Which one did u prefer

  • Battlefield 2042

    Votes: 163 16.4%
  • Halo Infinite

    Votes: 787 79.1%
  • Call of Duty Vanguard

    Votes: 45 4.5%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
These are pretty different styles of FPS's. I always preferred battlefield over the other two so I went with that.


Nov 3, 2017
Went with Battlefield 2042, because the two others are not battlefield. Not a fanboy, I just enjoy large scale battles with 2 teams fighting over map control using land and air vehicles and those two other games don't do that...

I always found Halo to be in a weird spot for me:
- Either I play a game like R6S or CSGO with tight gunfight where strategy matters a lot and I can turn the tides of a fight by myself.
- Or I play a Battlefield game for mindless fun where I can goof around and no one is going to scream at me for "not playing properly"

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
I only played the BF beta and it did not persuade me to buy the game. Wish I could have tried out Halo as well, I hope they do an open beta at some point.


Aug 2, 2020
Except some stupid things that DICE needs to fix, Battlefield 2042 by far. This game has the potential to be the best BF.

I didn't like TTK and most of the weapons in HALO, but It was a great working beta and Big Team Battle was awesome.

Vanguard is garbage.


Oct 27, 2017
Halo by far, though it's hard to imagine how good/bad BF2042 is from the beta because it is unbelievably buggy.


May 3, 2021
I played the BF beta and straight up hated it. They seriously thought specialists and completely gutting the class system were good ideas? There's trying something new and then there's completely abandoning core aspects of the franchise.

After the glowing reception to the Halo flight tests, I'm 100% in.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Outside of balance annoyances , Halo felt like it was basically ready to be released.

BF was fun but definitely felt like a beta. They should tweak the specialist stuff to make them more like actual classes

CoD needs to be delayed


Oct 28, 2017
Bismarck, ND
Went with Battlefield 2042, because the two others are not battlefield. Not a fanboy, I just enjoy large scale battles with 2 teams fighting over map control using land and air vehicles and those two other games don't do that...

I always found Halo to be in a weird spot for me:
- Either I play a game like R6S or CSGO with tight gunfight where strategy matters a lot and I can turn the tides of a fight by myself.
- Or I play a Battlefield game for mindless fun where I can goof around and no one is going to scream at me for "not playing properly"
I'm so confused by this post. Are you saying Halo is weird because it does both?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so confused by this post. Are you saying Halo is weird because it does both?
Myself I never understood the appeal of massive player counts as that usually from a gameplay standpoint leads to individual players having less of an impact on how the match ends.
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Soap NickTavish

Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
I've always loved both franchises for the different types of gameplay offered but this one isn't even close.

While Halo to me was a beautiful and surprising return to form, BF2042 has been a massive letdown and regression of the series. The move to Specialist versus classic structured class roles couldn't be more transparent as a monitization move, one that actually messes with core gameplay fundamentals.

My hype for each of these games actually swapped, as I now can't wait for Halo and ended up canceling my BF2042 pre-order.


Oct 27, 2017
It's night and day. Halo is such a much more polished product at the point of it's public showing.

Dice tend to do a lot of work in the final stretches. I remember past alphas/betas being worrying and the final game being much improved.

Personally I'm just way more into what Halo is doing right now. It's such a tight experience. Battlefield just feels too chaotic for me. I swear there's always someone parachuting behind me, making no sound, and shooting me in the back.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't play the COD beta but between the other two - Halo and it's not even remotely close

BF 2042 needs 3-4 months of polish to even get close to acceptable levels


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I chose Halo. Felt polished and more of a finished product.

Battlefield performance wasn't all that good on my PC and I was running on a 2060s. Didn't help that it was a buggy experience.


Sep 17, 2020
How is it not fair when Halo Releases 2 1/2 weeks AFTER Battlefield lol
Didn't agree with the "unfair matchup" just his text after. Maybe should've specified it lol.

Halo Beta was real and felt more "finished", especially compared to BF which is buggy and even basic elements can't shine. It needs more time and they need to fix a lot of stuff.

Apart from that some design choices are pretty weird for me as a BF fan.


Oct 27, 2017
halo beta felt more polished which is to be expected after being delayed one year for not meeting quality expectations

vanguard was a shitshow

and bf2042 was somewhere in the middle of the other two. on the technical side, it's easily the most ambitious with the 128 player count, destructible environments, dynamic weather events, next-gen visuals etc etc

if i had to rate on fun: bf2042 is my winner even with all of its bugs and incomplete ui


Oct 28, 2017
I have never been a HUGE Halo fan. Played some MCC, enjoyed it. That's all. I always played BF, some CoD.

This year, I've spent around 10 hours in every one of those tests and I must asy - Halo Infinite all the way, hands down, the best FPS for me. BF is okay, CoD is atrociously bad because of spawns and map design. Halo Infinite is just pure fun and most polished gameplay-wise (some issues with servers still). I love the TTK, I live the movement, weapon feel, everything. And I love the fact that Halo is just a game when I have all weapons from the get go, no unlocking, no grinding 10 hours to be able to use my favourite gun.


Feb 8, 2020
Halo is in a whooooooooole different league when it comes to the quality of the beta. It doesn't steer too far away from it's original design that made it successful, its a win


Aug 3, 2020
My ranking, in terms of technical quality of the betas, is as follows:

1. Halo Infinte
2. Call of Duty Vanguard
3. Battlefield 2042

I am most excited about Halo Infinite and can't wait to play BF2042, if it has a 10 hour trial included with GamePass Ultimate / EA Play.
The jury is still out on Vanguard though. I thoroughly enjoyed the Champion Hill mode.


Oct 28, 2017
I haven't played Halo, but I voted for it because I was so underwhelmed with how unpolished and undercooked the other two are.

Never bet against COD, it's proven itself for almost 20 years now, however... Vanguard played "fine" but it just seemed like another pointless COD release. The same team game that we've played and payed for 15+ times before, and probably 5 times before specifically in the WW2 setting. There is no story left untold in Call of Duty any more. It has been utterly milked dry. I'm skipping Vanguard. That doesn't mean it won't still truck on and be successful, but it's not for me. A WW2 game was always going to have to have next level spectacle to get me running around with those old guns again, but the trailer didn't really grab me. The multiplayer is half-baked and basic, and again, I've played it too many times before (only with better maps and better sound, and with more fun guns).

Battlefield - just when I thought Battlefield was on an upward arc with the polished and solid release of BF1, we got the 'messy' V, and now the mess that is the 2042 beta. It feels like a big, buggy battlefield mess, barely held together at the seems. And the audio. Good lord what is going on with the audio here. (and Vanguard to be honest). There was too much wrong with it to even rant about. It felt like a game where they needed to take a year and try again. Amazing potential, but just not ready at all.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Halo Infinite surpassed my expectations by a mile. I came into the beta expecting basically Halo 5, but damn they seriously went back to the drawing board and it really feels like a game they have been actively playing in their spare time during development and tweaking and adding features that they thought was were fun.

It's honestly the most soulful feeling Halo I've played since probably 2.

Battlefield 2042 was... fine. I'll definitely be playing it with my friends at launch but it just feels like a game that's built on the same foundations as BFV/BF1, not a whole new leap like Battlefield 3 was.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
Easily Halo. I´m not even a Halo fan, skipped the MP of nearly every previous entry, but I will play the shit out of the final release.
COD was boring, Battlefield was disappointing.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't get how people compare BF to Halo. The games are totally different, and what is needed and wanted out of the Beta is also different.


Mar 24, 2018
New Brunswick, Canada
Halo > COD > BF for me.

Which is surprising because I was way more hyped for BF than anything else. It just felt off to me for whatever reason. Halo really impressed me and is possibly my most anticipated game the rest of this year. COD is just there, and I say that as a big COD fan. I came around on Vanguard a bit more as time went on, but I can't say I'm excited.


Dec 11, 2019
I really enjoyed the spectacle of BF but I'm really clueless when playing with 128 people so I'll just play it when it comes to GPU. Halo was extremely fun and the emphasis on btb was perfect.


Prophet of Truth
Jun 23, 2020
I love the idea of BF2042 but I went in expecting "Levolution" amped up to the max with 128 player mayhem and found myself in a competent FPS that left me feeling very whelmed. Seeing how close this launches to Halo Infinite I've decided to pass on this for now, if it was launching with a good 2 or 3 month gap between it and any other FPS I'd be tempted to pick up it.

CoD I bounced off quickly, it felt very generic with a tiny TTK. I think the most fun I've had in CoD in recent years was prop hunt and I'm not going to buy a new version just for that mode (assuming it even makes it into this years edition)

I had high hopes for Halo but my expectations were grounded on the back of Halo 5. Was really impressed with what I played, it was great fun and in my view an impressive return to the glory days of Halo. It's a great mix of familiar Halo fun with new features like the grappling hook which add great new experiences to the sandbox.
I already have Game Pass but if I didn't this beta would have convinced me to pay full price for the game.


Feb 4, 2020
I don't get how people compare BF to Halo. The games are totally different, and what is needed and wanted out of the Beta is also different.

They're both big name sandbox MP shooters which thus share several core competencies between them. People are also feeling some need to compare COD, Halo and BF2042 because they're all big games in the same genre releasing in a span of a couple of months, and they all had public betas. People will also naturally gravitate to one over the others because of limited personal bandwidth.

I think part of the reason I'm seeing this conversation/comparison on here and all over Reddit is more the surprise at how public sentiment has shaken out between the three games.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Halo Infinite is the only one thats F2P too right? Interested to see how this pans out for the franchise, and if it drives uptake with the younger crowd to Halo's universe.


Owl Enthusiast
May 30, 2018
London, UK
Halo ran really smoothly, but I found myself having a bit more fun with Battlefield.

I think Halo will be able to keep my playing longer, however, as Battlefield felt more like a fun weekend meme for me and my friends.


Oct 25, 2017
It's hard to say for BF2043.

Now, I'm about as big a fangirl of BF4 as they come, but the reasons that I loved it comes from how zany things got. And I don't mean things like Rendezooks or C4 jeeps, I mean more weird game systems like tons of vehicles with a wide variety of weapon loadouts, dozens of gadgets per class which *wildly* change how they're played, destruction every which way, fun little nooks around the map, and chances to apply all of these.

In the 2043 beta, I hardly saw any of this. The non-spec gadgets looked incredibly boring, the vehicles were limited, and the map was super static without much for CQC. Presumably, this will be in the full game, but as it stands, blah.


Aug 23, 2018
Maybe I just wanted something different this time around but I'm feeling very confused lol

im actually confused why you're so conflicted. Halo Infinite MP is F2P, so it costs you precisely $0 to give the release candidate a trial, while still being able to buy Battlefield.


Oct 28, 2017
I always wonder if Halo Infinite launched with the Series X with those "bad" graphics but the gameplay was still as good as it is right now.....would the world have forgiven the ugly graphics to praise the gameplay?

Halo Infinite in the state its in right now looks and plays amazingly.
I cant fault it....and they are giving it to us for free?
What did we do to deserve this?


Nov 11, 2017
im actually confused why you're so conflicted. Halo Infinite MP is F2P, so it costs you precisely $0 to give the release candidate a trial, while still being able to buy Battlefield.

Its moreso the amount of time I'm willing to invest into the battlepass and learning maps etc, I don't have time like I did before

Slick Butter

Oct 25, 2017
surprisingly, i enjoyed halo the most. i was very disappointed i didnt seem to enjoy halo mp anymore when the Master Chief Collection came to PC. part of that was Reach seems particularly awful, but i just didnt enjoy CE or 2's MP that much anymore and i was lukewarm on 3, trying it for the first time, and 4 i found felt quite strange. however, Infinite was really great. it feels like a ton of care has gone into every aspect of the game and it seems updated to modern shooter standards while still clearly being very Halo. loving it and I have been craving more since the beta ended.

battlefield had some cool stuff going for it but overall i just couldn't have fun with it. doesn't help that i am not super into the modern setting or the aesthetic they're going for with it, and I wasn't liking the test map either. I only really ever liked Bad Company 2 and really love BF1 from the series, though.

CoD was very CoD. I have nothing to say about it, other than it feels like another pointless release in the series. hopefully MWII is as good or better than MW2019. I like the direction they started to go in with mw2019 a lot. it was the only CoD i really spent a lot of time in since Black Ops. Vanguard has nothing going for it. i already made the mistake of getting cold war last year.


Aug 23, 2018
Went with Battlefield 2042, because the two others are not battlefield. Not a fanboy, I just enjoy large scale battles with 2 teams fighting over map control using land and air vehicles and those two other games don't do that...

I'm like this too. It doesn't really matter much to me how much better Halo or COD are because to me they're just not alternatives to the experience I want from BF. I just don't like small map/player sizes. I don't necessarily need 128 players but 4v4, 6v6 etc, that doesn't even feel like the same genre to me.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
BF2042 beta gave me an impression that this was Battlefield that was trying to do something slightly different and widen its appeal. The specialist system seems great for monetisation and appealing to people who like hero shooters, but it clearly made the gameplay worse.

COD: Vanguard is following the same trend of trying to get players to play same characters which can be easily monetised. Again, it is hurting the gameplay because both teams are essentially the same. Vanguard is more true to COD formula than BF2042 is to BF formula, but trying to balance COD experience with WW2 theme clearly has challenges. I think COD works better in more modern settings.

Halo Infinite is also trying to make monetisation easier by abandoning red vs blue system but it did not hurt the gameplay after they improved friend/foe identification. What impressed me most with Halo was that it felt like a natural next step for the Halo franchise. They focused on what made older Halo games fun and made it even better.

I can't say that BF2042 or COD: Vanguard are the best versions of those franchises. Halo Infinite MP is easily the best version of Halo I have played. Also, after playing HLL, it feels like that game does both Battlefield and WW2 theme better than BF2042 and COD: Vanguard.


Oct 27, 2017
That bf beta is probably the worst thing I've played this year. Halo felt nice and polished


Oct 28, 2017
In regards to Halo, my most anticipated game release left alongside FH5 for this year... I'm not happy with Staten's tweet yesterday, which coincidentally proudly but firmly confirms 343 is in a crunch hell right now. I don't like thinking about all the devs having to spend brutal hours just so I can play a game in December. And I don't like that their time is so damn tight right now that not even a decent campaign video could be cut all this time since delay.

I'll play it and fingers crossed, loved the multiplayer... but mandatory crunch is terrible. I know they'll get payed for OT but still.


Nov 11, 2017
Battlefield improved from the beta (performance and interface etc) but my point still stands with the games direction in regards to scale and player count. The large scale means that they had to sacrifice on graphics, destruction, physics and the large player count most likely introduces things like rubber banding and necessity of bots.

Portal is the saving grace it seems, this is the direction I wanted it to go but with extra focus on destruction and physics for current gen hardware. I'm currently in the trial and it's still not a certain buy for me yet.

Not played vanguard so can't comment on that but halo infinite most definitely hit the mark and if multiplayer improves from the recent beta we had then its on course to be one of the greatest multiplayer shooters ever imo