
Oct 25, 2017
Not the way my first Father's Day weekend with my 3rd child was supposed to go.

Wife was showing our oldest some stuff to do yardwork wise in the yard and tripped over a branch and fell holding our 2 month old.

ER said she was ok and sent us home Friday. She wasn't ok on Saturday so the on call pediatrician where we take our kids said bring her in. He sent us back to the ER. CT scan showed blood on her brain. She also had a seizure episode in the ER.

So we've been in the peds ICU all weekend, and moved to a floor later yesterday. She's seen surgeons, neurologists, neurosurgeons, ICU, emergency med, ER... so many doctors I can't count.

Good thing is the head doc seemed to think they won't need to to surgery. It should slowly resolve over time and not harm her motor or developmental skills. We have to keep her on seizure meds for the foreseeable future, and they are gonna do some more tests today.

My hope is maybe we can leave by tomorrow afternoon if she continues to check out.

It's not the plan I had for fathers day ERA. Keep my daughter Abby in your thoughts and prayers. I'll try and update this when we get more info today.


Oct 25, 2017
Praying for you man.

Thats one of my wifes worse fears. Glad she seems to be healing on her own.


Nov 9, 2017
I'm sorry to hear. Hope she'l be ok soon.

Your wife must be feeling horrible.


Oct 25, 2017
Sending thoughts, prayers, and all good things your way. Can't imagine what that has been like this weekend.


May 29, 2018
Stay strong OP. I can't imagine how much pain and fear you are experiencing right now :(

Hoping and praying your daughter recovers.


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
My thoughts to you and your wife and the rest of your family. Abby will be okay, don't worry.


Oct 25, 2017
Not the way my first Father's Day weekend with my 3rd child was supposed to go.

Wife was showing our oldest some stuff to do yardwork wise in the yard and tripped over a branch and fell holding our 2 month old.

ER said she was ok and sent us home Friday. She wasn't ok on Saturday so the on call pediatrician where we take our kids said bring her in. He sent us back to the ER. CT scan showed blood on her brain. She also had a seizure episode in the ER.

So we've been in the peds ICU all weekend, and moved to a floor later yesterday. She's seen surgeons, neurologists, neurosurgeons, ICU, emergency med, ER... so many doctors I can't count.

Good thing is the head doc seemed to think they won't need to to surgery. It should slowly resolve over time and not harm her motor or developmental skills. We have to keep her on seizure meds for the foreseeable future, and they are gonna do some more tests today.

My hope is maybe we can leave by tomorrow afternoon if she continues to check out.

It's not the plan I had for fathers day ERA. Keep my daughter Abby in your thoughts and prayers. I'll try and update this when we get more info today.
Praying for your and family.


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
Damn, I wish you and your family good luck man, It's going to be all right, don't worry :)


Oct 31, 2017
Keeping you in my thoughts, OP. Hang in there, and just remember that you and your wife can lean on each other without the both of you falling over. It helps when things get scary, tough, or just plain bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
Man that's really rough. I hope your kid and wife are okay. And for all 3 of you to pull through emotionally.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
Jesus, I'm sorry to hear that, man.

My thoughts go out to your family.


Nov 16, 2017
Sure, definitely praying and hoping for a full recovery and peace in this unfortunate situation for your wife and family.


May 9, 2018
You're in my prayers, OP. We're expecting on second son in Oct. Hope your wife isn't burdening this.


Oct 27, 2017
As a fellow father with 2 little girls, this really hurts to read. Your wife is probably feeling an immense amount of self blame and guilt. Just make sure you're there for her right now, as I'm sure you are and that goes without saying.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't imagine what you're going through right now. Will have your family in my thoughts and will be hoping for the best.


Oct 25, 2017
when i was a kid my brother (who was maybe 2 or 3 at the time) fell out of his stroller and hit his head on a tiled floor. he ended up having a stroke and had to re-learn how to walk. he had to wear a helmet for a while.

he's now 18 and has no issues due to it. thankfully everything turned out ok .

hoping for a similar scenario for you, and that your daughter makes a full recovery.


Oct 25, 2017
Good news is kids can bounce back from shit like this more easily than adults. Glad you got a good prognosis.


Oct 25, 2017
Update they let us go home.

Said the blood wasn't super deep, and it should resolve on it's own. She had an eeg done, and that looked normal. She'll be on seizure meds for a long while.

Going to see our pediatrician today. She was supposed to get her 2 month vaccines, but the general surgeon we saw told us to wait a week. We go back to see the ER trauma doc in 2 weeks. We go back to see the neurologist in 6 weeks.

Neurosurgeon said we dont have to see them unless it gets worse and she needs surgery. The general surgeon who is also chief top dog of the children's hospital here was the one that OK'd us to leave. He said we don't need to follow up with him since we are seeing the neurologist.

I also asked him all the questions, and he tried to assure me there would be no long term damage. He also said treat her like normal, and she can do physical activities when shes older with no worries ie she could play soccer and head the ball.

Still giving her peds tylenol for the next couple of weeks to make sure she doesn't fever spike while the blood level goes down in the brain. Plus fever can increase the likely hood of a seizure. We are to come back if she worsens, runs a long term fever, or God forbid has another seizure.

Thanks Era for all the good vibes. Abby and my whole family really appreciates it.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Update they let us go home.

Said the blood wasn't super deep, and it should resolve on it's own. She had an eeg done, and that looked normal. She'll be on seizure meds for a long while.

Going to see our pediatrician today. She was supposed to get her 2 month vaccines, but the general surgeon we saw told us to wait a week. We go back to see the ER trauma doc in 2 weeks. We go back to see the neurologist in 6 weeks.

Neurosurgeon said we dont have to see them unless it gets worse and she needs surgery. The general surgeon who is also chief top dog of the children's hospital here was the one that OK'd us to leave. He said we don't need to follow up with him since we are seeing the neurologist.

I also asked him all the questions, and he tried to assure me there would be no long term damage. He also said treat her like normal, and she can do physical activities when shes older with no worries ie she could play soccer and head the ball.

Still giving her peds tylenol for the next couple of weeks to make sure she doesn't fever spike while the blood level goes down in the brain. Plus fever can increase the likely hood of a seizure. We are to come back if she worsens, runs a long term fever, or God forbid has another seizure.

Thanks Era for all the good vibes. Abby and my whole family really appreciates it.
Hooray :)

Papa Satanás

Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for updating, OP. Hugging my kiddos lately has reminded me of your little one. Really hoping for smooth sailing here on.


Oct 25, 2017
As the father of a 19 month old this is a terrifying story OP, but thank you for sharing. I had to stop halfway through reading it to compose myself. Great to hear the diagnosis is positive too! Sending healing vibes your way.


Oct 25, 2017
Thoughts are definitely with you and your family. Hoping for the best and glad to hear that no surgery was required.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, that's just fucking awful. I really hope things continue to go upwards for you guys.

It's been a while since I've had an infant, so apologies for my ignorance. Is she too young for ibuprofen? I know with my 2 and 4 year olds, tylenol doesn't do shit for fevers, only ibuprofen brings them down.