Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
This thread is a follow up to my thread I made a month ago.
Had a haircut, realized this was it, I'm going bald, shaved it in less than 24 hours.

Now, a month later, after I've had the chance to get used to it (For the first week I'd get a shock every time I walked past my reflection), I totally love the look way more than any hair style I've ever had.
No fucking dandruff.
No bad hair days.
I feel so much cleaner and neater.

Yo, fuck hair.

My female friend told me my look gives off Lex Luthor from Smallville vibes. I haven't seen Smallville, but she tells me it was a complement.
Frankly I'm not sure why, beyond the lack of hair my facial structure looks completely different to Michael Rosenbaum.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Good for you mate, some of the bald anxiety I see is laughable. That panic is worse than actually being bald.


Oct 25, 2017
Denver, CO
So wait, you have the ability to grow a nice, good looking head of hair, and you're just shaving it all off by choice?

I hate you.

Edit: read the original thread, as someone who crested in my very early 20s, I sympathize. Man I miss hair some days though.
Nov 2, 2017
Birmingham, AL
Been balding for a few years now(I am 28 now, started when I was 20)), and I fucking hate it. The up keep is worse than it ever was when I had hair. Always having to shave my head weekly, or else look I look ridiculous.


Oct 29, 2017
Good for you mate, some of the bald anxiety I see is laughable. That panic is worse than actually being bald.


Feb 20, 2019
I have long hair (my hair grows naturally stupid fast, like if I wanted to keep it short I would need to get it trimmed multiple times a month) and every time I go to the hairdresser I'm always tempted to just say "Please dear god shave it all off". It's so much trouble and upkeep, it gets matted and knotty if I don't brush it a million times a day and it's always falling out everywhere to the point where I bought a pet vacuum cleaner to deal with all the hair on my floor. The only thing stopping me is I have a baby face and have trouble growing a decent beard, so I'm hesitant that it will look stupid.

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
I have long hair (my hair grows naturally stupid fast, like if I wanted to keep it short I would need to get it trimmed multiple times a month) and every time I go to the hairdresser I'm always tempted to just say "Please dear god shave it all off". It's so much trouble and upkeep, it gets matted and knotty if I don't brush it a million times a day and it's always falling out everywhere to the point where I bought a pet vacuum cleaner to deal with all the hair on my floor. The only thing stopping me is I have a baby face and have trouble growing a decent beard, so I'm hesitant that it will look stupid.
Be the long haired pretty boy that destiny demands you to be. Embrace it.
I always wanted to have hair like yours, but even before it started thinning the kind of hair I had wouldn't work long. It'd turn into an afro.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I cannot believe the kind of effort some people will go to to fight it.
What's get me is when people act like hair is your sex appeal, yeah it can feel awesome to have beautiful hair (and very few men actually do) but you can look cool and have an edge with a shaved head. There's different fashions and type of sex appeal.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not quite there yet myself. I just turned 30 and I have some thinning and receding but not enough where it's time to shave it. I've asked my barber repeatedly to let me know when it's time because I don't wanna be the guy who thinks he has great hair when it's clear it's not. I plan on cutting it shorter and shorter until it's eventually time. At the rate I'm going, maybe 40ish. But at that point maybe I'll just hang on to whatever is left to complete the dad look, I guess we'll see what state it's in at that point.

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017
I'm bald but I still have scalp problems, not really dandruff but the underlying cause of dandruff, shit sucks. I HAVE to cut it every 3ish days or so because my hair grows super fast, and if I leave it longer it gets as itchy as a motherfucker. Theres a patch on my head thats basically crocodile skin at this point because of how tough it is lol, but you wouldnt be able to tell visually.

I still wish I had my hair from High School, but luckily I was blessed with good genes so my head shape is nice


Oct 25, 2017
There is definitely a real power and confidence that comes from embracing the bald.

To the point that I sometimes feel bad for the hairy people.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm black and bald and I love it. I remember as a kid I loved having a fade, loved the fro, loved having the check in my head, all that stuff was cool but being bald is just better because I don't have to deal with that maintenance. Spending money on haircuts, taking care of it, man I'll take my baldie any day of the week lol.

I'm just glad I started losing my hair early to where when I went bald it was easy to transition. Some people try to hold onto their hair or they make that transition at the workplace and it becomes a topic.

Just love yourself and you'll be good.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego-ish
Love the confidence, op. That said I'm glad I have a full-ass head of hair (didn't even get that 30s hair recession) because I have a big, lumpy head.


Powerhouse Protector / Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
My crown is thinning and I like my hair so I'm trying some medicinal shampoo, but I decided that's the maximum effort I'm putting into keeping my hair. If the shampoo doesn't help [it has good reviews and my dermatologist recommended it] I'm just gonna keep it bald from now on.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not bald but shave everything every two weeks with a 0.5 guard. I embraced it in 2016 and am never going back, it's fantastic.

I remember your photos from the previous thread and it was a big upgrade for you.


Oct 25, 2017
So wait, you have the ability to grow a nice, good looking head of hair, and you're just shaving it all off by choice?

I hate you.

Edit: read the original thread, as someone who crested in my very early 20s, I sympathize. Man I miss hair some days though.
I did the same shit, cut off all my hair, loved the look and never went back.


Oct 27, 2017
Solar Puffin Depends on the shape of your head, your baldness pattern, the condition of your scalp and your willingness to shave your entire head every day. You clearly lucked out on all fronts :)

I miss having a bald head in the spring and the summer. Feel refreshing man.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Congrats for bracing the bald OP. I think that would take me a while to accept if I were going through the same thing so major props.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I shave my head once a week. Pretty much it started back in high school. I usually went to a barber, but my father got new clippers, so he tried to do mine. It turned out horrible, like bowl cut horrible. There wasn't enough time to go to an actual barber before school, so my mother just shaved it all off. It turned out I have a decently shaped head and I look good, so I stuck with it ever since.


Oct 26, 2017
It's not great when your head is the size of Texas and your face makes you look like a chubby teenager. That's not great at all.


Jul 27, 2019
I'm 30 and it's not even thinning out, but it's certainly surrendering more and more to grey every year (and my hair color is very dark so it's very noticeable). But I'd much rather have a whole head of solid grey than go bald.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm bald and embrassing it, though I still kinda miss the long, curly metal hair that I rocked in my teens sometimes. That stuff was good headbanging material, but it's all a page turned unless I go crazy and decide to invest tens of thousands of bucks, which I won't.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Props for embracing the baldness. So many men cling desperately to a cure, only there isn't one. It's sad to see sometimes. And honestly, I can kinda see the convenience of a hairless head.

The universe decided you to be bald. Deal with it. Be the Captain Picard you always wanted to be.


Oct 25, 2017
I miss my lion mane. While it's thinning, and I've adjusted my haircuts so that it still looks... acceptable. I don't know if I could ever shave it all off.

To quote the great Justin Hawkins:

It would appear that male pattern
Baldness has set in
His hair, at an alarming pace
Running away from his face
He's losing his virility
And now his masculinity
Has been compromised
And his libido down-sized

Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh
Not for me, not for me, heaven forbid
It's not for me you understand

Bald, slap headed and hairless
Bald he is destined to be
Bald, well tonight thank God it's him instead of me.

From what I have been reading
His scalp needs kneading
To stimulate each follicle
And reverse this diabolical
Condition that's afflicted he
For years and has cruelly
Repulsed each potential mate
And left him with a balding pate

Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh
Not for me, not for me, heaven forbid
It's not for me you understand

Bald, slap headed and hairless
Bald he is destined to be
Bald, well tonight thank God it's him instead of me.



Jan 4, 2018
I dunno op, having curly hair is pretty great. Everybody literally wants it for their children, it's like a natural aphrodisiac.


Oct 25, 2017
Hell yeah man! For the last few years I looked like a young Captain Picard, but this year I finally decided to shave it all off.

I think it was someone in your original thread who recommended an OmniShaver, so I bought that and used it a couple of times already. I love that super smooth feeling after shaving soooo much :)