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Oct 27, 2017
Gunplay feels better, but all the auxiliary shit is worse. Holding mouse 1 forever to bleed out, spawning with no ammo, holding 5 to heal (which you can't even rebind), lmao. Having no rush or TDM means I probably won't ever even boot this beta again.

This game will be $25 come Black Friday, I feel it
It comes out like three days before Black Friday so I think that's pretty wishful thinking.
Oct 25, 2017
Just feels like an expansion for BF1. Really dissappointed.

I don't really see how it could feel like a BF1 expansion. The gunplay is totally different and a bunch of the mechanics have changed entirely. Not saying whether that's a good or bad thing, but it definitely feels like a different game.

How many of you actually like low TTK?

Personally, I do not like the low TTK. I find it really frustrating to die instantly without a chance to "retaliate" and it limits the potential for elongated firefights.. which were some of the best parts of BF3/4.


Oct 25, 2017
Wanted to poll you guys:

How many of you actually like low TTK?

I feel like this game needs to reduce headshot damage at least, but should generally increase TTK.

The reality is, far more players refuse to move, or get punished hard for it. And unfortunately, teamwork doesn't make up for it as is the nature of randoms in a team.

Rarely does the action feel like a war, and while I dont need something like Battlefield, I feel as if the ttk really doesnt suit
What are your thoughts on the TTK in BF3 and BF4? It takes longer to kill someone in this game than it did in those games under most circumstances.

I did come to enjoy the longer TTK in Battlefield 1 prior to the patch that lowered the TTK but at the same time BF3 and BF4 are two of my favourite Battlefield games so I guess I like both TTK styles. A quicker TTK does put more emphasis on positioning but I am still finding that I can still outgun people that fire at me first in BFV so it's not slowing me down like Hardcore would for example. I'm playing the same as I would in BF1 and I'm being consistently rewarded for it.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I'm going to skip this one. I feel like DICE cares more about a cinematic experience than a fun game. Fingers crossed for the rumored BC2 remaster.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Something is wiping your docs folder. Or perhaps it is set to read-only? Sounds like a write permission issue to me?

But it might be a bug, to be honest, but I haven't seen reports of this yet.
Have you guys been seeing the feedback surrounding the Bleedout and the lack of a "deny" option when being revived?

I have seen idk how many medic die now trying to revive me only to be killed by a person camping my corpse or me being revived in the middle of a firefight and I am INSTANTLY killed. It would be nice to have an option to refuse a revive in those kinds of situations.


Oct 28, 2017
Do you think they'll patch the fact that people don't know how to carry bombs and also protect those bomb carriers?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Yo this is the best Battlefield game since Bad Company 2.

Fucking A this game nailed it


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know. This is the first battlefield ever that hasn't even slightly peaked my interest (hardline at least had interesting game modes and gadgets). Everything just feels samey yet even more clunky. Vehicles especially seem like they got heavily nerfed from previous iterations


Oct 25, 2017
Ammo crate seems to not do anything at all. Never replenishes anyone, not even myself. Also, it seems hit or miss when I go to throw an ammo pouch at someone that sometimes it's doesn't throw anything.

This is on PS4.

Also, audio constantly cuts out, I can be a foot away from someone firing round after round and it's just ambient wind sounds.


Oct 25, 2017
okay...seriously now.. I need some help here.
I can't be the only one with loadout problems. I unlocked the MP40, the second sniper rifle, but I freaking can't play with them. I unlocked them in the menu, try to spawn with them but the game just won't let me. It always says, the deployment point is no longer available.

Is there something I'm missing?

If I pick my assault or medic class it says the spawn point is unavailable. Recon and Support work though.

I switched from my M1 carbine back to Stg and it let me spawn as assault. My medic class has no other unlocks though.

hey, elenarie
is this a known issue? any idea what we could try? sucks to unlock weapons and then not being able to use them :(
I already tried buying multiple versions of one rifle, didn't work.


Oct 27, 2017
Really not seeing any significant reason to purchase this game when BF1 can be had for crazy cheap with all of the DLC. Yes the new equipment and vehicles are nice but its the same chaotic unfocused mess with people spawning al over the place as you trade shooting each other in the back.


Oct 25, 2017
Ammo crate seems to not do anything at all. Never replenishes anyone, not even myself. Also, it seems hit or miss when I go to throw an ammo pouch at someone that sometimes it's doesn't throw anything.

This is on PS4.

Also, audio constantly cuts out, I can be a foot away from someone firing round after round and it's just ambient wind sounds.
You have to walk up to the ammo crate and interact with it. It's very picky though, you have to look at it at just the right angle for the button prompt to show up. It's just another example of them making the game more tedious than it needs to be with the attrition stuff.


Nov 11, 2017
Less sold now. Weapons feel good but not enough starting ammo :/. If you get on a decent run you're pretty much fucked if your squad goes down early. Side arms all the time.
Oct 25, 2017
No character customization in the beta?

Man one unique feature that keeps me interested in this game and im not being sold yet again.
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Oct 26, 2017
I'm getting used to no spotting, but it's still hard to see enemies, especially the snow map.
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't played battlefield one in forever but I played a couple of rounds on this earlier and I was back into the swing of things immediately. Hadn't planned on getting this but I dunno now, the gunplay is like a comfortable blanket or something.

It's a shame that it has the usual battlefield problems of everybody being an idiot and not reviving you even though they are 5m away from your body.

I also really, really, really dislike the UI for checking/changing your loadouts. It's not nearly quick enough in the middle of a game and way too fiddly when you compare it to something like bad company 2 which was a far quicker and clearer experience.


Oct 27, 2017
Do you have any specific feedback from the Open Beta that made you make that decision?

Sure and for context, I've played hundreds of hours of BF2, BC2, 1943, and BF4. Didn't care for BF3 and BF1.

I like bullet points since it gets straight to the point. Though I will warn some that some of these are old-school complaints but I still find them credible.
Disclaimer: The game looks insanely amazing! Absolutely no complaints there.
  • The destruction still isn't at the level it should be. Yes, it's detailed but let us flatten out a map again like in BC2. The primary response from DICE on this is that it "breaks the map". It's Battlefield, not Quake or CS. That super-high level of competition isn't in the series. Embrace that. The flattening of a map in BC2 made each match feel like our battle and we saw the progression of it first-hand. That alone is more immersive than anything a VFX team can do.
  • Bring back avatars in death screens and post-game stats. I play on Origin so I'm not sure how it is on XBL and PSN but I feel like this made the game more fun. It gave squads opportunities to make an entertaining post-game screen with nothing but power rangers and stuff like that. The same goes for seeing your opponent's avatars in death screens. Because avatars are unique, I remembered my killers more and it created rivalries inside each game. Things like that make a game feel more like a community and that keeps people around. I know that sounds petty but I do find those small community enhancements to be very beneficial for player retention.
  • Animations need to be snappier. The weapon changing, the weapon coming back up after running, the weapon moving around when crouching, even throwing a grenade. The animations feel sluggish and it honestly gives me a little bit of motion sickness (not actually sick, but uneasy) and if it was quicker (or snappier if that makes sense), the gameplay would flow better.
  • The TTK feels great.
  • The weapons overall feel great to shoot.
  • The maps are interesting to play on.
That's my hot take. I've put a lot more thought into this series but I'm sure you don't want to read a novel lol.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
No 3D spotting, the focus on squad play, reduced ammo and health supply, and the tightest movement and shooting Battlefield has ever had. I'm in love.

Graphics and destruction on point too


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Graphics are fantastic, game-play is solid so far. The visibility of enemy soldiers need some work, a recent example was a random teammate of mines lying on the ground shooting away while five unsuspecting enemy soldiers ran pass him, neither notice the other.

Anyone find the support class amusing at times? I don't know how many times I've seen someone just build a fort around some capture point. Depending on the situation, you're either in a fort or a deathtrap.


Oct 27, 2017
Dice if you're here - is it remotely possible to have some graphics options to enable/disable to further ensure a solid 60fps on consoles? On Pro its been mostly solid 60 but there's huge drops that can make or break a fire-fight. Things look even worse for base X1 and PS4. I understand the randomness of the game will never guarantee a locked framerate regardless of the platform, but if there's anything at all to keep it consistent that could be done - it would be amazing.

Jamrock User

Jan 24, 2018
Please add a ignore gamepad option in the menu. If I as much as look at my controller my mouse is disabled.

I don't have to unplug it for any other game cmon dice....


Oct 27, 2017
You aren't a new player for long and it takes next to no time to fully upgrade a weapon.

These games are meant to be played for hundreds of hours, why cater to a few newbies who will play for 5 minutes, complain on a forum and then trade the game in? BF1 had zero progression, people moaned and complained, now BFV has progression, and people moan and complain. GG.

Edit: I also hope DICE concentrate more on the data and less on the vocal forum / twitter minority. Sure there are some issues but come on DICE.
The people want the BF4 weapon progression system back. I still don't know why they reworked that for BF1...


Oct 25, 2017
What are your thoughts on the TTK in BF3 and BF4? It takes longer to kill someone in this game than it did in those games under most circumstances.

If the devs are adamant that this is the case, then I am equally adamant that it does not feel that way. It feels like shit a good portion of the time. I can deal with it (I stuck with BF3 and BF4 through all the netcode nonsense) but it just doesn't feel as tight as BF1. Hit feedback, audio cues, possible damage stacking in the same tick etc... all feed into it not feeling great.

Due to the way the game is lit it's extremely easy to lose your target depending on the background or if you're fighting into the sun. This is compounded by how detailed and 'cluttered' the maps are visually compared to previous games. BC2 looks positively sleek by comparison. If you're going to make everyone rely solely on visuals to spot enemies, you can't also dial up the clutter and the lighting shenanigans.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure and for context, I've played hundreds of hours of BF2, BC2, 1943, and BF4. Didn't care for BF3 and BF1.

I like bullet points since it gets straight to the point. Though I will warn some that some of these are old-school complaints but I still find them credible.
Disclaimer: The game looks insanely amazing! Absolutely no complaints there.
  • The destruction still isn't at the level it should be. Yes, it's detailed but let us flatten out a map again like in BC2. The primary response from DICE on this is that it "breaks the map". It's Battlefield, not Quake or CS. That super-high level of competition isn't in the series. Embrace that. The flattening of a map in BC2 made each match feel like our battle and we saw the progression of it first-hand. That alone is more immersive than anything a VFX team can do.
  • Bring back avatars in death screens and post-game stats. I play on Origin so I'm not sure how it is on XBL and PSN but I feel like this made the game more fun. It gave squads opportunities to make an entertaining post-game screen with nothing but power rangers and stuff like that. The same goes for seeing your opponent's avatars in death screens. Because avatars are unique, I remembered my killers more and it created rivalries inside each game. Things like that make a game feel more like a community and that keeps people around. I know that sounds petty but I do find those small community enhancements to be very beneficial for player retention.
  • Animations need to be snappier. The weapon changing, the weapon coming back up after running, the weapon moving around when crouching, even throwing a grenade. The animations feel sluggish and it honestly gives me a little bit of motion sickness (not actually sick, but uneasy) and if it was quicker (or snappier if that makes sense), the gameplay would flow better.
  • The TTK feels great.
  • The weapons overall feel great to shoot.
  • The maps are interesting to play on.
That's my hot take. I've put a lot more thought into this series but I'm sure you don't want to read a novel lol.

The problem having the destruction the same as BC2 is that that game is very different from every other main line battlefield game. It had a rush focus for one. The way rush worked allowed the destruction to not effect map design that much because of the way rush splits the map into sectors. And the other major problem with full destruction in mainline Battlefields is the difference in player count. 32 vs 64 is a lot more players blowing shit up. The Narvik map now, C and E goes to complete shit within 10 mins. I can't imagine how bad those areas would be if it was just a giant open area.

I don't see the full destruction coming back unless DICE goes back to Bad Company, with the same design restrictions those games had.


May 23, 2018
Really liking the two maps so far. Pretty good for Conquest imo.

The revive system is atrocious. Don't understand the need for it. Old system worked fine.

Gunplay is tight and seems like an improvement from BF1. Only played for 2 how's but so far it's not bad


Oct 25, 2017
What are your thoughts on the TTK in BF3 and BF4? It takes longer to kill someone in this game than it did in those games under most circumstances.

I did come to enjoy the longer TTK in Battlefield 1 prior to the patch that lowered the TTK but at the same time BF3 and BF4 are two of my favourite Battlefield games so I guess I like both TTK styles. A quicker TTK does put more emphasis on positioning but I am still finding that I can still outgun people that fire at me first in BFV so it's not slowing me down like Hardcore would for example. I'm playing the same as I would in BF1 and I'm being consistently rewarded for it.

But you auto healed in that game and there wasn't predictable recoil no?

Also, I feel like maybe the issue is gun balance. When I use the STG I absolutely murder

But the support guns are always getting me killed

Btw how do i change fire mode?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think I am having fun with this game.

I enjoyed the shit out of BC2, BF3 and played little of BF4(I was burnt out), skipped BF1 because I didn't like the beta and BFV beta seems like more of the same.

I just wanted BC3. I miss traditional rush. The limited ammo is just annoying, reviving takes so long now that no one revives cause you can die doing it now, so people just leave me there. The maps are just meh and forgettable and the destruction is not interesting in the least.

The shooting is fine, graphics are great and runs great on my rig.

I am just not having fun tho. I will play more and see where it goes but since I skipped BF1 and barely played BF4 I preordered BFV but canceled it.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
Weapon/Vehicle upgrades is too unbalanced. Please get rid of this entirely.
And I played a few hours of grand operation, loving it much more than conquest. The problem is I was always on the defending side, is this a bug?


Oct 25, 2017
Really liking the two maps so far. Pretty good for Conquest imo.

I was pretty down on the maps initially but have come around. Middle of Rotterdam is still a death zone you probably shouldn't be crossing, but for the most part it's one of the stronger urban maps they've made recently. If all the maps are this quality then they have a strong game to build upon.


Jun 5, 2018
- Immersion Breaking; soldier's shadow move's around waaaaay too much, even with a bipod on while the soldier feels like he/she is taking a nap in your control.
- Game freezes sometimes - Origins PC (I understand it's a beta)
- Flak gun fire doesn't destroy houses or anything else.
- Destruction not on par with BC2 still... let us destroy the whole thing!
- Serious looping/rubberbanding... holy crap.


Nov 11, 2017
Weapon/Vehicle upgrades is too unbalanced. Please get rid of this entirely.
And I played a few hours of grand operation, loving it much more than conquest. The problem is I was always on the defending side, is this a bug?

Ha me too. It's what made me turn it off after defending on the same map four times in a row. I'm sure they'll fix that.

Deleted member 135

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Oct 25, 2017
I'll need to play more but first impressions are not good. It's not very smooth, so I think that's a big issue, but the gunplay feels off. BF1's was okay, BF4 and BF3 was fantastic, and BC2 was perfection, but something just feels off about this one.

Maybe I haven't found the right control balance yet, but I wish there were presets that matched previous games.
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