
Oct 25, 2017
I know Tron Legacy has already been mentioned, and this is probably more suited to an "unpopular opinions" thread but I honestly think it's a much more enjoyable film than the original. To me the original Tron is the epitome of "you had to be there" right place at the right time. With no pre-existing fondness or nostalgia I found that it doesn't hold up at all.


Oct 28, 2017
Orlando, FL
Event Horizon is a great example -- that movie is so damn rewatchable it's crazy.

Going in a much different direction, I really, really enjoy The Replacements. It's so damn hokey, but Gene Hackman is so much fun to watch and I genuinely think it may be Keanu Reeves best ever performance.

EDIT: And the haters here and at the old forum couldn't be more wrong -- I, Robot is not at all a bad movie. It is in fact an okay movie that can, under the right circumstances, be enjoyable.


Oct 25, 2017
The internet seems custom designed for cat videos, porn, arguing with strangers, and taking steaming dumps on pop culture. The Hobbit trilogy, the Star Wars prequels, Transformer movies, Adam Sandler movies...they take the most heapings of shit from the world wide web.

So I implore you, the good folks of Era, to break the cycle and post some "bad" movies that actually are not as bad as the internet makes them out to be; after all, people have a habit of nit picking and exaggerating in criticism.

Most horror movies
Jan 10, 2018
Warcraft - I loved all the orc stuff and I have rewatched many clips of it on youtube. I'm actually looking forward to the sequel.

Battleship - Silly and badly written yet highly entertaining. At least Mike from RLM agrees with me!

Dune - There's just something oddly fascinating and unique about this movie that makes me come back. Maybe I'm just a Lynch fanboy?


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Mortal Kombat (just the first one, there's nothing redeeming about Annihilation).


Oct 26, 2017
Transformers 1 is mostly great.
I've weirdly come around to liking Transformers 1 after watching it a third time. I used to think it was terrible, but now while I wouldn't call it great, it is pretty fun.

Transformers 2 though... ugh. Had to watch it in theaters and all I remember is 2.5 hours of metallic *cling* *clang* sounds while CGI cars fought each other


Oct 25, 2017
I stand by the fact that I think the classic Street Fighter live action movie is just good fucking fun. There are some real laughs in there, whether they be legitimate ("QUICK, CHANGE THE CHANNEL" is a great line), or just through the ridiculousness of it all. They make it a point to incorporate each character's special moves, no matter how dumb they look on screen. And the whole thing is just fucking fun. It's not a good movie necessarily by any means, but I always have a lot of real fun watching it.

Also Speed Racer is probably the most underrated movie ever.

I also think Transformers 1 is a fine blockbuster movie. Transformers 2 on the other hand....I saw that in theaters and it seriously felt like someone put a metal trashcan over me head and beat the shit out of it for 2 and a half hours. God awful, never saw any of the others.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Seattle, WA
Dead or Alive. My friends and I went in expecting to laugh at a horrible movie based on a video game, but disappointingly it was OK.


Oct 30, 2017
ive always liked these two




Oct 25, 2017
I legitimately LOVED the Masters of the Universe film growing up. I still do. I don't care what anyone says it's a fucking masterpiece.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

Went into both of these with super low expectations (that probably helped) and enjoyed both.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Last Action Hero
Home Alone 3
Howard the Duck
Mac and Me
Poltergeist 3
Return of the Living Dead 2
Halloween 3: Season of the Witch
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
Friday the 13th part 5: A New Beginning
Oct 28, 2017
Thor: The Dark World.
It wasn't like great or anything but with the amount it's memed about I was expecting it to be dreadful. Instead it was perfectly fine. Starts slow, but picks up partway in and has some great, inspired action in the climax. It's nothing amazing but it's fine. I had a perfectly good time.


Oct 25, 2017
Thor: The Dark World.
It wasn't like great or anything but with the amount it's memed about I was expecting it to be dreadful. Instead it was perfectly fine. Starts slow, but picks up partway in and has some great, inspired action in the climax. It's nothing amazing but it's fine. I had a perfectly good time.
Yeah, I feel the same. Even what most people consider the "worst MCU Movie", Inredible Hulk, is really great to watch on a weekly pizza night.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
Armageddon is good fun and actually addresses a lot of the things people whine about with it.

League of Extraordinary Men may not have been a great adaptation (though it is better than any of Moore's own attempts to follow up the original comic) and Tom Sawyer wasn't well thought out, but the movie is otherwise enjoyable.


Oct 25, 2017
I watched Batman vs Superman the other night. It was fine. I watched The Last Jedi last night. It was fine.


Oct 28, 2017
The hall across the room
Karate kid 3- my all time favorite bad flim Thomas Ian Griffin is the best villian

Matrix Reloaded- solid action flim not groundbreaking
Matrix Revolutions- a low rate philosophy class novel with big action sequences
Cannonball Run flims -when I was a kid these movies defined what I thought the South was and then I moved there nope..


Oct 27, 2017

Not a single person I know likes this film, which baffles me. I find it to be a joy from start to finish, and so wonderfully campy. Yet, every single person that I've tried to show it to refuses to watch it, and writes it off as trash.

Am I wrong? Is Flash Gordon (1980) a genuinely irredeemable movie, and I'm the crazy one?
Feb 13, 2018
New Jersey
Thor: The Dark World.
It wasn't like great or anything but with the amount it's memed about I was expecting it to be dreadful. Instead it was perfectly fine. Starts slow, but picks up partway in and has some great, inspired action in the climax. It's nothing amazing but it's fine. I had a perfectly good time.
Dark World is a fine movie on its own. The Freya funeral scene is awesome, and watching the development of Thor and Loki carries the movie well.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017

Not a single person I know likes this film, which baffles me. I find it to be a joy from start to finish, and so wonderfully campy. Yet, every single person that I've tried to show it to refuses to watch it, and writes it off as trash.

Am I wrong? Is Flash Gordon (1980) a genuinely irredeemable movie, and I'm the crazy one?

No, it's fun as hell. It does have a loyal following though. I think it still does?


User requested ban
May 18, 2018
Somewhere deep in space
Does Titanic count? a lot of internet dudebros hate that movie hard but it's one of my favorites ever.

Other than that the Hobbit movies aren't nearly as bad as some make them out to be. Except Five Armies: that is kinda bad.

I'm also baffled by some of the MCU hate on movies like Iron Man 3 or Age of Ultron. They were still good even if not Thor Ragnarok good.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Recently I saw Netflix movie called Clinical. It's so damn bad but I adored every single minute of it.

I love over the top crap like this.