Deleted member 431

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Oct 25, 2017
BERLIN — Rental prices on more than 1.5 million Berlin apartments will be frozen or lowered for five years as a result of new legislation aimed at halting a recent spike in rents that is driving out older and lower-income residents.

The measure, which lawmakers approved on Thursday and which is to take effect next month, is an attempt by Berlin's leftist government to slow the gentrification of a city that built a reputation on a creative scene but is being squeezed by real estate investors and infrastructure projects.

"We have created an instrument that will stop the partially absurd price developments for the next five years," Katrin Lompscher, Berlin's senator for city development and living, said at a news conference on Friday. "It is up to politicians to create the basic conditions for lower- and middle-class earners to be able to afford to live in Berlin."

Renting is more common in Germany than homeownership, with more than half of the country's residents renting their homes. In Berlin, a city of three million people, only 18 percent of residents own their homes.

More here:

Bring something like this to Toronto, please


Oct 25, 2017

that's awesome


Feb 17, 2019
Ach Berlin. Was ist Berlin? Berlin ist die Stadt für die man sich als Deutscher auf internationaler Bühne schämen muss. Wenn man Berlin mit anderen europäischen Hauptstädten wie London, Paris, Madrid und Amsterdam vergleicht, treibt es jedem anständigen Menschen die Schamesröte ins Gesicht. Selbst kleine Länder wie Österreich, Belgien oder die Schweiz haben mit Wien, Brüssel und Zürich international vorzeigbare Städte mit hoher Lebensqualität. Deutschland ist gestraft mit Berlin, der Hauptstadt der Versager.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
Weird as it may seem but this is fucking me over big time. Because landlords are picky as all fuck with this coming up.

Deleted member 39587

User requested account closure
Feb 6, 2018
Ach Berlin. Was ist Berlin? Berlin ist die Stadt für die man sich als Deutscher auf internationaler Bühne schämen muss. Wenn man Berlin mit anderen europäischen Hauptstädten wie London, Paris, Madrid und Amsterdam vergleicht, treibt es jedem anständigen Menschen die Schamesröte ins Gesicht. Selbst kleine Länder wie Österreich, Belgien oder die Schweiz haben mit Wien, Brüssel und Zürich international vorzeigbare Städte mit hoher Lebensqualität. Deutschland ist gestraft mit Berlin
ok boomer


Oct 28, 2017
Those sudden traffic jams must be a real issue, I suppose.

Awesome intent here. May useless real estate profiteers cry at their unhatched eggs.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
Ach Berlin. Was ist Berlin? Berlin ist die Stadt für die man sich als Deutscher auf internationaler Bühne schämen muss. Wenn man Berlin mit anderen europäischen Hauptstädten wie London, Paris, Madrid und Amsterdam vergleicht, treibt es jedem anständigen Menschen die Schamesröte ins Gesicht. Selbst kleine Länder wie Österreich, Belgien oder die Schweiz haben mit Wien, Brüssel und Zürich international vorzeigbare Städte mit hoher Lebensqualität. Deutschland ist gestraft mit Berlin, der Hauptstadt der Versager.

This reads like a Karl Lagerfeld quote. I wouldn't be surprised if it actually is one.


Oct 26, 2017
Where is the loophole?

So far, there doesn't seem to be one. Berlin is being governed by a coalition of center-left SPD, Greens and The Left, so they really seemed to try to put an end to this, no ifs and buts.

Obviously you have everyone from the other parties freaking the fuck out, with various lobby groups putting a lot of pressure on the issue, having recently started a huge marketing campaign plastering the city with posters claiming how this will destroy the city.


Oct 26, 2017
Ach Berlin. Was ist Berlin? Berlin ist die Stadt für die man sich als Deutscher auf internationaler Bühne schämen muss. Wenn man Berlin mit anderen europäischen Hauptstädten wie London, Paris, Madrid und Amsterdam vergleicht, treibt es jedem anständigen Menschen die Schamesröte ins Gesicht. Selbst kleine Länder wie Österreich, Belgien oder die Schweiz haben mit Wien, Brüssel und Zürich international vorzeigbare Städte mit hoher Lebensqualität. Deutschland ist gestraft mit Berlin, der Hauptstadt der Versager.

Ich stimme zu, aber so ist Berlin halt.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
So far, there doesn't seem to be one. Berlin is being governed by a coalition of center-left SPD, Greens and The Left, so they really seemed to try to put an end to this, no ifs and buts.

Obviously you have everyone from the other parties freaking the fuck out, with various lobby groups putting a lot of pressure on the issue, having recently started a huge marketing campaign plastering the city with posters claiming how this will destroy the city.

I don't know, people are worried that the loophole will be that this won't be enforced and I can vouch first hand that it has negative - albeit unintentionally so - consequences for people who are looking for a place to stay.


Oct 27, 2017
So far, there doesn't seem to be one. Berlin is being governed by a coalition of center-left SPD, Greens and The Left, so they really seemed to try to put an end to this, no ifs and buts.

Obviously you have everyone from the other parties freaking the fuck out, with various lobby groups putting a lot of pressure on the issue, having recently started a huge marketing campaign plastering the city with posters claiming how this will destroy the city.
Landlords will just raise the rents after 5 years, right?


Oct 27, 2017
that's great now you just have to build more housing
rent control only helps the people who have a place to rent


Oct 25, 2017
I would hope this is just one way in a larger plan they have to combat housing affordability. There's no one panacea, of course.
Yes there is: build more housing. Public, private, doesn't matter. Just build more housing. If government funded, then there should be almost no restrictions on who gets them either at the base level. No job requirements, no 'look for work' or schooling requirements, no drug tests, etc.
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Oct 26, 2017
Ach Berlin. Was ist Berlin? Berlin ist die Stadt für die man sich als Deutscher auf internationaler Bühne schämen muss. Wenn man Berlin mit anderen europäischen Hauptstädten wie London, Paris, Madrid und Amsterdam vergleicht, treibt es jedem anständigen Menschen die Schamesröte ins Gesicht. Selbst kleine Länder wie Österreich, Belgien oder die Schweiz haben mit Wien, Brüssel und Zürich international vorzeigbare Städte mit hoher Lebensqualität. Deutschland ist gestraft mit Berlin, der Hauptstadt der Versager.
I like Berlin, but what do I know. I visited it only once for half a week.

Anyway, München should definitely be next. I really would love living there, but not with those rent prices lol


Oct 25, 2017

Rent control is a highly contested measure and all the "poor landlord" takes in here are juvenile and short-sighted as fuck. You guys should stop browing chapo. If anything, the consensus is that it doesn't work as intended.
It helps those that are already citizens of that particular area yes. What ends up happening is that the city either stagnates either via its housing stock or the residents opting to stay there as long as they want because they can't afford moving, severely limiting their mobility.
Oct 25, 2017
It's funny, as a millennial tech worker/carpet bagger I've benefited from rent control in every city I've lived in.

You just need to look a little longer to find the deals, or pay a broker fee.

Probably not the intended purpose, but I appreciate the wealth transfer!


Prominent Member
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
There is a good Vice video explaining secretive firms outside the country are purchasing all these buildings and price hiking the shit out of it. Not only in Berlin but elsewhere around the world.
Dec 2, 2017
Ach Berlin. Was ist Berlin? Berlin ist die Stadt für die man sich als Deutscher auf internationaler Bühne schämen muss. Wenn man Berlin mit anderen europäischen Hauptstädten wie London, Paris, Madrid und Amsterdam vergleicht, treibt es jedem anständigen Menschen die Schamesröte ins Gesicht. Selbst kleine Länder wie Österreich, Belgien oder die Schweiz haben mit Wien, Brüssel und Zürich international vorzeigbare Städte mit hoher Lebensqualität. Deutschland ist gestraft mit Berlin, der Hauptstadt der Versager.

Berlin beheimatet mit Abstand am meisten Arschlöcher in der gesamten Republik. Deutsche Bahn, Bundestag, Air Berlin (nicht mehr) und der Axel Springer Verlag sind nur einige Beispiele für den unfähigen Abschaum der hier beherbergt wird.

Glorreiche Zeit sind schon längst vorbei, diese Stadt liegt am Boden. Der Berliner an sich ist durch und durch ein fauler Lump. Charaktereigenschaften die in jedem zivilisierten Kulturkreis als pure Faulheit, Unfreundlichkeit, Unfähigkeit, dissoziale Persönlichkeitsstörung und Dummheit gelten, erklärt der Berliner kurzerhand zur Berliner Wesensart. Ein weiteres zentrales Merkmal ist der alles beherrschende Minderwertigkeitskomplex. Deswegen projiziert der Berliner auf jeden der in irgendeiner Weise besser ist als er, massive Hassgefühle. Besonders die ihm in allen Belangen haushoch überlegenen Süddeutschen sind ihm ein Dorn im Auge.

We'll see how this goes. There are already a bunch of landlords whining how this might ruin them. The government still needs to invest in building more affordable housing.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a good Vice video explaining secretive firms outside the country are purchasing all these buildings and price hiking the shit out of it. Not only in Berlin but elsewhere around the world.
That's because the housing stock in those high demand cities are so poor that they are able to speculate and do this. They are the only ones able to afford the high asking prices and therefore only the ones able to dictate the prices of rentals as well. It's a symptom of the problem , which is severely low housing stock.

You don't see them doing that in Detroit or low tier cities.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL

Rent control is a highly contested measure and all the "poor landlord" takes in here are juvenile and short-sighted as fuck. You guys should stop browing chapo. If anything, the consensus is that it doesn't work as intended.

The underlying issues there isn't the rent control but the rental markets reliance on private investors making huge profits.

Mad about us making fun of landlords, when most of the issues from rental market from your wikipedia source is landlords taking their ball home. Oh no they're not gonna be building more luxury condos I can't afford because the rate of return on your investment is too low :(.


Oct 28, 2017
I feel like pension funds and the like should be the landlords rather than individuals. Would make for a way fairer system.

Deleted member 431

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The underlying issues there isn't the rent control but the rental markets reliance on private investors making huge profits.

Mad about us making fun of landlords, when most of the issues from rental market from your wikipedia source is landlords taking their ball home. Oh no they're not gonna be building more luxury condos I can't afford because the rate of return on your investment is too low :(.
It is quite strange how we agree that free market healthcare and private healthcare companies are a disaster, but expect the private industry and real estate corporations to save us with housing.

Deleted member 4783

Oct 25, 2017
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Oct 25, 2017
The underlying issues there isn't the rent control but the rental markets reliance on private investors making huge profits.

Mad about us making fun of landlords, when most of the issues from rental market from your wikipedia source is landlords taking their ball home. Oh no they're not gonna be building more luxury condos I can't afford because the rate of return on your investment is too low :(.
The other side of this is that government regulations make it so that luxury condos are the only profitable segment of that market. Case In point is California and SF in particular.

Environmental laws are being used to full effect by many NIMBYs. It doesn't make sense to have lengthy environmental reviews on an asphalt parking law in the middle of a downtown core.


Oct 25, 2017
It is quite strange how we agree that free market healthcare and private healthcare companies are a disaster, but expect the private industry and real estate corporations to save us with housing.
They won't save us but the government can also help by not making it too hard to get anything built at all. In fact the government should start building more.