
Oct 28, 2017
FFVI: Vector
FFVIII: Deling, Esthar
FFIX: Lindblum, Burmecia, Cleyra
FFXII: Rabanastre

These are iconic to me.

Maybe Narshe and Balamb are iconic enough in general, mostly for being the first area in their games. Nothing close to Midgar tho.


Oct 28, 2017
I've beaten every none MMO FF game and off the top of my head I remember: Midgar, the entirety of FF8 (gardens, Fisherman's Horizon, Dollet, Deling, Esthar, Missile Base..etc) and Rabanastre. Oh and that weird thief town from FF6. I realize these are not exactly iconic and my answer is not a good one, but for what it's worth that's what I remember.


Oct 27, 2017
From VII you have Midgar, Nibelheim and Golden Saucer as the most iconic imo.

Balamb Garden in FFVIII is pretty great.

Lindblum and Alexandria in IX.

Zanarkand in X.

Rabanastre in XII but mostly Ivalice is the most recognizable name.

I'd say Figaro and the Opera are the most iconic of VI.


Jun 19, 2019
Mutha fuckin' Lindblum castle yo


Apr 21, 2018
Mysidia is definitely one of the most influential towns. It is one of the few towns to appear in multiple of the early Final Fantasy games; it is a notable location in both II and IV. More than that, it is referenced in a few other Final Fantasy games via the Mysidian Rabbit, the rabbit dressed as a Black Mage that appears for messing up Slots or Ninjutsu in vatious games. Mysidia is *the* classic town of wizards.

The Great Library from FFV is also a pretty memorable town/dungeon combo. Its book monsters serve as a basis for a secret boss in IX, the library inspired a dungeon in XIV, and it appears as a town in World of Final Fantasy. What isn't to love about an enormous library?

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
We hit the peak with Alexandria and Lindblum for living, breathing cities and haven't come back since.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
-Balamb City
-Besaid Island
-Deling City
-South Figaro


Oct 27, 2017
Treno is the first city I think of for FFIX but Lindblum was also pretty important.

Jeuno in FFXI might be my favourite. Mostly because of the journey involved to get there.


Oct 27, 2017
Balamb Garden is pretty perfect. Would love to see that recreated.

Jeuno is a good one too. Spent SO many hours in front of the auction house there.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Nov 13, 2017
Outside of Midgar, I would say the following settlements are the most memorable to me:

Narshe and Vector from VI
Nibelheim and Cosmo Canyon from VII
Balamb Garden from VIII
Lindblum, Alexandria, Black Mage Village, and Bran Bal from IX
Besaid Island from X
Rabanastre and Bhujerba from XII
The Crystarium and Amaurot from XIV

Most of these locations are especially memorable to me because of their stellar music. IX probably has the best settlements overall, but XII's Rabanastre is my favorite. I haven't played XI yet unfortunately. At the moment I can't really think of anything from I-V. Does Matoya's Cave from I count? It is inhabited by one person and some magically animated brooms.
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Oct 25, 2017
Sign my up for Lindblum, but if it counts I also love the entire idea of the Black Mage Village. It's visually and conceptually striking.


I love how the houses are Black Mage head shaped. It's so amazing.

A village of entities that live for barely a year coming together to find community and try to make the most of whatever life they have with them. A refuge for people created as tools of war who want to live peacefully... It's one of the most tragic things in the entire franchise.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
The Village of Dali from Final Fantasy IX is basically the game's entire thesis in one location, just as Midgar is for FFVII, with fantastic music to boot

It introduces you to the black mage stuff, develops on the character dynamics, shows how duplicitous even the most peaceful people can be once money is involved, and it's Garnet's first true attempt at blending in. They pack in so much.

Lucas M. Thomas

Editor-in-Chief of Nintendo Force Magazine
Oct 30, 2017
Figaro Castle transforming and descending into the sand. Perhaps some beautiful potential future has Square Enix following up the FFVII remake with a new take on VI that would render that scene in glorious realistic 3D. (Also suplexing the Phantom Train in such a style needs to be a thing.)


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Echoing Ishgard with how the whole of Heavensward was centered around it. Incredible theme too, as posted above.


Jun 8, 2018
Saronia is a classic one. It was the first FF town to feature a complete story arc within the city itself. More than that, it really was a blueprint for many later major FF locales.

Dragoons? check
Internal strife? check
Broken up into several explorable districts? check
Odin in the basement? check
New airship? check
Can visit in WoFF? check

Baron, Midgar, Ishgard, and more all take a lot of inspiration from it.


One Winged Slayer
My immediate thought was Zanarkand from FFX. It drives the whole plot. The game "begins" there (in medias res). There are two versions of it, and the Big Reveal heavily involves it. The iconic piano piece is named after it. The big turning point in the plot happens there after a momentous boss battle. Et cetera.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
I agree with everyone who said it — Rabanastre is my favorite in the series. Nothing's going to be as "iconic" as Midgard because no other game has the same status as FF7, but on a personal level Rabanastre's my pick.


Oct 25, 2017
It likely doesn't quite stack up to Midgar in recognition but Rabanastre is that place for me at least.

The way it's set up and presented is really great at capturing the idea that it's very important politically, economically, and socially to FFXII's setting. The cool thing is the size, population, and diversity of the city alone do a lot of the work there if you pay a little attention, its role in the story is just added on top of all that.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I'd go so far to say most of the iconic locations are from VII actually. Nibelhiem, Golden Saucer and Cosmo Canyon especially.
But other than that?
Lindblum, Balamb Garden, Zanarkand (because of the song?)Ul'dah, Besaid. Most starting locations I guess.
Those are the ones that jump into my mind immediately.

Shout out to Black Mage Village too!


Nov 30, 2018
I'd take it a step further and say not just Midgar, but sections of Midgar are more iconic than most of these. Wall Market alone is legendary, even more so now after Remake. Perhaps Sector 7 as well, even though that's mostly because it's known for having the plate dropped on it.

So it's impossible to compete with Midgar when even the city's individual towns are iconic.

That said in the spirit of the thread I'll mention Narshe, obviously not as iconic but since FFVI is my second favorite FF after VII I have to say that the town is not great because of its happenings, but because of it's role in the story. There's really no central town in FFVI, but Narshe is where everything begins. You return back to it at a key moment in the story in the World of Balance, and if you visit in the World of Ruin you'll have almost a completely different experience with the town, in addition to getting some of the best gear/magicite in the game.

Due to the "World of Balance/World of Ruin" gimmick, certain towns in FFVI become fun to visit again because they offer something completely different than before.


Nov 2, 2017
Nothing comes close to Midgar and most of the answers given fit more as "a settlement I personally like" rather then something that's close to Iconic. Which is fine also.

People mention Altissia and Insomnia and how they would have been in a more put together game which is true, but tbh there probably gonna end up more well remembered then most other settlments in the series despite themselves. Mostly cause XV sold so damn well

Altissia for being the moment everyone talks about, Insomnia for being the focus of every Versus trailer for over a decade and thus lodging itself into the memory. Despite hardly being in the actual game till Royal Edition beefed it up massivly. (Also despite literally being just Fantasy Tokyo)

Actually, speaking towards the future, I don't think there is a single FFXIV player who will ever forget Amaurot. It's already legendary among the playerbase and I think it'll stay that way forever.


Oct 30, 2017
I feel like most of the answers on this thread are more just towns people like instead of being iconic towns.

Nothing reaches Midgar as far as being iconic, but I'd say the closest thing is Zanarkand in FFX. No matter how long ago you played FFX, you remember that area and it's godlike music. Anything else below it has a far gap as far as iconography IMO.


Oct 25, 2017
Troia from IV, if only for it's iconic theme

Rabanastre from XII is gorgeous and you constantly go back to it




Oct 25, 2017
FF6 Narshe is probably one that stands out most to me. That opening intro of the magitek walking towards the city, and the first multi-party battle put a lot of emphasis on it


Oct 25, 2017
Figaro Castle, Balamb Garden, Fisherman's Horizon, Alexandria, Lindblum, Rabanastre, Ishgard...

Zanarkand is an honorable mention. We see it briefly as it once was, but don't ever get to run around it; it's only the ruins of it that you can traverse.

Oh, and for me, Midgar is nowhere near my favourite. In fact, I don't care for it. I always rushed through the opening of VII back when I would replay it because my favourite parts of the game are anything OUTSIDE of Midgar. Balamb Garden for its tranquil atmosphere and how it's essentially your home for all of FFVIII, and Ishgard from FFXIV for how entwined the player character becomes within the city-state and its citizenry (not to mention the history that you can feel within Ishgard) are probably my top two. Rabanastre is up there, too. Okay, so that's three lol.
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Oct 28, 2017
Among "gamers overall"? None. Just Midgar. People who have not played FF7 often know the name of the city. No one will recognize Figaro Castle or any other location name from any Final Fantasy.