselves perfectly willing to do PC-first content like Age of Empires 4, Flight Sim, and Gears Tactics to feed PC GamePass. I think if Obsidian thought they had a hit CRPG idea on their hands they'd be supported.