
Oct 27, 2017
EDIT: The title should say over half the world population. I accidentally forgot it. Can a mod please assist? Thank you

This bleak warning comes from a United Nations (UN) study into the financial and human cost of the pandemic.

It will be the first time that poverty has increased globally in 30 years, according to the report.

The findings come ahead of key meetings of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and G20 finance ministers next week.

The United Nations University study was written by experts at King's College London and Australian National University (ANU).

"The economic crisis is potentially going to be even more severe than the health crisis," said Christopher Hoy from ANU.

The report, which estimates a 400-600 million increase in the number of people in poverty across the globe, says the potential impact of the virus poses a real challenge to the UN Sustainable Development Goal of ending poverty by 2030.

"Our findings point towards the importance of a dramatic expansion of social safety nets in developing countries as soon as possible and - more broadly - much greater attention to the impact of Covid in developing countries and what the international community can do to help," said Professor Andy Sumner of King's College London.

By the time the pandemic is over half of the world's population of 7.8 billion people could be living in poverty. About 40% of the new poor could be concentrated in East Asia and the Pacific, with about one third in both Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Earlier this week, more than 100 global organisations called for debt payments to be waived this year for developing countries, which would free up $25bn (£20bn) in cash to support their economies.


Virus could push half a billion people into poverty

Research warns the coronavirus pandemic could put a further 8% of world's population in poverty.
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Oct 25, 2017
This sounds so over the top, I doubt it despite the source. I think event the experts are starting to give into hysteria.


Oct 27, 2017
This sounds so over the top, I doubt it despite the source. I think event the experts are starting to give into hysteria.

You may not be aware, but approximately 3+ billion people world wide live in poverty already.

Now calculate the state of people losing jobs from this right now, and extrapolate?

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This sounds so over the top, I doubt it despite the source. I think event the experts are starting to give into hysteria.

Man, where I have heard this exact fuckin comment before, hmm? Lol

"experts say"
"Nah the EXPERTS are wrong. Why are they wrong? Well my basis for that belief is grounded in the fact that they are experts in hysteria. They don't know what they are talking about. They are experts. Expert doesn't mean smart or knowledgeable"


Oct 26, 2017
Northern VA
half the world's population? idk, i don't think it'll happen or get to that point

it's certainly bad news blues, don't get me wrong

unless the world can't get its shit together and we squander all opportunity, which is pretty likely i must admit


Nov 6, 2017
It could very well happen.

Everyone overreacting to the article needs to realize that there is a significant amount of the population that is and was on the brink of poverty before COVID-19.

This situation will push them into it.


If you live in a 1st world country that isn't the USA, then you will likely be fine.


Oct 25, 2017
i believe it. with a 30 percent projected unemployment in the us and tons of businesses that will accelerate the move to automation and tons of small businesses that will most likely never come back it makes sense.


Oct 27, 2017
Mods, I forgot to add the word "Over" into the OP thread title. Can you please fix it?

That is what makes this article so important.

Terra Firma

Oct 25, 2017
This sounds so over the top, I doubt it despite the source. I think event the experts are starting to give into hysteria.
It astounds me when people say something like this.

Explains how people can reject experts in other fields like climate science or even evolution by handwaving it away as hysteria.


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't half the world living in poverty already ?

I fucked by up missing the word "over" in the title. I have asked a Mod to edit.

I was wondering why some people took the title too nonchalantly. My apologies.

How much of the worlds population is already in poverty?

Nearly 1/2 of the world's population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.


11 Facts About Global Poverty

10% of the world's population lives on less than $1.90 a day.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm far more worried about riots, violent uprisings and increased cases of looting/robberies when this reaches a far more critical point, rather than getting the damn disease.

Deleted member 10612

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i believe it. with a 30 percent projected unemployment in the us and tons of businesses that will accelerate the move to automation and tons of small businesses that will most likely never come back it makes sense.
This is not about developed countries, Afrika and Asian countries are going to be more fucked then they already are. Making the scale tip to more people living in poverty. Its also written by a (positive?) think tank that supports (always strange when banks are involved) ending poverty by 2030. So that is not happening anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
This sounds so over the top, I doubt it despite the source. I think event the experts are starting to give into hysteria.
I mean, has any country that lost track of the virus recovered yet? France and Italy have been on a heavy quarantine/lockdown for around a month now and Italy is only recently showing a meaningful decline in new cases. No such luck with France thus far.

If this takes root in large poor countries like the Phillipines it could raze the population for years to come.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
This sounds so over the top, I doubt it despite the source. I think event the experts are starting to give into hysteria.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this post is everything wrong with our current post-facts, anti-expert "the truth is whatever I feel like it" discourse.

There's nothing "over the top" about this. We were already at nearly 50% global poverty rate. Your ignorance does not outweigh someone else's research.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like we need to do some....redistribution.
Ding ding.

Capitalism can't deal with the material demands of the world's population, while simultaneously overproducing. It's a failure that needs to be succeeded by an economic system that's less wasteful and more egalitarian.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
This is not about developed countries, Afrika and Asian countries are going to be more fucked then they already are. Making the scale tip to more people living in poverty. Its also written by a (positive?) think tank that supports (always strange when banks are involved) ending poverty by 2030. So that is not happening anymore.

The main mission of the World Bank is to aid developing nations.

Video Kojima

Apr 5, 2020
Capitalism is the real culprit. What kind of economic system keeps over 50% of the entire world in absolute poverty (less than 2.5 USD a day) and gives a tiny handful the majority of all the wealth in all the world. Is humanity stupid?


Oct 26, 2017
Ding ding.

Capitalism can't deal with the material demands of the world's population, while simultaneously overproducing. It's a failure that needs to be succeeded by an economic system that's less wasteful and more egalitarian.
I wouldn't even mind more wasteful and more egalitarian! Instead we're left with this.

Me, a dumb commie: We should feed hungry people with food
Enlightened capitalist: No, we'll destroy commodities during a pandemic in order to preserve the solvency of agribusiness


Oct 28, 2017
Poor and middle income earners were running themselves to the utter hilt to get by in life.

Any disruption of any kind was going to do this. It was inevitable.

Video Kojima

Apr 5, 2020
As a reminder, capitalism was the thought product of a small group of people to benefit their own institutions. There is no scientific proof it benefits humanity, quite the contrary. It's not some innate truth, it's a product of the same institutions responsible for pillaging and robbing entire nations at gun point.


Spencer’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
If Trump wins 2020? Aha. No.

You really think that the Democrats are any less guilty in this regard? They're as much staunch defenders of capitalism as any Republican. Getting them to work with any socialist is a pain in the ass.

The center left political parties are all liberal stooges trying to make democracy work with capitalism without having any spine when the capitalists across the aisle are making things worse for everybody.

A Democrat in office would not mean the beginning of a process to remove Capitalism that we should've begun decades ago.


Oct 27, 2017
Over 3 billion in poverty, 7.8 billion people on Earth. Not hard to imagine an extra billion or so sliding into poverty given how many people in the US and other "wealthy" countries essentially live paycheck to paycheck.


Feb 5, 2019
Epic Universe
This virus shit better not cause the roller coaster and theme park industry to get fucked up. That's the one thing that keeps me going, it's my life. If I see it going down the tubes I don't know what I'll do.


Sep 13, 2019
I wouldn't even mind more wasteful and more egalitarian! Instead we're left with this.

Me, a dumb commie: We should feed hungry people with food
Enlightened capitalist: No, we'll destroy commodities during a pandemic in order to preserve the solvency of agribusiness

That's a scene right out of "East of Eden" by Steinbeck. Glad to see Capitalism is still as insane as 100 years ago.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
Unfortunately I'm not surprised. The current system is clearly not working and it's time for a rethink.

I never studied economics, but maybe somebody who does could answer this question. Would UBI payments be part of the answer?


Sep 3, 2018
As a reminder, capitalism was the thought product of a small group of people to benefit their own institutions. There is no scientific proof it benefits humanity, quite the contrary. It's not some innate truth, it's a product of the same institutions responsible for pillaging and robbing entire nations at gun point.
Do you have any links or directions I could read about this. I feel if I searched for the origins of capitalism I would just get positively framed readings of it.