
Oct 25, 2017

"I am profoundly sorry for any pain or misunderstanding I caused by not choosing my words more carefully about Michael Jackson and his victims because the words as printed do not reflect my true feelings," Streisand said in a statement sent to The Hollywood Reporter by a representative. "I didn't mean to dismiss the trauma these boys experienced in any way. Like all survivors of sexual assault, they will have to carry this for the rest of their lives. I feel deep remorse and I hope that James and Wade know that I truly respect and admire them for speaking their truth."

In her first statement, Streisand attempted to add clarification to her words, explaining that she feels "nothing but sympathy" for Robson and Safechuck.

"To be crystal clear, there is no situation or circumstance where it is OK for the innocence of children to be taken advantage of by anyone," Streisand said. "The stories these two young men shared were painful to hear, and I feel nothing but sympathy for them."

She then addressed the children's parents, saying they were also "victimized" in the situation: "The single most important role of being a parent is to protect their children. It's clear that the parents of the two young men were also victimized and seduced by fame and fantasy."

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
there was no misunderstanding, you didn't choose your words wrong. There is no way you secretly meant the exact opposite of what you said. This is a boilerplate apology aimed at appeasing stupid people, the kind who get outraged over "outraged culture."

"When I said they enjoyed it, when I questioned whether you could call it molestation, when I reasoned that "hey at least you're not dead," what I really meant was that they are victims whom I respect!"

yeah right, fuck off.


Oct 29, 2017
I'd say it takes a special kind of deluded to even think the things she did let alone say them but the reality is that Leaving Neverland only exists because millions of people convinced themselves of the same bullshit because they liked the music man. What she said was sick and when you start thinking about the amount of people who still even now think and say the same it becomes literally vomit inducing.


Nov 3, 2017

Apologies are all pretty meaningless when not backed by action, but an apology where you claim that your incredibly clear statement was actually completely misinterpreted shows that you are being completely disingenuous.

It's not that hard to apologise properly. Like seriously, this laughable attempt isn't going to save you from the damage you've done to your image, it just makes you look like an ass.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'd say it takes a special kind of deluded to even think the things she did let alone say them but the reality is that Leaving Neverland only exists because millions of people convinced themselves of the same bullshit because they liked the music man. What she said was sick and when you start thinking about the amount of people who still even now think and say the same it becomes literally vomit inducing.

I wouldn't say this. The vast majority of the jackson defense force refuses to admit sexual molestation took place. It's what they convince themselves, because the idea that he was a sexual deviant is too much for them to handle. They admit that sexual molestation is awful, so they rationalize their adoration of Jackson by claiming the molestation never happened.

Streisand is a different kind of fucked up. She didn't deny the molestation. Her reaction was basically, "who cares, at least it wasn't death!" She very clearly is not repulsed by the idea that Jackson was a child molester. She even said so, "he had his sexual needs."


Dec 28, 2017
there was no misunderstanding, you didn't choose your words wrong. There is no way you secretly meant the exact opposite of what you said. This is a boilerplate apology aimed at appeasing stupid people, the kind who get outraged over "outraged culture."

"When I said they enjoyed it, when I questioned whether you could call it molestation, when I reasoned that "hey at least you're not dead," what I really meant was that they are victims whom I respect!"

yeah right, fuck off.

Dizzy Ukulele

Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, this is an exceptional case and we're all trying to find an angle to save the music while excusing or ignoring paedophilia.

I can't blame her for trying.


Oct 27, 2017
User warned: inappropriate commentary
I wouldn't say this. The vast majority of the jackson defense force refuses to admit sexual molestation took place. It's what they convince themselves, because the idea that he was a sexual deviant is too much for them to handle. They admit that sexual molestation is awful, so they rationalize their adoration of Jackson by claiming the molestation never happened.

Streisand is a different kind of fucked up. She didn't deny the molestation. Her reaction was basically, "who cares, at least it wasn't death!" She very clearly is not repulsed by the idea that Jackson was a child molester. She even said so, "he had his sexual needs."

My guess: she got severely molested herself as a kid, and she have lived her whole life with a "just deal with it" attitude. Unfortunately, I also think nobody will give her that kind of follow-up question on this subject.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
My guess: she got severely molested herself as a kid, and she have lived her whole life with a "just deal with it" attitude. Unfortunately, I also think nobody will give her that kind of follow-up question on this subject.

I think it's in bad form to openly speculate about whether or not someone was secretly molested (Streisand has never indicated she was abused as a child) and then excuse social fuck ups based on that assumption. It's not fair to people who were actually molested (it implies that being molested can twist you into an awful person later in life) nor is it fair to those upset by her comments, turning her without evidence into a sympathetic image.
Oct 27, 2017
People, come on! She's super sorry!


My guess: she got severely molested herself as a kid, and she have lived her whole life with a "just deal with it" attitude. Unfortunately, I also think nobody will give her that kind of follow-up question on this subject.

Don't do this. Regardless of whatever she has said and all the shit she deserves to get for it, this particular thing you're doing is not the way to go about it.


Jan 6, 2018
I think it's in bad form to openly speculate about whether or not someone was secretly molested (Streisand has never indicated she was abused as a child) and then excuse social fuck ups based on that assumption. It's not fair to people who were actually molested (it implies that being molested can twist you into an awful person later in life) nor is it fair to those upset by her comments, turning her without evidence into a sympathetic image.

After #metoo and knowing Streisand became a successfull actress in a worse time, I don't think this line of thinking is implausible. However what she said, regardless of why she said it was awful and this apology is nowhere near enough to come close to rectifying what she said for me

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
After #metoo and knowing Streisand became a successfull actress in a worse time, I don't think this line of thinking is implausible.

I didn't say it was implausible - 1 in 6 women will experience sexual abuse in their lifetime - I said it was in bad form, and it absolutely is. Don't speculate about people being sexually abused without evidence. Especially to excuse away some awful shit they're saying.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
How hard is it to just think a bit before saying something? Really tells you all you need to know about people's ability for self-control.


Jan 6, 2018
I didn't say it was implausible - 1 in 6 women will experience sexual abuse in their lifetime - I said it was in bad form, and it absolutely is. Don't speculate about people being sexually abused without evidence. Especially to excuse away some awful shit they're saying.

yeah 100% agree with that


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, we should just stop giving any voice to those ppl... I mean, who the fck care what Barbra Streisand has to say anyway?


Nov 25, 2018
What a cunt. Genuinely can't wrap my head around this being a sentiment that someone actually holds. I think it's probably more telling of celebrity culture in regards to sexual abuse of minors/sexual abuse in general. It was/is very prevalent and an open secret for so long that I can maybe see this being how someone feels about it.


Oct 25, 2017
there was no misunderstanding, you didn't choose your words wrong. There is no way you secretly meant the exact opposite of what you said. This is a boilerplate apology aimed at appeasing stupid people, the kind who get outraged over "outraged culture."

"When I said they enjoyed it, when I questioned whether you could call it molestation, when I reasoned that "hey at least you're not dead," what I really meant was that they are victims whom I respect!"

yeah right, fuck off.

Pretty much. Only the most gullible of marks is going to believe any of this.


Alt account
Jan 24, 2019
It's one of those celeb comments that's so bafflingly, shockingly insensitive that you wonder if it wasn't a form of intentional career suicide. You're in the humanities industry. How/Why the fuck would you think or say something like that?
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Shes not a person i normally associate with MJ's circle so why she opened her mouth, I dont know. Were they even buddies?


Oct 25, 2017
the words as printed do not reflect my true feelings

How in all the fuck does this keep being used as an excuse? Who in the goddamn universe seen and unseen believes this load of horseshit?

How does it work that what you literally say, directly and clearly, does not reflect your 'true feelings'? There isn't a lot of room for interpretation, so you were either lying then or your lying now to save face, and you lying now makes a lot more sense than you randomly deciding to lie about how you think children being raped must have enjoyed it

Deleted member 4208

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What she originally said cannot be walked back. It was not a "misunderstanding". Her words were plain as day. She showed her ass and meant every word of it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
She should take her shitty clone dog and leave the fucking planet.
Oct 26, 2017
Why make it about age/gender? There's plenty of unique things she brings to the table to mock her with.

I wouldn't say she is irrelevant either.
Hag perfectly describes what she is:
an ugly old woman, especially a vicious or malicious one.

After her statements she could look like a freaking 20 year old top fit model, she'd still be an ugly disgusting person. Vicious and malicious also seem to be on point. The only thing superfluous would be to call her old, as it is implied by Hag.
Streisands biggest claims to fame in the last years are for having a social phenomenon named after her, and having a dance song named after her.


Oct 27, 2017
there was no misunderstanding, you didn't choose your words wrong. There is no way you secretly meant the exact opposite of what you said. This is a boilerplate apology aimed at appeasing stupid people, the kind who get outraged over "outraged culture."

"When I said they enjoyed it, when I questioned whether you could call it molestation, when I reasoned that "hey at least you're not dead," what I really meant was that they are victims whom I respect!"

yeah right, fuck off.

I typed up a nice long paragraph and then deleted it because this is more accurate to what I want to say so I'm quoting you.