Oct 28, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
My first big ride on the Honzo today, 40km. The heat and dehydration worked me over, but I survived. Funny part is, I was going downhill again and thought "well this isn't much more comfortable than the xc bike". Then I realised I was going way faster than usual.

Regarding Shimano hubs, looks like they've modernised the boost Deore hubs at least. The rear now has way tighter engagement and the pawls are two pronged. Most importantly the sound is rather pleasing now.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
I think I just realized your Janko, ha.

Where I find the Honzo really shines is going uphill. Thing just sits back like a hammock and you can comfortably grind out some stuff.


Oct 26, 2017
So, I had a very hard fall today. The impact wasn't particularly fact, but I skid for a fair distance...


That's going to leave scars, won't it?


Oct 30, 2017
You need to get yourself up my way for some Cwmcarn fun. I've been here three months now and I've still not managed to get to my "local" trail centre. lol


Oct 25, 2017
So I've been planning to do a gravel ride on Sunday - it's 2 hrs away and now they are predicting thunderstorms. Argh.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm less concerned with wet than electrocuted!

Nahhhhh, you'll be fine unless you're in a wide open field with 0 trees.

Also going to highly recommend buying a towel poncho (look em, popular with surfers) to carry in the car on days you know it might be wet and dirty. Makes it much easier to change out of clothes over wrapping a towel around you.


Oct 25, 2017
OK, I think I've took enough time bouncing around 190 lbs. Time to drop that next 10 for that sweet w/kg boost.

I just wish I didn't love eating so much :'(


Oct 25, 2017
I wish I had my Gopro on for my ride home, twat on an mtb was jumping red lights, straight lined two roundabouts causing cars to brake urgently so as not to hit him, only for him to ride into the back of a bus, I was still laughing as I helped him up. Am I a bad person?


Jan 7, 2018
Putting in 30 miles a month on a road bike and it feels so good.

My feet keep sliding off the pedals and I cannot figure out how to fix this issue. Is it the pedals or the shoes?

What's good cycling gear for rain/cold temperatures?
Oct 25, 2017
Putting in 30 miles a month on a road bike and it feels so good.

My feet keep sliding off the pedals and I cannot figure out how to fix this issue. Is it the pedals or the shoes?

What's good cycling gear for rain/cold temperatures?

Could be both, what kind of pedals are they and what kind of shoes are you using?

Rain/Cold is entirely person dependent, and in some cases situation or location. Rain in Oregon will be different from rain NYC or the UK


Jan 7, 2018
Could be both, what kind of pedals are they and what kind of shoes are you using?

Rain/Cold is entirely person dependent, and in some cases situation or location. Rain in Oregon will be different from rain NYC or the UK

I'm unsure about the pedals but they're really small, look rugged, and lack space to clip on shoes.

I wear water resistant hiking shoes and my feet slip off the pedals constantly.


Dec 13, 2017
Wow, there's an OT for this? Just what I needed!

Could you guys please help me.

I'm gonna be transferring to a uni known for copious amounts of student bikers.

What would you recommend for someone who's 5' 4"? And what kind of locks should I consider?


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Proper sunny day ride today. Really nice. Smell of the countryside, warm and beautiful views. Ate a few hundred insects though.


Oct 28, 2017
Bought myself an Elemnt Bolt the other day. It's a fun little piece of kit, and seems pretty capable, but my god the manual/documentation is terrible! Also, whoever decided that it was a good idea not to be able to turn off the super loud beeping that it makes when switches off, for example, was an idiot :D
Oct 25, 2017
Bought myself an Elemnt Bolt the other day. It's a fun little piece of kit, and seems pretty capable, but my god the manual/documentation is terrible! Also, whoever decided that it was a good idea not to be able to turn off the super loud beeping that it makes when switches off, for example, was an idiot :D

Is this your first bike computer beyond something like a $20 cateye? If you've used any with an advanced feature set it should be fairly intutive. Everything is just done from the phone instead of on the device, which is nice for ease of making pages but annoying to have to remember to turn it on all the time.


Oct 28, 2017
It's not that it's unintuitive to use, quite the opposite. It's just that the documentation is very lacking - for example, the website states unequivocally that the only way to upload activities is via WiFi, but actually it'll upload if it's paired to your phone and your phone has a mobile data connection. Not a big deal, sure, but an example of the documentation not being very complete or accurate.

I also wish you had a little bit more control over the data fields - it's great that you can pick and choose them via the app, but I'd like better control over the size of each field, and the ability to remove the labels from the fields too. Plus the ability to turn off those beeps when you're not actually on a ride.


Oct 30, 2017
Anyone from Indiana here? I'm over in the US next week and I wouldn't mind doing a bit of riding to ease the stress of life in general.
Oct 25, 2017
I also wish you had a little bit more control over the data fields - it's great that you can pick and choose them via the app, but I'd like better control over the size of each field, and the ability to remove the labels from the fields too. Plus the ability to turn off those beeps when you're not actually on a ride.

I ended up making a new page from scratch because I didn't like the default one. It wouldn't let me remove any, or at least I couldn't find.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, I don't think you can remove the default pages, although you can edit them a bit, and there are some things on a couple of the default pages that you don't seem to be able to add to your custom pages (like the wee plot of elevation vs time on the default "Climbing" page).

I'd just like to be able to mix up the size of the fields more: it would be good to have the option of a large field at the top and bottom with a couple of small fields in between, for example, rather than having the fields decrease in size as you go down the page. You'd imagine that this wouldn't be hard to do, surely?
Oct 25, 2017
I think because of how the pages can grow & shrink they need to limit that flexibility, though I don't know why anyone would want more than 6 pages top per page. It's just too small of screen for more data points than that.


Oct 26, 2017
We'll be shit together buddy. I've only done four rides all year.
I need two weeks between rides to let the tenderness in my sit bones recover, especially with the ground so hard at the moment. I need to toughen up, asswise. Saddle soreness sucks.
I've never really understood how you get hardened to the soreness as riding frequency increases. You'd think it'd get worse, not better. Like whacking your thumb with a hammer and then repeating it every day.


Oct 27, 2017
Hi all, what's the consensus (is there?) on child bike attachments? Seats, trailers, etc. Is one better than the other? Safer? Cheaper?

These would be for my 17 month old and go on my wife's bike for now (Specialized Roll).


Oct 30, 2017
I need two weeks between rides to let the tenderness in my sit bones recover, especially with the ground so hard at the moment. I need to toughen up, asswise. Saddle soreness sucks.
I've never really understood how you get hardened to the soreness as riding frequency increases. You'd think it'd get worse, not better. Like whacking your thumb with a hammer and then repeating it every day.
Sounds like a new saddle might help there a bit. I do get some serious soreness after long gaps, but nothing like that.


Oct 27, 2017
Hi all, what's the consensus (is there?) on child bike attachments? Seats, trailers, etc. Is one better than the other? Safer? Cheaper?

These would be for my 17 month old and go on my wife's bike for now (Specialized Roll).

I thought about this when my kids were smaller but didn't end up getting anything. I couldn't find something I was comfortable with. I saw it as two options, a chair you attach somewhere on your bike or a trailer you pull with your bike.

A chair on the bike puts the child right by you, but also fairly high. If you somehow were knocked off, the kid is falling quite a long way onto the side of their head.

If you put them in a trailer you risk other traffic not seeing them and if that's a car it's going to be horrific.

Basically I thought I could only go for the trailer option, but would restrict it to using it off roads, away from traffic. So I would have to stick to other and parks, bumping up and down curbs, or I'd have to drive somewhere with everything in / on the car, set it all up, then go ride for as long as a young child can manage until they are bored or hungry or cold or shit themselves or whatever.

Instead I got the fitted for helmets regularly and got them scooters, then balance bikes, then proper bikes and let them learn to do it themselves. They outgrow everything really quickly from 2-6 so just bought second hand or got hand me downs from friends and family. Now both of them (4 and 8) can come for little rides to school or round the neighbourhood safely and happily.


Oct 28, 2017
I think because of how the pages can grow & shrink they need to limit that flexibility, though I don't know why anyone would want more than 6 pages top per page. It's just too small of screen for more data points than that.
Yeah, what I'd like is a couple of items at the biggest size, plus maybe another one or two at the smaller size. I don't tend to have more than four items to a page, maybe five max.


Nov 1, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
For those of you where your primary transport is bike and bus:

Does anyone know if I can put my bike on the front of the bus on the bike rack *IF* I have fenders on the front? I'm afraid to try it because I don't want to put it on the rack and then have to remove it if it doesn't work and look like an idiot in the process, lol. I used to put my bike on the bus all the time until I got fenders on the front to keep water from splashing up. It would be nice to be able to use it again..........but arghhh.

I'm also afraid to put it on and it seemingly Works, only to find out that it doesn't work when the bike falls off or something LOL. I am being paranoid aren't I?


Oct 27, 2017
I thought about this when my kids were smaller but didn't end up getting anything. I couldn't find something I was comfortable with. I saw it as two options, a chair you attach somewhere on your bike or a trailer you pull with your bike.

A chair on the bike puts the child right by you, but also fairly high. If you somehow were knocked off, the kid is falling quite a long way onto the side of their head.

If you put them in a trailer you risk other traffic not seeing them and if that's a car it's going to be horrific.

Basically I thought I could only go for the trailer option, but would restrict it to using it off roads, away from traffic. So I would have to stick to other and parks, bumping up and down curbs, or I'd have to drive somewhere with everything in / on the car, set it all up, then go ride for as long as a young child can manage until they are bored or hungry or cold or shit themselves or whatever.

Instead I got the fitted for helmets regularly and got them scooters, then balance bikes, then proper bikes and let them learn to do it themselves. They outgrow everything really quickly from 2-6 so just bought second hand or got hand me downs from friends and family. Now both of them (4 and 8) can come for little rides to school or round the neighbourhood safely and happily.
Good points, thanks for the reply. I'm not a huge fan of chairs or trailers either but my wife seems to have her mind fixed on one.

miscellaneous houseplant

self-requsted ban
Oct 25, 2017
Looking for suggestions/tips on purchasing a new bicycle, budget of preferably less than $1000. My main uses will be for recreational riding, longer rides (50+ miles), and (rarely) multi-day rides on pavement. I currently ride a 1989 Fuji Ace, which I love, but climbing hills is a major weakness (12-speed, lowest gear is 42x26), and it lacks mounting points for a rack.

I have tried out a Trek Crossrip 1 (boring to ride), a Kona Tonk (fun to ride, but no rack mount), a Jamis Renegade (boring to ride), and a Cannondale Caad (not my style). Going to try out some Specialized and Raleigh bikes either today or tomorrow. The Specialized Allez line in particular looks good - is the Elite worth the $250 price premium over the Sport? It would push it above my desired price range, but moving up to the Shimano 105 groupset would be nice.