
Oct 25, 2017

I guess I'll have to wait to reset my specializations for the Sherman. I went for the flamethrower, but maybe I can find my way over to the heat shells.

Also, I'm really into flanking through the water with the amphibious tanks on Pacific Storm.


Oct 25, 2017

I guess I'll have to wait to reset my specializations for the Sherman. I went for the flamethrower, but maybe I can find my way over to the heat shells.

Also, I'm really into flanking through the water with the amphibious tanks on Pacific Storm.
Yeah the flame thrower is kind of garbage from what I hear. In some instances it works really well and other times you'll get destroyed by infantry even when covering them in flames. If I mess with the passenger loadouts I prefer the cannon on the 97. When people hop in my tank and I have that they don't leave till I die lol

And yeah, flanking with the amphibious tanks is a must and makes for some exciting ambushes (unless they see you first because you won't be able to defend yourself for shit with those waves knocking your aim all over)


Mar 23, 2019
Are the new tanks especially strong or have they buffed splash damage overall for the tanks recently? I don't think I've seen as many one hit kills by tanks on infantry before, I know they patched the ol' 40-60HP direct hit from launch, but I don't remember german and british tanks being as strong as these new ones.


Oct 25, 2017

I guess I'll have to wait to reset my specializations for the Sherman. I went for the flamethrower, but maybe I can find my way over to the heat shells.

Also, I'm really into flanking through the water with the amphibious tanks on Pacific Storm.

The Sherman specialized for Anti-Tank Combat is still good for anti infantry. When equipped with Heat-T rounds, RIP other Tanks.

Amphibious Tank Flanks have admittedly fked me up as a Tanker several times.


Oct 27, 2017
DICE still needs to rectify the imbalance caused by the sheer existence of planes in the game, where one team having one or two better pilots than the other team pretty much assures the other team isn't going to have any fun due to planes randomly dropping bombs and barrages of explosive rounds on them.

This problem continues to exist in the Pacific maps simply because planes don't feel like they belong in this game, period. They feel completely disconnected from the action until one swoops in, destroys your tank or wipes out a squad with a bomb, and flies off to be a non-issue for the next minute or so.

The fact that this problem got so bad that DICE needed to introduce the Fliegerfaust tells me one key thing: the only way DICE was able to "rebalance" planes in any way at all was by introducing a weapon that smites them out of the sky. And even then, I've noticed the genuinely good pilots having zero issue simply flying a little higher and diving a little less often, making them no less deadly but all the harder to hit.

Something needs to be done. Planes are still far too good in a game where they feel completely out of place in terms of the pace of gameplay.


Oct 28, 2017
wow. I had no idea you can switch fire modes. I was using the buckshot the whole time. Wondered why there was 3 shells during the reload animation. How effective is it vs the slug on the m18?

It's not a slug, it's really a sniper bullet, so switching to it transforms your shotgun into a sniper rifle. Ergo, 75 damage body shot at any distance and garanteed one-shot kill on a headshot. It's not easy to land headshots with it at long range since there's only crappy ironsights but would you manage to land one at 300m, it's still a kill.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not a slug, it's really a sniper bullet, so switching to it transforms your shotgun into a sniper rifle. Ergo, 75 damage body shot at any distance and garanteed one-shot kill on a headshot. It's not easy to land headshots with it at long range since there's only crappy ironsights but would you manage to land one at 300m, it's still a kill.
it's very satisfactory when you land the headshot kill though. lol


Oct 25, 2017
Tanks have weak spots you can hit with the rocket? Here I was going in on a suicide run with the satchel charges.


Oct 27, 2017
Was seeing a ton of micro-stuttering on PS4 last night. Not sure that's the right term for it but the game was full on freezing for like a half second several times every match. This problem existed a few months ago so good to see it back 🙄
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Oct 25, 2017
The only new tank I don't like is the Japanese light tank. I find it has basically no gun depression which can make it hard to get on target sometimes in comparison to its American counterpart.

Mr Eric

Oct 28, 2017
Is it me or the LVT just doesn't make any engine sound unless it's just a few feet away from you (so already too late to avoid it...) ?


Oct 27, 2017
DICE still needs to rectify the imbalance caused by the sheer existence of planes in the game, where one team having one or two better pilots than the other team pretty much assures the other team isn't going to have any fun due to planes randomly dropping bombs and barrages of explosive rounds on them.

This problem continues to exist in the Pacific maps simply because planes don't feel like they belong in this game, period. They feel completely disconnected from the action until one swoops in, destroys your tank or wipes out a squad with a bomb, and flies off to be a non-issue for the next minute or so.

The fact that this problem got so bad that DICE needed to introduce the Fliegerfaust tells me one key thing: the only way DICE was able to "rebalance" planes in any way at all was by introducing a weapon that smites them out of the sky. And even then, I've noticed the genuinely good pilots having zero issue simply flying a little higher and diving a little less often, making them no less deadly but all the harder to hit.

Something needs to be done. Planes are still far too good in a game where they feel completely out of place in terms of the pace of gameplay.

It's not that big of a deal in my experience. The whole role of planes in a mode like Breakthrough is to destroy enemy armor and fortifications and I think great pilots are fulfilling that role perfectly. And because they are at their deadliest and most accurate while diving, this makes the fliegerfaust a great counter.

On the flip side they could also balance it by making a set number AA trucks, main battle tanks, and lighter vehicles available to choose from so that a team isn't always completely neglecting AA capabilities to get more armor on the field. And then the game designers have a defined scope within which to balance and coordination is enforced by the constraints.


Oct 25, 2017
What is a weak spot?

There is turret, engine and tracks for criticals, but do they increase damage?
Not sure what the updated damage models are but hits to the back of the tanks still do way more damage than anywhere else. I'm pretty sure hits to the turret from the front still do increased damage as well but it's tough to get a shot off there cause the tank is looking right at you

Personally I always try to flank to the rear with the panzerfaust or in another tank. A couple good shots directly from the back and youll take a tank right out


Oct 25, 2017
Dorset, UK
Bring back being able to kill tanks with a machine gun if you get close enough, like 2142. I know that every robot ever has a vulnerable gooch because of that game.


Oct 25, 2017
Anybody have any idea when this will go on sale again? I'm patient enough to wait until next month if I have to.

Played it a bit at launch with EA Access, but let my sub run out.


Oct 25, 2017
I still can't believe they made us wait like 6 months for the first map DLC for this game. Those were dark days.

How thankful I am that Wake Island is coming next month (even though I want it now). Seems Guadal Canal is the rumour for early 2020


Oct 25, 2017
Just got put into a lobby with 10 teammates vs 26 attackers. We lost and they had 400 lives. Might've been a 5 min match.

lol dice.


Oct 25, 2017
Next match. 10 players vs 17 players. lol.

let me quit out and wait a year so I can queue into another lobby. Swear out of all the hours I've put in since the pacific a couple hours are just staring at the loading screen.


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes, I feel like the game locks people out from joining the match. There are times when I played where each side only had 20 people and it never filled up for the duration of the match. And then if I leave, I find a full one seconds later.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey guess what, I encountered the same hacker right now. Over 2 weeks later and still not banned.

Follow-up to my own post. Was randomly browsing through the BFV subreddit and found a post showing the SAME HACKER IS STILL PLAYING lmao. It's been almost 2 weeks now from my post. Not even my video is enough evidence 🤣

Do I need fingerprint DNA or something? 🤣


Mar 18, 2019
I was playing yesterday on EU servers and on my team there were maybe 2-3 people at or above rank 40. Most everybody else was around rank 15-30. On the opposing team there were 5 players above rank 100 and the majority where at or above rank 50. We got slaughtered.

It is extremely frustrating that there isn't any matchmaking. It makes me want to never play the game again. Dear Dice, how f*cking hard can it be to do some basic matchmaking? You've been in this business for years. The correct number of people were in the game. It can't be that hard to adjust them automatically when they are so visibly unbalanced.

It is also frustrating that there is no way to report players that are almost certainly cheating. Or is there and I just missed it?

I got the game last week for 15 Euro on sale because an electronics store is getting rid of their physical game selection. I've already put about 17 hours in and I really enjoy a lot of it. I am pretty confused why there are so many modes that are very similar but maybe that's just how Battlefield rolls. I saw someone in this thread mention that they think squad Firestorm should be put into rotation and I agree. That would be fun.

I am excited for the possibility of the Russians later this year. I like that the next game isn't coming until 2021 and I hope a lot more is planned. I'll keep playing probably. Custom servers should be a lot of fun.


Aug 23, 2018
20+ planes and I managed to hit something once... I'm so horribad at this. Curse this 1000 point objective xD
Oct 28, 2017
Randomly downloaded this from EA Access since I got a free month. Played a couple of matches and I enjoy it. It's been a while since I've played a BF game, but maybe it's since I played two of the Pacific Theater maps, but they were intense and massive. Only thing I don't like is the building mechanic for control points, seems pretty pointless so far.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm really dreading the lunge mines being added. As if Assault players weren't bold enough about rushing my tanks with clumsy AT weapons like mines and dynamite, now they'll have a tool designed around it. Not to mention my team's Supports tend to be more interested spamming bullets downrange with an MMG than they do repairing me.


Oct 25, 2017
I bet so many people are repairing me as a Tank because its part of the ToW requirement for this week. LOL


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, is it too late to jump in?

Thinking of getting EA Access and playing BFV. Love World War 2 type games vs modern day stuff. PS4 player, but kinda worried because I often found BF wasn't at its best when you had no friends to play with


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, is it too late to jump in?

Thinking of getting EA Access and playing BFV. Love World War 2 type games vs modern day stuff. PS4 player, but kinda worried because I often found BF wasn't at its best when you had no friends to play with
Right now is a really good time to jump in. Game can be had for cheap. It's not the best Battlefield but there are some pretty great maps now and the Pacific update is really good. Game still has issues but no one else makes games like this.


Oct 25, 2017
I've gotta get my Sherman to rank 6 before the week is out, or the struggle will be really, truly real. That flamethrower pick gimped my build completely.
No doubt. I gimped my light tank builds with the howitzer and it took me forever to get up to 6. I will say the Sherman all right side upgrade is beastly. I expect it to get nerfed. I'm destroying opposing tanks with the heat T shell


Oct 25, 2017
Right now is a really good time to jump in. Game can be had for cheap. It's not the best Battlefield but there are some pretty great maps now and the Pacific update is really good. Game still has issues but no one else makes games like this.
Whats the Pacific update? Do I need to buy more stuff?


Oct 25, 2017
Whats the Pacific update? Do I need to buy more stuff?
No, all updates are free! The base game and all of the additional maps released in the first year focused on Europe. The Pacific update released in October and has new maps, weapons and vehicles focusing on the war in the pacific.The next map releases in December, it will be a Wake Island remake.

I would imagine that most of 2020 will continue to focus on the pacific and then year 3 content will probably be the Eastern Front.


Oct 25, 2017
No, all updates are free! The base game and all of the additional maps released in the first year focused on Europe. The Pacific update released in October and has new maps, weapons and vehicles focusing on the war in the pacific.The next map releases in December, it will be a Wake Island remake.

I would imagine that most of 2020 will continue to focus on the pacific and then year 3 content will probably be the Eastern Front.
May sound dumb but how much of the game features fronts that Canada takes place in?


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Honestly, is it too late to jump in?

Thinking of getting EA Access and playing BFV. Love World War 2 type games vs modern day stuff. PS4 player, but kinda worried because I often found BF wasn't at its best when you had no friends to play with

No, this is the right time to jump in. If you started then you would have had far less content than you do now and the game was far buggier and janky than it is now. Just building shit and putting down your bipod were exercises in frustration. There were visibility problems out the ass since they didn't have the rim lighting back then and even then the progression system was a good bit worse since spending cc was good way to get locked out of it because it was so hard to get back then.