
Oct 25, 2017
Now that Infinity War and Thanos (basically the final boss for this era of the MCU) is coming, how do you rank the current villains in the MCU. You could rank them however you want, I'll just do my top 5.

1. Hela (Thor: Ragnorok): I think Hela was a very complete threat, she had this aura of pure superiority over the heroes. They had to resort to destroying Asgard just to defeat her. It was definitely the most damage a villain had caused in the MCU.

2. Killmonger (Black Panther): This was a villain who stole the movie from the hero. Base Killmonger was ahead of base T'Challa and absolutely destroyed him in that ritual fight. At the end of the movie he also had the best line of any villain in the MCU by far.


3. Winter Soldier (Captain America: The Winter Soldier): Just threatening throughout the entire movie. There was also a mystery around him and his motives, even if he was mind controlled. Considering his identity the final showdown had a lot of emotion in it.


4. Loki (The Avengers): Tricky and manipulative, for the first part of the movie Loki really played everybody and brought the greatest threat the Earth had to face up until that time. However he did become a joke towards the end of the movie, but Loki in the beginning was both fun and threatening.


5. Vulture (Spider Man: Homecoming) Vulture was an every guy who got angry at the system and did whatever he could in order to protect his way of life and family. During the prom scenes when Peter realizes who Vulture was really added a level of tension to the movie.


So how do you rank the MCU villains ahead of Infinity War?


Oct 25, 2017
1. Killmonger
2. Grant Ward
3. Kilgrave
4. Vulture
5. Loki

Honorable mention: AIDA


Oct 25, 2017
After watching Black Panther, Killmonger is probably my favorite villain in the movie-side of the MCU.

As for the TV/Netflix side of the MCU... Kingpin, Kilgrave, and AIDA (AoS Season 4) are absolutely my picks. Just... don't mention The Hand. They're just the worst.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Loki is the best, most memorable, a great arc in Thor 1 where we can see where he's coming from with Thor acting like meathead and some great comical moments later, like being smashed by the hulk and "I've been Falling For 30 Minutes" in Thor Ragnarok.

Kill monger was the second best, because you can understand his anger at times and it felt like a more real villain than most, I'm not sure about his long lasting appeal, I hope they find a way to integrate him in the second BP in some form.

The third best is Ego, who is just greatly despicable and Kurt Russell is pretty scary when he's twisting that Brandi song, but I don't like his CG look that much.

I don't know how to order the rest, but Hela and Vulture weren't bad.
Oct 26, 2017
1. Killmonger
2. Vulture
3. Loki
4. Ego
5. Hela

1. Killgrave
2. Kingpin
3. Cotton Mouth
4. Scott Buck >.>

Notice how the best ones in the movie and tv side both have Kill in their names.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I'm just happy that Phase 3 had mostly amazing villains so far, Marvel really stepped up the game.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
1 : Vulture
2 : Zemo
3 : Mandarin aka Ben Kingsley

1 : Kingpin
2 : Billy Russo
3 : Grant Ward

Had big hopes for Killmonger, but in the end was just one-dimensional angry psycho using black cause as an excuse.


Oct 27, 2017
1. Loki (he's the only one with an "arc" so far - people love to see him show up, regardless of which side he's on)
2. Killmonger
3. Winter Soldier
4. Ego
5. Hela


Oct 29, 2017
Man, this list is wack.

Should be (if we're only talking movies):
1. Loki
2. Killmonger
3. The Winter Soldier
4. The Vulture
5. Zemo

Honorable Mention: Obiadiah Stane.
Oct 27, 2017
This is a two horse race between Killmonger and Loki.

Worst is Ultron. Really wish they didn't Disneyfy Ultron up. He should have had a Dalek's personality, and he should have looked like this:


It's okay to scare kids every now and again Disney.


Oct 27, 2017
Hela was maybe one step above Steppenwolf in terms of complexity and belongs nowhere in the top half of a list of MCU villains.

Killmonger is the best by a mile.

#2: Tony Stark

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
And yeah Winter Soldier is one of the most threatening, very glaring eyes by Sebastian Stan but he's not really a villain because he's mind controlled by Lord Business, what was he called?


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Vulture number 1..... because he was just a hard-working guy that got fucked over, very relatable (plus he was just menacing as fuck in that ride to prom scene)

Loki..... charismatic ...cunning....asshole, he does it the best

The Winter Soldier, though they seemed to dumb down his lethality in Civil War, he is one of my favorites just because he is just a guy from Brooklyn that got the shit endorsement the stick, but mostly because he is from Brookyn.


Oct 25, 2017
Loki just for being on screen so much.

Vulture was the most satisfying villain in just one movie though.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin
Winter Soldier
Red Skull

Really wish they would keep a villain around longer than 1 movie though lol.
Oct 26, 2017
Am I the only one who doesn't see the Winter Soldier as a villain?

Loki kinda isn't a villain anymore either. He's more chaotic neutral now

Edit: Beaten by......uh.....dude with the croc avatar.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Killmonger and Vulture, the only two with relatable and honest motivation. The rest don't even come close.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Winter Soldier - The best Villain so far simply because he's had the best arc. had a whole movie setting up his backstory before his reveal, and even survived and went on to become an anti-hero.

2. Killmonger - Sexy as hell and a some weight to his character, definitely the most emotional pay off for a villain's exit. While I think TWS is the better Villain simply because of the greater development, K is my favourite.

3. Loki - Similar reasons to TWS, and Loki is awesome. He's never really felt like a threat since The Avengers, though, and even then he felt a little soft in comparison to the harder convictions of other villains.

4. The vulture - Good characterization, I really liked that he wasn't trying to end/take over/control the world and just wanted to look out for his people. He was ruthless in that, too, the way he handled Peter was pretty brutal.


Looks pretty boring ITT....
Oct 25, 2017
Vulture the top spot.

Just wanted to feed his family and employees after getting screwed over by Tony Stark and the government. He didn't want death and destruction, world domination or any other boring supervillain goals. He was a good family man and smart enough to work out Peter is Spiderman and the post-credits scene where he doesn't reveal Spiderman's real identity to Gargan was pretty cool. You can identify with his goals, it's easy to put yourself in his shoes, he definitely would have got away with it if it wasn't for that pesky Spiderman and Michael Keaton is always great.

Killmonger was halfway to being a brilliant villain (Like vulture it was easy for the audience to identify with his view and even root for him, then he ascended to the throne and became a boring as fuck "Burn it all, we're going to show the world true power but not before I have a mirror match with T'Challa" standard nutjob.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
The MCU has stepped up their villain game. I'd rank all the villains since Guardians 2 as pretty entertaining and memorable.

But prior to Guardians 2, I'd say every single marvel villain was forgettable other than Loki and Winter Solider. And it's really sad because they've gotten some good actors to play the villains and have just done nothing with them.

I'd probably rank them...

1. Loki
2. Ego
3. Winter Soldier
4. Hela
5. Killmonger
6. Vulture

And I still really liked Vulture. Keaton was absolutely terrifying at times, especially that scene in the car.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
1. Ego
2. Vulture
3. Loki
4. Killmonger
5. Hela

Unpopular opinion, but I also really like Ultron. That's why I can't really dislike the movie too much. He's a fun character. James Spader killed it.
I hope someday he and a bunch of other villains come back. I feel like eventually they'll have to. It'd be a shame to lose someone like Vulture or Hela forever. You could do a lot more with them.

And on a related note - MCU having a villain problem isn't an MCU problem, it's a problem with all mediums. Villains are just really hard to do. That's why good ones are so memorable. Joker, The Xenomorph, Frieza, Anton Chigurh, Hans Landa, Darth Vader. There seems to be one good villain for every 100 good heroes.


Oct 29, 2017
1. Killmonger
2. Zemo
3. Winter Soldier
4. Vulture
-9999. Loki.

Don't @me.

Killmonger represented so much in his film: the diaspora, resentment between blacks, righteous rage and the vicious cycle of subjugation. He served not just as foil to T'Challa but the entire narrative of his great nation, Wakanda.

Zemo played the role of a regular man reacting to the advent of these metahuman battles that "save" people from threats their mere existence created. He played the Avengers and tore them apart. In the end, you still empathize with him slightly despite the evil that he did (same as Killmonger).

Winter Solder. Just a motherfucking force. The music. The eyes. The mask. The precision. He just wrecked everything Captain America held dear.. challenged everything that Steve Rogers thought he had. And like Killmonger (I keep coming back to him, because he's number 1), he made the hero BETTER. You saw just how far Steve Rogers was willing to go for what's right. This aint US Agent who tells you to support the troops. This is Captain America, who repesents the ideals of the nation, and will fuck that nation up if it comes down to it when it steers wrong.

Vulture - Similar to Zemo in representing your average person's reaction to the heavens falling down on earth. But I also more than anything else, loved his ginned up sense of hardworking righteousness - where all he actually did was make himself a victim and steal from others (MAGA). The twist, the car scene, all just added benefits to a rightfully grounded super hero romp. Spidey's still a kid, and Vulture was a good villain to start pushing his maturation but not completely blow up the feel of the movie.

Loki. This guy is not a good villain. Don't get me wrong, Tom has Loki down through and through and I enjoy his portrayal, but he never feels like a threat - and I don't think he really forces reflection on or from the hero better than other antagonist in the films. My feelings watching Loki usually oscillate between shaking my head at his pettiyness and saying "aahhh, Loki.. not again, you rascal!"


Oct 26, 2017
1. Vulture
2. Ego
3. Loki
4. Zemo
5. Hela
6. Grandmaster

Killmonger had potential, but like others have said, second half of the movie fucks up


Oct 25, 2017
1. Killmonger
2. Kill grave
3. Winter Soldier
4. Ego
5. Vulture

I put ego up there cause I thought his relationship with Peter and the over all theme of Gotg 2 worked way better than most MCU villains. Kill grave is the best in terms of charisma and being a villain you just love to hate.


Drive-in Mutant
Oct 29, 2017
Happy to see Zemo get some love. He's one of the few villains that actually succeeded. He did what Loki, Ultron or anyone else could; he tore the Avengers apart.

Vulture, Hela, Loki, & Stane are really the only other villains that either left an impression on me or the universe.

Guess if I'd rank them, it'd be:
1. Zemo
2. Vulture
3. Loki
4. Hela
5. Stane

TV side of things; AIDA thrashes all other villains from the ABC/Netlfix side of things. Kilgrave is really all that comes close.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Killmonger
2. Vulture
3. Loki
4. Ego
5. Hela

1. Killgrave
2. Kingpin
3. Cotton Mouth
4. Scott Buck >.>

Notice how the best ones in the movie and tv side both have Kill in their names.

Aldritch Killian?

Btw good to see some love for Stane. I thought Jeff Bridges totally killed it with his protrayal.


Oct 25, 2017

It's hard to choose when the MCU has so many iconic villains

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
1. Purple Man

2. Grant Ward


4. Loki

5. Thanos (You know he will be top 5 by the end of Infinity War 1 & 2)