Oct 25, 2017


Oct 31, 2017
The new rules would adopt a new Supreme Court definition of "sexual harassment" that appears to be reserved for repeated complaints or the most egregious allegations. The new rules would define sexual harassment to mean "unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it denies a person access to the school's education program or activity."
There are men and women who do not find any sexual harassment severe and that we should just ignore it. How can we trust them to find it objectively offensive?


Oct 25, 2017
This, also, is a big change.
Yeah and possibly the worst thing about this thing too. By defining it as the location where an offending event took place, it muddies up who the responsibility is on. Most universities don't own the actual frat houses, but the organizations that inhabit them are generally part of the student Greek associations (which are sometimes funded by the student government). Can the university withhold funding if they don't have jurisdiction over the physical location?


Oct 27, 2017
Seeing the reaction to Louis C.K's return to the mic, its pretty obvious that most people are okay with this.

Deleted member 12224

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah and possibly the worst thing about this thing too. By defining it as the location where an offending event took place, it muddies up who the responsibility is on. Most universities don't own the actual frat houses, but the organizations that inhabit them are generally part of the student Greek associations (which are sometimes funded by the student government). Can the university withhold funding if they don't have jurisdiction over the physical location?
(not legal opinion, not legal advice, not your lawyer, etc.)

To the bolded: I don't see why not.

The rule change doesn't mean schools lose jurisdiction over off-campus housing. It's that the Department of Education is rescinding prior guidance and issuing new rules stating that the Department will not require schools to monitor off-campus housing for the purposes of the Department's enforcement of Title IX.

State laws may require schools to monitor off-campus housing, school may damn well continue to monitor for their own purposes but from the article, it appears schools won't run the risk of losing federal funding for a situation where something occurred off-campus and the school failed to investigate (among other issues).


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think I know it any Villain teams that are as evil as Trumps administration, I'm pretty sure if you replace the Trump Administration with the Legion of Doom then it would still be an improvement

Tex Murphy

Nov 2, 2017
Oh man, it's just all so intentionally evil. It boggles the mind how people can be okay with what this administration is doing.


Oct 25, 2017
England m8.
A cabinet of dickheads, truly.

Still can't believe a certain segment of the population gave power to these corrupt pricks.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope more of your tacky ass boats are set ablaze, you horrible woman.
You can't just say protect the accused and give the victims more support in the same sentence.


Aug 25, 2018
Its a common sentiment. I literally will never be able to understand how anyone can think this way though.
I work in hollywood and overheard this producer saying "theres nothing worse than being accused" im like hm, you sure bout that one?
Oct 27, 2017
I say end police on campuses run by universities. If there are going to be police on campuses, they need to be run by the actual city police. College police act to protect the university in many cases.

Pata Hikari

Jan 15, 2018
There are men and women who do not find any sexual harassment severe and that we should just ignore it. How can we trust them to find it objectively offensive?
That's the point. They want to kill sexual harassment charges and bring back the "good old days" when "boys could be boys" and girls just had to be their sex objects.

Deleted member 907

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Its a common sentiment. I literally will never be able to understand how anyone can think this way though.
I work in hollywood and overheard this producer saying "theres nothing worse than being accused" im like hm, you sure bout that one?
"You see, the sluts deserved it. If they didn't want to get raped, they shouldn't be dressed up like whores. Since they're whores, they probably even enjoyed it!"

Ughh. Felt dirty even typing that, but that's how they think.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a real issue here that needs to be addressed with tact by someone who understands all perspectives involved and can balance them.

That person is not DeVos.