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Oct 28, 2017
Just ignore that these issues are pervasive within industries. You'll find a good job that treats you with respect eventually.


Oct 25, 2017
That's good, but when will America have its first GAMER president?

Has Bernie come out as a gamer yet?

For real tho, we need unions to come back everywhere.


Oct 25, 2017
Man page one was pretty good, but then I skip to page 5 and suddenly i see people arguing that unions will mean games will cost more and take longer... Just the saddest shit. God forbid we make working on dev studios better if it means i might have to week a little longer between CoD releases or w/e. Which btw, isn't even necessarily true.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd be a lot more willing to be a mercenary if I, idk, had a federally guaranteed right to health coverage for instance.
Dec 23, 2018
Capitalism is working so well that shareholders punish companies that think about their employees by actually allowing them to work sane hours without crunch. (Even though its even the financially correct thing to do, since burnout in the industry is so high that a lot of companies are suffering very noticeable effect of brain drain)

Dont fall for management that tells you that "We dont need unions because we are the good ones" while their shareholders grow fatter and the company sheds employees to keep margins. Demand more because you are worth more, make them realize that without your backbones they wouldn't be living in such lofty heights


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
That's good, but when will America have its first GAMER president?

Has Bernie come out as a gamer yet?


Dec 10, 2017
The problem with a lot of people like you is that everything is impossible, yet still complain about the problems or would rather maintain the status quo.

How come this only matters to his base? This is a much needed change, no matter who has proposed it.

Oh, I see. You're just here on an agenda and don't care remotely about those been discussed that are affected.

No, he released his plans for the free college and healthcare. They made 0 financial sense and were impossible. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Bernie can't do math. Not to mention his plans for getting things through a divided congress involved college students protesting loudly at the capitol, which already happens to no effect.

What large group of people cares enough about games companies that they would vote based on their feelings for them? Could it be the same demographic as his main supporters: college-aged individuals that always fail to show up when it's time to vote?

Bernie's a bad candidate with bad plans, and a very poor history. It's not an agenda to say that, and furthermore, the Government should not be in a position to enforce companies to have Unions, so I'm really not sure why he felt the need to chime in other than to get a bunch of gamers on his side. And look! it worked.
Dec 25, 2018
working for gaming companies has always been shitty, the people are just so passionate for it. cool to see they're trying to make it better. I could never do game design, the "senior" employees make way more than other workers. It's sad.


Oct 25, 2017
No, he released his plans for the free college and healthcare. They made 0 financial sense and were impossible. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Bernie can't do math. Not to mention his plans for getting things through a divided congress involved college students protesting loudly at the capitol, which already happens to no effect.

What large group of people cares enough about games companies that they would vote based on their feelings for them? Could it be the same demographic as his main supporters: college-aged individuals that always fail to show up when it's time to vote?

Bernie's a bad candidate with bad plans, and a very poor history. It's not an agenda to say that, and furthermore, the Government should not be in a position to enforce companies to have Unions, so I'm really not sure why he felt the need to chime in other than to get a bunch of gamers on his side. And look! it worked.

I mean...the unionization of the game industry is a relevant topic given the increasing amount of articles about the poor work conditions in the gaming industry. Of course it's meant to take advantage of a topic that's currently being discussed among that community. And furthermore, of course I'd rather have business put fair labor laws in by themselves but they aren't and I'm not waiting for them to suddenly change their mind.


Oct 25, 2017
No, he released his plans for the free college and healthcare. They made 0 financial sense and were impossible. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Bernie can't do math. Not to mention his plans for getting things through a divided congress involved college students protesting loudly at the capitol, which already happens to no effect.

What large group of people cares enough about games companies that they would vote based on their feelings for them? Could it be the same demographic as his main supporters: college-aged individuals that always fail to show up when it's time to vote?

Bernie's a bad candidate with bad plans, and a very poor history. It's not an agenda to say that, and furthermore, the Government should not be in a position to enforce companies to have Unions, so I'm really not sure why he felt the need to chime in other than to get a bunch of gamers on his side. And look! it worked.
Dude he's literally just making a fucking statement in solidarity, not everything is this vague dark SOCIALIST conspiracy. He's chiming in because literally his entire history as a human being has been demanding equitable labor rights and that his position of power can help influence people to make a decision.


Nov 10, 2017
No, he released his plans for the free college and healthcare. They made 0 financial sense and were impossible. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Bernie can't do math. Not to mention his plans for getting things through a divided congress involved college students protesting loudly at the capitol, which already happens to no effect.

What large group of people cares enough about games companies that they would vote based on their feelings for them? Could it be the same demographic as his main supporters: college-aged individuals that always fail to show up when it's time to vote?

Bernie's a bad candidate with bad plans, and a very poor history. It's not an agenda to say that, and furthermore, the Government should not be in a position to enforce companies to have Unions, so I'm really not sure why he felt the need to chime in other than to get a bunch of gamers on his side. And look! it worked.

This is... passionate.

The liberal obsession with plans, exemplified most strongly in the Warren campaign completely ignores the decisive aspect of *power*.

To take the common example of a government-run, universal healthcare program: you're really getting ahead of yourself if you think the hard part is making the "math" work. The hard part is not "how are you gonna pay for it" or the details of what kind of prescriptions will be covered and so on. The hard part is how the hell you're going to overcome the combined political power of the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, the AMA, and the leadership of both political parties. Only Sanders is talking about this because he has an analysis of class power. And even his is inadequate to the task.

When it comes to massive reforms that threaten the wealth of billionaires, no whitepaper is going to make a shred of difference. In practice it's just a diversion to make sure the reform doesn't happen. So good luck with your math problems, friend.
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Oct 25, 2017
Laurel, MD
No, he released his plans for the free college and healthcare. They made 0 financial sense and were impossible. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Bernie can't do math. Not to mention his plans for getting things through a divided congress involved college students protesting loudly at the capitol, which already happens to no effect.

What large group of people cares enough about games companies that they would vote based on their feelings for them? Could it be the same demographic as his main supporters: college-aged individuals that always fail to show up when it's time to vote?

Bernie's a bad candidate with bad plans, and a very poor history. It's not an agenda to say that, and furthermore, the Government should not be in a position to enforce companies to have Unions, so I'm really not sure why he felt the need to chime in other than to get a bunch of gamers on his side. And look! it worked.
In what specific ways were his plans for public college and socialized healthcare impossible? Do you believe it is impossible to come up with plans for these things? If not, do you think it's something the federal government should do?

What makes you think a United States Senator cannot "do math"?


Oct 25, 2017
No, he released his plans for the free college and healthcare. They made 0 financial sense and were impossible. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Bernie can't do math. Not to mention his plans for getting things through a divided congress involved college students protesting loudly at the capitol, which already happens to no effect.

What large group of people cares enough about games companies that they would vote based on their feelings for them? Could it be the same demographic as his main supporters: college-aged individuals that always fail to show up when it's time to vote?

Bernie's a bad candidate with bad plans, and a very poor history. It's not an agenda to say that, and furthermore, the Government should not be in a position to enforce companies to have Unions, so I'm really not sure why he felt the need to chime in other than to get a bunch of gamers on his side. And look! it worked.
"LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE" I shout living in the richest country on the planet as every other western country (and quite a few poorer third world ones) on the planet already has some variation of these two things." I HAVE A VERY LARGE BRAIN." I continue for emphasis.
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Dec 10, 2017
Sorry but I have to ask: are you saying that free college and healthcare are "literally impossible", or just Bernie's specific plans?

Bernie's specific Plans. I believe the plans Warren has released have been more reasonable, though I would prefer instead of reusing the tax cuts put in by the GOP that instead they be 100% rolled back.


Oct 25, 2017
That's good, but when will America have its first GAMER president?

Has Bernie come out as a gamer yet?

For real tho, we need unions to come back everywhere.

E3 2019 - Keanu is breathtaking
E3 2020 - Bernie goes on stage during Ubisoft's conference and comes out as a gamer during the Just Dance session
E3 2021 - Just Dance Welfare gets released


Dec 10, 2017
"LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE" I shout living in the richest country on the planet as every other western country (and quite a few poorer third world ones) on the planet already has some variation of these two things." I HAVE A VERY LARGE BRAIN." I continue for emphasis.

Bernie released his plans. You can go get them. Fine, not literally, but laughable, especially with the divided congress that he would have had if had won. As I said, the USA can absolutely give everyone free college, healthcare, etc., but Bernie's plans were nonsense.

Honestly, I doubt the size of your brain if you read my post as something other than Bernie's plans not being workable.

Oh yeah, and he's still at it.


Oct 27, 2017
Good for him, much better than the alternative of Mister let's put tarrifs on everything while we continue to cut taxes and loopholes for all the rich folks.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie released his plans. You can go get them. Fine, not literally, but laughable, especially with the divided congress that he would have had if had won. As I said, the USA can absolutely give everyone free college, healthcare, etc., but Bernie's plans were nonsense.

Honestly, I doubt the size of your brain if you read my post as something other than Bernie's plans not being workable.

Oh yeah, and he's still at it.
Ah yes, the reputable outlet "committee for a responsible federal budget".

We can literally just choose what to do and what not to do, the budget and ability to collect on debt is totally arbitrary. Nothing is "impossible". Just say "I don't want anything resembling Socialism".


Dec 10, 2017
In what specific ways were his plans for public college and socialized healthcare impossible? Do you believe it is impossible to come up with plans for these things? If not, do you think it's something the federal government should do?

What makes you think a United States Senator cannot "do math"?

I don't understand how reading me not liking Bernie equates to me thinking that it's impossible to do. While I went too far with my depiction of literally impossible, the links I just posted show completely unworkable numbers for his plans. I do not believe it's impossible to come up with plans. I do believe the Government has a Constitutional responsibility for socialised healthcare under "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness".

He had no ideas how to get any of his ideas through congress without having students protest loudly. His numbers for how much his plans would cost were consistently and grossly undervalued. And of course, staying in the primary race for months after he had no chance of winning.

Looking at the makeup of politicians currently, is it really so hard to believe that some of them are either bad at math, or don't care when it's wrong expecting nobody to call them out on it?


Oct 26, 2017
As someone working in the game industry, it's about time. Your games are not made out of the sweat and tears of higher ups, let me tell you that.


Dec 10, 2017
Ah yes, the reputable outlet "committee for a responsible federal budget".

We can literally just choose what to do and what not to do, the budget and ability to collect on debt is totally arbitrary. Nothing is "impossible". Just say "I don't want anything resembling Socialism".

I don't want anything resembling Bernie Sanders' Socialism, because I do not believe it is remotely fiscally responsible. We can choose what to do and what not to do, true. And then inflation and recession will come along and kick our asses for even thinking about it.

These things have to be done with great care and planning. Sanders plans, at least to me, smell strongly of promising everything that his base wants with no comprehension of how we can actually do them without running the economy off a ledge, and no intention of actually doing them.

I'm sorry my sources don't meet with your standards. Here's some more. If you would like to provide some that disprove anything that's said, feel free.

I do like this quote.
Alluding to one progressive analyst's criticism of the Sanders agenda as "puppies and rainbows," Mr. Goolsbee said that after his and others' further study, "they've evolved into magic flying puppies with winning Lotto tickets tied to their collars."


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, that's cool and all but unionization is up to the devs. I've never been one to push for game industry unionization or particularly care when I hear about crunch. Developers are adults and can decide for themselves whether they want unionize or whether they want to trade normal working hours for more pay.

It's simply not my fight, it's theirs.


Dec 10, 2017
You say this as if only Bernie would have this problem.

You're right, but that's just the cherry on top of it. At that point in time it at least was believable that some Republicans weren't so far gone that a reasonable suggestion would be entertained. As described, I'm not sure if they would have gotten enough Democrat support to get that far.


Nov 6, 2017
Be nice if Sanders talked about the historically high levels of discrimination by unions, as well as internal corruption, and included plans for regulations and reforms in that area in addition to promoting them as an unambiguously good thing.

I support workers unionizing but Sanders' stance on them is one of many half measures and a symptom of his ignorance regarding civil rights issues.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, that's cool and all but unionization is up to the devs. I've never been one to push for game industry unionization or particularly care when I hear about crunch. Developers are adults and can decide for themselves whether they want unionize or whether they want to trade normal working hours for more pay.

It's simply not my fight, it's theirs.
Probably doesn't hurt to have a senator, or future president, on your side.

@N Tyranno Also the union participation rate in the u.s. is pitiful. We have enough politicians that criticize unions and discourage collective bargaining rights; we don't need another one. Not sure what you think Bernie would accomplish by criticizing union politics.


Dec 10, 2017
I mean, that's cool and all but unionization is up to the devs. I've never been one to push for game industry unionization or particularly care when I hear about crunch. Developers are adults and can decide for themselves whether they want unionize or whether they want to trade normal working hours for more pay.

It's simply not my fight, it's theirs.

I agree, with the caveat that Developers may be concerned that once they unionize, they'll be fired. Which is a valid concern and should be taken into account as to why no serious unionization has taken place so far in the industry. But the alternative is a Government saying that unions must be allowed which is also a no go.

If Bernie wanted to say something that would show he thought about this farther than "Oh, the kids like video games! They'll like this.", he'd say how we need to do a overhaul of laws addressing workers rights without the need for unionization. Maybe he will at some point, but while the Gamers need Unions idea is admirable, my fear is that this industry is too entrenched and too attractive to those that just want to work in the industry no matter the cost that Unions will never happen on any large scale, to say nothing about the sheer number of non-US based companies that would just laugh and laugh.


Oct 27, 2017
Am I crazy or wouldn't it make way more fucking sense for a presidential candidate to be pushing for improved labor laws instead?

Unions are a bandaid that doesn't always work out how you think it will and aren't a silver bullet.


Oct 25, 2017
Am I crazy or wouldn't it make way more fucking sense for a presidential candidate to be pushing for improved labor laws instead?

Unions are a bandaid that doesn't always work out how you think it will and aren't a silver bullet.
He's doing both. It's really remarkable how you can advocate for unionization and labor friendly policies.


Dec 10, 2017
This is... passionate.

The liberal obsession with plans, exemplified most strongly in the Warren campaign completely ignores the decisive aspect of *power*.

To take the common example of a government-run, universal healthcare program: you're really getting ahead of yourself if you think the hard part is making the "math" work. The hard part is not "how are you gonna pay for it" or the details of what kind of prescriptions will be covered and so on. The hard part is how the hell you're going to overcome the combined political power of the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, the AMA, and the leadership of both political parties. Only Sanders is talking about this because he has an analysis of class power. And even his is inadequate to the task.

When it comes to massive reforms that threaten the wealth of billionaires, no whitepaper is going to make a shred of difference. In practice it's just a diversion to make sure the reform doesn't happen. So good luck with your math problems, friend.

I'm not saying he needed to have the minutiae worked out as to which drug is covered and so forth, but when the initial response from every economist that looks at it is to point out that its off by cost by at least half, it was easy enough for me at least to discount is plans entirely, and nothing he did from then on changed my mind.

Hopes and dreams and thoughts and prayers aren't going to get reform done either. It needs sustained and constant support from voters actually voting for whoever has the D next to their name (I would have voted for Sanders if he was the nominee, just as I would this time) in all elections, and solid and workable plans by those voted in that aren't going to kill the economy we have. Unfortunately I don't have faith that anything will get done even if a Progressive Democrat wins since the first 2 years will be taken up by undoing everything that will have been done in the last 4 years, and then it's election time again! And midterms! OH BOY

Anyway, I apologize for taking this off topic by stating why I don't like Bernie, immediately following a few posts that can be summed up by "I love him SO MUCH!" with nothing more of note to add. Let's do this again next year.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't want anything resembling Bernie Sanders' Socialism, because I do not believe it is remotely fiscally responsible. We can choose what to do and what not to do, true. And then inflation and recession will come along and kick our asses for even thinking about it.

These things have to be done with great care and planning. Sanders plans, at least to me, smell strongly of promising everything that his base wants with no comprehension of how we can actually do them without running the economy off a ledge, and no intention of actually doing them.

I'm sorry my sources don't meet with your standards. Here's some more. If you would like to provide some that disprove anything that's said, feel free.

I do like this quote.
That quote is idiotic and insulting. "Lol fuck all the dead poor people", it's the same shit as that stupid quote from Clinton's book about how Sanders "promised America a pony" when he was campaigning for health rights. It's an absurd reduction of the point. No shit you can't find people that say that it wouldn't "kill the economy" to fund these services. Sanders is running to completely restructure how we perceive the economy in the first place.

The piece in Time about Sanders policy is literally nothing about how it would hurt people except for the GOP dark money funded "Tax Foundation" institute. The point is that there needs to be a structural reformatting of the economy, how it works, who benefits and why, what net needs are met and for what reason. Arguing about fiscal responsibility or the attainability of these things fundamentally misses the point. Inflation will come regardless, the market will lash out against these things regardless, because what needs to happen goes AGAINST the market and the traditional structures of power. And we either face the issues or we don't. We either deal with it and completely alter society or we just try and tweak a few things and hope that you're the one that gets to ride on the big boat when we're all underwater.

And "socialism that isn't fiscally responsible" is a total oxymoron. You can't have "fiscally responsible" socialism, because Socialism is literally the workers controlling the means and a society within which people have their basic needs met with no strings or variables attached.
I agree, with the caveat that Developers may be concerned that once they unionize, they'll be fired. Which is a valid concern and should be taken into account as to why no serious unionization has taken place so far in the industry. But the alternative is a Government saying that unions must be allowed which is also a no go.

If Bernie wanted to say something that would show he thought about this farther than "Oh, the kids like video games! They'll like this.", he'd say how we need to do a overhaul of laws addressing workers rights without the need for unionization. Maybe he will at some point, but while the Gamers need Unions idea is admirable, my fear is that this industry is too entrenched and too attractive to those that just want to work in the industry no matter the cost that Unions will never happen on any large scale, to say nothing about the sheer number of non-US based companies that would just laugh and laugh.
He talks about policy solutions to labor issues literally every single day. Stop assuming this is some stupid cynical ploy to get some fucking brownie points. He was at a Walmart corporate meeting LAST WEEK demanding better treatment of their workers and proposing legislative solutions to exploitative behavior.

Ahold is a Dutch Grocery company and yet magically, Stop and Shop has a union in the US. Your bargaining power as a collective is not diminished just because the parent company is "overseas". The worker still has the ultimate power.

2016 is over. Hillary Lost.